Newspaper Page Text
jfanuunrii § ■ \\
nr S. W. MAB'tK AVT> C ■>.
We present to-day, in j .or,; haste than
filiall be our cn-iom, the first number of
the Savannah Dairy Herald.
In this pa; -r is merg-.i The Palmetto
11., a am), which, during the past ten
mouths; as a weekly a r, nj r jasper, has at
tained a greater circulation, in proportion
lo the number of residents of the Depart -
JBCir nt, than any other army paper pub
lic! ied.
We shall nuke tins as we made The
Palmetto Herald, a newspaper, lor the
publication 01 all such 100 J aud general
news as is not contraband. We shall use
every effort, and spare no expense, to ob
tain all the news of each clay which it is
proper to publish. \v r e propose to ex
clude politics, as out of our province;
but where we can. editorially or in any
other way. aid the government of the
United States, or encourage its army and
navy hi their glorious work, we sh ill do
so. We shall, above all, esteem it a duty
and a pleasure to promote the interests
and contribute to the enjoyment of the
noble army which has just added to
.its numerous grand achievements an ex
ploit which is uon-rivalled in history,
and has excited the admira l m of the
T lit* present size of the Herald, neces
sarilv adapted to the shape of the print
lug psper we have on hand, may prove
too email ; and in that ease we shall soon
enlarge; it ;4>ut we believe a small paper,
weh printed, and well lihed, will prove
inoie acr. ptabie than a large sheet, lack
ing those recommendations.
’ Our arrangements arc com pick for cor
respondence, by I?ve ry opportunity, front
3New jtork, If o st-on, Chicago, St. Louis,
and other northern cities, from all,point
of t.lii- army, and frotn each post oi the
t)ep:irtmuit of tie* South.
1m; Savannah Daii.v lli:Ru.i> lias
been established oil the ruins oi the old
Savannah News a fir—eating sheet, with
a worm-eaten office, to fully ronovate
which will he the work of suue time
yet. Our machii Ist has been two days
putting its power ;>i -> hi good working
order, and for its ane ;r.t printing ma
terials wo have suhsUtv/ A goodtype and
fixtures, bn \ ;ht >m Hiliou ll.:id, and
but .-recent uw u\ Iscw h oik. In the
xnidst oi tlus labors' we have,been un
able to p V litat attention to loval
new -which we intend t devote con
stantly, and >• ; ie,-) is a ill lie
prosy to-day h is is our apology.
The Anvius JNrrmss.—Oner' the most
prominent ot : 1 difometivo aid impor
taut institutions of the age, r.mkiiig with
the Press aud the Tel giv .h in develop
ing civilizuti m. cx fond, mg* the ars and
sciences, and bringing distant points in a
close communicatU :i, is the hi •:press. It
is peculiarly an American institution. In
o portion of the world has it attained bo
the importance it. has among ar Ino
whcrt are tlic organization and effective
nessofi '' e Ex P rcss ' s0 am P leas here.
Foremost» mon " aIL lp first to inau
gantt* k . » Sfios. b the
Adams Expr's. ' ( “W’ » 88
familiar in name. houjphold "' or ? ? '
It embraces even ' P ° m ‘ ta
its extensive and fa. '"*7 Ta”‘9ca
tions, and its enterprise ' ? J , te f fl § aro
felt in every quarter of tv 5 \ ‘, mce
tho-war ils peculiiar enfe. g. 1 ? i,' U
St J*T dev ® ,oped ■'“* the armies
fore * It: follows J
(>ON, ii\
’’wt S.- ... ... ,
* Ajjiiig ovs'mts, :a - * H
t!. VEGETABLES, &c., frum the North and
. „V«a in this vicinity. Cooked to order
W ill *1 l- * ♦.* <K.\J
itself loos * from ifT b ;?VV .'hs
into the heart of this Empire btye, had
reached the coast, preparations had been
perfected, to open an ofiico here on its
arrival. Scarcely a week had elapsed
after the city Mas in our possession, be
fore Mr. A. A. Dice, sue Agent, had his
banners out and his office thronged with
soldiers eager to send money home to
their relations and friends. Biuce then
the office has been doing a. tremendous
business. It lias received and sent to New
York Pearly a million dollars in money,
besides a large number of freight pack-
“o .
The clerks* are experienced ‘and com
petent. anu the office works ns.smoothly
as the best in the land.
Mr. A. A. Rice is the General Agent
and Mr. E. P. Tunnison, Cashier.
A large number of packages are now
daily expected from the north, consisting
of the freight sent to the "west and re
turned in consequence of the movement
of the army. Due notiee will be given of
its arrival.
Personal. — Lieut. Col. H.C. Ransom,
late Chief Quartermaster of the Coast Di
vision, D. S., lias arrived, here, to report
to Ceil. Easton.
Captain John L Iveily, A. Q. M., who
for a time had charge of marine trans
portation here, lias gone home on a leave
of absence, rendered necessary by the im
paired state of bis health.
Yankee Invention.—Some time since
there were lying near the side walk in a
town not far distant, a lot of pipes that
had been taken from a whiskey »tiU,
whichtthe United States army’s advance
had caused to move to another point pre
sumed to be of more safety. A by-stan
der was interrogated as to what sort of
a machine that was. He replied, that it
was “a machine for grinding smoke.”
“Well,'' was the rejoinder ot the rebel
soldier, “sposo its a Yankee vent-ion, bn;
l‘d like to see it in operation."
Mr. Henry Camp, one of the most ex
tensive traders here, whose enterprise has
been shown in bringing a who:' cargo *>f
goods from New York, on a large steam
er especially chartered, advertises else
where an extensive and well assorted
stock oi goods for sale, at 155 Congress
street,, at prices which we know to be
•Vx iy reasonable. The most cut rnrising
dealers'are always the most profitable to
purchase from, and Mr. Camp is both
enterpri sing and honorable.
Musses. C. & (jo., of the Pal
metto Herald Store, have sent us a full
assortment of late Northern papers, of
which they received a shipment by
the Arr go They have a large supply of
stationery and fancy goods, at wholesale
and retail, and keep as'good a store as
can be found in the army.
Alarm of Fire. —The alarm of fire yes
terday morning at eight o'clock, was
caused by the burning of their cabins in
one of the public squares, by some sol
diers who were changing their camp. We
suggest that unless such destruction of
quarters is ordered for military purposes,
it would be generous for soldiers remov
ing to leave their cabins intact, as the
city is now permanently in our posses
sion and the lumber is not only valuable,
but in burning, endangers other proper
' V a P*
point foi efficient officer to supJinitUnd tins mat
*/%*> v Knuh itllCß iifc> j i .i .
, i A< % f* Pi ,er ,
- . . * » „ W,l 1AIV» V
wheel* right shop, W ieh wits hanasome
ly decorated with flags, evergreens and
mottoes, appropriate to the occasion.—
At 7 o’clock the company, which incnia
ed a number of government. officers, ci
vilians and ladies, sat down to a supper
got up in a style which caused many t< >
forget for a time the existence of army
rations and Wonder whether a Delino
nico had not suddenly taken up his
quarters in the blacksmith’s shop.
' The chair was ably filled by the worthy
superintendent, D. McGregor, itsi., as
sisted by Messrs. Morton and Lindsay us
After ample justice had been done to
the edibles, the chairman proposed the
first regu „r toar.:, which was enthusias
tically received and responded toby Brig.
General Littlefield, in a very happy man
Numerous other toasts were given and
responded* to, amongst which were Maj:
Gen- Foster; and the wives, daughters,
and sweet he; ■-€$ of the blacksmiths and
wheehvrlg: its-
After speeches from Lt. Colonels Hall
and W OO liord, Cant. Hayes, Dr. Gordon.
Rev. James Hasson, Messrs. Peabody,
Atwood and others, the company ad
journed to the room prepared for “the
terpischorean exercise.” Dancing was
kept up until a late hour in the morning,
when the narty rt tired, highly gratified
with their evening’s entertainment.
List* of IJe .in U. S-. A. Grxer al
Hospital aVßeaufort and Hilton Head
since Dec. L 1804, to Dec. 20, 1804.
C. E. Ram/icil, Major 25th Oliio Vols. ;
Austin Ilaughton, 2d Lieutenant, Cos.
D, 2f)th.Oh ’ Vols.; Hugh Galbraith,Corp’l,
Cos. G. 50th 17. \. v ois.; J. J. B. Boak,
Private, Cos. H, do.: Jolm 11. Frazier,
Private, Cos, A. do.; Andrew Mc-mpie,
Private, Cos. Iv, do. • John G. Williams.
Private. Cos; F. 127th N. Y.: Thomas
Welsh, Private. Cp. B, do.; James N.
Garrison. Private, Cos. D, do.; Michael
Doyle, Prorate, Cos. F, do.; Parmenus
Terry, Corpora 1 , Cos. K, do.; Wihon J.
Wells, Corp’l, Cos, B. 144-th
James Gcrone. Private, Cos. I, do.; Ym?
online P. irnigkt, Id 'Co F, do.:
L. Yv. IMdueld, Private, Cos. I), do.:
George Nile . Bergfc., Cos. E. do.: Da;del
li.‘ Myr Corp'l. C ). C, do.: James A.
Kelley, Private, Cos. A, 157th N. Y. Vols.;
John O. Gunther. Private, Cos. D, do.;
Francis Parks, Private, Cos. K, 54th N
Y.: Lyon fcv Broun, Private, Cos. D, 55th
Mass. : George Barrett, Corp'l, Cos. D.
do.: A. Nortlirup, Private, Cos. F, do.;
Richard Morrison, Corp'l, Cos. I, do.;
Arch Claybumc, Private, Cos. A, do. ;
James Manley, Private, Cos. A. do.: Jas.
Shipp, Private, Cos. F, do.; William A.
Paine, Private, Cos. F, do. : Robt. Bnrke,
Private, Cos. D, do.; Wallace Gillespie,
Private, Cos. D, do.; Thomas G. White,
Private, Cos. A, 25th Ohio Vols.; Joseph
J. Grim, Corp'l. Cos. K. J. W. Birkliamcr,
Private, .Cos. F, do.; John Perdue, Priv.,
Cos. B, do.; Emanuel Sterns, Corp'l, Cos.
D, do.; Frank E. Iline, Ist Lieut., Cos
I, 144th N. Y. Yols.; George Messene,
Private, Cos. G, 127th N. Y. Vols. ; G. F
Willett. Private, Cos. B. 4th Mass. Cav..
King Bennett, Private, Cos. C, 50th N. Y.
Veils.; Theodore Timberlake, Corp'l, Cos.
H,1,25th Ohio Vols. j William Davidson,
VI. I*o crazed .. „ Cos
aemeaiior M ; r Borstick, Private,
00. I, 82d do.: IBH * Mathews, Private,’
(/O. A, do., Lo bins on, Private
Cos. I, 2Gib do.
OF the lines.
In another wo publish an offi
cial notice Gen. L. E. Easton,
Chief announcing that
the stearaear Spaulding will leave
this P. M. tor rleston, with such 6f
the inhabitants Ban are to go over the '
lines- B
•We call the aßeUtion of those interest
ed to the noticed
Tiim CITY. , -
n 4
As ave have changed base in our liter-
ary pursuit, from the soft and healthy
sea air of Hiito i Head to the beautiful
and checkered “Forest City” of Sa
vanr.ah, the Queen of the Empire State,
\v ? desire to say a word in relation tc its
sanitary condition. The streets and
lanes are in a most filthy condition, a
it is the expression of many citizens th.
if it were summer the mortality woula
be numberless. Among . the mauy
changes and rcrovations, going on under
the 11 ejs regime, it is hoped this will not
be overlooked. , 1
Another consideration is, the 1 air si x t bccomiag reconciled to the truth, .
that the Federal army are not the de
mons that the rebel journals would have
then believe, and are appearing on the
streets daily in considerable numbers,
and we have bo doubt, that. 0,
larg:. rXTOWCJ wdfilcTpromcnade had they
clean walks and streets to pass over. •
The Mayor and Aldermen have pll
been appointed to t-hcir formoi positions,
together with t a|ir several ofiiceis, aiu
we hope, as soi h as the confusion ne- 1
cessnrily attendant upon the leceitj-
here has subsideQ, they -wm oe
_ r y 1-3 to secure the improvements so de-;
* si-abb .from tpmy considerations.—
Cleanliness’ is 1 leait to godliness. X.,,
MAPI?*- *
Savannah, Jvs. 10, 1864.—The follow
ing is a list o ’ v&r.els to load with cotton,
in turn, for Near York:
• g c ] ir3 . XiOit|4 E, R. Kirk, Marshall
R\r u. Miner: b /Neptune Bride, Henry
- rSli; «aiv . •• bark Savannah, schist
• • ■Ti TvYvidioms.
Aid. Lewis S. ] W-WJCoit, Capt. Crow-
The SteameiU Hilton Head yesterday,
t:lk arrived Mary Benton-, Caps.
end the Ster.fq for there.
Luriwfok, sake imer Sylph. Capt. French.,
Arrived — Louise, Capt.
Hilton Head Head.
Austin, Hilton Reamer Beauregard, Cari.
Departed—;l oa Head.
Circopely. Hil —rrr-r?r-r- | s
~ Lecture.—We call attin-
Doestioks ■ vertisement of Doesficks*
tion to the { a ifcnck,” at the Theatre, ro
lecture on ‘ unavoidably postponed
night. It ve liftday evening, and (he
from last to-night, in orde- to
lecturer will -Magement, although mf
keep his en *evere illness.
faring from a I n merely off-hand witknd
is very tunny tuminess, like the lectiirf oa
his prepared f |rare kind. We wisl him
h of a|
every SUCCESS, m •
■ orgia Chapter, No. $. hold!
Masoic cl —GB yp,g evening,
a regula meel