The Madison family visitor. (Madison, Ga.) 1847-1864, May 17, 1856, Image 3

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Terms of the Treaty of Peace. The Treaty of Peace, as published by one of the London papers, contains thir ty-four articles: The first restores perpetual friendship between Great Britain, Sardinia, Turkey, France, and Russia. Second: All territories conquered or occupied during the war shall be re ciprocally evacuated as soon as possible. Third : Russia restores to Turkey Kars and all other parts of the Otto man Territory. Fourth : The Allies restore to Russia the towns and ports of Sebastopol, Ba laklava, Kamiesch, Eupatoria, and Ker riscb. Articles fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth are wanting. (The substance of articles sth, 6th, and Bth are given in the accounts brought by the Atlantic .] Ninth : The Sultan communicates to the powers his firman, granting equality to Christians, which the contracting pow ers much approve of, but divest them selves of all right thereby to interfere in the internal administration of the Gov ernment of the Ottoman Empire. Tenth: The Convention of 13th July, 1841, closing the Bosphorus and Dar danelles is re-affirmed. Eleventh : The Black Sea is neutral ized and forever forbidden to all ships of war of every power, adjoining or dis tant, with the exceptions specified in ar ticles 14th and 19th. Twelfth : Trade shall be free in the Black Sea waters, and ports subject only to police regulations, Russia and Turkey admitting Consuls to all ports on its shores. Thirteenth: The Black Sea being neutralized, strongholds become useless; consequently Turkey and Russia agree neither to construct nor preserve any military maritime arsenals on the coast. Fourteenth : The Convention regulat ing the force of ships for coast service is concluded individually between Tur key and Russia, but is appended to this treaty, and cannot be altered without general assent. Fifteenth : The act of the Congress of Vienna relative to river navigation is applied to the Danube and its months and its freedom becomes a part of the law of Empire. Sixteenth : To carry article fifteen in to effect France, Austria, Great Britain, I‘russia, Russia and Turkey, appoint each a delegate to put the river in a navigable state from Isatcha to Tza. Seventeenth: Austria, Bavaria, Tur key and Wurtemburg, add each a dele gate to the Principalities commission to form a permanent commission to keep the river navigable and superintend its police. Eighteenth : The named general com mission will bo dissolved in two years and the permanent commission take its place. Nineteenth: Each of the contracting powers may station two small ships at the mouth of the Danube. Ticentieth : Russia assents to the rat ification of the Bessarabian frontier.— The new frontier starts from the Black Sea, one mile east of Lake Bonona Sola, to the Ackerman Road, along which it extends to the Valley of Traian, passing south of Belgrade, and re-ascends to the river ofYalpack to Savatsika, and ter minates at Kamari on the river Pruth. Elsewhere it is unchanged. Twenty-first: This ceded territory is Annexed to Moldavia. Twenty-Second: Moldavia and Wal lachia continue under the sovereignty of Turkey, with the guaranty of all the contracting powers that no power shall claim the individual right of interference. Twenty-third: The Porte guarantees to the said principalities the continuance of the freedom of religion and commerce. The contracting powers appoint a com mission tomeetimmediately at Bucharest, to report on the present condition and wants of the principalities. Twenty-fourth: The Porte will im mediately eonvoke a Divan in each principality, to learn the wishes of the people as to their definite organizaticn. Twenty fifth : Minutes thereof shall be sent to Paris, where the constitution shall be framed, which the Porte shall promulgate. Twenty-sixth : The principalities shall •maintain a militia, and may construct works of defence approved by the Porte. Twenty-seventh : If the internal tran quility of the principalities be disturbed, the Porte roust consult the contracting powers, and cannot employ armed inter vention without their consent. Twenty eight: Servia continues a dependency of the Porte, under the guaranty of the powers, and retains its national administration, and freedom of religion and trade. Twenty ninth : The right of garri son in Servia is reserved to the Porte, but no armed intervention is permitted without the consent of the powers. Thirtieth: Russia and Turkey re tain their possession iD Asia precisely as before the war; but their frontiers are to be marked out by survey. Thirty-first: The evacuation of Tur key by the allied and Austrian forces shall take place as soon as convenient.— The time and manner of such evacua tion shall be the subject of private ar rangement between each of the powers and Turkey. Thirty-second: Unt'l new arrange ments shall be made, trade shall go on as before the war. Thirty third : A convention (con tents secret), concluded between France, England and Russia, respecting the Aland Isles, shall be appended to this treaty. Thirty-fourth : The ratifications shall be exchanged at Paris within four weeks. Georgia Railroad Convention.— The stockholders met at the Masonic Hall yesterday morning and the meet ing was duly organized. At the after noon session, the President submitted his annual Report, with accompanying documents. It exhibits the affairs of the Company in a highly satisfactory and prosperous state. The facts disclos ed fully justify the large advance that has recently taken place in the market value of the stock. The prospect is that the stock will gradually rise, until it reaches as high a point as it has ever hitherto attained. It is intrinsically worth as much now as at any former period.— Augusta Chronicle, 14 th inst. Episcopal Convention of Georgia. —The Marietta Georgian of the 9th says : The Episcopal Convention of the Diocese of Georgia convened in our city on yesterday. The opening sermon was preached hy Rev. Mr. Clark, of Savan nah, and the exercises will be continued until Sabbath, when eight persons ex pect to be confirmed. We are gratified to learn that the venerable Bishop is en joying his usual health. Thackeray’s four lectures have yielded him 115,000 in four months! lie has been offered by Bradbury <& Evans thir ty five thousand dollars for his next nov el ; so “ Old Thack,” as his acquaintances affectionately call him, bids fair to be a literary millionaire and he ought to change his name from William Make peace to William Makemoney. Since the days of Shakspeare there has been no William in literature who has been half so fortunate. Mr. Thackeray, says the New York Times, likes this country very well, and the people like him, but he had to go through a terrible ordeal of dinner-eating, party-ing and personal attentions, which would have turned the head and stomach of a less hearty nature. * * * So persecuted was ho with attentions in New Orleans, that his servant came to him with a dismay ed look, when he was about leaving, to know what should be done with all the eases of claret, baskets of champaigne and bottles of brandy, that had been sent to him ; and as he was leaving, the landlord came to him in a very mysteri ous manner and asked him to accept of a bottle of his pale brandy. The Peace Treaty. —The London papers have obtained a copy of the Par is peace treaty, the contents of which proved very much as anticipated. The treaty consists of 35 articles.— The Black Sea is to be neutralized and all the strongholds on its shores are for bidden, and ships of war excluded from its ports. The Danube is to be a free river. Classical and Incorrect. —The best jokes afloat in the Capital are located in the room of the Committee of the Dis trict of Columbia. In a recent discus sion thi re a legal member stated that “Congress should bo liberal towards the District.” She has no Territorial or State government, and we consequently should watch over her interests, “ in loco parentis .” A clerical member of the committee, from down East, did not relish this, and elosed a sophomoric ap peal by exclaiming, in true pulpit fash ion : “As to the gentleman’s insinuation that Congress should act as 'locnfoco parents' to this District, I would remind him that only the Senate is of them politics.” How She did it. — The mother of Washington, when asked how she had formed the character of her son, replied that she had early endeavored to teach him three things—obedience, diligence and truth. MARRIED, In this county, by W. Woods, Esq., Mr. W. J. Camp, of CovingtoD, and Miss Sarah Jans Pearson, of Putnam county. DIED, At her residence in this town, on the 3d inst., of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. Amanda TANARUS., wife of John W. Cardwell. Suddenly, at his residence in Gainßville, Ga., on the 6th inst., Dr. Bichard Banks. In Cartersville, Cass county, on the Bth inst., Col. Allen Jones, of Chambers county, Ala., aged forty seven years. Col. Jones was a native of Georgia, but for the last fifteen years has been a citizen of Alabama. He left a widow and two children to mourn his irreparable loss. Hi filial fiilSfle The Walker Meeting in New York. A meeting of sympathisers with Gen eral Walker, on the 10th, was largely attended and very enthusiastic; several gentlemen spoke, and letters were read sympathising with the object of the meeting, from General Cass and others. Material aid to Walker was promised, and a committee appointed to receive subscriptions. Specif -[(ofices. In future, the afternoon service at the Presbyterian Church will commence at half past four o’clock. May 3d-tf. Practice of Medicine. IW Dr. WM. S. MEIERE, late of Pentield, will resume the duties of his profession in Madison. Office, for the present, at the Drue Store. March S-nlO. M e were accosted a day or two since by a familiar voice, and a gentleman we did not remember to have seen before, stood in our presence. A comic smile played around his mouth, and his eyes told of mischief, and not until an explanation did wo discover an old ac quaintance, who, the last time we saw him, was as grey as a rat; but now, by the magic power of Prof. Wood’s Hair restorative, his hair is as black as a coal and soft as silk.— LouisviUs Times. For sale by Bexj. G. Liddon, at the Madison Book Store. April 12-15. Neuralgia.—This formidable dis ease, which seems to baffle the skill of physicians, yields like magic to Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Mr. F. Boyden, formerly of the Astor House, New* York, and late proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Va., is one of the hundreds who have been cured of severe Neuralgia, by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Since his cure, he has recommended it to numbers of others, who were suffering with nearly every form of disease, with the most won derful success. He says it is the most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen used, and the best blood puri fier known. For sale by Bknj. G. Liddon, at the Madison Book Store. April 12-15. Practice of medicine. Doctors SAFFOLD A McCLESKEY hav ing formed a Copartnership for the practice of Medicine and Surgery in their various branches, offer their services to the public, and hope to re ceive such patronage as experience and merit may authorize. Office on Main-street, next door to the Bookstore. nl4 3m j£5T PRACTICE OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY.—Dr. F. 11. Nichols is pre pared to accommodate with lodgings any patients that may be sent to him for Medical or Surgical treatment. Masters may be assured that their servants will have every necessary attention. Madison, September 13th. 37 Cash Dry Goods Business. tCif~ William Shear will commence a CASH DRY GOODS BUSINESS, on and after the Ist of February next, and will keep a wel 1 selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY AR TICLES adapted to the Southern trade, which he will sell at prices to make it the interest of purchasers to buy for cash. It requires no argu ment to prove that Goods can be sold cheaper for cash than they can oil the usual credit terms. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine the assortment. Augusta, Jan. 24, 1856. n6-2m SST CROUPT CROUP 'A This awful complaint is immediately cured, by I)r. Tobias’ Venetian Liniment. No family who value the livesot their children, should be with out a bottle in the house. Sold by all the drug gists and storekeepers. Depot 60 Cortlandt st. New York. For sale at the Book Store. 41-0 C. P. CULVER, D. D. S., Having taken the Office forra erly occupied by Dr. W. G. Bal vices to the Citizens of Madisonand surrounding country; and with several years’ experience in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY, can assure all who may favor him with a call, that no pro fessional skill shall be wanting in order to render entire satisfaction . Parts or Full Sets of Teeth put up on the latest and most approved style. April 5, 1856. 14 A Clear White Skin.— The Balm of Thousand Flowers was never known to fail in rendering the swarthiest complexion clear, and the blondest beauty yet more divinely fair; no cosmetic was ever admitted to a lady’s toilet, which so amply repaid her gracious patronage and generous confidence, with renovated beauty, loveliness and health; imprinting upon cheeks of lily whiteness, theVinfolding rose’s sweet blush, which neither heat nor cold, winter nor summer, wind nor sun, can impair or destroy; on the contrary, all nettle-rash, rose-rash, prickly-heat, and other irritating and disagreeable impedi ments to health and enjoyment of life, are en tirely removed by the Balm. For sale by Benj. G. Liddon, at the Madison Book Store. April 12-15. tfW* Holloway’s Ointment and Pills are the finest Remedies for Bad Legs.—Francis Torakinson, of Ottowa, Michigan, had the mis fortune, six years ago, to break his leg, which, was imperfectly set by the doctor, the conse quence was, that it formed itself into an angry wound, and despite of the various remedies he tried, he could not get anything to cause it to heal, and it was feared by all who knew him, that he would be lame all his life. About four months ago, he commenced using Holloway’s Oiutment and Pills, which soon caused an im proved appearance in the leg, be continued them for nine weeks, and the leg is sound, to the as tonishment of all who know him. Ten boxes star candles -10 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 5 Bbls. Golden Syrup and N. O. do. 20 and whole Bbls. Mackerel. Best French Brandy; Pure Port Wine. 20 Bbls. Whiskey. 10 Bbls. Vinegar. May 17, 1856. S. B. ROBSON & CO. Notice to the Ladies. MRS. PETTET, teacher of Fowler’s Improved svstem of Ladies’ and Childrens’ DRESS CUTTING by measure, can be found fora few days in her room at Mr. Burnett’s. The plan gave universal satisfaction to the Ladies ofAu gusta and other places, and was acknowledged to be unequalled. Ladies wishing to learn this useful ana economical art, will please give an earl v call. tfadison, May 16, 1856. It GREAT BARGAINS. jgEING desirom of reducing our stock of DRY GOODS, we offer thus early many desirable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT COST FOR CASH, With Ten per Cent, added to the nsnal Time Bills. We will enumerate a few items at reduced rates:— FRENCH MUSLINS at 25 cents, worth 50 cents. “ “ at 20 “ “ 87>£ “ “ LAWN’S at. 12}{" “ 25 “ Beautiful BAKEGES at 2 5 41 44 6 0 44 BAREGE DELAINES at 15 4 4 4 4 2 5 44 GINGHAMSat 15 44 “ 25 44 KID SLIPPERS at 75 44 44 125 44 LADIES’ GAITERS at 150 44 44 225 44 BONNET RIBBONS. TWISTED SILK MITTS at 50 4 4 4 4 7 5 44 44 44 44 at 15 4 4 44 3 7 44 A SMALL LOT OF YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES. Our stock is well assorted, and we will offer every thing at much lower figures than usual. So call and examine Styles and Prices. Our stock of Shoes, Irish Linens, Bleached and Brown Homespuns, ALSO, STRIPED DOMBST-C3, are very large. ROBSON, FITZPATRICK & CO. April 18, 1556. 3Vfisceiiqii)eot{S. LUMBER! LUMBER 1! THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Morgan and adjoining counties that he has again engaged in the Lumber business, and would be thankful for all orders, promising to execute them with promptness. Price, SIO.OO per thousand, cash, at the Mill. S. T. NEAL, May 17,1856.-20-ly Warrenton, Ga. HIGH 8l Cos. Respectfully inform the citizens of Madison und the Public that received a large and well assorted Stock of Staple and Fancy DRV GOODS, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Hardware, light Groceries, Ac., to which they invite particular attention—all of which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, and a liberal discount will be made to cash buyers. Our stock of Dress Goods, Embroideries. Linens and White Goods is very complete, ana persons disposed to buy, will do well to call and examine our assortment. Our best efforts will be offered to please all who will favor us with a call, and no charge made for showing goods. At O’Kkkfb’s old stand, Town Hall Building. April 12, 1856. OUR NEW SUPPLY OF BURNING FLUID has just arrived, and our customers can now be supplied. March 14, 1856. J. MARSHALL & CO. ¥E ARE now fiering our stock of Winter COATS and VESTS at 10 percent, on N. York cost —all of which are fresh and we wish to sell them while they are. n7 SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. GENTS’ GOODS. A FINE stock of Cottonade, Planters’ Linens, Linen Drills, Marseilles, for Pants and Vests, Black Cassimers, plain and twilled, at April 12. SWANSON, JETT & CO. POCKET CUTLERY. WE invite especial attention to our stock of the “Real” English Barlow Knives.— Our Mr. Jett challenges the world to produce a Knife of better metal. Call on him and he will take great pleasure in describing the various good qwilitics of the article. ‘ April 12. SWANSON, JETT & CO. ROBSON, FITZPATRICK & CO., A RE now in receipt of their SPRING and SUMMER Stock of DRY GOODS— DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY— nmong which are Organdie and Barege ROBES, Beautiful SHALLIES of all Colors, Printed JACONETS and ORGANDIES, Crepe BAKEGES, new and handsome, Foulard SILKS for Ladies’ Dresses—very neat— GINGHAMS and CALICOES—a good assort ment. White Goods. Plain Nainsook MUSLINS, Striped and Checked Nainsook MUSLINS, Plain Jaconet MUSLIN, Hair Cord u White Swiss “ “ Checked “ Irish LINENS, warranted the best quality; Linen PILLOW CASING and SHEETING, Brown and Bleached DOMESTICS, “ “ JEANS. Mantillas. Handsome MANTILLAS of several styles. Gloves and Mitts. French Embroidered COLLARS; Swiss and Jaconet TRIMMIMGS; Scotch Embroidered COLLARS; Swiss and Jaconet BANDS. Ready-made Clothing. April 5, 1856. 14 DR. MEIERE’S Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla. JUST the thing for Impurities of the Blood and for Derangements of the Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. For sale by 32—ts Dr. W. S. MEIERE. BOOTS and SHOES. WE have just received a fine assortment of Ladies’ Shoes, Gents’ Low-guartered Calf, Kid, and Patent Leather Shoes; Calf, Kid, and Patent Leather Gaiters; a fine lot of Boots, from $4 to $9, and a good assortment of Boys’ and Youths’ Shoes ana Gaiters. April 12. SWANSON, JETT & CO. 10,000 lbs. Choice Tennessee Bacon. IHAVEiust received 10,000 lbs. choice Bacon, which lam offering low, for cash, or good notes due and bearing interest. March 15-11. P. R. THOMASON. New Firm!—New Goods!! WE are now receiving our SPRING STOCK of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. consisting in part of Bleached, Brown, Striped and Plain HOMESPUNS; Bleached and Brown DRILLINGS; Bleached and Brown SHEET INGS; Pillow Case COTTONS, Pillow Case LINENS, Linen SHEETINGS, Linen and Cotton DIAPERS, French, English and American PRINTS, Ginghams, Printed Lawns, Printed Jaconets, Organdies, Brilliantes, Bareges, Tis sues, Embroideries; a fine varietyof WHITE GOODS Cloths, Cassimeres, Linen Drills, Mar seilles, Planters’ Linens, Cottonades, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes; together with a fine stock of GROCERIES and HARDWARE. All of the above goods are entirely new, and we feel confident, ir our friends and the public will give us a call, we can suit them in price as well as style and quality. SWANSON, JETT A CO. April 4, 1856. TO-DAY we are opening two boxes of GEN TLEMEN’S FINE BOOTS. March 14, 1856. J. MARSHALL A CO. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Jones A Atkinson, in the Marble business, is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. JONES A ATKINSON. April 20, 1856. 17-ts FANCY Pipes, Lubin’s Extracts, Leonard’s do., for cooking, Colognes; Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; Paint and Varnish Brushes, be sides a supply of everything necessary to my stock, complete in every department, have been receiv ed. WM. S. MEIERE, M. D., April 18. 16 Druggist, Ae. NOTICE. WE have in store some choice Bacon Sides, Hams and Flour. May 8. SWANSON, JETT A CO. NOS. 1, 2 AND 3 MACKEREL, in whole, half and quarter barrels. Good aDd cheap, May 10—IP, S B. ROBSON A CO. 3)Hj &oods. NEW GOODS. WE are daily receiving our EXTENSIVE STOCK of GOODS, and are now ready to exhibit the prettiest lot of DRESS GOODS, COLLARS, Black and Colored MANTILLAS and SCARFS, that we have ever kept. Our Stock further consists of— viz.—English, French, and American PRINTS; French and Scotch GINGHAMS; Printed JACONETS, BRIL LI ANTES, Flounced JACONETS, Portsmouth LAWNS, perfectly Fast Colors, at lS%c. per yard. Also, Flounced BAREGES, GRENA DINES, Plain and Figured BAREGES. 15 Pieces Naumkeag Long Clo'h ; 5 44 Georgia “ “ 11 “ Marshall’s No. 1 44 5 44 Bates’ Long 44 5 44 Great Falls “ 44 10 44 Hope Lonsdale Long Cloth : 44 Allendale 44 44 Pillow Case Cotton, Peppered Bleached Jeans, “ Brown 44 17 “ Metropolitan, Broadway, York and Eagle Tickings; Demins, Plaid and Stripe Homespuns; 1 Bale Choctaw Stripes; Linen Duck and Planters’ Linens, “ 7-8 Granitville Shirtings, 44 4-4 44 44 41 Peppered 7-8 Shirtings, Brown A Farmer’s Linens, 20 Pieces Irish Linens,—2sc. to $1.25, — India Dimity, Ferventine Dimity, American Crash, Cotton Flannels, Snow-drop Table Cloths, Towels,Ac. Bonnet Ribbons and Elastic Belts, Rich lot of Dress Trimmings, Braids, Bindings, Ac. 100 Doz. Gents , Ladies’and Children’s Hosiery (In the above lot is Lisle Thread Ho siery.) Grass, Hoop, Mohair and Corded Skirts: New style White Skirting, Ac.; to- f ether with all goods necessary for 'amily use. CLOTHlNG—Complete—viz.: 24 Pair White Linen Pants, 24 44 Plain Marseilles and Union Pants, 12 44 Fig’d Fancy Drill •* 24 44 Farmers’ Linen 44 12 44 Planters’ Drill ** 24 44 Demins and Cottonadc 44 12 44 Black Drab De Etc 44 24 44 Boys’ Linen and Cotton 44 24 White Linen and Duck Coats, 46 Farmers’ 44 ** “ 12 Plaid Marseilles 44 12 Blue Demins « 12 Grass Cloth •• 24 Black Italian and Alpacca 44 12 44 44 Vests, 24 Colored Marseilles Vests. 24 White 44 “ 12 Plaid Union 44 24 Browu Farmers’ Linen Vests, Cotton and Linen Drawers. 20 Doz. Shirt Collars, 12 Hickory Shirts, 7 44 Linen Bosom Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Ac. HATS. 12 Gentlemen’s Patent Hats, * 2 „ ” Black Bound Leghorn Hats, 12 Gentlemen’s Grenada Hats, 12 Boys’Palm Leaf 12 44 Pressed Palm Leaf Hats, 12 Men’s 44 ’ 24 B. T. Canada Straw 44 86 Panama Pressed 44 12 Boys’ Brown Leghorn 44 6 Men’s Tea Color *• “ Black Leghorn 44 44 Black, Claret and Brown Hats, 24 44 44 Wool Hats, Ac. SHOES. It is the opinion of the people of Morgan, that Herd makes the best Brogans that is sold in this market, and we have— -750 Pair Bent’s Black Brogans, 250 44 44 Russet 44 100 44 14 Planters’ 44 100 44 Women’s Pegged 44 60 44 44 Cali 44 60 44 Misses’ Goat 44 50 44 Ladies’ Calf, with Kid Tops, 75 “ 44 Tampico Goat Boots, 75 44 44 Kid Medium Bottom Boots, 75 44 Morocco Pump 44 4 ‘ 75 44 Children’s 44 44 44 « 50 44 Ladies’ Walking Shoes and Slippers, i? <i Glove Slippers, 75 Miles A Son’s Gaiter Boots, 12 44 Gents’ Kid Gaiters, 12 “ “ Oxford Ties, Ac. , I • We are expecting, in a few days, a larire lot of MACKEREL and SALMON. " E FEARS & SWANSON, Corner Centre and Main Streets. Madison, April 3, 1856. GENTS* IIATS, for Hunting and Fishing. March 22. J. MARSHALL A CO. JUST RECEIVED, a very handsome assort ment of BOYS’ CLOTHING, Black Italian Cloth Coats, Linen Coats and Pants, Boots and Shoes, Leghorn and Palm Hats. April 7. J. MARSHALL A CO. MISS lIENDLEY RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and customers that she is in ttie daily receipt of her beautiful stock of MILLINERY. ' She has just opened a Case of the most tasteful and tin ■shed NEAPOLITAN BONNETS. The success she has met with since her return lias compelled her to send orders to New York for more goods. Madison, March 23, 1856. 18—ts STONE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. THE Proprietors of this large and splen did new Brick Building, which has ]®jj| just been fitted up in elegant style, with MJiIL entire new Furniture, would respectfully inform the Public that they have at length completed and opened it for the accommodation of perma nent and transient Boarders. They have made every effort to arrange it in such a manner as to render their guests com fortable. Apd having had a long experience, do not intend to be excelled by any land- The Furniture, as well as the house, is perfect ly new. Those acquainted with the topography of Georgia, know that within her limits exist some of the most sublime and magnificent works of Nature, and Stone Mountain justly ranks as one of the number. Southerners who wish to spend their summers at the South, instead of going North, will find the climate bracing, and the water pure as the pU m? Bt ' The c " mate is not surpassed. The Proprietors flatter themselves that those who call once, will be well-enough satisfied to call again. Railroad Trains stop for Supper e ALEXANDER A CLARKE, Proprietors. S. F. Alexander, I J. A. Cunxe, late of Lawrenceville. I Social Circle. March 29, 1856. 13 ts NOTICE TO THE LADIES. WE hare just received some of J. Miles A Sons’ best Tipped Gaiters, Walking Shoes and Morocco Boots. May 8. SWANSON/ JETT & CO. IVE HUNDRED SACKS SALT coming into store. $1.75 cash, $1.90 four months, or $2.00 at the end of the veaf. May 6. FEARS k SWANSON. T7MSII— H and Bbls., at Augusta JU prices. 50 kegs Parker’s Mills Nails. Keg prices are—sc. cash, four months, Cc. at the end of the year. May 6. FEARS k SWANSON. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of John Johnsou, late of Morgan County, de ceased, are reciuired to make prompt payment; those having claims against said estate, are re quested to present them within the time pre scribed by law. JOHN F. JOHNSON, Executor. May 8, 1850. 40d SAVE YOUR BACON. TEN IIHDS CUBA MOLASSES—priiTe qual ity and in good order, For sale low bv May 10—19. 8. B. ROBSON & CO. GRAND SALE ON A CREDIT. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT house door, in the town of Madison, Mor gan county, within the usual hours of sale, on Saturday, the 17th inst., on a credit until the2sth of December next, the following property, to wit: Six fine Horses, well broken for harness and sad die use; a lot of fine Buggies and Carriages, Waggons, Harness, Ac , together with many oth er articles kept for Livery Stable purposes. May 10—19. J. I*\ Ra\DFERI), Agent. NEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. WILLIAM R. I VIE H\T7 OULD respectfully inform the I W citizeus of Madison and sur rounding Counties that he has open ed a BOOT AND SHOE SHOP at Human’s old stand, on Rail Rond street, first door below J. F. Trumpler’s Gun shop. I have secured the servi ces of experienced and competent workmen. I use good material and am in receipt of the latest style of Last. All work warranted and dona when promised. May 8-18 S raos. IT WILL BE DECIDEDLY beneficial to all wanting any styles of Children’s, Misses’ Boys’ Gen tlemen’s or Ladies’ SHOES; Boys’, Misses’, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s HOSIERY and HALF HOSIERY; GLOVES, FANS, PARASOLS, or READY-MADE CLOTHING, to call and ex amine the largest stock of the above goods ever offered in the mmse at as low prices as they can possibly be offered. SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 HARDWARE, OF all descriptions. iu9t opened; a very large assortment of Weeding Hoes, of all sizes and prices; a heavy stock of Groceries, assorted to suit purchasers. SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. April 25. 17 siTio FOR BURNING FLUID, Cash. April 23. 17 DRUG STORE. 1,500 LBS. POTASH- A SPLENDID ARTICLE—just open. Price cents, cash, at Drug Stork. 3 BRLS. BURNTNG FLUID, for sale low and in any quantity, at Drug Stork. LBS. New York Union WHITE jOUI/ LEAD, at Drug Store. /r GALLONS LINSEED Oil* J at Drug Store. q BRLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, O at Drug Storf. CILAIIET WINE, in bottles, of superior quality. / A good thing for summer use. Drug Store. 1 A A LIJS * MACCABOY SNUFF, 1 U*/ at Drug Store. Brandies, wines and London brown STOUT, for medicinal purposes, at Drug Store. CONGRESS WATER, just from the Spring, at Drug Store. 1 DRUM genuine SMYRNA (Turkish) SMOK -1 ING TOBACCO. Price $1.50 per lb., at Drug Store. VARNISH, TANNER’S OIL, SPERM and LAMP OILS, at Drug Stork. AL A D OTL7~Freshj at Drug Store. FORTY Boxes WINDOW GLASS, of sizes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, at Drug Store. x BARREL CANARY^SEED, 1 at Drug Store. LARGE lot of Snices, Nutmegs, Allspice, Black Pepper, African do., Mace. Ginger, Mustard, &c., at Drug Stork. NITW D RUG STORE ~ AND FRESH STOCK. THE Subscrber has purchased the building receutly occupied by Messrs. Griffen, and has removed his Stock, having entirely refitted it for the purpose. He flatters himself that the internal arrange ments of the Store will compare not unfavorably with any similar establishment in the State. His Stock will comprise every article pertaining to the Drug business, and the selection will be such as to give satisfaction to those who wish genuine articles. WM. S. MEIERE, M. D., April 5,1856. Druggist, Ac. OUR lot of GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING is of superior goods, and made in handsome and fashionable style. March 22. J. MARSHALL k CO. CARPETING. THE cheapest Carpeting, we think, that has ever been offered in this markets March 22. J. MARSHALL k CO. LAND FOR S4LF. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale the Plan tation on where he lives, containing five hundred and eighty acres, more or less* situated about one and a-half mile from Madison, on the Georgia Rail Road, and it is a beautiful situation, with good improvements, good Gin House and Cotton Press. This Plantation being situated near the schools and colleges in Madison, which are not surpassed by any in the State, to persons wishing to educate their children, it affords an opportunity seldom found. Call and see the Plantation for yourself; I will sell the placo a bargain. D. S. BUTLER. March 6. 10-ts JOB PRINTING. WE are prepared to do all kinds I itrl of printing,suchas PAMPHLETS, c A T A LOGUES, CIRCULARS PSOr* BUSINESS CARDS, BLANK -W&i&a NOTES and LEGAL BLANKS, PROGRAMMES, RILLS, POS- BALL, PARTY and WED DING TICKETS, Ac., Ac., with neatness,and at shortnotice. Give us atrial. Office over the 44 Madison Bookstore,” Main* street. NECESSARIES—MeaI and Flonr. |T7"E WILL have, at all times, the best family yy Flour to be found in market, and a fresh lot of Meal every week, which we offer for cash. n7 SHEPHERD A FITZPATRICK. REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED my* Boot and Shoe Shop from where I used to beSSil to where I am now —that is: between f W. M. Burnett’s saddlery shop and Camp’s store—opposite the Court House, where I would, be pleased to see all my old customers and as many new ones as will favor me with their patronage. I warrant all work done in my. shop, and will repair all failures, without charge. Those in want of Boots or Shoes.would do Well to call at mvShop. WILLIAM GLEASON. Madison, January 19, 1856. j.] v potteries. Improved Havana Plsh Lollery! (RY A UJHORITY OF THE ST A TF. OF OA ) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, FOR MAY. —CLASS IG\ To be drawn in the citv of Atlanta, Georgia, est Thursday, the 29th of MAY, 1856, Wheu Prizes amounting to’ 830,000 ! Will be distributed. CAPITAL PRIZE, $?,500!' PRICE OF TICKETS: Wholes, $5; Halves, 82,50; Qr5.,81,25. Prizes in this Lottery are paid thirty days utter the drawing, in bills of specie-paying Banks, without deductior, only on presentation o/ the Ticket entitled to the Pme. Bills on all solvent Banks at per. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN,* Agent and Manager, Atlanta, Georgia. W. B. WII EY, Agent for Madison,Eatonfon and Greensboro MflltlUlliKWPr THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Morgan and ndjon - ing counties, that he has opened, in Madison, h new Shop for the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, aud other vehicles. Ho will likewise keep on hand a good stock of North ern Buggies. He will also have in cooneetioa with his wood establishment, A BLAC'<SMITH SHOP, where every description of Plantation work will be done at short notice. HORSE-SHOE ING done in the best nmnn r, and Iron RAH* ing, for Fences or Grave Yards, manufactured to order, as good ns any that enn begot from the North. All Work warranted. JOHN ESPAR. January 5,1856. 1 -ts. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry/ Spectacles, Ac. J. J. DAY HAVING engaged the Store formerly oc* « CU P‘ C( * ty’ s>i Sheppard, «would respectfully inform the citizens of Madison and vicinity, that he ia prepared to offer them an assortment of Watches* Clocks, Jewelrv, Ac. Watches and Jewelry re paired at the shortest notice. Jewelry made to order. N. B.—l have Concavo-Convex Glosses for Spectacles, which will improve the at least five years. Madison, Jan. 5, 1356. 1-Gm. (JKOCEBIES, At. THE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public their Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs, Ac., now on hand, in store, for sale, cheap for cash— consisting in the following articles, viz: , New Orleans Sugars, i Opodeldoc, Castor Oil, Porto Rico “ Laudanum, Paregoric, Refined 44 a b c J Vermifuge, Peppermint Crushed 44 I Cinnamon, Sr.un’ Loaf 44 No. 6, Pain Killer, Rio Coffee, I Turpentine, Bears’ Oil/ Lnguirn, 44 j Nutim gs, Mace, Indigo Ola Gov. Java 44 Blue Stone, Salt Petn*, Gunny Bagging, ] Alum, Glass, Putty, Rope, Twine, Train Oil, Mustard, Candles, Pepper, Spice, | Duffield Blankets, Cloves. Tobacco, I Hl'cd k Br’n Sbirtirg, Salt, Mackerel, Codfish, ! Plaids, Apron Checks/ Pickled Salmon, Tea, Ticking, Cassiineres/ Fulton Market Beef, j Jeans, Fancy Print#-/ Candies. Soaps, Spades, j Wool Shawls, Purses, Raisins and Almonds, j Handkerchiefs, Segars, Nuts, j Comforts, Suspenders, Table Salt, Hose, White and Slate/ Blasting k Gun Powd’r | Port Monais, Cologne/ Shot and Lead, Cheese, ! Hooks k Eyes, Pins/ Preserves, Pickles, Extracts, P’k’t Combs/ Hardware, Cutlery, Spool and Flax Thread, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers, Needles, Perc’n Caps, Dishes, Looking Glasses Plate Locks, Padlocks, Casters, Pipes, Awls, Cast Iron k Brass butts Saxony Wool Hats, Hook and Eye Hinge*/ Planters 44 Stirrup Irons, Chisels, Boys* 11 Hammers, Augurs, Men and Bovs’ Plushcd Saddles, Bridles, and Glazed Caps, Martingales, Lasting Buttons, 100" Gallons Jugware, WM. G. GREEN & CO. Madison, Nov. 3* 1855. 44 -SW; HATS AND CtOTiHING. ONE Case superior Silk Hats, Struiv, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, nnd Cassimere Hats; Read* made Coats, Vests, and Drawers in all styles for sale by SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. March 22-12. telegraphic! By Steamer Marion, James Adper, and others, abundnnt supply of nil kinds of Dry Goods and Groceries, bought exclusively for cash, at the lowest prices, and will he sold ac cordingly. SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. DRESS GOODS. WE are now receiving a full supply of White Jaconet, Cambric and Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Rook, Nainsook, Mull, Tarlaton,Striped Jaconet, Old Swiss, Plaid Nainsook, and every other variety of White Muslins; also, Printed Jaconets, Printed Lawns, Ginghams, Organdies, White and Figured Brilliants, Black and Colored Silks, Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, Grenadines, and others. SHEPHERD & FITZPATRICK. March 20, 1856, FRESH GARDEnITeEDS* JsrCROP OF 1853 aq Large stock—every variety-/:* cents a paper, CASlf— on a credit 8 cents. AT THE DRUG STORE. Madison, January 19,1856. 3-ts. GREAT ATTRACTION l 40,000 L andtD h a O ;Hve; AC ° X ' 3,000 lbs. choice LARD, arriving and to arrive 200 Sucks “ FLOUR, 100 bushels" MEAL, “ 100 bushels “ PEAS, “ “ “ Also, Sugar, Cofiec, Molasses, Syrup, Iron as sorted, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Powder, Shot, Lead, Ac., Mackerel in Barrels and halt barrels, Cotton Yarn, Osnalmrgs, Stripes, Adamantine and Star Candles, Nails assorted’ Soap, Putty, Glass, Trace Chans, Band und Hoop Iron, W’ecding Hoes of different brands, choice Apple Vinegar, Hardware aud Cutlery, embrac ing what is usually kept in a Grocery Store, such as Bice, Pepper, Spice, nnd many other things good and nice. Come one, come all and buy of Puma A Stovali., a the old stand, near the Depot. March 22-11 PRIOR A STOVALL. Pay Particular Attention. THE SUBSCRIBERS intending to deal exchp sivelv FOR CASH, respectfully request all persons indebted to them to come forward and pav their accounts. n25-2 WM. G. GREENE A CO CARRIAGES, ROCK A WAYS AND DUGGIESx HAVING BOUGHT the well known Cnrringe Manufacturing establishment, formerly of Watts & Robertson’s, and employed Mr. D*. N. Robertson to superintend the same, I am notf prepared to build to order all kinds of Carriage-i Kockaways and Buggies lam now at the North buying anew stock of material, and all persons disposed to patronize home Industry tnay relv upon having work done in the best manner nncl made out of the best material. Repairing, as usual, carried on in all its vari ous branehes. V. R. THOMASON. Madison, Feb. 18, 1856. n S A CHOICE LOT of Boys’ and Youths’ Calf aud Kip BOOTS, just received by A P ril I 2 * J. CO. JUST opening anew lot of Barege tIOBES, of various colors. April 12. J. MARSHALL <fc CO. MOURNING GOODS, consisting of Black Canton Crapes, Challi, pelaines, Bareges* Muslins, Ginghams and Calicos—just opening by April 12. J. MARSHALL & CO. CLOTHING. WE have a few superior Italian Cloth Coatr, also a lot of Alpaca Sacks and Frock*’ and a beautiful lot of Linen and MareeilleaCoeri and Vests. April 1?. JETT k CD,