The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 27, 1815, Image 1

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N^tkbek 84—£ XIIL THURSDAY, JULY 27,1815. Whole Nujisee 2544. (tf* During my absence Jaiita fftrMTCR, crq. is empowered to *ct as ray at* torfley in ail cates. The basinets of the store, Ice. it fender the immediate direction of Mr. AIscbabl J. Rosoira W. T. Williams. July 31—*83 .5r»t G3* A few genteel Boarders can Se comfortably accommodated by applying a* «ba Iste residence of . Mrs. Pi*, on Jefferson street, opposite the sign of the Eagle ; where all kinds ol sewing and needle work will be thankfully received, and executed with neat* Itess and dispatch, july 24—-m,—83 For Philadelphia, The fiiie sb.y F.; AN CIS, captain JPuringtoh, to sail < n Thurrdvy Beat. |er .freight or passage apply to R. Richardson, fuly 32-K-63 Dry Goods. Jutt received per brg Maryland 1 treat: cotton Cambrics 1 hale Bosattasetf 1 cate Scared and plain Lenoa 1 do 4.4 Irbh Linens l do English cotton Shirting* 1 do cotton Hosiery, assorted S do northern Gingham's, Chambrays, white and brown cotton Shirtings 1mm hoo*ro„ Uitsa ’ * .For New. York The fins' fast sailing packet schooner VESTAL, captain Russell, hourly ex pectsd Irotn Boston, and will ba ditpa>cbad immediately an her arrival. For freight c passbge, having pleasant aceonunodations, ap ply to J.BATTELLE. Landing from brig Caiket, Three and one case Tow Cloth, Can- tan C>a|je, fancy Shawls, floss Silk, eilk Hoes, Fl-toks and Ryes, Also, Tinea batrcla Bley's ' I.der. ,« •' july IS-SO *S gj* All persons having unsettled fussiness wi'b the subscriber, are requested to #a!i and adjust the same early in (be pre yen* week. JBATTELLS, july 18—-SO For New York, . .The test lading sloop VO ,LANT, captain M'Lcan, will roee v, ;;, imnitd a e d'spaicb. For frc'ght or par sage, having pleasaut accrmincda'ions, apply Jo the, a; J. BAiXELLE. july 23-03 Samuel and Isaac Russel Move just received ten packages of Dry Goods, amongst which arc India figured Muslins Fancy Prints Apron Checks 6-4 7 4 E>ga'.'t worked ard figured Lennes;e&* and gentlemen's fi e cut'.on Hose Black Can brjet \ $ J White do J J ■And expect, in a few days to receive A vety handsome and gene:al aisorraen •f FRENCH GOODS, july 38-1.-83 May & Lewis Save jute received eighteen package* Dry Good*, consisting of Bine, black nod mixed supeifiae Cloths Blue brown anil mixed Stockenets pOO piece* 9-6 Ginghams, 60 pieces cordec* jaconet Muslins ?00 pieces Calico, 100 piece* Botnbacets, a* -. sorted colors 5 pieces Bombasine, 10 dozen cotton Un- bretlas 69 pieces Russia Diaper, 50 pieces ccttm Shirting * 30 pieces long Cloths, 73 pieces silk Cords and Cttenelles ' V , / ,) ( -Irish Linens; white, black and slate c<4 r. ' ‘j ed silk, cotton and worsted Hosier , „ silk GloveB Beaver Gloves, fancy pocket Handk r chiefs Stlk lace Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, linct. Cambrics Soft satin Ribbons, assort-d Feathers 9 8 black Xottoa Cambrics, 6 4 black cat ton Cambrics Maslins assorted, bonnet Silks aborted Levantine Silks, black -Florentine Shawls, white anrl colored Marseilles Mock Madras* Handkerchiefs, real do Furniture Calicoes, with: a great variets of ether Goods, which are offered to. sale at wholesale or retail July 13—rS Just received, Frttn Charleston, by the brig FhmsUt and Jor •die : 34 boxes oldMedcc t pipes Cognac Brandy 35 boxes of P. uoes v A few bygs of Almonds A few boxes of O ires and Caper* ox BAX* Havana white Sugar, bv the box Spanish Sagats, 1st quaily, by hr box J. B. Gaudry. July 25-M-83 Factorage and Commission Business Icsara Bacon hiving taken Jens Htavair Ban XX iato copsrtocrfttp, 'be bafinef, will ia future be eon dotted under the firm of bacos A lives. • Joseph. Bacon, . J. H. Bruen. atldiags. No- S.t, Ezchasge wharf. For sale. 5 • m 3 bales men's beaver Hats Otnabergs, &c. ‘ OWHAXP- 3JO pieces long yellow Nankeens. ; a . . , t ease cottoo Cambrics, a little, damaged (will be sold cheap by tkr-pieceV White Jeans, and A fewchest* fresh Tea . J. Hanmer & Co» next door to Williams 1st Seymour june 13—— 65 *' Scrivener’s office. The subscribe , while he feels grateful for. part favors, (although but few and of small amount) informs bis friends.that he sitli coni! .iroes to execute every description of writing in the first style of elegance, corr.b : ned wi h accuracy ard'd'spatch, on the most moderate terms.. All orders left at his -W-gwam, teothwest corner Broughfor andBull *t ree ., ( 0 r at the of fice of the Republican) will be du’y attended to Lewis Johnston, jun. Second year of the “ Deliverance of Mur ope ,by the Cossoeks, tffc. july 35-11-83 .•New Goods received from London* A'assau* &c. CnDcces and Cambrics Jutt Printed 4-4 and. 0^4 ctrttoif‘Chmbrics Cambric,and la coot* MlAlrnS' Silk andiCvttfwTStVklngs A" . Beaver *a’ntl kid Gfttyets ■'?■?**■ ■ Black and.colored Bomhazsttt' Irish Linen,French .Cambric. Russia Sheetingaud Diaper ; Marseilles Quilting, silk Flereatfna Broadclothcs and Cassimeres York Stripes, India Nabktfcas ‘ Striped and plaid Ginghsiju -Furniture and common Dimities Table Cloth-', tea Napkinl Cotton and thread Lsces ‘ Superior flax Oznaborghs, .Parasols,' chintz Shawls Needles, Tape, Thread, 3k. Fnr sate at re duced prices. ANDRIW LOW £c CO april 18— 41 For sale A small SCHOONER, net* 20 tens, catcu lalcd for a lighter. Apply to R. 8t J. Habersham. july 33-83 Lost. Be'ween the Exchange whstf snd the ccn tre of the town a, small bunch cf Kry«. A suitable reward will be given to the finder on leaving them at this nfllce. july Si-A-83 ’i o rent, A eontforfab'e *vto story dwelling HOUSE, nitb every sr-cessa'y ow building, ;-.t prevent -rccupied by Mr.'N^vrtr, in Breughrors sta-cr. Possession may be had cn the 1st vf October nr*?. Anp'a st this cEScs july 35-83 Dr. Berthelot Respectfully informs- his friends sod fellow : lisens In genera], that he ha* received by the rgTwo Sisters, captain Smith, from New- York, a large aad well assorted invoice of> y article commonly found in the heft and most x ten live medical stores, which he will exhibit in addition to his farmer stock in a few days, in a superb styte. next store east of thst heretofore ■jccupied by him. To planters, to gentlemen ri the faculty re siding in the country and interior towns of the state, and to C'.untry merchants, he will extend a liberal cred't. He returns his most sincere thanks to his customers generally, vnd hopes a continuance of their custom, and flatters himself his d ; li- *ence to expend his plan and multiply his re ources will attract the notice, nod merits a still more extensive patronage of a generous nd rlightened public. july 11—75* Fresh Arrow Root. The fubferiber offers for fah the above article a a mod excellent qualify, eitherjby the quantity or in packages (o fun families JOHN F. POUTAT, At his Media*! 8hop,af>pofu« tbs Exchange, Landing Front the ship FoskUnd for sale 4 hhds uiubcovado Sugar 6 tiereds; prime St. D >m'ngo C< ffes 65 bugs dn[ «’o CamocKan Sc Mitchcl. july 20 81 Poor House and Hospilai. VISITING C^MMITTKE For July aid August. lames Morrison, Ebyrz -rS.-Reev, Joseph Cummin^, jutytl— sc—17 See'ry For sale •40 hbds Rro Whi&hay, best quality 30 hhds Mtil^res . v iO pipes fair Vinegar w i Al.SO,v Frewn and sstvre Havana Sugar Cf JTee, in IVgp-* and in baire's Sherry, Teiic;.ffi and Mxl-g:* Wine, by Charles Maurel. July IB-L'60 Just received,- Lumber Yard. The subscriber having entned into the LUMBER BUSINESS,at the wharf formerly ccup ed by t'AOON Sc Malone, will have con- sta.rjt'y.oo naad, * tupply ot ail descriptions of c.U,VlHER. Orders executed in the above ii,e at >he shortest notice. Elias Wallen. may 18—54 Copartnership. Charles Perry, of'he late Unuse of Gaston and Pcrryadissolved cn the ist ins*, and Tbo n>a» Wright, jun. have entered into co-partner hip in the COMMERCIAL AND COM MISSION rUSIVE<«, in this city, under the firm ef Peart fs* Wright-, to bo conducted by Thon-a* VVrigh 1 , jun. The basinets of the muse in Pbiladelpb'n will be transacted by Charles Perry, resting there. CHARLES PERRY, THOMAS WRIGHT, jun. jure S - 01 Smith's stores \Y heelbarmws. Any person* who ,ba»e one or more ol the pcb' : c wheelbarrow? in their possession, ate nanfied io lelura them >mmedia*eV, D. D. Williams, ju-y 23-83 clerk to the com. A very, light f.or-whvvl Caaiagy juaoSt— «&—TO An Instructor Of good moral character, who is capable of te*ch : ng 'he plain branches of an Eng!’*h Ed ucation c*o procure a school rf about 15 or SO scboUrs io the district of Whlfe Bluff Appli* catioomuy ba made personally or by letter'to Thomas Goulding, ju'iy 25.1^-43 ytronbiirgh) ntar Savannah. Sy the brig Ocean, and tor salt by the tub seriber, Ona pipe rc.,'1 Cognac Brnudy One nhd o!.l Jamtiic* Rum Smoked and pickled Tangoes Spermaceti Candles, smoked Bsef, mess Beef Olives, Capers, Fruitr in Brandy, Starch Articles of Confectionary , R si sins Basket Sslt, loaf 5ug"r, Codfith Butter Biscaits, Crackers, l.ondoa Mustard M -cobcau sod Scorch 5-iufF I.’Orillard's psper Tohscco Port Wine, hyson Tea f -he latest importation OK- II AND L. P. Madeira Wine, Sherry ditto. Malaga do. Claret do. Vio-de Grave, real Holland Gia New York doable anctiar do. West India Rum Whiskey, Yin- jpr, CofTre in bags Sugar in boxes, Pickles in bot-.les and kegs London Porter So a Stores put tip by JOHN B. GAUDRY july i5— — L—-79 Leonard Bartow & Co. Market Square, Have ,fhtv day received, by the schooner Letira, from New York, a fresh supply oi DRUGS and MEDICINES. t #f<- '■ ,.i also •Medidae Chcs's-for chip u*e ; fresh Olive Oil, paientWindsor Soap, wash Balls, Evans’ crown Lb nee is, Instruments, ttepaoirgdo. cupping do. large pewter Syringes And on hand, American Castor Oil, superior quality, camomile' Flowers, Uc. msy 20—mo—55 Fresh Shoes, Boots, ,5is£f2 TRUNKS AND BRUSHEar’ JUST RPCS1VED, And for sot-fit the lowest priest, b§ . . ' JOHN DOUGL.ASS, V Best Philadelphia and.New Yaikmade Bodtfl,.' Gen lciT,eu*s superior morocco Ar.d 0nix^|- Jefferson* ^ Morocco Pumps Finest seal skin Shoe* Bay’s Shoes Ladies' most fashionable Perry Laces Full ttimed 'black and colored morocco SUffi purs, frpm Peck's manufactory, Nets* York Ladies kid Slippers and Sandhis . ‘ Children’s morocco and leather Bootees, SHpi persand Buskins „• Trunks, of various descriptions Floor, counter,- paint, white wash, alothes, shoe. horse snd scrubbing Brushes Wxxed calf Skins, shoe Thread, See. ^ jnne 1——60 Andrew Low & Co. just recclvd by the ship Wellington, and other arrivals prom England* FiVE HUNDRED AKB THIRTY TWO PACKAGES ot will assorted DRY GOODS, .elreted by one of tht tntelves there—whlcR they - ff;r tor sate, by the piece or package OX rmvsti.irtle tri m•. june 27—7t Just received^ Per brig Superior J oin Aew York Wove Wire, suitable for clear.iug rise, when fl .Vaeei!, See. •/'..• Wove Wire tor Indian Meal baits Riddles and Se vens for fanalog Mills Lime Screens iur masons Selves do. . ... ** 0 fl /^rcd**W g r * C ^* y ^ eatt aeMi Wire Sales Window, shut Hinges ^ Harness Brickies Cotton and wool Cards . , Calvin Baker 8t Cfiw june 17- The subscribers ' Have entered inte copartnership under tbs' nrm of NICHOLS & HUNTER, as SHIP, CHANDLERS, GROCERS AND FAC TORS, and respectfully tender their service! o their frieada and the public. They havG jow on hand, aad intend constantly to keep as- vitmants of Ship Chandlery and Grecerief,o( the best quality, Orders ia either branch of their business will be thaokfuliy received aad punctually attended to. ABRAHAM NICHOLS, JAMES HUNTER, iunei5-66 Arrow Root, Of a fnperior quality, at 1 dolltr psr pound, ratal! and ia quantity, Fer fide by Charles C. Dunn. may SO—59 OppoCte Botloo’g raagf Boarding and Lodging. Boarders call ba accammodated at the dwel.' ling of the subscriber, lately occupied by Mrj Daniel Hotchkiss—where every attention will be paid to render the situation satisfactory and pleasing tv those who are disposed to favor her rith their custom. MARY LEWDEN. july 20 CM—81 Regimental Orders. M. Herbert & Co. Hove just-recejvrl and tjfer for sale at re. cuerd prices 500 bl* fresh tip country Floor JOOO gnltcns Terncsee Whisky 100 pieces cotton Bigging 350 coils packin': Hope 80 coils Cordxg *. asssorted sixes t cask rice Hoes 50 Ms pilot and ship Bread 10 dozen Windsor Chairs jtilv 20——cat 81 For sale The Hcuse* and Lot new occupied by Col. Shellman as a boarding heuse.' The property and situation are so well known that they re quire no particular description. It is well cal* ciliated for an * xtensive boarding house and hotel. Also an'excellent new stable, with a five year lease el tbs lb: on which is stands,—. Terms, liberal. HENRY VV. KILLS, jxiyse-^-ai An election fer MAJOR' ef the 60tb Battafi lien, 1st regiroeot, Georgia mHitw, vice Major Mars, resigned, wil) be held at the court home, on Tuesday, 1st August next, under-the super* intendance of two captain! or Iientea&Qts, apfi two justice* cf the peace. By order of J. Marshall, lieutenant Colonel* 1st. regt. Georgia Militia. John I. Roberts, Acting Adjuianti july 13-78 QJ° The subscriber will be absent from Savannah fer iwe er three months, aad has appointed Pobeht Macs at, esq. and Mr* Jobs M'Nish bis aiierale*. James Wallace. irtv 23-82 JS otice. The subscribers, having formed a eoaaec* tion in tbe carpentyrfs lir.e of business, under the firm of Am Sc Mobbis, inform 'heir ftieods ard the public in general, that tbef will undcitske any aperies of woik in the above Hne.atd such business which may be committed lo their charge shall be promptly and faithfully attended to. JOHN H. ASH, • JAilfiS MORRIS. >iiji5-r». ' $ •# ® •P-i! iir, -'M- i i