The Republican ; and Savannah evening ledger. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1816, July 29, 1815, Image 1

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PifUDH ’W 1 » IT , ryi-Tii v «•-¥*.." ■*- r.-t " ~ . - i And SAVANNAH EVENING LEDGER. f-v: - i. ■ ■ ■ ""*■••>■ Number 85—"Voluise XIIL SATURDAY, JULY £9, IS 15, WaCLE Nui£3£2 2545. A gentleman of approved abi- litiee, and highly recommended, respectfully in Wrens the iahabitanU ot Savannah, and its vicinity, that be contemplates to open, as soon as an eligible situation can be procured, a CLASSICAL. ACADEMY, where beside* a grammatical knowledge of the Roman and Cr eek Language*, and a ii.miliar acquaiot : Bnce with the best authors therein, will be ( a'»o taught the elementary branehe* of an English education, consisting of reading, writing, aritlu metic, geography and the doctrine of the globes. As the students increase, and progress in their studies, additional instructors, ct compe tent acquirements shall be engaged, 50 as to ter&f r me scheme of education in this teuiina- * ^extensive and complete ns that ot any S.nrk'ar institution, l*. S. Until further notice, reference may be bad to the Rev. Dr. Kollock, the Mayor ot this City, Thomas Young, e>q or to Majr Burk . july 27 M* 84 OT A few genteel Boarders can be coatfotlhb'y accommodated by applying at (be late residence of Mis. Pit, on Jefferson Street, opposite the sign of the Eagle ; where oil kinds ot sewing and needle work will be thankfully icceivcd, and executed with Beat* ness and dispatch. , V july 25 M 83 ■a* During my absence James SJONTBR, etq. is empowered to act as try at torney in all cases. The business of the store, See. is under the immediate direction of Mr. Michael J. Rudolph VV. T. Williams. july 25 83 For Philadelphia, The fine sb y FRANCIS, captain iPuripgton, to sail on Thursday next b oi freight or passage apply to R. Richardson, jdy 22-M-82 Planters’ Bank. An election Itr a DIRECTOR, in the room of Hszen Kioibal’, esq, tesigned, will be held oo Wednesday next. J. Marshall, july 27-A 84 Cannier. Fresh Shoes, Boots, . TRUNKS AND BRUSHES. JUST RECEIVED, And far *alr. at the lowest firic't, by JOHN DOUGLASS, Best Philadelphia and New Yoik made Boots Gentlemen’s superior morocco and waxed Jsfiersons Morocco Pumps Finest seal skiu Shoes Boy’s Shoes Ladies’ most fashionable Perry Laces Full trimed black and colored morocco Slip pers, from Peck’s u,enuiactcty, New York Ladies kid Slippers end Sandals Children’s morocco and leather Bootees, Slip pers and Buskins Trut-.ks, of various descriptions Floor, counter, paint, white wash, slothts, shoe, horse and scrubbing Brushes Waxed cslf Skins, shoe Thread, &e. juce X 60 Andpeiy Low & Co. Have just received by thr s/rfi Uu/ingtcn, and other arrivaimjTom England, FIVE HUNDRED At'O THIRTY TWO PACKAGES o* well assorted DRV GOODS, selected by tthc of themselves chore—which they efltr tor sale, by the piece or package on reasonable terms. june 27—71 New Goods May & Lewis < J&ave j.utt received eighteen package* Dry Goods, consisting tf lUue, Mack end mixed superfine Cloths Bmc brown and mixed Stnckem-W 100 pieces 9-8 Gingham*, 00 pieces corded jaconet Muslins 200 pieces Calico, 100 pieces Bombesets; as sorted colors 3 piece, ttointm.ra*. 10 «lo.oa cotton Urn brtlln^ 69 pieces Russia fJiaper, 50 pieces cottc:- fthiriii'g i 30 pieces long Cloths, 72 pieces silk Cord? and Cbenelles Irish Linens; white, black and slate colct „ cd silk, cotton and worsted Hosier', silk Gloves Beaver Gioves, fancy pocket Handker chiefs Silk lace Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, linen Cambrics ’ Soft satin Ribbons, assort-d Feathers 9 8 black cottcn Cambrics, 6 4 black cot ton Cambrics Muslins assorted, bonnet Silks assorted Levantine Silk vblick Florentine Shawls, white and colored Marseilles Mock Madras* Handkerchiefs, real do Furniture Calicoes, with a great variety of ether Goods, which are offered foi sale at wholesale or retail July 13-78 Samuel and Isaac llussel t Htvc just received ten fiatkagesof Dry Goods, amongst which are : Jnd:3 fi^tred Muslins Fbi */ P. lists Apron Checks 6-4 7-4 Elegant worked at d figured Lenoes L-d cs’ srd gentlemen*# fi..e cottou Hose Blue* Cambrics | ^ -J White do i % And expect, in a few days to receive A vety liand’croe end genetal assortmen' of FRENCH GOODS. july 25 -L-83 Copartnership. Charles Tony, of the late house of Gasto - nrd Petty, distolred cn the i*t ihst. and lh<- snot Wright, jun. have eotc-cd into co-psi t- e- ship in the COMMERCIAL AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, in «iv;» city, under (lie firm of fruity & Wright, to b: conduc'd' by Tboira* Wright, tun. The business of he house in Fhiladeljhia w d be transacted hj Clriries Perry, r*«'d rg there. CHARLES FERRY, THOMAS WRIGHT, jur. june S— 61 Smith's stores Scrivener’s office. s’ifhe eab:cr be-,‘ while he <>ci* grateful* for psv! favors. (ahhougb but few and of small amount) informs his Mer.dv that be Stihcocr Unties to execute every deicrip;ion of ..writing jn the first elegance, combined wi'b accuracy and dispatch, on the most modcratt ■terms.' I'v’i.f- *w ;«r., AH orders Ion at Wa W ywjttt, scuthwe* corner BrcnghtenandBoll streets (or at the of fitjpdf the Republican) will be duly attended tr Lewis Johnston, jun. Second pear of the'» Deliverance sf Enrefie" | by tke Costaekts&U J * , *i l - '.'l - .*!'"/ ilHKlrl' to.'-' Dry Goods. Just received fler brg Maryland 1 trtihk cotton Camurics i hale Bomhaxets t case figured and plain Lead 1 do 4 4 lri.h Linens 1 do Englhh cotton Shirtings 1 do cotton Hosirry, assorted 5 do northern Ginghams, Chambrays, white and brown cotton Shirtings 3 bale* men’s braver Hess Oziubergs, itc. Ir OK HAND 350 pieces long yeliew Nankeens 1 caw cotton Cambricr, a Jittle 'damaged (will be sold ch. ap by the piece) V/hie Joans, aod A law chests fresh l>a J. Hanmsr h Ca. next door ts li'UUorns iS Seymour jhne 13——Cl Just received,/ram London, NattsaZ, £?e. Printed Cslicoes end Cnmbrics 4-4 and 6-4 cotton Cambrics Cambric and Jaconet Mosims Silk and c-ittor Stockings Bearer and kid GIovi-s Black end colored mbasetts Iriali Linen, French Cambric llutcia Sheeting and Marseilles Quilting, silk Floreatine Broadcli thts and Csseinseres York Stripes. India Nankeens Striped and plaid Gi i»ha,-ns Furniture a;. J ar.cnmou Dioiitiei Table Cloths, tea Napkins Cotton and thread Laces Superior C?-x Ossiaburghs Parasols, chintz Shawls Needles, Tape, Threa.-l. 8cc For sale at re Uuced nrfees. ANDREW LOW & CO anrii IS— » 41 Fresh Arrow Hoot. Tfct faWcriber otter, for file th* above article o a molt excellent quality, either by the quantity or in package* to foie fimi'ic. JOHN F. POUYaT, At hit Medical Shop, oppofit* the Exchange may 30—59 J.anding Freirt the sk'/i I'ox a id for sale '4’hhds bsiucovado Sugar 6 ti£rc*s prime St. D imingo CofTee 65 bag# do co Carnochan St MltdHk J«ty SO—ftt . .. Final notice. That tweo y days, after this dote, cxcr’j'j'tis | will be plsied in the hands of • he city marshal, again* 1 all delirqucRts, who have not paid their tax for the present year. £. YVambersie, c. t. july 27_m—34 Just received, From Charleston, by the brig Phtenix and /J sale 24 boxes old Medcc 1 p pes Cognac Brandy 25 boxes of Prunes A few bygs of Almonds A few boxes o! O i-cs ar.d Capers OX HAND Havana white Sttga■%. b» the box Spanish Segats, 1st quail y. by 'hebox J. B. Gautlry. july 25-M-83 For sale 40 It (ids Rye Whiskey, best quality 50 Hh’di Molasse* 10 ptpea fair ^ .egar • ■*'" • ALSO, Brown and white Ksvar.* Sugar. Coffee, in and in barrels Sr-ciry, TcnerifTs and Malaga Wine, by Charles Maurel. july lS-L-20 Factorage and Commission Business. Joseph Bacon having taken John Hekvcv Bro. in into copartnership, the boCnefi will in future be conducted under the firm cl bacon Sc bkdin, Joseph Bacon, J. H. Bruen. Bolton’s Building*, No. 33, Exchange wharf. For sale A very light four wheel Carriage june 21—cl—70 For sale A small SCHOONER, near 20 tons, calcu- .ud for alighter. Apply m R. fit J. Habersham. ju'y 25-83 Arrow Root, Of a fop?rior quality, at 1 dollar par pound, retail and in quantity, For ule by Charles C, Dunn. at*y SO—59 Oppofit* Kotlon’. range .lust received, Per brig Superior from Aew York Wove Wiif, suitable for cleaning rice, whea -fiyxscftd, 3tc. Wnws Wiro for Indian Meal bolts Riddles and Screens for fanning Mills LimeScreeus tor masens Seivcs ■ do \ do fer cl setting riot, wheat, Indian mesl. fl.->7wced.'tSici Wire Sates Window-shat Hi ogee Hnmess Bnckks Cotton wad wool Card. Ualvia Baker fc Ceu ins# tf—f.Z ‘ ; T'"' ^ Just received, By the brig Ocean, and for sale by the tub > tcriber, ‘ One pipe real Cognac Brandy One bhd old Jamaica Rum Smoked and pickled Tongues Spermaceti Candles, smoked Beef, meat Beef Olives, Capers, Fruit in Brandy, Starch Article* of Confectionary, Raisins Basket Salt, loaf Sugar, Codfish Hutter Biscyi'.s. Crackers, London Mustard Mocobeau and Scotch Snuff I.’Onilard’s paper Port Wine, hyson Tea of the latest importation r os HAND L. P. Msdetri Wine, Shorty ditto, Malaga do. Claret do. Vin de Grave; real Holland Gin New York double anchor do. West India Rum Whiskey, Vineg-.r, Coffee in bags Sugar in boxes, Pickles in bottles and kegs London Porter Sea Stores put up-bv JOHN B. GAUDRY july 15 l 79 Leonard Bartow & Co. Market Square, Hrve this day received, by the schooner Leurr, frbtn New York, a fresh supply ot DRUGS acd MEDICINES * , ALte Medirine Chrs's for ship u=e ; fresh Olive Oil, pa'rnt Windsor So?p, wash Balls, Evans’ rrnomn T.anrf*!?:. nninuta'ihff Tn«friinif>ntn. crown i.ancctM, nroputating Instruments, ttepaningdo, cupping do. large pewter Syringes And cn hand, American Castor Oil, superior quality, camomile Flowers, Sec, may 20 mo 55 THE REPtJULICAN. Saturday, July 27, 1815. BY FREDERICK S. FELL, ON THE L’AT, NSAtt TKX iXCUANOEj PRINTED THREE TIMES A WEEK! At Six Dollars per annum, in advance. From the National lntilligericir, of July 1^ DARTMOOR MASSACRE*. •K<? d.#y lay- before the public, documents lately received from -England, relative tVttJe. killing and wounding of the American eitigeptf imprisoned at Dartmoor: M. Herbert & Co. Have just received and offer for sale at re duced prices SOO bis fresh np country Flour 1000 gallons Tennessee Whisky ,100 pieces cotton Bagging 150 coils packing Rope 80 coils Cordage, asssorted sizes - .1 cask, rice Hues 50 bis pilot and ship Bread it* dozen Windsor Chairs jnlv 20 cm 81 Blank Manifests Al- For sale at this * Plymouth, 26fA April, 1815. We, the undersigned commissioners, appoint ed behaKof our respective governments, to in quire into and report upon, the unfortunate oc currence of the 6lh April inst. at Dartmoor prison ; having carefully perused the proceed ings of the several courts , of enquiry instituted immediately ufter that event, by"the orders ofSir.lohn T. Duckworth and Major General Brown, respectively, us well us the depositions taken al the corroner’s inquest upon the bodies of th- prisoners, who lost, their lives upon thatt melancholy occasion:; upon which inquest the jury found a verdict pf justifiable homicide ; proceeded immediately to fhe examination up on oath in the presence^f-one or more of the magistrates of the vicinity, of all the witnesses, both American and English, who offered them selves for that purpose ; or who could be disco vered as likely to afford any material informa tion on the subject, as well those who had beea previously examined before the corroner, as otherwise, Jo the numbe.rin the whole of about eighty. We further proceeded to a minute ex amination of the prisons, for the purpose of clearing up some points which upon the evidenc* alone were scarcely intelligible ; obtaining from the prisoners, and from the officers of the depot all the accessary assistance and explanation: and premising, that we have been from ncces- siiy compelled to draw-many of our conclusi ons from statements and evidence highly con tradictory, we do now make upon the whole proceedings the following report!— During the period which has elapsed Since the arrival in this country of the account of the ratification of the treaty cf Ghent, an increas ed degree of restlessness and impatience of con finement appears to have prevailed among'lhe American prisoners at Dartmoor, which, though, not exhibited in the shape of any violent ox-' —,,-n.rtwn principally indicated by threat* two days previous to the events the subject or this inquiry, a large body of the prisoners rush ed into the ".Market square, from whenc*, by th# regulations of the prison, the are excluded, de manding bread, instead- of bisenit, which had on that day been issued by the officers of the de pot ; their demands however having been thea almost immediately complied with, they return ed to their own yards, and the employment of force on that occasion became unnecessary. On the evening of the 6th, about 6 o'clock.' it was clearly proved to us, that a breach op whole had been made in one of the prison walls, sufficient for a full sized man to pass; and that others had been commenced in the course of the day near the same spot, though never completed. That a number of the prisoners were over the railing erected to prevent them from commu nicating with the ccnlinels on the walls, which, was of course forbidden by the regulations of the prison, and that in the space between the railing and those walls they were tear ing up pieces of turf, and wantonly pelting each other, in a noisy aud disorderly manner. That a much more considerable number of the prisoners were collected together at that time in one of their yards near the plaee where tli£ breach was effected, and that although such collection of prisoner* was not nnusual at other times (.the Gambling Tables being common!/ kept in that part of the yard) yet. when con nected with the circumstances .of the breach* and the time of the day, which was after Iba hour the signal for the prisoners to retire t* heir respective prisons bad ceased to sound* t became a natural and just ground of alarm t* those who had charge of the deput. , ■ It was also in evidence, that in tha building formerly the petty officers’ prison, bat now th« guard barrack, which stands iu the yard- tw which the hole in the wall would serve as ai communication, a part of the'arms of the guard who were off duty, were usually kept in th* racks, and though there was no evidence that this was in any respect the motive - which In duced the prisoners to make the opening in th* wall, or even that they were ever acquainted with the fact, it naturally became at least • further cause of suspicion and alarm, and aa additional reason for precaution. Upon these grounds Cant. Shortland appear* te us to have been justified in giving the order, which about this time he seem# to have given* to sound the alarm bell, the-usual signal for collecting the officers ®f the depot and potting the military on the alert. However reasonable and justifiable this wa* as a measure of precaution, theeffecls produced thereby in the prisons, but which cooldnot bar* been intended, were most unfortunate, and deeply to be regretted. A considerable num ber of the prisoners in the yards where no dis turbances existed before, and who wer* either already within their respective prisons, or qui etly returning as usual towards them, immedi ately npon the sound of the bell rushed back from curiosity (as it appears) towards tho gates, where, by that time, the croud hod assembled, and many who worts at the.time absent from their yards, were alio, from the plaft of the pri son, compelled in order to reach their own ho?'.- ’£ mes, to past by the same spot, and thus thaC which was merely a measure of pr^antion, i» w its operation incteucd the crii it wu inUndai J* to prevent. w l