The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 06, 1815, Image 4

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■?■■■ 1 * M * Lumber Yard. The subscriber having entered Into . . iKSS, at the vrbart formerly alone, will have coo- -of all descriptions of Berttielolt ftefpcctfolly begs leave to inform bis friend*, and Use public in general, th f he hat juft received by the Wig Maryland, Irom New Yak a foppty of frelh DROOS nod MEDICINES which be will dif- pofe of tow lor calk. Panctoal caRomers will be Accommodated at ufoal. Among ibe articles on band are the following, viz Nitric Acid, Canada Baifotn. tffeoceof Bern, snot, do of Lavender, Olive Oil, Oil of Mint, do of Clovet, American Caftor Oil, 8piriu of Harclhorne, " do of Sweet Nitre, floras, Drep Carmine, Cream Tartar, Ivorv Black, V.rmiition, Camcmi'e Flower*, Sulpher, ICngglaft, Magnefia, Nos Vomica, Bnrgondy Pitch, Hippo, Ja>ap. Rhubarb, Red, Sugar of Lead, Rochelle and Eptoni *>alU, Verdegrite. Colom bo Root, Brimftone, Rotten Si one Cinamon, Manna, common do Gum Aioe*, Afla'ce ida Gum Arabic, Camphor, Guiacum, Myrrh, opium, Scamony, Tra- gscamb.&c. PATENT MEDICINES Harlscm Oil, British dit o Uara.m of Honey, pat ent Lint, Eateman'i Drops. Tu ling-oo’s do. Dalby’s Carmioaic, Bowdens iflne i 1 1 after Conn Palter, Lee’s Pills, Tooth Brufties (No 1 to 4) A.lo »repan- Sing and amputating mftrument* ar.d - quan.ity oi the beft Stomachic tiit.ers, prepared by him.ell. fX Dr BatTBSLOT further informs the public that diisasetof a private nature win be attended to ■s beretofvic at he is poffcfled of a remedy which ha* widens failed oi succeis. june i3—rf 65 Kotice.- 3 rear, a will execu ed bj rlab Miller, dec. in It elands has been estabii -hed by tho court of oi dinary of Chatham county, es the last will of tbe sa : d dec. and the subscriber as administrator ol the estate being about to pay over to ihe executor named in said W.i) all the money and the pro* eeeds of tbe personal property ol said estate, all persons having any claims wha.eier against the estate are desired to bring them forward in sixty days from this- date, io order that they may be adjusted and settled. Those who shall lail to avail themselves of this notice will be de barred payment of any claims which they may have* Persons in - ereated will pleuse spply to Joseph Cumminq or VV. Davies of Savan- nab, or to the subscriber in Augusta. John Cumming. july 6-AP-75 Stop the Thief; rir-, : ~tr J - fc. y: ’ the Is'e Zsehs'* Sialets from the year: 1803, squate, yes.erday, For sale Spanish brig S.\LVADORE, a first .rate vessel, burthen -64 t. n», can ht sent Vj sea without any exptner. bt-ng rev*i» to r e'»e a cart —- f not tolJ by the 7:h, w 1: take freight for Havana. Henry W. Hills. - July 6—-m—,—75 Bills on Boston, New York, PhUadelphia »nrl Baltimore. — £or sale by HENRY W. HILLS, july 6—H 75 (Q* The honorable the Inferior Court for Chatham County will comme* ce it regular session fur the term of July inst. at 10 o'clock, on Monday neat, tbe -O'h irt'art and will continue three days or thr'eabouis. Job T. Bolles, july 6-75 elk. Administrators’ sales. On Wednesday, the 16th of August next. At 11 o’clock in the forenoon will be sold at the auction store ol David Williford A valuable collection of Books, consisting principally ot law and historv, being a part of the personal estate of F- T. F>mming, e;q deceased. W. DAVIS, > GEO. GLEN,5 July 6—*tD~W -dm Vs. N otice. Cooncil will, on Monday, the 17th instate elect a Clerk of the Mayor’s Court, in the ;.l.ic: of A. Irvine, esq. resigned. Likewise tw i City Gaugers. D. D. WILLIAMS, c c. july 6—75 Administrators’ sales. On the 5th day of September next. Will be sold in front of .he f u>t house be tween the hours of 12 ar.d 3 o’clock The following Negroes, Will ai d Coffee; •Iso two tracts of .land, one siua ed near Skid - way, well known by the name of Happy He treat, containing thirty seven and an half ac e» With it* impro.emenis ; the other lying » tbe county of Effingham, containing two hun- dred acres. The loreg. ing, the property o* (he estate of William Lewden, dec ar.d s . r! for the benefii of the heir* ard credf.-s ~ said estate. MAFY I EWDEN Ex'rx P. J.VALLO i TON Ex ‘or. july 6-f-75 Sheriff’s sales. On thefirst Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house in lliyan coun ty, between the usual hours, A Plantation, containing 525 ac e?, and known by the name of Mount Hope, iev : eo on as the property of William Maxwell, ju.. dec. to satisfy an execution in favor of Jamet Jobnson. Also, a Stock of Cat ile, Sheep and Hogs, le vied on as the propeity ot Richard M. Max. well to satisfy sundiy executions. Also three Negroes, levied on as the pro- periy of Henry Harden, to satisfy sundry exe cutions, Conditioas, cash on the day of sale. George Cubbage, d. s. b. c. july 6-f-75 Thirty Dollars’ Reward. Ran*t> ay on he fi’-st of May last, my Negro Min f-'TAWOHD.ol yellowish complexion, about 5 feet teu inches, 25 or 30 years of age, spare made, sensible and active and a liule cross or cock eyed—He took with him a bottle gteen cloatb coat ar.d naokeen pantaloons and other articles of cloathir.g not recollected. Stafford will, no doubt, attempt to pass as a freemen, and Lnm bis being able to write (the* very in- correctly) and from bis easy and insinuating address, he may unsuspected pars as such. He is lately from Baltimore, where or to Amelia Island, I think he will endeavor to get —He not long since was iu Savannah, and I ;.ave reason to bel'eve he went irom there to Sk^daway. From the circumstance of his being able to write, (though imperfectly,) I am ap prehensive he may do considerable mischief, among the negroes, if not apprehended. The ..bare reward will be given for conS ing him in s* y gaol so tha' I can ebuin him. Ali rn»«ters ol vessels are cautioned against carrying him away. J. HA'I CHER, Edgefield court house South Carolina. Jan 27 1815—V— 75 cWr __ bur* of 12 and I, a da'k colored clSW COAT, wMi white but*on*, half wfh. large fedmcrnccU half POCK.E r iiO tide pcc(te teinrdg sundry rcrV'p’s fot’"gdod!( b-Vii auction, and Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars in bank bills of tea and fi.e dollars. A rui'ab'.e reward will be given to anyone bringing the coat and pocket book, wt-h its- contents, back, and no questions akvd ; or to any one giviog ii.iormatioo of the thief, that he may be brought to punishment and the property recovered, will also he given a hand some reward. GEORGE CHRISTE. june 3—a*—74 Tin Smiths take notice. Wanted, as soon as possible, one, two or three good journeymen in that line of business, to whom good wages will be given. Enquire ol the subscriber, at his sh-p. Market square. Savannah. Georgia. LEWIS G1UODON. july 1 x. 78 Lost or Stolen, On the 2d of May last twu ye.trs sgc, an elegant Freoch repeating WATCH, made at Bordeaux, with selar.der and bell s’rrke, sup posed taken cut of my house in Sunbury. F f •y dollars’ reward will be pmd for restoring the watch JOHN MOLICH. july 6-U-75 Five Dollars’ reward. Runaway from the -ubscriber in Effingham county, on the 3d of April last, a nrgr’ f. llow named April, about 25 years old, is 5 feet 9 nches high, very slender, speaks tolerably good English, has a scar in his face. He is suppes ■,>d tn be about Stvann-li The above reward will be r®'d for apprehending and securing iaid fellow in gaol. Musters of vessels and others are cautioned from ha’-norfpg or carrying April > ff as the law will be ; ir in f.v -.e :.g ins - aggressors. JAMR-- WEl.I.n juiv 6—75 IJJinghum c >nmy To the Inhabitants of Georgia. FRANCIS DABOSTA, Formerly a sugar planter in Hispaniola, and manufacturer at Nantz of sugar mills, boilers. kc. lor the use of the French West India Co lonies, now residing in Philadelphia, respect fully iutorms the inhabitants of Georgia, that, having for many year3 established himself in this country, and made choice of good work- men, he causes to be manufactured, under his own directions, Sugar Mills and Iron Boilers of all sises. Fire Cylinders, square and trian gular Grates, Cotton Presses of all sizes and iorms, and machinery of all kind, whose draw ings with proper explanations nnd references are remitted to him ; the whole made with the best materials, executed with great care, and sold at moderate terms and prices. He likewise informs them that he makes Cotton Presses upon an improved plan, for which he has secured a patent, and whose advantages lie in its strength, simplicity, quick performance ar.d low price. F r more particular* apply to Francis Dabosta, Philadelphia. july 1—73 IglLJPPUPH,a The subscriber | ten thi* en«if>rn fenenwif We. ;en the ea*>ern tenement of Mr. M'Afikte. 1 ’. house, In Ilroughton’vfee', where * site will scccmrocdatc 3 few genteel bnaiders. It is situated in • very heahliy eitd pleasant ,▼ patl nfSheci v. HARRIET MUNRO; | - ' f - julv 3-ji*-73' ■ Notice. All persons having any demands against the estate of John Pcttibone, dec. are requested to present them duly attested, and those iu* debted to make payment to Josiah Pcnfield, april 1—$—34 adtn'or ftj* Brought to gaol, in Savannah. on the 13th ot Mav, 1815, a Negro Main,; who says his name is Emck. and that he belong* to William Scott of Charleston he is about 22 year* ol age and 5 feet seven inches high; he has on a cotton shirt and blue homespun t taloons—sav* be ranaway about tfa^ee di ago. H.M CALL, o. cTc. may 13- Twenty Dollars’ reward Will be to any person who will lodge the wench PBRCdT. and her chikl.SAR ah. in the Savannah gaol within three days. Peggy is a black woman of ordinary height and slender—the child 12 tn IS months eld, and ot yellow complexion. Theylately belonged Thomas Bourke, esq. and were sold to a gen tleman in Darien, and are now supposed tc be in or near this city. For the above re. ward enquire at this office, july 1—M—73 Notice. Absconded, About the 5th of Fob oury isst. n N-g o Wench, about thirty ye"rs of c fee two aches high, ve'y corpulent. I w 1 ;,ry ary person who will d l.ver said weeh in th:s gaol or to tbe subscriber live y dollars. lime Redo. july 6 - l - 75 Georgia—Camden county. By I.aac Cr<-w», clerk o tbe crdmsry lor ■:ie county of Camtien in said stare. Whereas, D.ivtd H..11 apj lie* for letters of administration on the estate nnd r fleets ot J.t- cot> Campbell, lats of said county, deceived, as principal creditor. These a~e, therefore, to cite and admonish all and si .golar the kindred and creditors of •aid dec->.a.-d to file their objections (it any hey hav ) in ir*y office on or before the first 'Indus ..('August next, othci wine letters of '•iministr-tion >vill be granted to him. Given under my hand and seal, at Jefferson, tits w.-nty third d*y of June, one thousand .ight hundred and fifteen. [i. ] ISAAC CREWS, elk. L* -T'3 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be cold, by nrder at :bc commisioners of Sunbury Academy, at the court house ip Liberty county, between tbe hours of ten and three o'clock. All Ibal tract of Land, containing five hun dred acre* more or less, adjoining the town ol Sunbury, and knowo by the name of the Dis tUlcrjr tract. Tbe terms will be msd< known on tbfl day of sale. July6-75 JAMES LAMBRIGHT, Notice. AU person* having demands against the es tate of Mrs. Catherine Miller are teqnestrd to bring them forward. Those indebted to said estate will make payment to. 7 * OUISA C.8HAW. ex'rx. , GOODRICH, ex’er. «,.r ; '-■ Georgia—Camden county. By Crews- c e'k of the ordinary fuf he roon .y ,- f Canide ard s'8»e aforesaid. Whe-eas. J. Kand - eck applies for let- eiso: tdm - D'. r-.' lrn on the estate and effects •A Ad. m Wait-sbey, late of this county, dec. as prioti;>?l ctediir-. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish a* 1 ar.d singular th* kindred and credhors of -,*id dec. to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the first Mon* day in September next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted to him. Given under my hand and seal, this twenty r oi.rtb d tv of June, one thousand eight hun dred ord fifeen. ISAAC CREWS, july 6-* 75 c. o o. Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be suid at the coqrt house in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A neg,o man named Ned, levied on as the property 0 f James Piatt at the suit of Sylvanus Reynolds, JOHN EPPINGER, july 1-73 marsnal. Al’ person* h.,vir>g ttnv «1 mands against the estate of I himas J Pkx.vcott, deceased, nre requested t>* [.r.-sent them duly attested, and It '.lie indented t* mWe iinniediate pay. m nt O ARTHUR O’CONNOH. june 13 65 qualndm'or. Notice. AM persons having derosnds against the es- ta e f I’oeeht S. CiiB-ON, deceased, will present the.i cb ms p'cperly attested, and hose it.drb ed 'jy-ke ; pime(liate payment to C EO GE HERB JAMES j trr 22 69 BARNARD. ■I Final notice. All persons having lands, lots of ground, with their improvements, dwelling houses and slaves, subject to the United States' direct tax, and household furniture, and gold and stiver watch es, are again required to have lists of the same immediately prepared. Those who have been It gaily notified and failed to comply with the requisitions of the acts, are informed, that prosecutions for the recovery of the penalty they have incurred will be commenced, unless proof is exhibited of sickness m absence from home, MGRDECAI SHEFTALL, sen june 13—65 asst. ass.Jbr Chatham county. Tax Returns for 1815. Receiver of Tax Returns’ Office, Savannah, 30th May, 1815- The subscriber hereby gives noiite, that he will attend at his office, on Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays in each week, until the first day of Aueu-.t next, from 9 o’clock A. M. until 1 o’clock J». M. for the purpose of receiv- ing returns of tsxsble property from persons re siding in Chatham county. John I. Roberts, n. t. e. june 1——60 Land for Lease. From 100 to ISO acres of first quality nn- (&* Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June 15. 1815, two Negro Boys, named Abeam and Jack, who say they belong to Joseph Ha- den, on Edisto, (s. c.) Abram is about fifteen vears of: age, and four feet eleven inches high t Jack is~ about fourteen years ot sgc, anil loot feet seveoinches high. H. M'CALL, s c c : ‘ Mo credit given for gaol fees. A similar note to this, was placed under »n advertise, ment tor Mr. Henry M - Nish’s negro Sam ; which was not intended to apply to that gen tleman. june 17——67 *** Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June £3,1815, a negro man who rays his name is Chefar. and that he belongs to William Bourqtin near Furi.bury, S. C. Ke is about twenty years of age, five feet fix inches high and (lender made. Hit on • blue failor jacket and white homefpun trowfert. H. M'Call, g. c. c. june 24—70 # T .% ***- Brought to gaol in Savannah, June V6, 1815, a nero man, who savs his name, is Jack, and that he belongs to William Car rol on Cr.vton Island—he is about twenty six years of age and five Let six inches high—he wits owned not long sine- by Mr, M'Alpin, near this city. HUGH M’CALL, c c c jur.e 26 71 {tT* Brought to gaol in Savannah, July 1. 1815, a Mulatto Man, who says his name is Danikl. and that he belongs to Reu ben Roberts, near Black Swamp, (s. c) He is five feet four inches high and twenty one vears of age.' He had engaged as a cook oa beard of a vessel bound to Sti Jngo, and was to have sailed the morning after he was appre- bended. H. M’CALL, o. c. C. july 6-75 Lost or stolen One halt of a Hundred Dollar Bank Bill of the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia, No. !6J. Notice is hereby given that paymeat for the above bill is stopped at the Bank, and ap. plication at the exniration ot three months from the date hereof will be made for the nay* ment of said bill, by MICH. CROSBY. april 27 fest 45 ' Bill in Equity, * Superior Court, M-Intosh county, Movember Term, 1815. James Dunwcody, complainant. James Pe’ot and Susan Merian, his wife, Ro« hart Harrison ar.d Mary Magdalen, his wife, Sarah White Cooper, Charles Marion Cooper and James G. N. Cooper, defendants. Whereas, upon affidavit that Robert Harri son and Mary Mfngdalen, his wife, Sarah White Cooper, Charles Marion Cooper and J tones G. N. Cooper, defendants, in the aforesaid bill in equity, are absene and reside without the limits ot the said county of M’Intosh. It is ordered that the rule be published in one of the public gazettes in the city of Savan. nali, once a week for tour months from this date, and that such publication be considered sufficient service ot the said bill. Extract from the minutes, J. Bailie, elk. March 21,1815 31 Notice. Nine months alter date application will be made to the honorable the Justices of the Infe rior Court cf the county of Chatham for leave to sell all tbe real e.tate of Matthrw Epfin- q e b , late of Chatham county, dec. for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors. John Eppinger, april 18— §0—41 adm’or- Georgia. cleared cot’on land, five miles from Savannah, rf «" H “ f T fcr 016 “ Dnt 7 will be leased for two years, free of any charge, r e f y * *51,? e . i ♦ nr. wv « „V- . ® t / 1 Whereti, Elisabeth Somarfall, Ia»e Elizabeth Law- • . f thpnrnn . • . » ' i fon, has applied for letters of difmiBiou from the eQ*l# ,ect of the propnetor to prepare ,: for af (vi.liamC Lawfon, her late hutband. use at a future day, A. S. BULLOCH mav 6—49 ’"’fP S' Notice. AH persons indebted to Charles E. Harden, late of Bryan couoty, dec. are requested to make immediate payment, and those to whom 1 said estate is indebted are requested to render Ip their accounts agreeably to law, to either of •be subset ibers, so that provision might be made for the discharge of the same. HENRY HARDEN, > . HARDEN WHITE, 5 tmU n m juoe 10—64 :• ' If" *#' * * (17* All persons having demands against the estate of Absolem Williams,dec. are re. quested to render them in properly attested for _ ^ pat ment ; and those indebted are likewise re. ary in he year of our Lord eighteen backed sod quested to immediate payment, otherwise ' fifteen, and o.' American Independence the thirty nin b. Thefe, ere, therefore, to cite and admonith all per- Ion- concerned, o file their objection! (if any they hive) in my office within the time preferibed by law, other wife Ihe will be difinified from the adntuuftntioa of faid eflute Given trader my band and feal thi* fifth day of I nn* their accounts will he put in suit CHARLES A. PET1GRU, Adm’or june 13—65 Administrator’s sale. By virtue of an order of the honorable ’he justices of the interior court of Chatham county will be exposed to public sale, at the rourt house in the city of Savannah, on the first Tues day in September next, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, an improved lot of land, con taining 50 acres, lying on Vernon creek, Chat ham county, and a tract ot 200 acres, lying in Effingham county, it being the undivided part of tbe real estate of John Kachler, dec, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ELIAS FORT, adm’or SARAH FORT, adm’rx jfllyl—t ?3 [L S.) [37-Sl] B. BAKER, c o. L. c. Notice to creditors. GEORGIA. All person* having demnnds aga'nst the es** tateof John Watson, or William Hexry Isles, aliens, late of Camden county, deceived. are r< quired to exmoit their claims into the clerk ot ordinary’s office for said county within twelve months from the date hereof for exam ination before the ordinary of said county, after which time a distribution of said estate will be ore red agreeably to law, Ry order of the ordinary, Isaac Crews, elk. >» sept 13—fee—122 f- h . t ■j, ■ Ns / ' * ■ \ 1 *. m —i ~ 4-