The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, January 28, 1808, Image 4

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lax ficturns for 1807, “'".'ili He received from the following defau, tors, until the stu 1 ebruaiy next, when th Digest will be positively dosed,and tiatisumt,. to the Ui. mptiollcr Gcneiui’s OilleC. lot/; January, 1808. JOif T. BOLLES, Clerk. NAMES Os DEFAULTERS. Ajon I’.lic AI worthy Thomas Alger James Attains John Allen Thomas Abrahams Levy A rtnour James Ash (r*orgC| estate Backler John Beaty John, estate Barksdale, estate Brown Ruth Beckham Young Bridget 1 Joseph L. Biowii Thomas Brown Jno. Sc Francis Bonrkc Thomas Bourkc Jane Bell \V ilium, estate Brins made k Alley Box Philip Ball Frederick Bcggs & Groves Brailstord John N. Burnside William Brooks Ji. St C. Bailer Mathew Bailer John Bourkc Kiiz't Birch O. estate JBarniwiz, est.r-e jGmiwiz Charles E i Samuel ]/• izcins tire revd. < a pentei k Hand (. “I’h Si |dn:ti B. C ii Jafnes T. ( ke William Cl a It M.a C uthliett Lewis G. Colliet John, c late C u rut lifts James C ii Pmiip ( itaipli ( u,enter Wiiltam < mieliael ill,/.a ( tli'voisc Francis t >V ilium ( o;c Wiiiinrt Cunmins 1 nomas I nwci Jeremiah ( 1 a iudon Mrs. ( ,pe Lewis, ('state ( ope George Lewis ( miming k lln final) ( >opt t I’ pltraun 1 ’Okc (11 ten R. l ensler Michael Douglas k Sliaw Davies Sarah, estate Dcchenaux 1 homas Dumoussay Francis Jlensler Frederick Denslet Philip Denslet i lenry Dawson and Dcsgault Dcicaux Mary O. Davies Joseph, sen. lielcgal Philip Davies 1 homas 1) ivies wary Jl ‘is Peter Davies William J llebj Mat it 1 lehy Widtana J ur t ifoi gc J w,'ll James 1 ppmge: Mathew, J. ‘ii 1 L. J ig'ie John, es'ate I.iliott Benjamin I'uVjit Su plien J UiS l hoiuas i i) icing Mis. k chil dren J ly ming F. T. 1 ox Mai y I i-x Benjamin, estate Fox \V illiiim F y Join. N. csixtc lotnte John . 1 ‘ a rest James Fell Isaac i ait ly John, estate (niv'iim Peter (,.lines John (.lass John, estate (lit ncs Sterling Great Frail (itlilon Charles Gugel John (.i ibbcn John Ci igorv Joint Cnhben 1 homas Gt asset John M. Gilbert John Grant William A. Green Machael Cordon Cathaiine Griggs Sally Cindiut John (■in oat Henry, estate Goodwin John , (ihnn ('litistopher lioorge Mark ! ('. trdincr John 1 H >lco o.h Henry i JI den I homas H. ‘ H ilcolnh Joint I U iward Sam, el 1 }l mson Samuel ! li ward S k Charles’ Herb George I Dlls Ann llemilton Ann ! S I laupt John, estate s, Hal 1 W Ilham S Houston Hannah Houston Jolm, estate ’ Hand* I’ rstnciA, estate c Howard sfiid Latin op S llairisoii John g Habersham Jno estate S Heisfet John g Hat back John Haupt John S Hall Mai y, estate S Hamilton Mary g Habersham .Hcxander S Habersham Jolm Harrington \V. estate S Hendricson Uhustmi Hat ral (.cotge S lleightia Hannah Hal .t George, e tate S Harden Edward,estate y Hal den f.dwaid S Harden 11. csiuie ij liny Philip S Jones Benjamin g Join don Kobei t S Joiinston, Howard ’ Jrnhiyson Aim S Jarvis Edinnnd <J k leciand k Sloi y S Keller John .Vdalll c Knox Aiidtew S Knox & Pope y Kcstei son 1 homas V Lyon Henry g 1.) on (.race kM. S. S LefitS 1. iza, cstale Law rtnet 1 S Lewtien Wunam Leion David S Luvemiei W illiam y Lewis Mary Ann, est. s Lew L S. C. y Lord A .1 . children of ‘v Lo and & Hall I? v.uody Daniel S Low Andiew k Cos. L.onlieri Jeremiah s Lo a c i y John, estate Lambkin t.rilVm S .VP; cod Win. estate J M done John S Mai s John 11. J Meric Joseph s Milieu Jonn. estate J Mil en Mary A.aA.C. S Mints Isaac Meigs John S Meigs Daniel Meigs Joseph S M'Leud Elizabeth M’Lenil Not n an S .Moi.tmollen 1. S. D. MHntosli Daniel S Millet Peter J Mass John S M'kec John Mason Joseph D. S Moffett Henry • Morgan Eleanor s M'Kcnzie Patrick Moss George S M'Toi mirk Dr. estate ’ M'Lean Andrew i Miilen (leorgc J Met .nil’ Peter, csta’e v Minis Abigail, estate J Minis Philip, estate v M'Lcod Donald, estate J M'Leud Eliz ,belli , M'Gai vey Daniel cs ; , lillcr Joint J Mathis \\ illimn v M Queen Jolm J Mcscrve Sophia v AiM arlzcn Small ’ Aiiilef'Susannah v Myers George, jnr. J Mooic \\ iiiiain , M Queen Ann J M a tun (’hat les M 1 u'.'io Norn an Mii'gledoH John s azari-t \n J Noel John V. s l Hvons Owen Oats John P. s ()etnler August G. J l )gth n's k Baker s Oiivcr Mi. s J Oliver James s Pooler Burk ’ Pemberton k Po[>e , P ovost William ’ Pelot. James . Putnam Henry J Penman, Shaw k Cos. , Pnnce Andiew H. | Po’ ter \\. G. , Quin Ldward * Kents Hannah | Roper \l ill.mi 1 Kiuer George . Keade Gasper 1 Ring John, estate Utggon Liven Roberts Moses Roy si on A\'iiliam Readmole John Ross Hugh Rolicrts Joseph, estate King Susannah Richardson Williams , Kichardsonßuncll)es tate Togcrson Richard D. uutth Josiah loati David G. street John ltoimout Thomas ,pencei Joseph Stlsby k Dunning •Scott Joseph A. tscott J. J. estate mebbins Rebecca Strain John Sciiven John Smiili Elizabeth Smith Joh h .Smith I k W. estate Sheaier Mathcfv S aekhbft&j’ Sami. 11. JSttiiih Sc Boufke Scott John Stchhms Edward I'owers Eseff Turnbull Nichol Talbird John I wiggs Abraham Trezv.nt Henrietta Ulmer William Ulmer Philip W liitlev Michael ADDITIONAL LIST OF DHPAULTKRS FOR 1307. Abrahams Levi J. Aouol Jolm jnr. k Cos. buines John Bi ownjohn Samuel Brower John Blair Ik Johnston Bellinger B. if. B. William B. Beucri Benjamin Blanchard Bail Joseph bishop Sctli bell David Bexley John Benton Wren Beckwith l iceman Black vv ihiiyin Iniiiouga > leorge 11. i>ci Lhehu Doctor I bovyeis cy.b.ivcef b > a W . G. be. kivn u Neticmiuh Biaii.ey k To. Linn non John C. . John G. Co.istaiitinu Collier Fhortcas G. Curtis Joini Coyne i’nineas Uuiue Ain all ain Coieniuii 1 nomas 11. (hi,n riel .Joseph C iriutlicis J. k J. Uraic Cai ter Samuel Cai'| k Green Ckn K James Daveiipor.t Jusiah . Ulill I iai vly Dunn Wiiliatn Dclyoii ls.iac Dchci e Joint Davis Joseph T. Donkins biyson Dciiic. gtie John Dcvme James Dennis A Williams D ntzu an George Dexter Benjainui Lgcriy VVniiuin I.derby Maik Etiglaud James 1’ raiiluin Benjamin Fostei E. Feathers J. grocer Free man .Mathew Flemming Thomas l’isk Alvarez Floy u Rtchat'd TTslier 1 lenurick Daniel E. Gillen C. 11. Gmvei William (•vision Gupiwdt John (■land ly.Uts 1 land Joseph lliil A. linn lleulv (.coigc Ullgltts Joint litit'oii^Laurence jnr. Hulls, giover Hei tz Gib. Buil I lit phievtlie T. IL Houston, sadvller lievvett Jolm liaitrulge John E. HotVman Gasper Hover Com adj 1 lover Casper Hessnuui Jacob Hamitlon Jan cs llowe Asahcl Howard k Phelps Hoyt Henry J. Hills lliil Josejdt limit Chilbrd llolcoinb Holx’t t L. Hamilton \\illiutn Hudgins Martin Hawes Joseph Harrison Caleb Hewlett William I vine k Maxwell Gland William I I win Jared Idler Jacob k Cos. IMv Samuel 1 nslev Mulhias Ring John •enks k Beckwith Jcnks Ebenezer Jones Thomas Jourdon Franris Jackson \\ iiiiain Jones William Wyllie Hcnt y Waistcoat Joel Willet Henry \V r icks William Williams John, C. S. Williams John, painter Williams Thomas F. Williams Richard F. Williams Samuel W'all Benjamin Wall Richard Wood John Webly Catharine “Wyfty Alex. C. Wriglit Edw. estate ‘right Mrs. S. /Wilder Thomas ‘White John Y. White John k Cos. Williams D. 1). W ilkmson Jos. estate Wilkinson Joseph, jr. | Welcher Jos. estate i Ward John P. estate Young Margaret i Young L. D. | Yarnell Ezekiel, i Young Philip •> Jones John ’ Jones Henry C. > King John SV. \ Kimball Ilazey > Keen belli JI. ] Kitclien Josejih > Low Alexander , l.ucena Thomas > Long wot lit Joseph | Long worth Jabc z i Lathrop Burrell | Lytnington John i l.ucas Joseph ] Lishocss Anthony Grand Cannon and | Cos., _ i Lavender Benjamin | DesenhofF i/ Xjitdicll Peter 1 >t‘Keniia Charles i Alkdicll Jo tip S. ! MantonDie /jrG'Co. 1 Alois is James | .oilwin Platt (5* Cos. Mounger. lalwm Mongin John D. Meu,aid Peter | Aiuurice Benjamin • Merril <~S‘ Pai khurst ’ Manjuand c? Paulding Manly John \ Motet Richard i Aloi cl James APLeod Aim dock v'viv.buiy William Magee Janies t3”VVnn I .vi*Yall Hugh Marshall Benjamin 1 Moiin Peter | Alviureli diaries • AAKiunie B. G J J. P. | M'Curthy Alexander i M'Conkcy David \ Mciisx, Taylor l? Cos. i Ncvinlvaus Doctor | Norrit Howes Norris Benjamin B. | Potter Mathew i Puuyatl Doctor | Penlield Josiali • Pope Charles ’ Peny Samuel Polock Isaac Pearson John Patterson William Pemberton Alton Pardue Samuel Pitcher George Pouitnay James Potter Dv'ctor Penny Francis f tnder Joseph W Rust James llesa Abuer ,'ljailsten George 1 Ryney Daniel Roe Alexander S. Reiigill F.manucl Rcymond GLoekwood Richmond is” Alien Robertson J. Al. Robertson W iiiiani Ramsey Daniel Robcris CT Brant Rossignoie De Bal lancc J. Rosignoie P. \ Rcadick Jacob • Ra, ( n Joseph | Ruler Ah.thew . SauderjUujd | Seymour Allen i Soinmeire | Smith I homas painter i Shaw Mrs. | .Stour George , Simmington ; Scott George Story Benjamin ’ Shellman John Spencer Samuel | btewart Thomac Stilwell John Sherry Joseph Sindaii John Small is? ARNish i Storr Thomas Strong Benjamin Shaw Daniel Sciver William Storer Daniel Spann Michael Taylor is? Scribner 1 illman James ‘Tillman John T.iche John Taber Samuel \Y„ Taber je Waslf.ngton James l uv-ker Henry s Woodt nil G* Braiit Wainwright Levi Willilbid lMvid White Steele ‘ W illey John Wooden ‘Thomas S Wood . is? Tufts W ood Jacob Wood Beniamin Wiggins, primer S Wilson W illtani Woodtufl'Abner < Weyman W. J. is? A. W arnock John s Wallace W in. grocer Williams Lewis ij Whitley is? Clizbc 1 For the information of the foregoing default ers, and all others whose names are not therein mentioned, but who arc nevertheless iti de- Lult, the following extract from the Tax Laws, of this state, now in tVirce, at e published, and to which particular attention is required, as the hi-i'n will be inf arced: An ACT to raise a Tax for the su/ifiort of Government , for the year 180i. “Section 8. That if any person or persons shall neglect or refuse to give in a return of his, her or their taxable property, or shall be convicted of fraud, or making a false tetuiii thereof, he, she or they shall be liable to pay to the clerk of the Inferior Court of the countv, a Cue of ten dollars lor every hundred dolluis, valuation so neglected or concealo ,” kc. “.Section 18. Every person or persons, refus ing or neglecting as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for every such neglect, the sum of one dol lar for every ft ce male, above the age of twenty one years ; and the sum ot one dollar for evei y negro; the sum of eighty cents on eveiy hun dred dollars value of every lot, wharf, lauds and buildings, within the limits oi any town, village or borough.” “Section 19. Whereas divers persons, now resident in this state, import large quantities of goods, wares and merchandize, and evade the payment of tuxes, Ly not being in this siaie at the time usually prescribed lor making returns for taxes : For remedy, Be ii enacted, That any non resident who shall expose to sale, any goods in this state, shall, on Ins arrival, or with in seven days after entering the same, make returns, on oath, to the receiver of tax returns, and give security to the tax-collector to pay the same, on or before the time specified lor pay ing taxes, imposed by tins act. Pi ovided, 1 hat ‘such goods shall not 1m liable to pay the tax w hen they may be exported, or placed in the hands,of a venduc-master, to lie actually dis posed of by him or them. Ami on failing to comply as aforesaid, it shall and may he lawful lor the tax-collector to proceed against hitq or them in like manner as against persons about to remove out of the county. “ Section 20. That it shall he the duty of the judges ol the superior tout is, at the next term alter the returns of the receiv ers of taxable property shah have been made, agreeably to this act, to give it in charge to the grand juries of the several counties, that they do present ail such persons as may be defaulters under this act. Provided, ne vertheless, That where any person or persons who may be a defaulter shall, before any information or presentment fee made against him or them, go to the clerk of the supe rior court of his county, and give in a list ol his property, upon oath, in the same man ner as ought to have been given to the receiver, such person or persons shall be exonerated from the pains and penalties of this act. And each person shall pay to such clerk, for taking such list, fifty cents.” An ACT to amend and continue in force the afore said act. “ Section 2. That the clerks of the sun, -ior courts shall not be at liberty to receive ar.y re turn ol taxable property, a> directed in the be iore recited act, but it shall be tiie duty of the clerks oT die inferior courts, in the different * counties, at any time before a digest of the . taxes should be completed (and not afier) on j application, on oath, kc. i Extract from the laws, 1804 and 13'05. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk. Sheriff’s Sales. On tfee first T L E.SD.VY in March next, Vi ill be.sp'.d at the court-house, in the town of bruns'.v'iCkj Glynn county, between tire hours of lo and 3 o’clock, The following two NEGRO SLAVES, viz. Gh()if(L anti iViAU'I IN. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Hart, of s;ud county, executor, of Benjamin Hart, dec. to satistv a jiuh’ iueut obtained bv Absalom Wil kiuins, agamst the estate ct Benjamin Hart. dec. A’ .n, at the same time and place, will be sold, that well known TRACT of LAND, on 1 St. Simon’s Island, called Pike’s Burr, con taining five hundred and fifty acres. Lev fed on and to be sold, as the property of John M‘ ner, to satisfy a judgment obtained by Bacon and Malone, and sundry other executions. James Moore, s. g. c. January 2f> —ll Sheriff’s Sales. On the first 1 UESDAY in March next, W ill be sold at the Court-House, in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. The following 45 Negro Slaves, viz. Will, Rose. Jenny, Kate, James. Clue, Arehv, Tom, John, Summer, Nanny, Amy, Prince, Jenny, Venus, Jessamv, Ann, Exeter, Cicely, Hosannah, Binah, Dinah and her infant, Will, Sarah, l)arka, Exeter, Flora and her infant, ! Mary, Benda, Frank, Fanny and her infant, Boatswain, Billy, Maria, Leaji, Phoebe, Sarah, Bob, W attv , liick, Hen and Daniel. Levied on and to be sold -as the property of Alexander ! Drvsdale, deceased, under the foreclosure of a mortgage from the said Alexander Drv sdale, late of Camden county, to Forbes, surviving co partner of Forbes & Munro. a, The follow ing fifteen Negroes, viz. Cxs'nr, Charlotte, Isaac, Peggy , Sally, Cate, .Fin, l.ouisa, Jolm, Hannah, W'ifHam, Turn, Ja cob. Dunbar and Linton. Levied on and to be S’ Id as the property i t John Drvsdale, unelcr mortgage from the said John Dry sdale to Forbes, ■ surviving copartner ot Forbes k Munro John Eppingcr, s. r. e. December -B—l*l6 Snerin s i3iuc. On -he Tint TUESDAY it: T-brmru n- ‘ . At (he hrt-ht - the town erf lefifet ibn, I,• tween the horns of ten and three o'clock., ’.VII, I. BK S ..LI), The folio*. ;ng Negro Shuts: One in grow* :i< a, i. imed Hannah :cm ■■/ra boy, nanu and J'.phraim , and one liegrogi’ 1, v. m etl Bet—.'seized under execution and to he so.ti ns the projxrre of Beninr.rn W'dtaker late of Uirlimunt county, at tL auit of the .vdu tratois nl Amos TANARUS: lier. ( oditii ns (t sale, cash. 1). (i. Jones, s. r. t*. Camden c vinty, Dec, 18. !•.; S!ierift”s iSaJcs. On the first TUESDAY in February next, AN’ill be sold at the court-house in.JefVersc'i, ( auiden c.otmtv. The following N ECIiOIk.S, Taken in execution, under the foreclosure of a mortgage, as the property ot Edward Mheur man, at tnc suit of Join. Cariiooliao andotiic rs, viz.—Peter, < oiumbus, Catharine, Ceiicia, Reyna, Jean, Mary, Silvy, CiKik. Ned, Cliffy, Peter, Belfast, Jenny, Chatham, RachH and Harry. Joseph Crews, r>. s.c.. c. Dc ccsn be r. 5 —133 City Sheriff ’s Sales, coiri'd. On the first! CESD.'W in February vex t. Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, i*c tween the hours of 10 end 3 o'clock. An undivided HALF of THREE LOTS, In the village of St. Gaul, fronting on the west, the residence of Mr. Joseph Davis, and the late resi dence of Mr. Edmund Warren. Levied on is the properly of John P. Oats, to satisfv Fi.rf. Shaffer, survivor. -Also, a HOL SE k I.t) T bi Brom , *ht / 'n street. Lev icd nas the proj/erty ol riutmtis Brown auiF John Gable.—Conditions, cash. Joint \\ iliiaiTis, c. r,. January 18— 7 City Sheriff’s Sales. On the fret TUESDAY in March ‘next. \\ ill be sold at the court-house, in Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, A NEGRO BOA, named ifej.i.Y—levied as the property of Edward L. Davis, deceased. ALSO, A NEGRO WENCH, named Di/.x.v—fe— vied on as the ])r:)pcrtv of Mrs. Grace Fariv, to sfitistj Beniamin Anstcy, esq, (Ine other WENCH, named Rachel—le vied on as the property of Jane Deiegali, adm’rx. ot i’. Deiegali, to satisfy G. & F. Tufts—pointed out by the plaintiffs. Conditions, cash. John \Y iiliams, c. s. January 16 —7 Marshal’s Sales. On the first TUESDAY in February next, W ui be sold at the court-house in Savannah, at the usual hours, One thousand acres of LAND, in county, butting and boiitidiim, N. E. by land's of James Armstrong, S. E. bj*John Lucas’s laud, >. W. by George Handley’s End, and N. W. bv vacant land. Bix hundred acres in Glynn county, hutting ant; bounding, N. I'.. by Nathaniel Pendleton's laiul, S. E. by John Lucas’s land, and ou all other sides by vacant land. ALSO, A quantity of SEA-ihi.AND COTTON. Levied on as the property’ of George K< •, virtue of an execution obtained by Smith airs Keiinan. John Boog, n. m. n. g. St. Mary’s, January j Marshal’s Sales. W ill be sold at the court-house, i:i the city of Savannah, On the first TUESDAY in February next, Between the hours of 11 and 3 o’clock, The following SLAVES, .*} ,vit: Bob, Jaffray, Isaac and Marv. 1 aken under execution as the property of the estate of Dr, Samuel -vFC ormick, at the suit of John Ce Win. Duwsou iiiid others. Ben. Wall, m. n. c. December 29—146 Administrator’s Sales. On MONDAY, the 22d day of February next W ill be sold at the Store formerly occupied by \\ illi am W ilkinson, deceased, and at present by Samuel S. Lightbourne, on Richard Wayne, esq Vs. wharf, All his personal property, Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ve. Sale to commence ~t 10 o’clock. Conditions, cash. By order of the administrator. Charles Muchin, „ lucl'r. January 12—5 Executor’s Sale. On MONDAY, the 22d of Februaiy, V. ;11 be sold at the nine mile house, on th Ogechee road, All the household and kit clien FURNITURE, together with PLANTATION FOOLS be longing to tl-.e estate if Mary Ann M‘Knight; late ot Chatham countv, deceased. ALSO, At the same time and place, wi?l i>e hirr-i fur .me year. TWF'.N PY-SIX NEGROES, be longing to the same e-state. George V . Allen, Q'icTfed Executor. January 32 —5 Notice. _ All p- i. ens hr-ring any demands against thr Estate “, CM Wn.x x, dcce.t-ed, me desired to lender them in ; and those indebted, to make payment:) Mr. J( r i Bkicg . 1 -Deceir! er 10— I A