The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 06, 1815, Image 3

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(General Win unlir.ii' violent assaults. jfa i ■ gallantly defen 1 etrara, agaBlSt “General count KnnltWi repu attacks on me 101b and lUh all took from tbe enemy 40 prisoner*. lo “ In thafdMTerenL action* op Nerpolitan prisoner* hare been brought it (UNlfa The results of all the operations in Italy prove that Marat has been obliged to relinquish the offensive. Beaten at all points, ho has re treated from the bonks of the Po. His army is demoralized ; the peace of Italy, which he me naced, is secured ; and oar army will be ready to attack him in a'few days with a superior force, whilst another corps is assembling on the frontiers o(Piedmon), for the purpose ofobserv- iug the south of France.” S ing to the latest accounts, the Nepoli- aireadyleft Bologna, and bis imperial the arch duke Francis, duke of Mode rn absence of ten days, had returned, on the loth, to his cspitol. Discontent and alarm (says the CiornaU de Ventzin, of the 4fh) begin to pervade tbe Nepolitjn troops, who fjjnd themselves cruelly disappointed in the hopes which they were taught to indulge.— mm SAVANN T AHiUEPU3Lfc AN T . ! . i .... -L. . ,, K ursclky Evening, July 6, 1815. mmr» ss=s , 1 —. .■--rrr . = zr: fcoURTJI OF JflPST. The Anniversary of American Independence wOimelebrated in this place onToesday last, with all the respect and gratitude which tho return of such an occasion usually inspires. The day was ushered in amidst the roar of can non 1 ; the peal of belli; the unfurling of “ the star-spangled banner of our country and tbe plaudits of those who know how to appreciate freedom ; and who are ready to defend it. At 10 o’clock the different volunteer corps pa raded, and performed many handsome evolu- lutions thro’ the principal streets in' onr city— after which they fired salutesin honor of the day. At 12 o’clock the citizens assembled when a procession was formed escorted by the different volunteer companies, moved from the Ex change to the Presbyterian Church, preceded J Adam*, esq. bur minister at F general La Fayette, were prosin' ccedings were published in the Pari*- he following were the toasts’: - May the prosperity of the United America in peace, be equal to the railir-rv tc nawn acauirpd Hnrimr ih» Dr.,‘ i.. n i , j, wju$4ro furtVr and PVfcouglit to be inadf* to the individuals whd I right* hare boen invaded.” ». -■—•— J - o Y . s-uaugs; sw vise itcsvisciwu vuutbili uitvuuau Desertion increase, daily among them, and the j by the . ldermen> the president and Tice .p re ,i. renderrfaem e *so W odious U> the inhabitants, i dent of lhc d »7> the committee of arrangements • **. s .t « * i i i si n i.. u : j _a it. r<L N . M u t^at in many places the people •gainst them.” The wounds i Net took up arras ! and the Orator. Having arrived at the Church, Neapolitan general Am brosio, before Ferrara are so dr -J **-’ 1 ~ r - that of kails andYour sabre wounds in •n the Panaro. received by the ! the declaration or independence was read by Levi S. D'Lyen, esq which was foilow- '^nV^Xgle^wh^^cd^tivo cd by burst, of applause. An ORATION, claa- a four sabre .wounds in the first action sical, chaste and excellent, was then delivered; A private letter mentions, as one of the re ports In' circulation in Europe, that tbe allied powers had r« quested Bonaparte to return to Elba within ion days ; and that Bonaparte, in answer, said, *'be designed that retreat for the residence ni the king of Prussia.”—Baltimore federal Gazette. From tile London Morning Chronicle. MINISTERIAL LOGIC—Cfiap. I. Louis XVIII after reigning peaceably for eleven months, and has been dethroned or ex pelled—ergo, he is unirersally beloved by his late subjects. ■ Louis XVIII was unable to muster a single X ''(j, m regiment, nor was a musket fired in defence of his cause—ergo, we may calculate on a strong royalist diversion in the interior of France. Napoleon Bonaparte, landing without any military force, lias been at once replaced on the imperial throne—ergo, he is universally hat. cd by all ranks of Frenchmen. Louis XVIII lias the crown and the crown jewels, no matter how he got them—ergo, he ude facto, as well as dt jure, king of France. Napoleon Bonaparte iias only for him the universal Gallic nation—ergo, he is an usur per and an outlaw. The people have chosen Bonaparte—ergo, he can nave no legitimate right to the throne. $ The people have expelled Louis— ergo, he Is • legitimate sovereign, and his cause the gauss of all crowned heads and good Christians. In 179:1. England was rich, nourishing, and unexhausted, yet the war was unsuccessful— •rgo, the present prospect of success is infinite ly greater, since the finance minister has pro nounced that taxation kas reached its limits. ■In 1792* France was bankrupt, and unpre pared for war, yet her armies were every where victorious—ergo, she must now inevita bly be conquered in a single campaign, since she has a fine army, approved commanders, a trifling debt, and a clear revenue. Lord Liveipool took 22 years to accomplish his march to Pari?—ergo, he will assuediy now perform it io four days, at the Diligence pace. . ™ r Lord Cas'lce-’gh’s “ pac'fica'ion of Ed rope,” like Mr. Pin’s “ weathering tbe stoim,’ let. eveiy thing Io commotion—ergo, the one Is tbe greatest negeciaior, as ike other was the roost skilful pitot 0 f i,j s d gy. Vo'.taiie says— “ I.e grand ar: a la cour. Part !e plus necet'aire V’ct: pat de.bien parlor, mats de caviars M. taire by the honorable Thomas U. P. Charlton. As this oration wc understand will be pub lished, we will not, by any remarks of ours* anticipate the public gratification or the pub lic judgment. . by her arms, and an , honorable peace— The treaty of Ghent ; the Plenipotentiaries of the Untied States will find their reward in the gratitude of the American people—The Army and Navy of the Unified States. France; may she enjoy the blessings rff peace and a good government—The liberty of the seas ; no more burnings or impressments—The Allies and France ; reason and justice .to the one, courage and confidence in God to the other. On the 26th, Mr. Crawford left Paris, having left Mr. Jackson, the secretary of legation, as charge d’affaires.—Sat. Intel. We ere highly grat.fied to ieatn that ma. jor A-Lacarrieie Latour, engineer in the 7 h military district of the Uoitid Sta’es, a gentle man of historic and scicmifi: crq-iiiements, baa undertaken to furnish the public with on “ his fnrical memoir” of the campaign cf 1614 and 1815 in Louisiana, illusirtatcd with plans of the movements and positions cf the two ar m<es, wi'h a general imp, and a I keness of general J .ckscn. This work, we understand, is 10 1» primed in Philadelphia. The author if daily expected to arrive here from New- O leans.—Phil. Gazette. GRAPHIC NOTICE. at portrait of Dr. Ramsay, from an'original picture, understood to be an excellent likeness, is in the hards of a respectable engraver in this The Church was crowded, and the atten- city, and will make its appearance in a few dance of a vast number of ladies was witnessed with peculiar pleasure and interest. After the Oration the bells rung a merry peal* while the citizens and military, resorted to their respective places of dining. The day was closed in “ that feast of reason and flow of soul,” so characteristic of freemen—so becom ing the important event. The toasts drank by the Democratic Re publican Citizens on the 4th shall appear in our next. ergo, my Lord Csstlereagh is an extiamdinary gibed rout tier, since he unites the advantage «f talking n great deal, with the security of say- “ring nothing a: all. Lord Car lereagh’s promises and predictions have been all equally lalhc'ous-—ergo, Mr. Methuen might ttulv say, that he deserves and retains the confidence of the coontiy. A guinea ia now worth 50 shillings in paper —t rgo, bank notes are in high credit ; subsid izes °u r allies, to fight fir their own interest. Is more magnanimous and more easy of per- friotarce. The perfection of generosity is a total disre. gird of self—ergo, this country is foremost, and witneut danger uf competition in its career cf genero»iiy. Since linking cf vessels of war is found to be the best means of fit nerving them, the Bri fish board of admiralty have a consolation in knowing that they have lost but little in the la’e contest with America as to frigates and sloops of war s the Guerrierc, ar.d Jsva, and and half a dozen others, must he in a high state ot keeping at presents—Baltimore l‘atri hr- A MUSICAL CRADLE. All inventions which reduce manual labor, use >a ; d lo be injurious to that class of mankind who labor for their Itvelihood, but while ethers, ftrnt time to time, have been thus deprived of cmphyo'.er.t, or obliged to learn some new bu siness, the nurse, wc presume has theught her a uaii«n secure. She could chant he r itillahj ta the time of tbe ciadle’a v.oration, v”h »<o other fear than that cf the infant’* pwvkirg. But this, it seems, is no longer the e»*r—even the sarcusry of the nursery is cIsj tnveded by this «(ficious spirit cf invention, and ' Feteafcer the cradle is to be rocked, and the lul- luby am g by machinery ! Tb'.t machinery is r-w ir. r,| era too. by ihe patentees (Messrs. Fr*e» C per & Co.) at Nc, 593 BroaSvrav, •*f' d i, called /'.endttloue and musical cradle. 1 be motion ia produced by a pendulum, end : i-the mus'C by Iba vibration ol cords, ihe tone; el which *ro of the njett somniferir character, * d |te efleet similar to that of an jE3li»a harp. •sft* Y >"T . .: 4 An estimate of Cotton shipped from the port of Savannah, from the 20th of March to the 30th day of June, 1815. Sea-Island To France ... 86 bales To England . . 9517 . . To other European ports . . 656 . . Upland . 2,636 30,198 59S6 10, .59 38,820 10,259 Total ; to Europe 49,079 To Northern ports of the U. S. of all qualities ..... 27,503 76,582 bales A list of vessels which have entered and cleareffin the port of Savannah, from the 1st of April to lhe30lhday of June, 1815. weeks. A memorial of litis kind, of a character so dear to the friends of science and patriot ism. will be received with pleasure by an enlightened and grateful country.— Columbian. At the last accounts from the Isle of Msy t’-e inhab tin's weiein a wretched condition,'^- ing half siawed—hey had collected a great quamiry of Salt, resdy for shipping, but could find nn sale for It; and were extremely anx ious for a renewtl of the American trade» which had been stopped lor scvctal years.— Botton Palladium. Arrived. Ships Brigs Schooners Sloops . Cleared. 47 Ships . . 53 53 Brigs . . 65 57 Schooners . 37 41 Sioops . . . 36 203 Cleared . . 191 Arrived . . 203 Total exclu .... . sive of coast ers. . . 394 DARTMOOR MASSACRE. IVe shall commence the publication, says the National Advocate, in Tuesday’s paper of ai! the documents relative lo tbe Dartmoor Mas sacre, as collected and preserved by the com mittee, together with the correspondence with Mr. Beasley, admiral Duckworth. See. The misnamed federal prints have, one and all.bren very anxious for evidence—and fore most in the ranks, hasstood that wonderful wise man, tlieeditorofthe Courier, who fills columns on the subject, and whilst desiring his readers to suspend their judgments, declares war him self against England, provided he cannot acquit Shorliand. Evidence, they shall have—but it will prove evidence of that nature which will strike them dumb—for after this they will not dare to insult the feelings of Americans and re latives, horrorized by the faithful relation of the most abominable outrage that ever stained the history of a civilized nation. We understand the United Slates’ vessels of war in this port now nearly ready for sea, hare received orders to sail for the Mediterranean as soon as possible. It is said, the squadron will consist of the Independence, Commodore Bainbkidgc; ship Erie, brig Enterprize, and the schooner Lyn$. It is expected they will sail on Tuesday or Wednesday next.—Boston Gazette. The Prometheus, we understand, will be empioved as a guarda costa the ensuing season, from Cape-Cod io New-Brunswick. Captain Smith, we learn, is appointed to command the Franklin 74, at Philadelphia. Commodore Bainbridge’s squadron, we learn, is nearly ready for sailing on its destina tion. We understand the frigate Constitution is to be dismantled preparatory to her undergo ing a thorough repair.—Democratic Press. The anccdotei which we daily hear of the assassin like conduct pursued towards the Ame rican prisoners, is shocking to humanity.— There were in Dartmoor prison alone, near 6000 American prisoners, abeve 5000 of whom were seamen who had been ini fir cued before the war, aud who nobly de'-rmined not to fight against their country. What a comment on the fireaching fito/ligacy of New-England. Until our government determines io seize upon hostages, in lieu of our citizens impressed, the evil will alwav. be a reproach to our gov ernment and an affliction to numerous families. There are always «* sufficient nernber of cark- rumficd English agents to lte found in our stree ts, who could be placed in a state of ar rest cud confinement upon the rational diet of English ships, till exchanged for our impress ed citizens. This remedy wou'd limit the evils ol English oppression to equal numbers, end would be os effective as war j human laws and divine laws would justify it; and the g-ov eminent wenld obta : n respect' throughout the universe. We send fleets to assail Algiers and Tripoli to redeem a comparatively few ot out- people, whose enslavement in Barbary is not more cruel than on board of an English man ot war.—Aurora. The British, at this early period after the war, have commenced the practice of impressment —American born citizens are disgracefully dragged from under the American flag, because his majesty's ships, commanded by insolent Officers, must have men. We have acted honorably as a nation ; and the government, without tedious delay, should demand redress. Our citizens are not to be stolen, to fight battles for England. The na tion desires of the government, ample and im mediate satisfaction, for the horrible outrageon our flag and our country.—id. ad ffn*t. Mi. John H Db«* Sell, Aged 49 yea:s a i a i.e of Germany* »year* a respectable resident of this . _ . Pott of Savannah, July 6. j AURIVID. Brig Chatham, Barging, Boston • • •-^.EAXtnrfKyAft .■ w Ship Cite* Richardson* Boston Sloop Rising Sun, Bowen* Providenc^fa. t.) ' ij =— 1 ~ ■ W' |Q* The City Marshal’s sales which were to have taken place on Tuesday* tbe 4’h ins'am, are postponed until Tuesday next the 11th instant. F. M. STONE, c. u. July 6—75 Auction. To-Morrow, 7th inst. IVill be told in front of my store, Groceries and Dry Goods 4.; '4* ALSO, 10 casks Whiskey 13 bts Philadelphia Beer 20 boxes Soap 10 do Cotton Cards 20 pieces Flemish Linen SO do Cambrics I trur-k very fine Lono 15 Boxes Ribbon 35 dozen brass Pulliei A few dozen silver Tbimbtea,' ifcq. Sale to commence at I i o’clock D. Williford, auct’ july 6 -75 Auction. * On Saturday, 8th inst. Will be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry Goods. ALSO, 1 Chair and Harness i Sulky end do A saddle or chair Horse A quantity of beaver and chip Hat* Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. A. Howe, auct’r. AT PRIVATE SALK, A number ot linen MAT1RASSES. july 6-75 For Philadelphia * The fine new ship WILLIAM, JScaptain Ingler, will have immediate despatch, having two thirds ol her cargo ready; For freight of cotton apply to R. Richardson, july 8—XI-75 Treasury Notes For sale by / ~ - Camochan & Mitchell. July 6 f—75 The new and beautiful United States’ brigs of war Saranac, captain Horten, and Boxer, captain Elton, arrived at our Navy Yard yes terday, from Chatham, (Con.) These vessels were built at Chatham, by the Messrs. Churc hills.—Aiu-l'«rl’ paper. The honorable Mr. CiAtcroto, the late American minister at Paris, has left France, »nd was to sail from Plymouth some time in May for the United States. The United Stales’ ship Neptune, Jones, was ordered to Plymouth to receive him on board. A part of his heavy baggage is brought out in the Helper.—Balt. Pat. I. w— . On the 24th of April, the Americans at Paris gave a dinner to Mf. Crawford in testimony “Free Trade and Sailors’Rights” was the motto under which the gallant Porter and his brave crew so nobly distinguished them selves and their country—** Free Trade and No Impressment” was the toast of the gallant De catur ; it is the sentiment of all our noble tars and in defence of this sentiment they have bravely fought and nobly conquered. It was expected that their repeated victories over the boasted “ wooden walls of Old England” would hare taught their commanders better manners than they had theretofore shewn;but we are apprehensive that this expectation will not he fulfilled. We cannot imagine a blacker series of crimes than England has committed against the United States respecting our seamen. She impresses them, she compels them to work and to fight for her for years, without pay, she then casts them into prison, and there murders them in cold blood ; those who are fortunate enough to escape the massacre, and enter on board an American ship, have scarcely put to sea before a British press-gang again seizes them, by order of admiral Fleming or admi ral Cnckburn or some other buccaneer, to serve on board his Britannic majesty’s frigate. This is a plain statement of facts.— Are such outrages endurable ? Can they be en dured ? Can the history of nations exhibit such a series or outrages against humanity and the rights of an independent nation P Yet there arc profligate wretches who boast of being Ame ricans, and yet palliate and apologize for all these crimes, yea even for the massacre of their countrymen—and these forsooth are the Wash ingtonians, who claim the navy as their, and would, like the Jackdaw with the Peacock’s feathers, bedeck themselves with the glorious honors which have been purchased by the blood of our gallant tars.—Press. The following is from the Norfolk Ledger, a rank Federal paper. “It appears that four seamen said to be Americans, have been impressed at Gib raltar. We hope that the government will take this matter seriously in hand, and cause a strict and candid examination to be made, and if tbe men are not released, provided they are native Americans, we A. Debross, Hair Dresser and Perfumer, Bryan streets next door to Mr* J Gardiner'S shoe store. Has just opened the following articles! via r PERFUMERY AND ESSENCES, Eau de Luce Cologne, rose and lavender Water Odoriferous honey Water Milk of Roses Antique and Russia Oil Charcoal dentrifice Tooth Powder Transparent and other kinds of Saa|i Essence, in bottles Smelling Bottles PTHER ARTICLES, SUCH A« Tortoise shell Combs, of every pattern do and horn pocket Comb* Tooth Brushes, silver, wired and common Hair, shaving, coat and shoe Brushes Fine Razors, in cases Razor Straps, of every kind £ Suspenders and cravat Pads | Morocco pocket Books f Pocket and other small Glasses Shaving Boxes, with da Pot and stick Pomatum, &c» july 6—ca 75 Daniel Pendleton. Having formed a connection in tbe Cdy of Baltimore with Mr. Frederick Jenkins, ara conducting business under the firm of JEN KINS 8c PENDLETON. And beg leave to tender their services to the public as Commission Agents. Baltimore, June Lf, 1815-11-75 Shingles. - A quantity of well seasoned Cypress Shin* gles for sale. Apply to John P. Williamson. inly 6—tp 75 Licenses. Notice is hereby given, that Licenses to re tail SPIRITS be immediately renewed, as the city ordinances will be put in force without any respect of persons F. M. STONE* ia'v 6—75 Notice. The subscribers will receive proposals and contract for the repairs of the platforms of tbe public docks. The proposal* to be left at the city clerk’s office, before Thursday, the lStlfc instant H. M’lNTOSH } G. L. COPE >committee, ... ISAAC FELL J inlv fi 75 wf— The subscriber Being about to leave this place for a fen months, has appointed WilUAX Davies* , John K’ WiLLiAMson. Wd Lus Blacksbll* hesitate not to say, that our government will, I b - u t t W rnies daring his absence, and unlit to nroceed to anv extremity : in I ” i p.-tt and ought to proceed to any extremity ; in which they will deserve the support of every Vi their respect, at Grignaa's icUL Jeh» fel friend t*“ fine fbd sailors’ rights.” ■" -‘ liT.Ti,.--, I •+»■ it , ti. j-j. i a •-1*' ■ f f <«a - * •• * i joiy 6-1-75 Ws 4"^ pf m J * Jrifj .,vTfrl .’I