The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, January 26, 1808, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN; And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. Number 11—Volume YL PUHLMIF.n EVERY TUESDAY) THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ISY EVER ITT 6c EVANS, OS THE DAY, SAVANNAH, (gKORCIa) AT SIX DOIT.AIIs n.R ANNUM. PAYABLE HALE YEARLY, IN ADYA'XCF.. FOR LIVERPOOL, ThC - hl ’ V CHARLES, 7.AcwAß Atwkli.,master. Will meet with immediate dispatch. For reitrht or passage, having excellent accentnto dati oils, apply to the captain on board or to • James &? William Mi tree. H'/iQ hare for fair on heard cf Mlid ship, £oo’ tons LIVERPOOL SALT, On liberal terms. December fi—l37 for BOSTON, The schooner AMAZON, Solomon Crosby, master, One hundred and six btir then. For freight or passage, apply to the cap tain, on board, at Stark’s wharf, or to Woods 8t Tufts. For rale cn hoard said schooner , h.Z bbls. HFdIDNGS Li do. ALE-WIVES January 16—7 Lr, from Sloop Sally, 100 casks Stone Lime, For sale bv Richmond ZS Allen, Januarv 5 2 Whitaker Street. Robert &: John Bolton, 7 have for sale, c large supply of. the following artieh’s, Swedes and F.nglish Far Iron C it ‘mil pots and ovens Crockery ware, .in crates Cast steel cutting knives, d'tto hccs Tv-'Cc chains, plain and twisted Wrought nails ; negro pipes fit no jugs and jars ; •.vir.dow glass is ; London porter I. :f a brown sugars Li in-rvio! ground s it Paints; linseed oil Shirting linens. Jaivia-v 3 9— J.—2 ‘ Knox Sc Pope, Have just received, her l>rig lib. i esFYjfron Philadelphia , 4 hales du!Til Blanketing 6 boxes line and course Huts •Z ditto Saddler’, assarted 3 0 bundles brass and iron wire Sieve* Which arc offered at a lew advance, for cash or approved paper. January 12—c:t —5 Cicalaing Store. The* subscribers ;irc hav opening on Lie Bay, one iioor cast oi Messrs. OoDLii s tk. Baker, A large and general assortment of The most fashionable CLOA TH IN G, VIZ. Superfine blue., black, brown and mixed cloth Coats . J.d Coatees Fine white flannel and Salisbury Coatees Superfine blue and black cassiruere and cloth Pantaloons Do. fawn, drab and mixed do. do. Pavilion and silver cord ■ do. Fancy thickset, velvet and velveteen do.. Tr .ialgar and hunters’ cord do. S".tin cfotli, patent cord and satinet do. Stipe nine drab and black cnssuncre Breeches Biacs. suk fiorentiuc and sane silk Waistcoats CY.sth inn cord, silk, plush and velvet do. Spanish toilenet, swandowu and black Cassi ni ere do. T.,bb\ vc!\ et and fancy cord ditto fixed flannel Vests and J. ckets Fuiniel, ntus.tin, linen and jean Drawers tv. and flannel Dressing-Gowns p. rx cassimere Gaiters and patent Suspenders ( “i.idrcns pUitn and fancy Hussar-Dresses hisses scarlet and Salisbury Coats Bot sand youths Coatees, Pantaloons and Waist Coats Does and ; ouths Wrappers and fir.rtcuts Embroidered camb-rie awl linen Shirts Muslin, check, flannel and baize do. Cunning Coatees and Guernsey I' r< cks Superfine drab and bottle-cloth hurt outs and F recks Extra ditto ditto ditto Super: aedrab, brown and oVne cloth Wrappers Bath-coating and drab rattine Wrappers and hurt outs r.bie, brown and mixed cloth Honslopcrs L.on-skin and duflil Wrappers - Muc ] lain Jackets, Trowsers and Vests Fine blue cloth do. do. do. C at. bit t B■‘int-Clouks }•; s Pc;.-Jackets and Pea-Coats C it. ;p ik .1 acts, Trowsers and Shirts. ‘Fubo l . e, by any quantity, with a yu'f .oi ~vatrs too tedious to enumerate, will J. . ~’iic au object to merchants and planters, vho may plea>e to apply to \V. j. 2%. A. Wcyman. November 2L 331 Prohibited Goods. 30 fchds. double and single refined English Loaf Sugar 15Q pieces Flaxen and Tow Oznaburgs 20(1.ditto Irish I.incns 2 bn es Threads, assorted 25 Miffs. v ery best London Brown Stout 5 hhds. Glass Wars, assorted for store* 2 Ashing Seines, 40 fathom long 1 London Beaver Hats For sale by Taylor & Scarbrough. CO puncheons Jamaica Rum 20 casks (Inn Powder. Apply as above. January 16—L —7 Received By the schooner Jlmazon, and other late urrivals, 50 barrels Boston No. 1 and 2 beef • > 3 kegs No. 1 Butter 15 kegs 4d and 6d cut Nails 5o barrels Mackerel 50 boxes mould Candles 5o kegs Lard 30 barrels mess and prime Pork 30 barrels P Irt-Bread 3 pipes choice Brandy -4 cto. Holland Gin 10 quarter-casks Tcneriffe Wine 5 do. Malaga do. Together with A general assortment GROCERIES, ox retail. Which will be sold low lcr c.sli, by Gi.rdiKT Tufts, January IC—-ca—-6 Moor’s y^harf Pavilion Cords, And SILK-TWIST BUTTONS. For sale by the subscribers, a few pieces fawn-colored Pavilion Cords, and a few groce bitk-Twist Buttons. YV. J. &. A. Weyman. January 2—l— Received, Per brig Prudence and sloop Sally , 1000 pair bHOES, assorted 200 bushels Irish POTATOES 9 ,j 0 barrels do. do. in good order 200 llis. SHOE-THREAD 15 kegs excellent BUTTER, and A few barrels MINT CORDIAL All of which will be sold cheap, by Roberts £; Brant, December 1—134 Telhur’s wharf. Ladies Mantles, Elegant Waistcoating, &c. Just received per sh.p Dartmouth, a lew hand some Q men’s Cloth MANTLES and Velvet PEL .JOES ; Misses Salisbury and Poten Clou CoaT.i, and a few patterns mast elcg-mt Mo hi and Castillian cord W AIbTCU.VI'ING . which will be sold very cheap; W. J. & A. Weyman. December 29—146 LANDING, And for sale at Caig 5c Mitciiel’s wharf, A few chaldron Liverpool COALS, and Six crates white Ik Laic CROCKERY. J iimar 5 —2 J. Caig At ii. Milehcl-, HA VI. ON II AND, MADEIRA WINE, in pipes and quarter casks, three years imported, and of an excellent quality. HUMBERT’S PORTER, in casks of 6 1-2 dozen each. Sixty bags of prime COFFEE. December 6—167 Commission & Factorage BUSINESS. THE fubferiber having large and convenient Stores, on the wharf adjoining Janies WaPace, efq. offeis his services to his friends and the public, as a COMMIS SION MERCHANT and FACTOR. Thomas Lawrence. October 1 ...113 ({jf 0 r Jdie business of the Clerk of the COURT of OKDiNAWY will be conduc ted by Mr. GEORGE PITCHER, during the absence of the subscriber. Thomas Bourke, c. c. o. January 12—5 ijDoi.D Uil t iSIIQUS, Just received, a general assortment es BOOTS, SHOTS and SLUTERS, Os aim. at every description, which are offer ed at reduced prices for < sli only, by Ta\ .or 8c Scribner, Or. the Bay, opposite the Exeuaugo. January’ I—4 TUESDAY, JANUARY. 26, 11.08. mm a i,d Diquor STORE. ; THE? subscriber respectfully inf wms bis friemls t and the j imlic, tlVut he has taken the store foi-mcrly occupied bv Robert Maekie, c ir ikw of Drayton-street and bay-lane ; where lie lias laid in a choice and general assortment of (iIiOGERIES and LIQUORS, which he will sell very low for cash, and Will keep a constant supply of every article in the grocery line, lie has received In the last arrivals from Ncw- Vork, Hyson Tea, just opened Chocolate and Coffee Holland (i in 1 Old 4th proof Cogniac Brandy, i>V the pip* or gallon Old Jamaica Rum Country Gin, N. E. Hum Wine Vinegar f.omlon bottied Porter jitto Mustard Lo;if and brown Sugar Mess Beet- Soap and Candles, by the box Mol.t* ses Goshert Butler and Lard English and American Cheese Best manufactured Tobacco, and leaf tie. le v. John Dclbcrghc. January 16—7 Jolm Gribbin k Cos. HAVE RECEIVED The following GOODS, From tin board Manchester racket, from Ndw-Yntk, w'lpch will lie disposed of lor, rash, cotton, or npprßvcd papertftrf leaVonabltf terms, atthe store lately occupied by John" Hilton 15 pipes Gogniac brandy 12 idids. Northward luirt S pipes Holland gin 10 do. country do 10 quarter casks Sherry wind 14 hUtls. Muscovado sugar 1 dm loal do. 1 do. lump do; 14- chests Hyson tea 2 do. young do. 30 cannistcrs imperial tea SO do. gunpowder, for'family like 40 boxes Doolittle’s soap 10 do. do. candles 15. do English mustard 20 do. negro pipes Russia,Swedes and ccmrti’y iron Geima V/qs'cf and Crawley’s steel 100 Sltear 1 -Moulds 1 bale rose blankets 7 r J , , , , . , . f.-, t horn 7-4 to 12-4 2 do. London dnfli! ) 2 do. negro Cloths. 4 do. hunihums 1 do. superior quality 4 do. great coats, well assorted boxes Irish linens. November 10 *25 ” GERM AN GOODS. Auirust G. Ocmler &c Cos. Have received from Bremen, via Baltin.ore m addition to their former stock, The following Goods, viz. A complete assortment ol Looking Glasses l ine and Huddling sort Violins Viuibi-sU'xhgh, bridges and screws . Hand-Organs, Trumpets Lanthot ns assorted Slates and slate pencils Matbie Images, Chessmen Glass and Stone Beads Velvet Bindings Silver Spangles, Masks, Cloth-briislms Ladies elegant dressing and work boxes Wafer-boxes, in nests Pictures on glass Crayons in boxes Counters, spectacles, fine tooth combs, kc A, ALSO ON HAND. Coffee-mills, needles, silk umbrellas, needle cases, elegant flower-pots, segai and sniii - boxes, garnets, tapes, silk handkerchiefs, chil drens cotton frocks, -silk and thread fringes checks and stripes, German rolls, shining thread and cotton stockings, hempen osnaburg platillas, time-pieces, gold and silver watches, and a variety of other useful articles in thei’ line. Which they offer for sale low for cash or approved town-notes at short sight, ap November 10 126 C. Hope, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, Respectfully informs bis friends and the pub lic in general, that Ire Ins left Mrs. I<i< am commenced biv tiers on h's own account, tw< doors west of Mrs. Rice and next doer to Mrs Gilfert’s, in the Market square, and from li experience, both in frmtu.- and Lngbn.d, h flatters Uhn-.elf try rvjjwir VV a tidies ijnd (.h,rl of’ail descriptions, with the greatest r are am accuracy’, ami warrant to jx-rrorm fi r>ne > r ant! afterwards for bite dollar per year to tie v ladies ahd gentlemen th-at will honor him wit* their custom', and will be executed with punt tualitv and dispatch. December 26—145 Blank Dairies for sale at this oflico. Whole Number GOl Custom House, Port qf Savannah, January 13//:, 1808. ! In cntfoTmit) to an .cl of ce.-.gvess, ;-:e : >vd the 23d day of December last, lading an eii bargoon all ships amt ve *els in the ports and harbors of the United States, and instruction* received from the secretary of the treasury , bearing the same date, directing that notiet be gheii of the passage of the net to all foreign \es svis, and that efficient measures he taken to prevent their taking anv additional cargo board, surh provisions and stores us arc neces sary for their voy age cr.iy excepted, i do In to by notify all owners, masters, consignees, and all others concerned, cither directly or indirect ly, to conform themselves according to the law ami ihstnictions atcrcsaid, which have hern promulgated in the sev gazettes of this city'. Etlwiu i>lounger, Collector. January 14—6 Planter’s Bank. Pursuant to ah act to incorporate the “Plant er’s Bank of the State of Georgia,” the unVr sigiied commissioners will meet at the I X CIIANGE, in the citv of Savannah, en MON -I).\ V, the first day of February next, to recetvo Subscriptions for ‘I'M O THOI SAND E()l it HUNDRED SHARES, being the number alotted to be subsevilirtf for in the said link, in the city af..resaid. T’,ie book of subscri]:tiou w ill be opened, at eleven o’clock a. m. and close at one o’clock r. m. on the day aliove stated.— And the Commission<*rs will meet at the place ami hour aforesaid, on every succeeding 1 Ub S~ DAY, until the said subscription is completed/. Two pev cent, will be required at the time Os subscribing, in Gold or Sn.ev it. Charles Harris, 1 \Y.B. BuMoelv, > Comm'nr. George Seo’.t, ) SAvahnnh, Januarr 7. 1608 and Preserve your Teeth. American Tooth Powder, Warranted genuine and innocent ; prepared Park ii u r sx, Dentist, New -Y oik, For sale bv the subscriber. Several year’s experience has proved tbih Tooth-Powder to preserve the teeth from t l **- cav ; remove the ill f 1 animation of the gums; and take off that disagreeable smell from the lire itlii that generally arises from scorbutic gams and deca,ed teeth. He also ini’, rms the lftdies and gentlemen of • avanneh. that he ha- lately received the best aateriils for MAKING lEE 1 if, winch nd cr change the color ; also, Bell’s NEW IN ENT ED PIVOTS, that render the artificial ; x'th as useful asthr natural one. He will wart on any person at their houses, ifrcqu red. Daniel B. Potter. January 7—3 For SjilCj a gang of Negroes Consisting of six Fellows and five Wenches, fhey are alt seasoned slaves, and will be war ranted healthy and well disposed. The owner (should the purchaser wish it) will lease from 50 to 120 acres of ready cleared COTTON LAND; which, with very little trouble, can be put in complete order for ilu> ensuing crop. On the premises are a large and convenient Dwelling House, and every necessa ry out building—-situated oil the salts, only 15 nilcs from Savannah. ()ne of W*t itni v’s IMPROV ED GIN NS* vill also be sold, with or without the Negros, inquire of the Printers. December 29—14(5 Farm and Negroes for sale. For sale, a small Farm near Skidawav, m • Salta, abou* nine miles from Savannah, eon ■ lining 40 acres, more or less ; fifteen of w hich re cleared and under goixl fence. On the farm re a good Dwelling-House, Kitchen, Barn.Sta >,e, and other Cunvenionces. It also has an •xccßent landing for boats of any size. Likewise, will be disposed of, two likely ; ‘ .CRO FELLOWS. For tends apply to Mr. William J.r.w dkjt, P. J. Vallotton. December 3—l3J Tbirtv thousand acres <4 valuable T.A itimted upon the river \\ asnita, in one of tiie nost fertile parts <4 Louisiana.. Pnrticu r 4 ,v:t*i regard to local advantages, situation, i c.s iiid the m s*. favourable terms to purcbasi i ~ • ill lie made known bv application to I HO .MAS TUN No, in Chariest"!!,’ r Morns iHer, in Savannah. January 12— For Sale. A HOUSE, on th - Soutb-Oonnnon, formerly ore ij)ied l>y Mr. \\ ill a?i \\ Gcicasi* Ti-.-.’ s ■ p.iy meat will lie made ca yto ili purchaser. Kbcnczcr Stark, Lx'r. December lb—l3B Notice* All persons having dcoiands against the • s* ate ol Mary Ann M KmchT, late <4 tut o'li-.ty of Chatham, dec-n-ed, are reque- id t<> , <| {hem iri. leg-dly attested ; and those n lebted, to make immediate payment to the yi j scribe r. Gcorpy Y- ■ A’k-n, (Qualified utof. Junviary 12—^^