The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 27, 1815, Image 3

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THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 2,7 1815. Letters on England. The subscriber has it id view to publish In • ftw months, or as soon os the whole manuscript can be transcribed ; a Series of Letters on England, in which will be embraced general observations an the f&ce of the country ; with remarks on the habits, domestic oeonomy ; state of society ; literary institutions! condition of the manufacturing , classes t and <m the manufactures generally, with descriptions of towns and particular edifices; interspersed with various observations and relictions, ori ginating from the diversified objects which were presented. If suitable arrangements oan be made, the publication will contain from eight to ten eo* graving*, and the whole will be published in two volumes, each containing from 250 to 300 pages octavo. (subscriptions will be received for this work although it i* not intended to delay Its publica tion for any definite number of subscribers, or that it shnll solely deneod upon the patronage which may be thus offered. w No money will be required until tha books are delivered i and the prico to subscribers will be Four Dollars Fifty Cents in boards without engravings, with the addition of such a charge as will merely defray the expejtce thereof. J. E. WHITE June 17—ft—-67 Five Dollars Will be given for apprehending ibe sub'Crl* j: bor’s neg>o weoch Keli>» who absconded about ihe Sd instant, and is supposed to be harbored : by (he slaves oi Messrs. Warren and Black. | She is short in stature, smooth faced, young, very sensible and cunning, ai d deserted in a walnut colored dress with long slieves. Cam* maulers of vessels and others am cautioned , sgiinsi concealing her, as the law will ba ri gidly enforced against transgressors. Mary Leaver. june S7—71 Thirty Dollars* regard. Runaway, from the r-ub-eriber’* plantation ia Burke couuty, cn t ie 17th February, 1815, a Negro Man named Jim, 27 years of age, stool made, five feet six inches high; he has a down look, lull eyes : hI.o on the 20th instant. Joint, a country ucru likely ycung fellow, about, 20 years of uge, five feet five inches high, he ha; a scar under his left eye ; ho for tnnly waited on me. Also Nasicv, the mo. liter to John, is about forty years, of age, five feet in height, she is slender made,-her right thumo is crooked—they are well known in Sa vannah. FRANCIS DOYLE. ■ juae 6——fcM— 62 City Marshal’s sales. y ■ Om the feeend Tecfdty ia Aogott next, will be fold before the eoort houTc in the city ef 5b vaonsh, between the efasl hears of ten and three o’clock, Lot No.#, vsessr, St Otll, ores nmrhthereof-*, willfatisfy the city tax cf George D, Sweet lor the year* t«U, 12,13 end '4. Alfa Lot T. 51. Gall, or et much thereof at will fa 1 , illy the dty tax of Silrl Mini,, a Live, for the years 18!S and 14. Alfo baildingc on Lot No 9, Frederic, Darby ward, or at much thereof at will fiufy the dty tax of John Wia er for the year 1814. Alfo half Lot 6 apd buildings, Yamacraw, or aa much thereof as will iatiify the dty tax of Henry W. Williams for the year 18.4. Alfo buildings on fort No 4, Hickt, Percival, or ar much thereof a, will faddy the city tax of Mary Del- boa for the years of 1819,19 and 14 Alfo Lot 95 and buildings, Warren ward, or ai much thereof aa will iatirfy the city tax of Samuel Howard •ad Samuel & Charles Howard for the years 1819 cad 1814. Alfo handing* on wharf lot No. y, Walhiogton ward, or ta much thereof at will fatiify the city tax of Thomas Jones lor he years 1819, IS and 14. Alfo buildings on wharf lot No^S, Reynolds ward, •r as much thereof as will Crtisfy the dry tax of 2. Pring for tho year 1814. Alfo buildings on Lot No- 95 Pranklin ward, eras mnch thereof ae will fatiify the city tax of e&ate Thomas Pitt for the yean 1818 and 1^ Also buildings on Fahm street, or a* much thereof aa will satisfy the city tax of George May, for the year 1814. Also buildings on Lot No. 11, Franklin ward or as much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of captain James Pierce for the year 1814. Also lou No, 22, 23 and 24. west of Fahm street, or a* much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Ben. Wall for the year 1814 Also-buildihgs on lot No i, fourth, Anson ward, or as dluch thereof as will satisfy the city taa of Tom Simpson for the year 1814 Also lot 24. vacant, Ewensburgh, or as much thereof as will satisfy the city px of said lot, the owner being a oon-residtut arid not known, far the year 18.4. Also lot ft, vacant, St Gall, or .a* much thereof a* w'-II satisfy will satisly the city tax i, of said toiy the ownerbeing a non-rexideoir and not known, for the year 1814 Also half la# 5 Trustees’ Gardens, or as much' : - thereof as Will satisfy, the city, tax of A* G. Griffin for she rear.I8f4. . - - Also 13 lot r and buildings Heathcote ward, or as much thereof aa will satisfy the city tax of Hannah Wcidman for the yetr 1814. F. M. Stone, July 11—77 - cm Georgia—Camden county. By Isaac Crews; clerk ot the ordinary for the county oi Camden and it ate aforesaid. Whereas, Darius - Woodworth applies for letters of administration on the estate and ef fects of Daniel Man, late oi said county, dec. as principal creditor. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors cf Said deceased to fiV their objections (if any tH'-y h->ve)»n my office cn or before the first M-.itday of September next, otherwise letters oi administration will be granted to him. v Given under my hand and seal, this four teenth -lay of July, one thousand eight hundred an ; fi teen IiAAC CREWS, c c. c. JL F ] July 20 • SI Georgia—Chatham county. By S.itr. ,.ei M li v'd cVrk ot the court of •T.iUiiary tor the ecu t/ of Chatham and stato aforesaid. - - r' k' . ,, To nit whom it jn'T concern. ■ WUi-rcas, Henry llr-ii-q-iici, sen- of said coun ty. Hath applied to me fir letters cf adniinistra- ttufton the estate^ and <17 cts of D.\ licniy Baurquin, j :n. of said con: tv decesscd. Tiime r.n», there hire, to cite a id admonish, all end singular the kindred and cr-.ibt -rs cf the saiiLDr. U-nnr I I. Mem q-.iin, jnn.- dec. to file tfteir objections (itany they nav*) in may 1 ffi'e. t; or bclorc the 29:h day ot J use next, oth:*e Kuers of administration will be gamed the ap plicant. . Giv.-n under my hand and seal of office, this 29-h day of May. the year <>t cur Lord one togtisand eisjlrC hnndred and fifteen. JL.S-j SAMUEL M.-BOND, c.C4 ®. - Sheriff’s sales. On the first 2’uesday in October next. Will be sold at the court house in the county ...'J[, of Glynn, All that tract of Land, known by the name of Clark’s Bluff, iu said county* lying on the south side ot the Altamaha river, levied on as the property ot William Cook, .to satisty an execution in favor of Kune and Stilwell. Thomas Winn, 8. e. c. inly 20—81 . _ t Notice. The subscriber requests all persona who are indebted to - the es'ate of Hbnbt W, Wil liams, late of Savannah, dec. to make payment without dely ; and those who have demands against the said estate are requested to present them in immediately !«r settlement. Sarah Williams, july 11-Lf-rr gual, ex’rx. Administrators’ sales. On (he 5th day of September next. Will be sold in frtxit of the courthouse be* tween the hours of 12 and 3 o’clock The following Negroes, Will and Cuffee j the foregoi ig. the p^periy of William Lew- den,-dc-c. and told for the Benefit of tha heirs and c: editors of sa’d esta'e. MAHY LF.WDEN, ex’rx P. J. VALLATT ON, ex’er. jn’v 6 t-75 JSotice. AH persons haying any demands against the estate of John Pett bone, dee. are requested ta present them duly attested, and these in* dib'.ed to make payment to.'.... Josiah Fcnfield, april 1—4—24 aim’or Georgia—Camden county. By Isaac -Crews, clerk o! the ordinary ,fcif flte county of Camden in said stite. Whereas, David Hsll applies fer letters of adrainistration on the estate and effects of Ja- cob Campbell, -late of said dcunty. decease^, ttx principal creditor. These are,, therefore, to cite and admooidk &1] and ringular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections (it anf they have) in tnv office on or-before the first Monday of August next, oihei wise letters of administration will be granted to him. Given under mj hand and atal, at Jrffcrson. the twenty-third day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen. [L. S] ISAAC CREWS, elk. '■ ' :,4b: ;w V: - - : Lf Will be sold, , On the fir tt Tueiday in August next. At the court house house, in the city of Savaa* pah, between the usaalhours of ten and three O’clock. Ninety three acres of Land in M Iotosb couni ty, situate on Nd.'-th S&pelo River, bounded south end southwest by lands of Junes Mont- ford, northwest by lands ot G'nnielat, and north by landsof E. Waqtbsrtie—sold for the purpose of raising money for an infirm old lady. Good and sufficient titles will be giver, and the place is worth the attention of any person wishing te " settle in that country J. B. NORRIS, july 18—(0 see, - Sheriff’s sale. F- On the ’frit Tueiday in September next Wiii be sold at the cou<t house in ibe city of Savannah, between the hears of 10 and t o’clock. The following negroes, Hannah and bar child Jenny, levied on as the properly" of Tho- mas Rite to astisfjr William Wallace, and ■old under a foreclosure of mortgage. J. £. Norris, s. e. e. . july i—T-3 -v Sheriff’s sales. Ottihe firtt Tuesday in OetoSer next. Will be soid -EV-lbe- court house in the city tff Savannah, between t'tte BJ22! tonr* ttt and three o'click, The following negroes, Big Jim, Prince, Rostj' Nancy, Prince, Kate, Grace. Rodie and her four children, Lucy and her two children, Old Simon, Jim, Amy and her child—levied On as the property of estate Peter Henry Morel t# satisfy Aaron Forbet under foreclosure of meets gage John B. Ncrris, s. c. c. July 20 81 Take Notice. ' All persons who hive demand* against Jgfto vst Clements, dec; late of Scriven county, Ure requested to preatnt them to the subscri* ber, within the time prescribed by law ;an6 those who are indebte) to the dec, must mils payment without deltr or the demands agaiM them will be put in slit. Richard Scruggs, July 15 70 adm'tri Adminisfrator’s sale. By virtue of an a‘der of the honorable Ac justices of the interior cour(of Chatham county- will be exposed tojpublic sale, at the court house in the city of Savannah, on the first Tues. day in September/text, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, sn improved lot of land, con taining 50 acres, tying on Vernon creek, Chat ham county, and a tract ot 20# acres, lying ife Effingham county, it being the undivided part of the real estate of John Kachler, dec, and . sold fer the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ELIAS FORT, adm'or SARAH FORT, adm’rx A—t-rrrs. Lost or stolen Qhe halt of a Hundred Dollar Bank Bill of,' the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia, No. 162. Notice is hereby given that payment for the above bill is stopped at the Back, and ap* plication at the expiration oi three month* from the date hereof will be made for the pay* ment of said bill, by MICH. CROSBY, april 27 jesx—54