Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 13, 1865, Image 1
QAIf A p AII T> \IT V TIPID A~ T\ nA V jAIN 1A 1 . -uJ... :'!i; 11 Ml ill J. jU. 7,\ JCV , -o» 16 PCEUSUKD EVERY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, UT ©. W. MAHON «fe 00. TEKiia: Per Corry .Five Ceuta. Per Hun ir i s-y> 50. Per Year .. yiO 00. V I> v ■’ BTIZTS9; A limited-ntim y ■ of Advertise ueets.vl’l bo re ceived re t';oi _ij.'w'eery Cents per Line for fir. U insort Du uad 3 ’iiteen Cent ner Line ibreacii sniiwi’ ; . u ias: -n u ; luvairi by. * a advance* Ad vertise:, u-uts should be h&noed iu bo.bre noon of each and: y. JOB i* H l TST TING In every etjle, neatly and promptly done. Papers* [From the IMehmond Examiner, Jan. 2.] We are highly gratified tp learn, says the Lyncliburg Republican, from an au thentic source, that Colonel Mosby is rapidly recovering from ills wound, and in a short time will be in the saddle again. [From the Richmond Examiner, Jan. 2.] Sherman seems to be content with the possession ot Savannah for the present. A rumor is mentioned that he nad undertaken to “intercept the roireat of Hardee's army” by sending around Jtrcops to Beaufort, bit nothing could be gained by such a movement. v [From the Richmond Examiner, Jau. 3.J There was i*e news from Confederate •ources yesterday, The Yankee telegraphists are trying Aiard to make it appear that Hood's army has been prevented from crossing the 'Tennessee and is in danger of being cap tured by Thomas’ forces. We see 110 reason to change the opinion expressed yesterday, that by this time tln\ army is overjhe river, though suffering wodbnr, for want of coinmisary stores. It is siugu lir that tlie War Department doe3 not receive some in tel 'gence direct train the Army of Tennessee, From the it c uuo.. J Examiner, Jan. 2. The blind panic of the writer makes him even unabre to see that neither Eng land nor Franoe, nor Spain, nor the three combined, would touch us with the end of the longest pole if we' once made so helpless an exhibition of ourselves. Na tions rwe not “Good bamaritans,” If they see a weaker brother fallen among thieves, wounded mid half dead, they do nit trouble themselves about his hard f tie. ‘i'ney do not even pass by on the other side, but empty his pockets, if perad venture there be somewhat left to take away irom him. , If neither England nor Franoe will so much as recognize us, not even know of our existence, while we are vigorously bathing and beating back gigantic in vasions year alter year, in haughty re liance on our own prowess and good cause, and able, to offer them advanta geous alliance and reciprocate benefits, how would they receive such an invita tion as this, now that we are sinking and perishing under the mighty power of the Yankee nation. After alluding to the disaster to Hood's •a my, the Examiner cl a s its article— which is a review of Davis' mismanage ment —in these words : But ad this was superfluous. The evil was already done. The enemy had suc cess, and the last year of war had not ar rived. These are unpleasant reminis-v cences, but we must study the past t > understand the future. To forget what is disagreeable to remember will not as sist our judgment in events to come. The people of this country can only preserve their lives and liberties by ef forts tu prevent the repetition of that conduct which has caused their disas ters. It is the duly of Congress to take *0 ic decided steps to prevent our means 4ft defence from being thrown away any SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, JAN JAffiY 13, 1835. longer at hap-hazard,* and at the vroru than uazard fancies, especially of one un likely man. Common place expedients for tilling up the ranks are worse than useless. i The military affairs of the confederacy’ must be controlled by more judgment and better sense. Although the condi tion of these affairs is. not now what we ha 1 a right to expect they would V.- t this time, they are not i rr triov-sbiy losi.. The confederacy is still able to. make ah; indefinite resiDnuee and succes Ad de fence against.all its enemies, but only 011 conditi m that its efforts are guided by some cairn wisdom and conducted on a consistent plan. Thus has resulted an expedition doubt less designed for the reduction of Fort Branch and the capture of Haiitax. The torpedo bureau has in this one service merited a claim upon our gratitude and praise which it gives us pleasure to ac knowledge, and the brave men who co operated in the defence of the Roanoke ‘and the signal repulse of the foe have won a place among those of whom the country is Plant torpedoes thick and promptly, say we, and put diligent and daring men to watch our rivers, Their utility and efficiency are no longer doubtful. It will be remem bered that the looses of the expedition up the Roanoke consisted of the Ostego and half a dozen launches. [All the men on hoard the Ostego reached the fleet in safety.— Ed. Hz halo] Sul. via, Ala., Dec. 30, 1864.. The Reporter of this afternoon gap a well b lown gentleman of Hunts ft hat place on-the 21st, arrived nt ridi u on Thursday afternoon, bring tiiib following . erv gratif’ing iutelli «uce -r un General Hood s army and North Alabama. A (rencral’Hood, on the eve of withdraw ibg from near Nashville, was attacked vigorously by the enemy, who massed a heavy force and threw it upon his cen tre, c-impose 1 of Cheatham sand Bates’ .divisions. These veteran troops gave way. [ she telegram has probably been eliminated at this point.—Richmond Whig.) Ilood ne ved on Columbia, where he was at latest dates. On 'Tues day, the 20th, there was another fight,in which tiie enemy were badly whipped, losing one entire brigade captured.— About the same date Forrest captured an entire brigade of cavalry and six hun dred wagons: The population of Middle Tennessee and North Alabama is thor oughly aroused, and every man and boy capable of bearing arms was hurrying to join our army. Ten companies wer: termed at Huntsville iu a week. That place bad been taken possession of by ten Yankee regiments from Point P k ; but Roddy had been ordered to ret ike* A and hold it aIC hazards. Ten gun boats’ came up the Tennessee river and it empted to cross the Muscle Shot’s Roddy attacked them, destroying one, and probably another. The irnaffffier were injured. Forrest has been made Lieutenant General. {From the Richmond Srptincl, Jan. 1] Tne Yankee gunb it n. vein- rl up the Roanoke river ref-abed, as is known, very adversely. Freon an inte view . i;. a deserving and efficient officer irom that locality we gather some int. u .s! Lig items, which wc present lo our r.*adcrs. The expedition comnri&id twelve gunboats and several barges, the Litter of twenty oars each, Tvo of .tec’S, which vvent ahead l s torpedo hunters, were vigorously attacked by our sharpshoot ers, and lost thirty -ode killed, The crews then displayed the signal ofsai render; but before the barges could. La secured ri gunboat appraacheti and shell-' cd our ft>r «o furiously as to compel the relinquishment of their prizes, width i.ri. te 1 Uuwn mo river to tbe gunb; t bho arges exploded several ot our t- r * 4 - redoes, but failed to clear the river. The gunboats continuieg thei r prdgrsr 1, sev er*. 1 of thorn were blown up. Deterred py these ios s end by the iife .rd of still greater, th y. then fyait a retreat to -tiimesvillc, t welve miles above Plymouth. Up to last dates only six of the twelve bo *ts he d1 ■ turned. Their offieera stated to the citizens of William.-ten. twenty two miles b. low Fort Branch, that they 1 four of tlieilf boats‘l>y,'torpedo .3. \> r iu n asked win re the other two were t: ley th vde r. > reply. They al.v ><id mPt ffi the loss c- ' one HioU'-iad men. A ■ wit ting their statement —which is bell ve t to be true —\vv. can account for the oilier two mix ing boats. The ofilci rla charge rtf the torpedo force, in recommit! ring, discovered a sunken boat, of which no one.was aware, and cut from her about fifteen leet of her boarding nettings, of very large size. The sixth gunboat was sunk by our field battery. Among the gunboats destroyed was tne power ful Otsego, a double-ender, bearing four teen eleven-inch guns, and manned by a crew of three hundred, reinforced by ihe same number of infantrymen. Four of her men,who were pickuu up at different times, all agree that of the six hundred inen on board not more than sixty es caped with life Irom the wreck. A worthy and reliable mechanic who was pressed into Yankee service to make coffins for the officers and boxes for the men fished up from the wreck, declares that up to the time of his release over two hundred had been made and shipped to Plymouth, the men to be buried there *«d .officers to be sent to the United States. Tne work of fishing up was still being prosecuted. Mir yof the bodies of those blown up on the different boats had Unrated down to Jiuaesvitte. From Alabama we learn taat General Steedma i’s cavalry have captured and burned Hood's pontoon trains, and taken from him six hundred ninles, one hun dred wagon a fjul two' Irdudre ! hogs.— The rebel Ih»ddy‘a c avalry l ive nearly all bedispersed. 1 is id that Hood has been ordered to Alaba ma, to reorganize.Lis fragmcni try army; R;chmvnu .:j e<s oi juLuiurj an nounce that Hood’s army is smith of the Tenner-< river ; but t' re is reason to doubt the truth of the story. They ad* in* t that he is suffering lo.r the want of rations and commissary stores ; but claim s veml before unhc.-ird # of succt -a s for him. A terrible picture is jve •In these rebel prints of the di- \Bt r to the Roanoke ! river expedition, which lacks materially in the imp *rtant fea.i ire of truth. The id viuninm’d dares Jeff. Davis to be panic stricken at the condition to which he has reduced the confederacy,- auu thinks ir - needs a :u> -in compekvit Iciher. G icral pK iur.-., rd, in a dcsputduiateii at Char i‘‘ -m, 6. 0.. on the 2d L,d., informs the redd War Department that the lluiosi raiuhrsdiaVe returned from Mobile and Ohio id dlroad, g ing westward. He says that the damage done by thcin “will be repaired in alvntt d n ys ’ A capt-dn, fieufc.iruu .audKsVca m°si of M esby’S- coimiian ’, who were oh their way t > carry out a raid on the Pullimore and Ohio Railroad, have been arrested at the ii lay House, on niat road. A large amount of tiiunev anti valuable pipers were touud ou their persons. One 61‘ our Shenauuoaij vrtuey crrres ppiuletit s says that infurflaation has h en i received direct from Richmond that rebel troops' are being • hurried off to B:'jiiC)yi;ie, Sor.iii Car iimt, awl tfie ad ja'c*".!t rdgk»p t for the o’trpose of attempt ing to check 'an arjtx Hated northward nv rt fVo’n SavunuHli of General Sherman’s army. • : - • i lie * ii...*t >0 **..* Y. - * ‘*v>r bed. t must be roughly handlcvl, veil sh foe 1, a: and exposed to a variety of turns, to proven, iti L«ccoming hard. fI.iHG of the r/agp. ' *no subterfuges rc .sorted td by ani mals in search of food, have b <?n re garded, by the gener l reader, as the most inter, sting and instructive portion ot the worxs ot natuxiiiibts. An inci dent illustrative of the .cunning of the wasp, was recently .related to ns bv an observing gcntleiuaii* A blue vvLp, known as the eo’.fr ry fifesp, beoao -4 it lives alone in it3 little fll 7 nest, wrs sfeen tohurl Us di upon -tatg|tro; /,wbeel 1 . ni>eci web of a Drip* s, 1J p, Ihreitsot up a loud bimi ’•Jlkctl! Aof a fly when acci ’ental l} r entangled i 1 a shtiilar web. The spider, watching at the drtor of Jiis eilke (dom icile, stole cautiously forth. llis dvunca was slow, for he evidently felt Rat he was approaching no common ei.etny.— The apparently desperate yet fruitless efforts of the wasp to free liimsclF, 4n couraged the spider and lured him for ward. But when within some three .in ches of his intended victim, the wysp suddenly freed himself from his mock: entanglements, and darting upon the poor spider, in a moment, as jt, were, pierced him With his deadly Ft ; ng in a hundred placed. The wasp then boro his ill-gotten spoil to his lonely home.— This home is built of clay, thiinble sbaped, and originally coamnhijg but one apartment. In the lower part of this cul-de-*xc the wasp deposits its eggs* Immediately over them it draws a tlwn, glutinous curtain. Upon tl Is curtain it packs away the proceeds of ns hunting excursions; such as spiders, flies, and ait other insects which it regards v. s»ritafclrt food for its young/ Cons; pie u fy, *>hen the young escape from the ov , Die) find above thei« a well stocked l <r, gradually eat tlieli* way tb.-oogli the choice depository, finally ap:> ■ irihg to the delighted v/orld in the gr e blerorni and stature of perfect wasps. CoxsmnßAisLo sport wes oc< e iongd at a mock-auctibn shop ift Broad ’ >y, 1 few days since, by the'nc.cid'-ntal < 'ivary to a greenhora purcbjaj?cr of tl ‘fijow’ watch of the concern, (.v hi • wa« a genuine gold one,) instead of a v vtliVsa bogus one. The mtdiakej *v . !ircpv ered till the countryman La l g mt | on the sidewalk; and wfien out. ot vaypro prietors ran after him : m .1 inf 11 .and 1 in> that a ‘•mistake. hid b'Od niac find that lie “must come fehtk and- ive it rectified,'’ lie replied that he “uidr. t know about that,” but would 4c tin t police . fellow on the corner.” To thj ; tbe Pdter Funk oi course objected, ufid seizing tne countryman by the 1 shoulder, gently at torn; fed to force biiVi bnOk, but it Was of no u ; e, and a crowd beginning to .col lect, and the policeman coming! tQ,sea what was the matter, the V, 1 . wpnt back to his den, leaving the c n/nirymaa to tell the crowd and the pollcemanjWhat the mutter was. On learning the mots of the e . v*, i.uite a number of the crojwd went int» the Peter Funk establishment and signified their wish to bid on watches, but the managers of the concern at once “adieumed the sale,” and the autlEuca ifetirfid* “I say, old fellow, whnt are yrarpol ilicgF-Siditi one friend quizzing -uaafter* “ Democrat;. my father was denmerut," he replied. “And what is your r< eg;on V continueff the other. id; my lather was Protestant,” was tbe .nswer* “ And w!\y are you a bachelor ?’ wtii l| lh<j other. “ Bpcauso my- father \;avi a---oh confound it! don t bother mo \v;th your stupid question V’ * ( ' Kossuth has; three uepiie.wa in.i tho Union army—Col. I*. L. YuHvi-'Wy, y when Gen. Asboih was lr tb<|. late severs enga;. *menL at Msv’fioa* Florid a, took the com/Uttiai and Imiagbl the addon to a suedez A Ruttsiag, commanding the IstßhjM.da caval y, Ind Lieut E. Eul avaidy, la uia broUej-'s legiment, { \lTlvo C’enjs H/L t