The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 03, 1815, Image 1

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W •« i: w&m NffJfBEf 74—Volume XI1L MONDAY, JULY 3,1815. Whole Number 2534. R & J. Habersham, figured and plain Lenos 4-4 Irish Linens English cotton Shirting* cotton Hosiery, assorted northern Ginghams, Chi 1 brown cotton Shirting* men** beaver Hat* OH BAND 10 pieces long yellow Nankeens 1 case cotton Cambrics, a little damag (will be sold cheap by the piece) White Jeans, and A lew chests fresh Tea J. Hantner & Co. next door to Wiltiams V Sty** ? bales of Cotton are want. the British ship ABERDEEN, r, for Liverpool, to *§il in eight to Carhochan & Mitchell. For Liverpool The • coppered British brig i apt. Scott* For freight to : for Liverpool. fne last tailing packet ship SING STATES James Paine, ^commander, will sail from Char leston, (s. c.) about the lOih'of provided a sufficient number of pas- be engaged, having extensive and mmodations. For terms apply Cbarlerrm. or to Henry W. Hills, fane 6—62 Savannah F or Liverpool The elegant coppered ship sPOWHATTAN, V. A. Stookes, ►commander, burthen 375 tons, swill be despatched as soon as possible, and will lake cotton on freight at * low rate. Also • few passengers can be well ,,fecomrm. dated. Apply to the captain on Camochan & Mitchell. , June 6—62 IriighL For Liverpool The •oittfaatia] copyer*d British ship OCEAN, cap'sin Arravsmith bnrthtn S63 tons, will receive cor on on freight lot Liverpool, at a low Apply to Camochan & Mitchell. so—re lor New-York. ‘ The brig SAMOSET. captain I Bartlett, will tail on the 27th inst sFor freight or passage apply te Sturges & Burroughs. lane 32—69 Passage for Philadelphia. The packet brig Of.VNTHUS, cap. Stain John Baily, daily expected from Pmladelphu—.will return without delav. Ap. ply to PERKY 6c W R1GHT. Smith’s stores, WHO EAT? FOB SALK B1I* on I’hOadetphrs Post Ni-trs of PI i'ttdelph'a Bank June 24—70 I'or BuUiino.c The schooner ECONOMY, havirp i'hree fourths of her cargo engaged.— for freight of the remainder or pas*«R* appiy go MINI-. 8c HENRY, joiie 1—M- 73 For Charleston The packet sloop VOLANT, Allan jM'Lean. master, will sail on Moodiy n- as. For Ireight or passage apply to the cap- lain on board at Anders, n’s whatf, or to Jonathan Battelle. jene 1-73 Freight is wanted To any northern port for a schooner [ 4o tons—ihc is ready to receive ■trc.gla immediately FOR SAL* A ship's LONG BO AT. CORN. 700 btishels prime Corn, just landing from on board the sloop Catherine 6c Elisa, for salt- on no.™ w f BACON 6c BRUEN. june 1—M— 73 Whale Oil In hogshead', tierces, and barrels, on ac COmmcdaung terms. For sale bv Stanton & Byrd. june S9~M—72 . sIRTF Just received 16 V.hds Phiiadelph's rye Whiskey 30 da best reading Molasses. For sa’e by Charles Maurel. 29—L—72 on New York, R. & J. HABERSHAM. For sale, Otfboard the brig Olynthus from Philadelphia, the following articles, 9 dozen Windsor Chairs *■ ‘t 1 cask of Glauber Sails 8 bales of domestic Dry Goods j* and a half dozen Port, fit for immediato use 5 dozen market Baskets •1 * do ' washing Tubs ■# ;i Notice. K';The Southern Stage Office IsVemove.. L-. -w ‘JR-erclisrit and Planters* Hotel, at the we* end of the avr«iu- on the B'-y, from whence i sets oat arpry Thunlay morning, at 3 o'clock j I to (h New-Ark Cider. 35 bis of the first quality for sale by. R: Morrel, june 17-67 MKmne's whar New York Columbian Foundry. - The subscriber being appointed agent or <he foundry, (reputed the best in the United State*} Will receive orders for the Machinery of rice, cotton, and other Mills ; cotton Billies snd Jennies {cotton compressing screws; ms. chine* for grinding bark ; cast rollers ; wrought and cast gudgeons ; mill stones snd spied lev; machinery tor steam enginea ; cast iron sugar Boilers ; hand mills ; domestic utensils, and evprx other description of iron caoings aPd msebinery. Orders containing an exact des cription of the,articles wanted, will be executed with accuracy snd dispatch. Apply at the of* fice of Mr. Elias WalleD, to Charles Davies. june 10—64 Lumber Yard. The subscriber having entered Into the LUMBER BUSINESS, a- the whart formerly occupied by Bacon & Malone, will have con stantly on bend, a supply of ail descriptions of LUMBER. Orders executed in the above line ai the shortest notice. Elias Wallen, may 18—54 Fresh shoes, Boots, TRUNKS AND BRUSHES. iUST BBC SI VCD, And for sal- at the lowest prices, by JOHN DOUGLASS, Beat. Philadelphia and New York made Boots Gen le-r-en's superior moiocco and waxed Jeffersons Morocco Pumps F'pcs' seal skin Shoes B -v*s Shoes >- * Ladies' most f-*'hionaWe Perry Lsces Full trimed black and elated morocco Slip, pe's, from Peck's nanu!ac:ory, New York Ladies k'd Slipper* snd San.UIs Children’s morocco aiid leather Bootees, Slip pers and Bu kins Trunks, of various descriptions Floor, counter, paint, white wash, sloihss, shoe horse snd scrubbing Brushes VVsxed calf Skins, shoe Thread, Sec, june 1 10 Just Landing Front the brig Salvador, from Liverpool, andftr sale by R. RICHARDSON, 200 crates Eartbenwaie, assorted 100 firkin* Irish Butter of superior quslitf 100 jars coded linseed Oil :*6 casks Copperas 200 boxes window Glass, assorted 20 cases Fins, 3 cases Neddies 100 boxes Mustard 33 catks Brown Stout 24 do Burton Ale 4n baskets Glauther Cheese 190 boxes Irish Soap 50 barrels Irish mesa Beef 40 casks Shot, assorted sizes ALSO, A' handsome assortment of Hardware june 7—62 Non-Existence of Partnership. The fobfcriberi sflTtire the pnblie that no partner. fliip has ever at any lime, any oecafion or in »ny tram, action elided between them, if. therefore any trant action of the party employed (Ludewag Shultz) has borne ftmblance thereof it arofe from inattention and was incorrect and ought not, in jufiice or equity, at tribute any fame or operate any. legal or focia inja -y to (he employer (Anothony Goldenburg) who hereby makes known, th t he will not recognise any trant- action of any perfon whatever calling himfelf his partner in trade, as binding on him ufelrfi. until fuch is regularly ente*ed into by written agreement, and pnbUihed in one or more of the pnblie grzrttes A GOLDBNBHR.G, L SHULTZ. (t1* A. Goldenherg continues to tranf-td bufinen at Wood Factor, and has on band a quantity of fire wood at former price (four dollars^ and a half per cord) on his wharf, known by the name of Pooler’s. jane S4—70 Letters on England. The subscriber has it in view to publish in c few months, or as soon as the whole manuscript can be transcribed ; a Series of Letters on England, in which will be embraced general observations on the face of the country ; with remarks on the habits, domestic economy ; slate of society ; literary institutions; condition of the manufacturing classes; and on the manufactures generally, with descriptions of towns and particular edifices; interspersed with various observations and reflections, ori ginating from the diversified objects which were presented. If suitable arrangements can be made, the publication will contain from eight to ten en- g. avings and tho whole will be published in two volumes, each containing from 250 to 300 pages octavo. blip scrip; ion i will be received for this work although it is not intended to delay its publica. tion for any definite number of subscribers, nr that it shall solely depend upon the patronage which may be thus offered. No money wijl be required until the bonks are delivered» and the price to Subscribers will be Four Uollara Fifty Cents in board without engravings, with the addition of such a charge as will merely defray the expence thereof. J. E. WHITE June 17—jT—67 Just received The subscribers Have entered into copartnership under the nrm of NICHOLS & HUNTER, as SHIP ^HANDLERS, GROCERS AND FAC TORS, end respectfully tender tbeir services to their friends and the public. They have >ow on hand, and intend constantly to keep as- tortmenis of Sh ! p Chandlery snd Groceries, of he best quality. Orders in cither branch of beir business will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. ABRAHAM NICHOLS, James hun per, june r5-66 Arrow Root, Of a fiaperior quality, at 1 dollar psr pound, retail and in quantity, For Hie by Charles C. Dunn. may SO—59 Oppofite Botloa’a range From Boston 27 trunks women’s, missea* and children’s mo rocco SHOES 2 cases ladies’ square and bart horn Combs 3 do wool Hats, good quality 13 boxes No. 10 cotton Cards. For sale by R. Richardson. april 11—‘38 For sale An excellent family choir HORSE, with a GIG and plated HARNESS. Apply to the printer. june 20 68 juij, J—JH —73 l. ■* ' “ < Jl T.T*&a l For sale Ao elegant four wheeled CARRIAGE of the newest fashion, wi.h full plated HAR NESS. Trice 8850 op • credit till the first day cf January next, with an approved endorser. tlXXWXSB Two likely, gen'le, family HORSES on the same terms as above. Person* wishing lobny the horses can have them for a week. Bri& 8150 each. Ap. plj?to the printer.Si. ■,** . Z, ' * I jun# WHEATS; ■ Vf , . • .V.. ,«•*■ 2 set ofiarge dining Tablet 3 hancUomc dresM^g ditto 3 portable writing DiSkt 2 piano Stools 1 large easy Chair 1 first rate Piano Forte. Tor sale cheap by Elias Wallen. Buy 30——59 Landing From brig Ty bee from Lev)Tork t lQ bis loal Sugar 6 chests Hyson Tea, latest impartatioB 2 cases Cassia 4 casks Cheese ^ iO bis Coffee, real green SO halt bis Crackers CNBATtR 40 ions Swedes’ Iron, assorted, from z$ fo 5 inches wide iO hhds 3d proof \V. I. Rum lOO bis Philadelphia ship Bread 50 do do pilot do 20 boxes clarified Soap, very fine 20 da common do 25 bl* New York prime Beef IS do do Pork A few bis cider Vinegar iO bis Philadelphia Beer iO boxes Augustq Candles B. Brooks, june 6—62 Bolton’s wharf Executors’ sales. Will be sr?d on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, at (he court bouse in this city be tween the hours of If and 1 o’clock, seven negro slaves, belonging to the estate of (he la(e Joseph Hill, dec. viz. Toby, Peter, Bob, Gie, Kitty. Louisa. Terms, cash. By order of the executors, Moses Herbert £s? Co. auct’rs. may 27—58 Leonard Bartow & Co. Market Square, Have this day received, by the schooner Lvura. from New York, a fresh supply ol DRUGS and MEDICINES. Also Medicine Chests for ship use ; fresh Olive Oil, pstent Windsor Soap, wash Balls, Evans* Grown Lancers, amputating Instruments, ttepaningds. cupping do. large pewter Syringes And.on hand, Castor Oil, superior quality. Flowers, fiaSBaf-.-' 4 Just receivedfrom. London, Lfastatt, ttfcg Printed Calicoes and Cambrics 4-4 nnd 6-4 cotton Cambries Cambric and Jaconet MasUaa Silk and cotton StocHsgi Beaver and kid Gloves > Black and colored Bomjsatetti % _ - Irish Linen, French Cambric Russia Sheeting and Diaper' Marseilles ■Quitting, silk Florentine Broadclothes and Cassirheres Vork Stripes, India Nankeens ,%? * -«t. Striped oik! plaid Ginghams > Furniture and common Dimities .7 - 0 Table Cloths, tea Napkins Cotton and thread Laces Superior flax Oznaburghs Parasols, etiintz Shawls Needles, Tope, Thread, See. Far sale at M duced prices. ANDREW LOW 8c CO april 18— >» 41 Andrew Low & Co. Have just receiv’d by the ship If ellingtoni and other arrivalsjrom ling land, FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO PACKAGES of well assorted DRY GOODS, selected bv one of themselves there—which! they ofier lor sale, by the piece or package on reasonable terms. june 27—71 Copartnership. Charles Perry, of the late house of Castoa and Ferry, dissolved on the ist ins', and Tho* mas Wright, jun. have entered into co-partner* ship in the COMMERCIAL AND COM* MISSION BUSINESS, in this city, under tba firm of Pxnur fs* Wrioht, to be conduced by Tbom«s Wright, jun. The business of ibe house in Philadelphia will be transacted by Charles Perry, residing there. CHARLES PERRY, THOMAS WRIGHT, jun. june S—61 > Smith's stores'. Tfi e sub scriber m »A» JOST BSCVIVS* - A final! invoice of fancy ,CHAIRS which he ia mak : ng arrangcmenti to nkriiin a cnnftant fnpp y n , and which with the Win.lfor Chain of hit own* factory, will m.,ke hi. affortment con>piete. Si!.is (..ooper, jnne i5—GS Oppofite A. Low & Co’ Factorage and Commission Business. Jostra Bacon hiving taken John Hekvct Bse. tv into capartnerfhip, the bufinef, will in future b# coaducted under the firm of bacon A bedim Joseph ilacon, J. H. Bruen Soltoo’i saildiags. No. 3), Exchange wharS, For sale A very light foar wheel Carriage June St—TV—'70 Just received, Per brig Superior f-om Lev York Wove Wire, suitable tor cleaning rice, wheitj flaxeeed. Sec. Wove Wire tor Indian Meal bolt* Riddles and Screens for fanning Mills Lime Screens for masons Seives do do for cleaning rice, wheat. Indian meal^ flaxseed, 8cc. Wire Sates Wiudow.shut Hinges Harness Buckles K Cotton snd wool Cards Calvin Baker & Co.’ > june 17—67 Just received Per ship Wellington, from Liverpool, end for »ale Ay R. RICHARDSON, 222 crates assorted Earthenware 25 casks Glasawa-e 42 do assorted Nails 150 tons Liverpool coarse'Talt 150 do Swedish and Russian Iron june 15—66 Dry Goods. Just received per brg Maryland trunk cotton Cambrics bale Bomba sets 1 case figured and do 44 do do do and 2 bales men’s beaver Oznabergs, 8cc. 2Mr" t