The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 06, 1815, Image 2

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••• ■ jarm i: ■■ilia REP -icana m*g. . IN rr ,1815. It Tbur#Jay, July 6, deiuck’s. fell, 1 W Talc HAT, NEAtt TBk BXCnAKOB. STED THREE TIMES A WEEK. Six DoLLApapc^nnum, in advance. From our Sree-Yoatt, June 24—Nook. Latest from England. Ey the Portuguese brie Piedade. captain Mor- Vissy, from Liverpool, which port he left on the lith of May, the editoia of the Mercantile Ad- sodthe Prussians, of tnsarrecilcns in Poland 1 , gaioschimseif, which articles, however, we repest, be does not permit to be published without remarks or assertions tending to throw dtsetedit upon then, he hopes these aber aiaiements of dis sensions boweea the allies will be believed, and the public mind thus kept from deport* ding et the prospect of a fresh war. The retreat of Mbrat seems to btvc crea’ed uneasiness ar.d suprisc to Ronapane. The papers cannot account for it, for he had oot been beaten in any great battle, nor r pposed by a superior force. Some impute it :o our harirg declared war, against him, which made h-m fear for the sale y of his canitol—others ascribe it to sn expedition horn Palermo egainst Na ples—A third party suppose it to lute been oc »? vrrtiier bare received Lo don dates to the P ,e “ .n.rap*»y suppose it to Its.eoeeD oc mb of that month. They contain nothing of “stoned by his having been severely wound* *‘ " ■ ed. f- greet political importance., We have condens ed into a summary the,principal articles. Captain Morrissy informs us that war had not been declared against France by Great-; Britain ; •nil that the last advices from France represent ed the emperor Napoleon, as net having left Pa ris, hot as being on the eve of his departure for the frontiers. -JWftp *v Siseto^up with thflJBecessarv provisions is directealoLfiii JpF Pasij. M»r 1 f ons Sisteron and the bridge'St. Esprit will be The bankers of M. de Blacss hare, it«««. placed in a state of defence, given *03 000 franks to the EukIMi jntfroalirt. r »• Va s . ... H JR r*. . -• • ....Is. Eight armies or corps of observation are formed, to srit The army of the north ; The army of the Moselle j The army of the Rhine ; The corps of observation of the Pirt, which is collecting at Befort ; The army of the Atps. which is assembling at Chamberg ; The corps of observation of tlie Var, assemb ling at Antibes; The corps of observation o£ the Pvre- •it «a miniate;? tfli t'nej’caold frtrly try the qiiej-e* tion, and to be convinced that the presumption is not always in favor of the enemies et the. e^LtrOunlry” 143%*' doubt?. An armament of 80 pieces of cannon, -i - rer, |p write against Franhe.' Tht* ate journalist was very much eff nded be- luia, at the Ci delicate j cause they only offered hi: s * l * M 3 While some person 1 !^at the moment of ac cepting the constitutional act,' testily in good faith, their fears, Sec, others eaaggei ste thr.m, we think we ought- to place bi-fo-e the eyes "of our readers some very wise rvfl iotians contain* ed in a private letter from Epinal. ••We do not deliberate here about vain for- Marsha] Mortier had set oot from Paris on an important mission, bat its object is not hint ed at. The property tax bill Was read a third time in the British honse of commons on the 5th May, and passed by a great majority. On the 6th, the funds experienced a rise of 1 per cent, which could not be accounted for by the arrival ef any particular news. 70,006 men were expected on the Pyrenean ' * frontiers ; and, if a sufficient fund is procured for the enterprise, would descend from the mountains, and make an important diversion in the southern department of France. Sir Thomas Hardy is to have the command of a squadron lo be immediately assembled in the Downs The allied sovereigns remained at Vienna on the23d April. The English government has given notice that it is ready to receive proposals for the pur chase for eight thousand tons of hemp. Philadelphia papers to the 28th March were received in London on the 4lh May. It is said that great numbers o r French sol diers desert, and join Louis XVIII, chiefly ca valry, fully equipped. The garrison of Dunkirk had began to desert by wholesale. A new plot had been discovered at Vienna, which hod.for its object to carry oil the king of Romei?P> The continental congress, it was said, would rot separate until the result of the present state of affairs shall have been decided Murat is said to have been repulsed, and that the enemy were assailing him in his rear, ves sels with troops on board having sailed from Trieste for that purpose. Consols, May6tli, 58 1-2. The rnya'ig’s are charged wi b assuming the character ot furious Jacobins, in older to j bring odium upon Bonaparte's'. j The lunds are ('ill falling; they are 5G 1-2 > The bank «b ires 777 12 j Paris, May 2 —Yesterday « Journal pub lished a pretended proclamation of the Count de Lille, which is snted to be cxtucis irom the Fiankforr Journal; but neither that nor any other German paper has published suck a .do cument About a tiionth ago certain persons announ ced that there woo'd be considerable bank ruptcies bc<c. Hitherto we have beard oi I* is said that Poland is in insurrection, and tha: the Ottoman pone is making attempts against Rusia. It is added, that these two events have forced the Russitn columns, which were on iher march lo retrrgrade. There hast h*erv violent quarrels between the Erg ish ar.d the Prussians at Tourr ay. nees. which is collecting at Perpigiisn and Bor- maltlie*. The foreigner menaces and we arm, deaux | Shall we be free Frenchmen or Slaves to the And thfc army of reserve, which isassetntling Germans? Such is the only thought which 00 at Paris, and at Saon. 1 cupies us.” Four hundred battalions of grenadiers and ! M. Mannay, bishop of Toeves, has been ar- rhapears of the national guards, are organized. • r t - t “ •* Strguamiues, on his way from Trevesf A parly is already in march to occupy voar , tn P«ri«* - i. frontier places, to guard the defiles of the Vos- ' One of the most celebrated members of our ges, of Jura, of the Alps, and to assure the national assembly has given the’ following vote protection of Parisand I,von*. Before ten davs, to die constitutional act—•* The form ofworda the other battalions of the national guards will are useless, when dangers are imminefll|Pjvhen baall in march, andtbe500battalionsoftheactivo l ^ e honor and ind-pendi-nce of the nation corn- army will be collected into the campa. The ve- mands the sacrifice of all private opinion; wish, teran soldiers are every where on the march, ,n S ab «re aR '-kings to be. and remain French- animated with the greatest enthusiasm, and men, hoping from time, experience and patri- cotne to complete these battalions, which, inf ol 'sm ot tke two houses, the desirable amend* dependents of the battalions of depot, com- merits, I say Yks?* pose our 123 regiments of infantry. The hors-1 ViEkBa, April 19—The new loan of fifty esofthe Gendarmerie are given to the mount- ! millions of florins, which has been opened in ed troops, and the purchases which have been 'j 16 Austrian states, will be soon com Dieted r i made during the last month, have been exeent- ! Five of the first banking houses in Vienna efl so rapidly, that ourVO regiments of cavalry ! fvred alone to take this laan ; but their ■ • ** ’ * posal was not accepted will be verysoon complete. Regiment* of vo lunteer cavalry are forming many places.— Already Alsace has furnished two regiments of horse lancers, of 1000 men each. There is reason <0 think that this example will be followed in Britlanny. Normandy and Li mousin, provinces in which many horses arc raised. Courier Extraordinary of Tuesday corning. \ Parks of artillery forming more than 150 bat- It is said Hint the emperor’s head-quarters rlillcry Letters from Brussels slate, that the count [ defence or Lyons, is composed of two oompa _,,, May 4. 4SS The departure of the emperor will nowtal place before the middle of next week- The duke of Treviso is about quitting Paris, charged with an extraordinary mission by his m"jc*ty. The passage of packets boats from Bologne is to Dover and vice versa is very fre- quarters f * er >es arc already equipped and on the march, quint; '1 hey transport passengers from one are to be established at Conde. ’ for the different armies. The artillery for the ; tude tn the other, as in ordinary times. All communications between France de Lille is perfectly recovered. Marshal Mortier left Paris to fulfil an ex nies formed at the school of Alfert The ar- ; M is stopped by general order. and tillery troops appointed for the service of the • i ne passage of the Rhine near Kehl is al- Of;A t _ I* * 1. - _ 1 _ a - 1 rv\ r ont • .-1, * ... a J T'1% _ a . • — .1 traordinary mission, on which he is sent by 300 pieces of artillery which arc placed unon 1 m ^st_ entirely interrupted. The two sid:s of . « J v ! 1,«! ~1. t C f> * s ill 1 l, _ . .1 „ C a flit* ri uok Is o 1,0 n •, ^ r» 111 n thp emperor. ' . the heiglitsof Paris will be edmpbsed of twelve Vienna. April 17.—There is little hope of companies of marine artillery, two of invalids, LATEST FROM FRANCE. "The brig Hesper, Merry, arrived at this port this day from llavre-de-Graee. whence he sailed on the 8th of May, has furnished us with Paris dates of the 4tli, which do not contain any news of moment. Captain Morrissy, of the Piedade, spoke on the 18lh inst. the ship Alexander, out 32 days, from L’Orient for Philadelphia. The captain informed captain M. that at the time he sailed hostilities had not commenced between France aiid the allies—Mtr. Ado. !*■#! latest From Europe. lly she arrival this forenoon o f the Portu guese brig Peidade, from Livetponl, we have received a regular file cf the London Cou'ier to the 7,h of May. Extracts follow. He r ship news I cannot prepare in time 10 send you by lilts tiny’s mail. London, May 9.—We received this mor ning the Paris papers of Thursday last. They mention no'htng r.f Bnnrpane’s in'ended de parture, theugh it is certain he left P.iri* on Tuesday evening under a siroog escort ofdia- jrooos, ahd look the route to Lisle, ft is said that he is going to inspez* the s'ote of 'he for tresses end the whole of the northern frontier, The Party however will have it he fee's hin self strong enough to commence nffensive ep. Derations / th9t he will endeavor to strike an immediate blow; that 0 battle w'll be fought before the 50 h of this mon h ; and what horrors must ensue." add the cppnsi. lion—For all of which he alone is accountable The Paris papers say that his hra.l quarters ore to be at Conde, close upon the fio .t er s , on the road from Valenciennes. The French li/tnliitary force is divided into ten corps; the rTfour first of which are at L's'e, Vaieocienr.e*, Me2icrcs, Met2, ar.d Thiouv't'le, comir.ardrd hv generals d'Erloo, Rcilic, Vaodsmme, and Cffard—the filth corps is order gcceml Rapp, at Sussburgh—ihe sixth at I.oan, under court J., f»*u,—the seventh si Grenchleanti Che'bnrg under Mirshal Gronrhy—ihe e ; gbih at Bor deaux, under general Clauzel— he ninth a* Toulon, under Mrrshul Brune— .lie tenth a : Perpignan. It is curious that of a'.i the o>d Marshals only one, B tine, is employed in the command of any army; and he was in dis- grOCC during the lost campaigns. Grouchy fc^siccn but lately made a Marshal. Ney, Boult, Massena and Suchet, have no com- xBands. T'eachery ounce trust them. The treaty between «he allies, signed a? Vi enna on the 25'h March, and is published in these pipe'*, with some remsiks, stating that this perusal ot the treaty will ptovc thai the a|. lied phwers were not in any manner ecquaint- c« with 'he position of France when they re r.ewcd the treaty of Chautnont. These pa-. ' per* have aUo published >he king of France's declaradaoi dated a» Ghent 00 the 15'h of - - - *clast tnootb. They add that it baa been intro duced fntoFrsn&, but '.iret ir is not authentic “* is what i* called Bonaparte’s freedom o! .... press. The documents which he teads "are declared to be forged, such as the decla ration of the allies at Vienna, and the dec.'ata- lion of the .king of France- And ihe papers urc.ndt permitted to publish them wit hour ad ding that they are not authentic. Then fol lot*» striflg of falsehoods—of Russia beirg indisposed to wan of Austria ; leaning towards France, oflbe Dutch being favorab'e to bis csutfi ofaterUl quarrels between the Brilish ■ 1 ." •, 1% approxiinalion between the allies and Napo leon. The observations on th>- declaration of the I3th of March will be read with interest, but they change nothing. The .promise of Na poleon to adhere to the treaty of Paris, is SHp ported by no guarantees. Had fee promised as a pledge of peace to deliver up the.fortresses of Strasburgh, Honincuen, New Brisack, Lan dau. Besancon, &c faith might then have been plar-ed in his pacific intentions,, April 18 — A new report from gen eral Nugent, dated Poggie, the 15th, states, that the enemy having abandoned Florence, retreated hy the road of Arezzo. A column of 1000 "Neapolitans, which had arrived at Mont-Roll, and Was advancing on Tuscany, has also changed the direction of its march, and has taken (he route to Ancona. Banks of the Vistula, April 20. The Russian army, to the amount pf 225,000 men, and 76 000 horse, inarches in'three co lumns. under field marshal Barclay de Tolly. The column of the right wing proceeds by way of Leipsie to Ramberg. The centre column marches from Lublin. Warsaw, &c. by Breslau and Bayrcutn to Nuremberg. The column of the left wing marches in two divisions, the first from Cracow hv Prague to Eiclistadt, and the second from Kaliseli by Breslau, also by Bava ria. Braxdexberg. April 25 —It is understood that prince Antonv Radsiville will reside at P<>s“n as Prussian Poland. We are assured that the taking possession of Poland, on the part ofltnssiaand Prussia, will be proclaimed on the 1st of May. The king of Prussia, it is said, will assume the title of grand duke governor of of Poland. Lower Rhine, April 2Jk—General Dob- scliulz is liourlv expected at Aix-la Chapclle to assume the military government of the coun tries on the Rhine given to Prussia, and to or- nize the Landwehr. There are daily confer ences at . iege betwe p n generals Bluchcr, Gneiseann. Thietmann, &c. With tVe excep- j two of the school of Alfert. two of the Polytech nic school, two companies of the school of St. Cry and six companies Of foot artillery. Coips of partisans and independent elirps are organizing in a great number of depart ments. An adjutant-general will be charged, near every general-in-cbief, with the correspon dence with these corps, which, if the enemy has the temerity to penetrate within our territories, will throw themselves into the forest and in the mountains and support themselveSiiy the strong places. The organization of the levy en masse of Al sace, of I, orraine. of Messin.of Franche-Compte, of Burgundy, of Dauphinv aud of Picardy is prepared Lieutenant-generals, camp-marshal* and a great number of officers of the troops of the line are charged with' it, as also with the command of the levies. All the cities will arm theipselves in self-de fence ; they will follow the example of Cha- lons-sur-Saone, of Tournies and of St. Jean de Losne. Every city, even those not fortified, will betray the national honor, if they surrender to light troops and do not make the best possi ble defence according to their means, until the arrival of infantry and artillery forces of such a magnitude as tha^ the laws of war would require all resistance against them to cease. The 60,000 seafaring mpn, who formed the crews of the vessels of war in 1S14, will be re organized into regiments commanded by cap tains of vessels. One part of these troops will be employed in the squadrons ; another part wili be charged with the defence of the coasts ; another will augment the army of re serve. Every thing is in motion in every part of France. If the allied powers presist in the pro ject which they announce, of making war upon Us ; and if they violate our frontiers, it is easy to foresee what will be the fruit which they will gather from that attempt against the rights of the French nation. All the department will tion of some trifling rencontres of pasroles, all is j ri val ^o»e of Alsace, Y 0 g'‘«. Franche-Compte, yet tranquil on the French confines Letters from Paris say that when war brpuks out Bonaparte will be declared dictator. - - . Hamburg, April 28, (6?.m.)—Wc have j the independence of the nation and the honor ind r»»rpivpfl_ hv pvnrpus. (he letter from Vien- of the throne.—Moniteur. chs river have a very military aspect. Two squadrons of horse grenadiers and one company of lancers ot the imperial guard sc& out three days since. They took the road tl btrasburgh. They w. tte from Modiglina that the Neapo.' lit in army is in fuli retreat towards the marches. Their artillery and baggage passed Forli on tlve 15! h. The Hamburg newspapers do not speak ot the accession of the court cf Stockholm to the treaty of the 24th of March. May 2—Letters from England state, that the bankers of London reiusc 10 fill up the rtquuw ed loan, Brussels, April SO—On the 28th a magni ficent ball at which all the distinguished per sonages now in this city were present 1 it is considered as a kind of take-leave compliment of the duke. April £9—It is still positively affirmed that the army under the duke of Wellington will comprise 80.000 Russian and other German troops. 70.000 English and Hanovereau, and atV least SO.OOO Netherland troops. A park of heavy artillery is farming, with which it is in tended. when hostilities are begun, ioimediate ly to attack one or more of the French fortres ses. All the roads jh Brabant, Flanders, Haia- ault, and Liege arc covered-with troops, ara- munition, artillery, &c. The French are col lecting all their disposable force about Lille.— The La.talions of national guards are forming with extraordinary vigor, and a great many half pay officers placed in them. Bonaparte is expecred at Lille at the beginning of May. Ratisbow, April 18.—Some hundreds of ammunition waggons and eighteen batteries of Au trian artillery arrived here yesterday. The pas-ags ot troops to the banks ojjthe Rhine continues with great activity throaghrthis town. By way of Holland we have accounts that a large body of Spaniards fr. in Biscay has land ed near Bayonne — Journal dt la Bchque, Afiril SO. Cologne April 26.—The Chronicle Of the i Burgundy and Lyons in ardor. Every where Congress affirms, that the declaration of war I tftp npnnlfr nr#. R'Mmutptl with a nntrintin «mrit i.nsln.l Pen non ,„ na i *«_„ u* . i the people are a"imated with a patriotic spirit, and ready to make every sacrifice to maintain just received, by express, the letter Irom Vien' mi. which confirms the aceounj that the Nea politans continue to retreat, and are briskly pursued by the Austrians. Vienna, April 19—For some days past there is much talk of a new plot in favor of Na poleon. It is stated that above twenty per sons, among whom arc several respectable citi zens, have been arrested. This plot, it is said, extended as far as Switzerland. From this eiroumstanee, it is presumed that it was a new plan to carry off young Napoleon.—Evening Post. From London received at tMs erfflto. FROM OUR NEW-YORK CORRESPONDENT. M „!N Translatedfor the mercantile Advertiser. Paris, May 4. All the places of the frontier of the north, London, May 3. The Lisle paper of Friday last (the Journal' of tht department of the Norte) has beenreceiv- cd, and a Dunkirk paper of Saturday. They do not contain any intelligence of importance ; all is said to be perfectly tranquil at Lisle and in I the cantonmems of the troops, and it is added : that it -is equally doubtful if any movements have taken place among the foreign troops, on the frontiers. No notice is taken of Bona parte’s arrival in that part, although he was ex pected to visit the frontiers of the north and the 16th military division, previously to the as sembly of Champ-de-Mai. against France was signed by the High Allied Powers on the 11th inst. All communication between Germany and Franco has been already prohibited, by a regulation of the allies. The Landstrom is organizing with celerity in all the north of Germany. The little terri tory of Wuldeck alone, has on foot ll,00C,raen, well armed and equipped. ' 1 Brussels, April 29—Two French gentle men who were arrested at Ghent, were r con veyed to the prison in this e.ily, under a strong escort, for the Marechaussea. The con THIRD BULLETIN OF THE AR.MV Or ITALV. VieHna, April 22.—By a courier who left the Head-Quarters of the army of Italy on the 14th, the following intelligence is just receiv ed :— “ It was indispensably necessary to clear j from the enemy the point of Ferrara, which from Dunkirk to Charlemont, are armed and I inglast provisioned. The sluices are put in order, and the inundations will be extended at the first moment of hostility. Field works have been ordered in the forest ofMormale. Meas ures are taken to make entrenchments in the different passes of the forrest of Ar^one. Eve ry place in Lorraine is in a state of readiness. Entrenchments are constructed at the five pas sage* of the Vosges. The fortresses of Alsace are aimed. Orders are given for the defence of the passe; of the Jura and all the Alpine fron tiers. In the interior, the places of Guise, La Fere, "V itry. Soisons, Chateau Thierry, Lan- gres are arming and fortyfying. They have even ordered thai works should be constructed upon the heights of Monlmatre and Mrnil-Montant, ard mounted with 300 pieces of cannon ^ They wiil be first constructed of earth and afterwards will receive the solidity of permanent fortifications. His majesty has ordered that Lvons should be placed iu a state of defence A" tele de pout will be established at Brottonux. The draw bridge of ia Guillotiere is rebuilding ; the plain between the Saone and the Rhone will be arm ed. Some redoubts are intended to be con structed in advance of this plain. A redoubt will be constructed on (ha height* ef Kayraan- onscription was in the course of draw- was not yet put into a proper state of defence Friday at Dunkirk and Gravelines. It a "d provisioned. To this end, Baron Friinont , comprehends-all persons from 18 to 60 years : those from 18 to 25 are destined for the ar mies ; from 36 to 60 for garrison duty. None are exempt from its operation. A person who is arrived from the French coast says, that from Fames to Nieuport the ordered lieutenant field-marshal Mohr to posit forward, from the tete-da por.t of Occhio Bello, upon B&vale and Casaglia, in order to attack and drive off the enemy. . . “ This attack was made on the I2th if) the- afternoon, with great vigor Iqr Mohr’s division. country is inundated, and the corn completely; while lieutenant-field-marshal-connt Niepperg . ruined. : threatened the flank of the enemy. The latteg; The conduct of Murat was the subjected of though Ambrosio’s division had hastened te \ discussion in both houses last night, and the motion in each for the production of the papers was agreed to. It was curious to see the confi dence with nhichthe opposition entered the ring, and the chop-fallen manner in which they retired from it after the punishing they received from lord Castlercagh. At last they bad bat one resource left—to be in a passion ; but we do not apprehend they are very much satisfied with having had recourse to it. Even Mr. Whitbread was not very lengthy, a circnm- stance as gratifying to the house as it was mor tifying to himself. Lord Castlercagh, after be ha'd sufficiently rebuked and chastised the par- rcinforce him was completely routed, all his works destroyed, and by his total retreat, which took place in the. night of the 13th* , Pcrrara was fortunately delivered. “ Lientenant-field-marshal Mohr pursued him in all directions towards Bologna. The regiment of Weid Runkjc took one piece of, cannon, with some ammunition waggons , ma ny prisoners fell into oar hands* and the loss» of ine enemy in killed and wounded was very considerable; among the latter is general Am- brosio. “ on our part, wo have lost 150 killed ani wounded, among whom are several ty, very humanely gave them some good advice In particular we lament the misfortune of the. ■ to bedsore cautious in future of bringing for- brave major Ivanovich, of St. Juliens, who has .... . . .. _ ' •■ The general of • * liep^t -■ - 7;,. -