The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 06, 1815, Image 1

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of Hardware every other description of iron castings and machinery. Orders containing an exact des cription of the articlerwanted, will be executed with accuracy and dispatch. Apply at the of* fice of Mr. £Kas Wallen, to . Charles Davies, jane 10-.64 Notice The Southern Stage Office is remove^ to the Merchants and Planters’ Hotel, at tfto we**# entr of the atrenns on the Bay, from'wbence it sets out every Thprday morning, st S o’clock ns usual. ~~ Wv 1—ix—73 ' ' SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. Whole Number 2535, Number 75—Volume XIII. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1815. Francis Houvier Offers for sale, in Gibbon’s brick buildings, >4 trunks assorted Calico ' ; ' ■2 bates Handkerchiefs 80 bags green Coffee 800 lbs Spanish leal: Tobacco, and other arti* clet too tedious to .enumerate. N. B. Bills on Charleston, at sight.] july 3—°m—74 Executors’ sales. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Au gust next, at the court house in this city be tween the hours of 11 and 1 o’clock, seven neg-o slates, belonging to the estate of the late Joseph Hill, dec. tin. Toby, Peter, Bob, Gie, Kitty. Louisa. Terms, cash. By order of the executors. Moses Herbert b’ Co. auct’rs. may 27—58 & J. Habersham, Fresh Arrow Root. The fnbfcriber offer, for late the above article o ■not excellent quality, either by the quantity iceUent quality, either by the quantity or in to foit families. JOHN F. POUYAT, At hi, Medical Shop, oppofite the Exchange. Passage for Liverpool. ailing packet ship ATES, James Paine, will sail from Char- fa.' c.) about the 10th of July next.-provided a sufficient number of pas* sengers can Reengaged, having extensive and superior acr.ommodatiens. For terms apply ■ ■ ■ “ vV^^'-^Henry W; Hills, june 6 —62 Savannah FT F or Liverpool The elegant coppered ship aPOWHATTAN, V. A. Stookes, ►commander, burthen 375 ions, ,will .be despatched as soon as . . d will take cotton on freight at a low rate. Also a few passengers can be well accommudated. Apply to the captain on board or to Camochan 8c Mitchell, ne 6—62 For Liverpool. The mbuantial coppered Britith ’•hip OCEAN, captain Arravimith, * burthen 863 ton,, will receive cotton ron freight for Liverpool, k at a low Apply to Camochan & Mitchell. tnay 30—59 Passage for Philadelphia. Jrfpj: The packet brig OLYNTHUS, cap S&sStain John Baily, daily expected from Thiladclphla^wiU return without delay. Ap ply to PERRY & WRIGHT. Smith’s stores, wuo save ron sale S : lls on Philadelphia Post Ncte* of Philadelphia Bank juue 24 ■ ■ —70 For Baltimore The schooner ECONOMY, having JgLegthrcn fourths of her cargo engaged— v For freight ot the remainder or passage anply to MINIS & HENRY, june 1—M—73 Frcig ht is wanted To any northern port for a schooner lof 40 tons—-she is ready to receive freight immediately SOR SALE A ship’s LONG BOAT, CORN.. 700 bushels prime Coro, just landing from on board the sloop Catherine & Elisa, for sale by BACON St BRUEN. 'june 1—M—73 Just received 16/Wtds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 20 'So test rciuilicg Molasses. For sale by Charles Maurcl. june 29—l—72 Bills on JScw York, For sale by R. St J. HABERSHAM. New Goods A, Just received from London, Nassau, tSV. ! printed Calicoes and Cambrics ||T 4-4 and 6-4 cotton Cambrics Cambric and Jaconet Muslins , Silk and cotton Stockings Beaver and kid Glove* Black and colored Bombnzetts I * Irish Linen, French Cambric Russia Sheeting and Diaper Marseille, Quilting, silk. Florentine iroadclothes and Cassimeres ork Stripes.India Nankeens iped and plaid Ginghams miture and common Dimities Table Cloths, tea Napkins ) ,Cotton and thread Laces ajBupedKor flaxOtnaourghs |para?ols, chintz Sh-nwis Neddie, Tape. Thread. 8cc. Far sale at re duced prices. ANDREW 7 LOW & CO Andrew Low & Co. ? fJSfe-pe Jlcf receiv'd by the rh’ts Wellington, and other arrival.from England, v „ FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO PACKAGES of veil amor erg GOODS, ;C**d by- one of themselves there—which '.filler for sale, by the piece or package on able terms. june £7—71 LL__ —— “ Arrow Root, Just received ^ - Pet brig Superior, from New York, and fchooner Sa vannah, from Bofton A new fopply of laiFes’ and gentlemen’, SHOES, firil qnali y and neweftfafhion, which will be sold low or cafh only, by MARCUS J. JOHNSTON, Market Iquare Alfo, m few dozen RICE HOOKS. 4 boxes Northern Homefpnn june 15—66 Flour. A few door, above the market, on St. Julian fireer, oppofite the Copperfmith’s, ia offered two hundred and fifty barrela of Floor by M‘E\ven & Richmond. Many other article, may be bad at the fame place on good terms! june 25—j,—70 Now landing From the brig Commerce, 82 puncheons West India Rum 10 hogsheads Molasses 1 barrel Arrow Root 2 bags do Nails 7 6 cases sheating paper 14 kegs 6d Nails 6 cases 18 oz, sheathing Copper 8 . 8 do 6 crates assorted Earthenware And • small assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Hosiery, Diapers, Broadcloths, Irish Linen, long Lawns, cotton Shirtings, Cal- licoes. Checks, Russia Sheeting, Hand kerchiefs and Flannels. For sale by * R; Richardson. may 18—54 Dissolution of Co-partnership. The co partnership ot Christie & Pat terson is ibis day dissolved by mutual con vent. All persons to whom the firm is indebt' ey are requested to present their accounts to Robert Christie, for settlement, who is author ised to settle the business of the firm ; and those indebted are requested to come forward and settle demands against them. ROBERT CHRISTIE, CHARLES H. PA TTERSON. (Jjp* The business will be continued by Robert Christie, who will execute all orders left with him in the C0ACH and CHAIR MAKING BUSINESS ,- he will also make and repair Harnesses at the shortest no tice and neatest manner. june 10—68 From Boston 27 trunks women’s, misses’ and children’s mo rocco SHOES 2 cases ladies’ square and hart hern Combs 3 do wool Mats, good quality 12 boxes No. 10 cotton Cards. For sale by R. Richardson. april 11 33 For sale An elogant Tour wheeled CARRIAGE of • he newest fashion, with full plated HAR NESS. Price 8859 on a credit till the first day of January next, with an approved endorser. LIKEWISE Two likely, gentle, family HORSES on the same terms as those. Persons wishing to buy the horses can have them for a week. Price gl50 each. Ap. ply to the printer. june 17—67 The subscriber ha,just received A (mall invoice of fancy CHAIRS, which he i, making arrangement, to obtain a conflant fupp’y ol, and which with the Win Jfor Chairs or hi, own manu factory, will nuke his affortment complete. Silas Cooper, jnae i5—65 Oppofite A. Low & Co’ DRY Copartnership. Charles Perry, of the late house of Gaston and Perry, dissolved on the ist ins’. and Tho mas Wright, jun. have entered into c-t-partner- sh ; p in the COMMERCIAL AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, in this city, under the firm of Perrt & Wright, to he conduc ed t _ by Thomas Wiigh", jun. The business of the, c New York Columbian roundry. house in Philadelphia will be transacted bf The subscriber being appointed agent Leonard Bartow &. Co. Markih Square, Have thie day received, by the schooner Laura, from New York, a fresh supply ot DRUGS and MEDICINES. ALSO Medicine Chests for ship use ; fresh Olive Oil, patent Windsor Soap, wash Balls, Evans’ crown Lancets, amputating Instruments, trepaning da. cuppir e do. large pewter Syringes . And on hand, American Oator, 0.1, superior quality, camomile Flowers, See. may 20 mo 55 Landing From brig Ty bee from hew York, lO bis tnal Sugar 6 chests Hyson Tea, latest importation 2 cases Cassia 4 casks Cheese * iO bis Coffee, real green 20 ball bis Crackers ON RAND 40 tons Swedes' Iron, assorted, from ij fo 5 inches wide iO hbds 3d proof W. I. Rum 100 bis Philadelphia ship Bread 50 do do pilot do 20 boxes claiified Soap, very fine 20 do common do - ( 25 bis New York prime BeeF i5 do do Po-k A few bis cider Vinegar iO bis Philadelphia Beer lO boxes Augusta Candles B. Brooks, june 6—62 Bolton’s wharf J. E. White & Co. Have removed to the {lore oppofite the fiprth end of Meffr,. Low, Wallace & Co. where they offer for fale by the piece or dozen 275 dozen men’s and women’, cotton and lamb’s wool whole and half Stocking, 100 pieces 4-4 cotton Cambric 100 do Ruffia Diaper 250 proce coat and veft Buttons, alTbrted 100 pieces white and colored northern Homefpnn 90 do Invetuefs cotton Bagging 90 dozen patent cait iteel Hoes 2 tons Shot, afforted 1 bale very fuperior 4 4 Carpeting THEY HAVE ALSO ON HAND Flemilb Linen (brown and 7 8 wide) White Platillas Pins, allotted Shot, do German Steel English White Laid, with fome other fhple ar tides. june 17—jo—67 The copartnership # Ol Ball 2c Ross expired an the SOth FREDERICK • - Vi JAMES T.ROSS, jiily 3—m*—74 Dry Goods. Just received per brg Maryland 1 trunk cotton Cambrics 1 bale Bsmbazets 1 case figured and plain Lenos 1 ' ------ 1 3 5 do 4-4 Irish Linens do English cotton Shirtings do cotton Hosiery, assorted do northtrn G inghams, Chambrays, whit* and brown cotton Shirtings 2 bales men’s heaver Hats ' , H Oznabergs, &c. ON HAND 350 pieces long yellow Nankeens 1 case cotton Cambrics, a little damaged (will be sold cheap by the piece) White Jeans, and A few chests fresh Tea J. Hanmer 8c Co. next door to Williams iV Seymour jane 13—65 The subscribers Have entered into copartner ship under the firm of NICHOLS & HUNTER, as SHIP CHANDLERS, GROCERS AND FAC TORS, and respectfully tender their services to their friends and the public. They have now or. hand, and intend constantly to keep as sortments of Ship Chandlery and Groceries, of the best quality. » Orders in either branch of their business will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. ABRAHAM NICHOLS, JAMES HUNTER, june15-65 Just received, Per brig Superior from Eero York Wove Wire, suitable for cleaoiug rice, wheats flaxseed, &c. Wove Wire for Indian Meal bolts Riddles and Screens for fanning Mills Lime Screens for masons Seives do do for cleaning rice, wheat, Indian meal, flaxseed, &c. Wire Sates Window-shut Hinges Harness Buckles Cotton and wool Cards ' Calvin Baker & Co. june 17—67 Mi Factorage "and Commission Business. Joseph Bacon having taken Joun Mervet Bx»» en into copartnerfiiip, the bufinef, will in future b» conducted under the firm of bacon & broen. Joseph Bacon, J. H. Bruen. Bolton’s Building,, No. 33, Exchange vvharty For sale A very light four wheel Carriage june 21—el—70 Charles Perry, res'dmg 'here. CHARLES PERRY, THOMAS WRIGHT, jun. june 3— 61 Smith’s stores Just received , fupericr quality, at 1 uaatiff, For file by , ~ C. Dunn. *■ " •**. * j * 2M, .71, *>•» »•<#*,-> JfMM; ,v . aJ"®? Per shift Wellington, from Liverpool, and for sale ht, R. RICHARDSON, 922 crates asserted Earthenware 25 casks Glassware per pound, ratal! 42 da assorted Nail, *50 tons Liverpool coarse Salt Ao do Swedish and Russian Iron IHPwr ‘ “ % Non-Existence of Partnership. The fubferiber, affure the public that no partner- fhip ha, ever at any lime, any occufion or in any tram- action exifted between them, if, therefore any tram- action of the party employed (Ludewig Shultz) has borne femblance thereof it arofe from inattention and was incorrect and ought not, in juflice or equity, at tribute aay blame or operate any legal or fociai injury to the employer (Anothony Goldenburg) who hereby makes known, that he will not recognize any trans action of any perfon whatever calling himfelf his partner in tiade, as binding on him ufelefs, until fuch is regularly entered into by written agreement, and publifhed in one or more of the public gazettes. - , A.GOLDENBERG, L SHULTZ. ft;7* A. Goldenberg continues to trar.fa& bulineti as Weed Factor, and has on band a quantity of fire wood at former price (four dollar, and a haif per cord) ou his wharf, known by' the name cl Pooler’s. june 24—70 Fresh Shoes, Boots, TRUNKS AND BRUSHES.’ « JUST RECEIVED, And for sale at the lowest firiert, by JOHN DOUGLASS, Best Philadelphia and New York made Boots Gentlemen’s superior morocco and waxed Jeffersons Morocco Pumps Finest seal skin Shoes Boy’s Shoes Ladies’ most fashionable Perry Laces Full trimed black and colored morocco Slipi pers, from Peck’s manufactory, New- York Ladies kid Slippers and Sandals Children’s morocco and leather Bootees, Slip. pers and Buskins Trunks, of various descriptions Floor, counter, paint, white wash, vlcihcs, shoe, horse and scrubbing Brushes Waxed calf Skins, shoe Thread, Sec. june 1^—.60 ihe foundry, (reputed the best in the United Stater) will receive orders for the Machinery ct rice, cottcn, and other Mills ; cotton Billies and Jennies ; cotton compressing screws; ma. chines for grinding bark ; cast rollers ; wrought and cast gudgeons ; mill stoces and spindles; machinery lor steam engines; cast iron sugar Boilers ; hand mills ; domestic utensils, and Just Landing From the brig Salvador, from Liverpool, and for sale by R. RICHARDSON, 200 crates Earthenware, assorted 100 firkins Irish Butter of superior quality 100 jars boiled linseed Oil 36 casks Copperas 200 boxes window Glass, assorted 20 cases Pins, 3 cases Needle, 100 boxes Mustard 33 casks Brown Stout 24 do Burton Ale 48 baskets Glauther Cheese 190 boxes Irish Sosp 50 barrels Irish mess Beef 40 casks Shot, assorted sizes A handsome june 7—62