The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, March 10, 1807, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. VOL. V. No. 70.] FOR LIVERPOOL , i The Haunch, ftrcng, faft failing ship AMERICA, * i -'V - VxU r Thomas Ivk's, Mailer, well known formerly in this trade, is copp.-ri and to high watermark, has undergone a complete repair in Liverpool iaft voy age, and is in every refpedl ready to receive a cargo, her freight cr pailage, appiy to the mailer on hoard, or to JiMIS DICKhOK, & Cos. Fnr taO received by iai.l ship 4C30 bulhels ground SALT SO crates aliened Crockery Ware, Which vei l he fold low, if taken irom ,n board. Tor terms, appiy as above. February 13 13 FOR LIVERPOOL, The Ship MAG X E r, James 11. Burger. mjfter, •''v Now ready to take in her cargo, having one third engaged. For freight of the remain der, apply o the captain on board, or to .Lines L William Magee. Landing /to- sail vhifr, etvd nr s r,h , Ten hatidfome FILTERING STONES, and fifty tons Lime-Stone BALLAST. February t> 11 FOR CREEL OCX, v-A"r\ The handsome new fliip . NIAGARA, VT'W’ Captain Gauss, having her freight tr'-iy nearly all engaged, will fail by the 28* h inst. For freight of a few bales Cotton, or pailage, *pp!y to S. & C. HOWARD. February ! 3...15... ’ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, TANARUS) any fort in Eiirope or the West-Indies , The new brig SPECULATOR, t-ArA? -Cl'-t?’ Henry Little, matter,in complete ij'tp order and ready to receive a cargo on :*&•>- board. Appiy to ML IN, MAC KAY, & Cos. February 17...1-1.., For Freight or Charter TO ANY PORT IN EUROPE, , _trXS e k ;St Sl 'ilinp; ship JUA” O, . TlS^V> r V r Setii Tory, master. Burthen two Ihi'f'jfi ih-k* hundred and fifty tons- For terms ap ply to J. IDLER. & Cos. January 27...8,,. S. and C. Howard, OFFER FOR SALE, j Chefla Hyfon Tea, 2 do. Sucliong co. jjo b.,xes Codfifh for the Well India market, 5 bales Humhums. Dec 23 39 S. and C. Howard, Have remaining, a few Chaldron of excellent C O A L S. . November 18 92 S. & C. Howard, BSve received per the ship Savannah, Delar.o, from I.iverpool, ic.coo bufhe’s Liverpool SALT 440 Stone Jugs 20 crates Crockery t)ec nber IG. 57 Table Salt. A YEW bags Containing each four bulhe'sof fine 1 ABLE SALT, for faie hv S. Sc C. HOWARD. December 23 03 NEWARK CIDER AND SHOES. Just received per brig Lovely Lass, 36 barteU of double racked Newark CIDER, fit for bottling £o<’ pair Morocco flippers 1000 ditto leather ditto 200 do. mens fine tboes. All of which are of the fir’ quality, and will he fold.lcfv for calh only. ROBER I S R BRANT. • jiDrch 6.... 19.... 2 ‘elfun’a wharf. Landing , Jrom Schooner Lively, Capt. Davis,at Stark’s wharf, 3d Hhds. retailing Molafics 2 Hiidb. Sugar 41 llbls. Dico 1,5 Ebla. Coffee For sale bv GARDNER. TUFTS. March J 8... Moor’s Wharf. Landing Frcn on hoard ‘A; brig C 4LEDONIA, at Tay ioi if Scarbrough's auharf, GO tons Scotch Coal. LIKEWISE, J- ft landing at Brito.Fs wharf, from on beard the Me rear r, 73 Puncheons Windward libel RUM 5 - oh s superfine FLOL'H G. W. NICHOLS. January io 0 Alcx'r . & Walter Roe y HAVE COMPLETED THSIR ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, Which they flatter themselves wfil upon trial be found of very iupcYiqr qualities, (particularly their Teas and Liquors ;) they offer them for fair on moderate terms, at them ilorc fronting the Exchange, VIZ : 20 hhds. heft London porter and Brown stout, London I'articular Madeira Wine, in bottles arid on draft, G ‘Afroid’s heft Spanilh Sugars, .Did dr, henv ard table TenerifTee Wines, A little oVi Whilkey, from Ireland, in Jugs, Cogniac IF and y & Jamaica Rum equal to any in tins place, Holland Gin on draft and in demijohns Mulcat and Frontignac Wines, Assorted Cordials, Fruits in Brandy, viz, Green Geres,Apricots, Pears, Peaches,Plumbs, &.c. Pickles—viz. .V chevies, Olives, Capers, Onions, Melons, Cabbage, Walnutts, &c. Fresh Grapes, Muscatel and Bloom Ratlins, ‘ Dry Ctinn, Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, PimerfJOj Race Ginger, Pearl Barley, Peter, Lon.d n ?•*ultard, Poland S'arch, Almonds, Currant?* O.ive Oil, New York Soap, Cut Glass afi'irtcd, B'-own, White and Loaf Sugars, Balket Salt, Crackers in kegs. White Wine Vinegar, Spaniflt Chocolate, TEAS—Guv-powder, in lead caniflers, Imperial Hyfon and Young Hyfon Teas, December 30. ts 41 Charles McKenna, Has for sate, at his store, next dnor to Mr. For man M’ Lead’s duciion Store, Mnrhet square, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF 1 tas, Wines, Liquors, Groceries, &c. &c. Consisting in part op ths kollowin® A R T ICLES: Imperial Gunpowder, in lead 9 Cannilter of 2 3-1 each C__ . _ , , Superfine Imperial \ Hyfon Cludan 9 la£oft ! n T or * Bloom Hyfon ( tatlon9 ’ Young Hyfon j W I N E S. Old Madeira, Midoc Claret, vintage ISOI, in euft* —lrdh buttled Port, bherry, Tenenffe, Frontignac. aim Muscat Wines. LIQOURS. Genuine Old Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamai ca Rum and Irilh Whilkey in demijohns, Bordeaux Brandy in pipes, Jamaica Rom in hhds. London bot tled Portet and Brown Stout. CORDIALS &c. Refe, Orange, Oil of Venus,Perfedl Love, Annifea-I Cherry and Raipberry Brandy, Cinnamon, Rofia, Orange Flower and Lavender Water. PRESERV ED FRUITS. Black Curt ant Jam Goofeberries,Apricots, Peaches, Green Gages,Pears, Cherries, Plumbs, See. l’ickles aborted in Jars. Also, Olives, Capers, Gherkins, Red Cabbage, Walnuts, &c. h>AUUES. Mulliroom, Walnut and Oyfler Ketchup,l.emos Pickle, ElTence Anchovies, Quin Sauce,Chiti and Par agon Vinegar, Sauce and Imperiale, &,c. SPICES. Nutmegs, Mace Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, Alfpice, Ginger, &c. GRGCERIES. Refined Loaf, White Havanna and Mufcavado Sugars, Coffee, Chocolate, Almonds, Railins, Currants, London Muflard in Cases, Spermaceti Candies and N. Fork Soap in Boxes, Englilh Tongues, real ifa vanna Segars, Balkets Salt, Pearl and Scotch Barley, Glouceller, North Wiifliire and Pine Apple Cheese, London Starch, Queen Blue Ifinglas, Salpctre, &c. ALSO, An aflbrtment of Cut and Plain GLASS, and EARTHEN WARE. Fie begs leave to observe he Ihall use every endea vor to procure articles of the firft quality, in order to enable him to supply cultomerson the bell terms Orders from the country particularly attended t 0.... Veflels (applied and Sea Stores put up on the fliorteft notice. •jT’ 1 eras—CASH, approved Notes or produce - November 4 425 Fire Proof Stores. TO LET, The Tenement adjoining Mr. John Jaekf- n’s fto., now occupit and by Mr. William WooilbriUge, on the fubfribers w’ arf. T tie two h allcrn Tenements in Commerce Row And the T nemeiu lately occupied by Joseph Rice on ‘h Bay, adj. iumg Dr. Euell. P iTelTio.i ot the wiiole of which can be given im mediately. For terms, apply to k. & j. Bolton. January \h ts j An Apprentice D the PR IN ! JNCJ BUSIN ESS is want. A ed at this < ltice. A lad of from 13 to 16 years of at'? will be well treated. February 27 XJ TUES D A Y, Mahch 10, 1807. John Jackson, Has Received per the/hips Eh*, a, & Missisippi, from Liv erf. col, A large and general ftippiy of FALL GOODS. ALSO—an txtenfivc mil ccmp'tte r.ffortment IRONMONGERY, confiftint; of every article in that line—Also CRATES CROCKER r, Assorted for retailing. Boiled linseed Oil injugj. o S ) 8 10 White y “ 55 r 9 by 11 Spunifli Brown > J J ® )io by 12 ‘l ellow O hre j 2 20 casks best Brown Stout. ON HAND, Swedes Iron, jlat and squat e oars September 50. Oznabuigs Sc ickl nburgs. j/ufiopening by the Subfrtilcr, No. 4 Exchange, a very ex’tnfive ffirtneet of SPRING GOODS, V 1 Zt 500 pieces Oznaburgs, of thebeft. and inferior quality. 100 do. Tickiinbnrgs, ditto ditto ditto 200 do. Bremen Rolh, 100 do. Haden ditto. 50 do. fine Dowlafs. 50 ao. Houfmachin, Linen, fuitablefor Bag* g in ß. jo do, strong fliecting Linen, 30 do. fine fliirting ditto. 30 do. fine and common Diaper, 200 do India Nankeens, 200 coarse Skins, for hcafe servants, Avery hand feme assortment ot Damask table cio hs with or without Napkins, Ditto ditto Marfeiliis Counterpanes, Umbrellas, Thread & Cotton Stockings* Gin Cases, Demijohns, Fine Liquor Cales, Biat k Bin ks, Writing Paper, Twine and Thread, T-"ble Caftors, Flower Pots Glass Chandelie tr, And a large assortment of fine and common GLASS WARE, with 3 variety of Hardware cs ii roc cries Wm. WOODBRIDGE. February 24. t. law. 6 1 . M, Wd odh ridge , Has *ie,.ivi!D on consionmxnt, at ms stoke, No. 5, IN THE EXCHANGE, THEXOILOWINC AK, which ue oeeers FOR SALE viz: 45 hhds pome retailing Sugar, 20 ditto old Jamaica Rum, 13 ditto do. St Croix dilio, 14 ditto N E ditto, 6 pipes superior French Brandy, 5 boxes Havannah Sugar. 2000 lb. American Cordage, 20 tens Sweeds Iron, fiat square and round bars. 20 boxes 8 by 10 Window Glass, 3 cases Oznaburgß and Ticklinburgs I ditto Tumblers and Wirie Glasses, I ditto Irish Linen, I trunk fi!k Handle rchitfa, 4.0 boxes brown Sosp, 30 bales prim’ Sea Island Cotton, A quantity Copper, Nails, Spikes & Bolts I Ship Bell, ALSO— I Composition Rudder, I Bractfce and Pintels, All which articles, he will fell low for Cash. February 3. jaw. 6w. 10. Ranging Timber . WAN FED .500 pieces, to he delivered at Savan nah, in all March next, of rhe following dimen- Cons, for which a liberal price will be given.’ From 12 to 24 inches square, and, From 20 to 45,1 k 50 feet long, cut to a flic square; butted, and as clear of lap as poflible. ft will be cxpedled, that in each raft, there will be a certain proportion of 40, IS, and 50 feet length... Wallace, February 24...4t. Attention ! ! PERSONS holding guns belonging to the CHAT HAM RANGERS, and who are not now mem ber, of that corps, are delired to n m them and take lip their receipts. Delinquents will neceflarily be sued in a Ihort time. T. BAYLEY, jr. O. bergt. March 5. ID.’ 6 lIOI.K Nlmiif.ii, 461. Land fe 5 Ac?roes. O For Sale in Georgia. ALL that lihind in view of l arien, on thfl Alatamaha, known by the name of Black Island, Containing about 300 acres of high land, and 900 acres of brackifli and frefii niarfii.— The high land is of the firft quality for Cotton, and the crop of the molt promifmg kind It has alio this advantage, that it may be’y flowed jWitli fitfti water, and of course equally well adapted for the culture of rice as ot tot ton. The high land giving comnlcte security botli for fettleinents and prefervatioti of crops. It is wellknewn from the fuccefsful txperinnvr.t* which major Butler tins made by planting fitr.i. Isr lands that they arc not only very produc tive, but the quality of the cotton is much fu— petior to that raised on the high land. Thera will be fold with the shove property one hun dred seasoned SLAVES, and poffffion cam be given the firft of January next —For terma apply to William Mein, or Edvuatd Sevarbt cci, Elqrs. Savannah. Thomas Sf aiding. Novr. 14 3 g Valuable Town Property, Tor Sale . TH a T commodious tenement HOUSE, where the fubferibers forme'ly lived, confiding of j good and well finifhed DWEL LING HOUSES, with floor cloths, grates and every necessary out building for the ac commodation of separate families. ALSO, That new convcniet Houle, with good out lioufcs of every defeription, at present occu| ied by Mr. Harman, and known by Lot No. 11, Old Ftankim Ward. V C 4 NT LOTS, Nos. 25, 26, and 27, Liberty Ward, corner Lots, and fuuated in a part of the Town, that feetr.B to be progrtfling sass in improvements. Nos. 9, and 30, Columbia Ward—No. 30, is a corner Lot. For terms apply to MEIN, MACK AY & Cos. Noa.emler 4 4 2 5- SUE ERE IXE RICHMOND FLOUR C.ALLIGO’S BRAND, 400 bbls. this day landing from Schr. Amiens, arm FOR SALE ky J. lIILL CLARK. February 24. jg. Bills on Nevv-York, At a fliort fi ‘ht, for tale bv latncs Sc William Magee. Deceiuber 8 gg, Notice. ALL perfi’ws having demands against th® estate of Gen. Jamls Jackson, are re. qusted to deliver their accounts, proptrly at tested, to the fuberiber. at the plantation, near Savannah. HENRY JACKSON. January 9. iaw2m q To Let, AND POSSESSION GIVF.N IMMEDIATELY r |* , HAT convenient Dwelling housf itshui, Ac. 1 &c. belonging to the eftatc of John Glass, dc ceafed, well calculated for a HoTEf .they will he tent ed together or l'eperate...For terms enquire ol Makv l.twoEN, or P. J. VALLOTON. February 20. jj. To Let. A CONVENIENT two flory HOUSE in Elbert s ward, recently occuipcd by James llulloc! , efq. deceafed...polfellion may be had next week. Apply ta JOHN IPPINGEr/ Feftruary 2(1 15 To Let, A SMAI.T. HOU'-K in Warren Ward, near the market, with a vacant lot adjoining Enquire of Wiliiern Parker. January 15. y To Rent, , CELLARS Nos. Z an I 3, and STORES Nos. 5 and 6in the Exchang'd. Apply to Thomas Pitt, Sec'ry. January 13 ‘ t Blank Writs, /sr the Superior and Inferior Ccuric, hr *qfc s’ thii Ofjhe,