Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 14, 1865, Image 3

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Extracts from Rebel Papers (From the RUJkmcmd Examiner, Ja*. We ate highly gratified to learn, says smi Lynchburg Republican, from an an feeotic source, that Colonel Mosby is Wppiafy recovering from his wound, and li a short time will be in the saddle w**- the Richmond Examiner, Jan. X] Sherman seems to be content with the 4fSs& possession of Savannah for the present A rumor is mentioned that he lad undertaken to “intercept the retreat at Hardee’s army" by sending around troops to Beaufort, bit nothing conkl be gpioed by such a movement {From the Richmond Bromine*, Jan. &.] There was no news from Confederate iOCrceß yesterday, The Yankee telegraphists are trying hard to make it appear that Hood’s army has been prevented from crossing the Tennessee and is in danger of being cap lured by Thomas’ forces. We see no reason to change the opinion expressed yesterday, that by this time the army is. over k the river, though suffering we fear, for want of commisary stores. It is singu- Jkr that the War Department does not receive some intelligence direct from the Army of Tennessee, From the Richmond Examiner, Jan. 2. The blind panic of the writer makes him even unahie to see that neither Eng land nor France, nor Spain, nor the three combined, would touch us with the end of the longest polo it we once made so helpless an exhibition of ourselves. Na tions are not “Good Bamaritans,” If they see a weaker brother fallen among Sieves, wounded and half dead, they do mot trouble themselves about his hard fate. They do not even pass by on the other aide, but empty his pockets, if perad renture there be somewhat ■ left to take way from him. If neither England nor France will so much as recognize us, not even know of oar existence, while we are vigorously baffling and beating back gigantic in fusions year after year, in haughty re- Sanoe on our own prowess and good cause, and abfo, to oner them advanta geous alliance and reciprocate benefits, haw would they receive each aiUnvita soq as this, now that we are sinking dhd perishing under the mighty power of the Yankee nation. After alluding to the disaster to Hood’s army, the Examiner doses its article- Which is a review of Davis’ mismanage ment—in these words : Bnt all this was superfluous. The evil W®» already done. The enemy ha 4 suc cess, and the last year of war had not ar rived. These are unpleasant reminis cences, but we must study the past to understand the future. To forget what te disagreeable to remember will not as sist our judgment in events to come. The people of this country can only preserve their lives and liberties by ef forts to prevent the repetition of that conduct which has caused their disas "ters. It is the duty of Congress to take come decided steps to prevent our means •f defence from being thrown away any •longer at hap-hazard, and at the worse scan hazard foncies, especially of one un /kely man. Common place expedients to oiling up the ranks are worse than useless. The military affairs of the confederacy must be controlled by more judgment and better sense. Although the condi tion of these affairs is not now what we had a right to expect they would be at this time, they are not irretrievably lost. J*he confederacy is still able to make an indefinite resistance and successful de fence against all its enemies, but only on oonditinn that its efforts are guided by come calm wisdom and conducted on a consistent plan. Thus has resulted an expedition doubt less designed for the reduetion of Fort Branch and the capture of Halifax. The torpedo bureau has in this one service merited a claim upon our gratitude and praise which it gives us pleasure to ac knowledge, and the brave men who co operated in the defence of the Roanoke and the signal repulse of the foe have won a place among those of whom the country is proudest. Plant torpedoes toick and promptly, say we, and put Diligent and daring men to watch our Their utility and efficiency are *• longer douJrtftl. It w M to reauxn- bored that the losses of the expedition tm the Roanoke consisted of the Ostego ana half a dozen launches. [All the men on board the Ostego reached the fleet in safety—Ed. Herald.] Sbl'sca, Ala., Dec. 80, 1864. The Reporter of this afternoon says a wep known gentleman of Huntsville,who left that place on* the 21st, arrived at Meridian on Thursday afternoon, bring - !ng the following very gratifying Intelfi geoce from General Hood’s army and North Alabama. General Hood, on the eve of withdraw ing from near Nashville* was attacked vigorously by the enemy, who massed a heavy force and threw it upon his cen tre, composed of Cheatham’s and Bates’ divisions. These veteran troops gave way. [The telegram has probably been eliminated at this point—Richmond Whig.) Hood moved on Colombia, where he was at latest dates. On Tues day, the 20th, there was another fight, in which the enemy were badly whipped, losing one entire brigade capturedf— About the same date Forrest captured an entire brigade of cavalry and six hun dred wagons; The population of Middle Tennessee and North Alabama is thor oughly aroused, and every man and boy capable of bearing arms was hurrying to join our army. Ten companies were formed at Huntsville in a week. That place had been taken possession of by ten Yankee regiments worn Point Peak; but Roddy had been ordered to retake it and hold it all hazards. Ten gunboats came up the Tennessee river and at empted to cross the Muscle Shoals.— Roddy attacked them, destroying one, and probably another. The remainder were injured- Forrest has been made Lieutenant General. CFrom the Richmond Sentinel, Jan. The Yankee gunboat movement up the Roanoke river resulted, as is known, very adversely. • From an interview with a deserving and efficient officer from that locality we gather some interesting items, which we present to our readers. The expedition comprised twelve' gunboats and several barges, the latter of twenty oars each. Two of the barges, which vpM ahead aa torpedo hunters, were vigorously attacked by our sharpshoot ers, and lost fhirty-one killed, The crews then displayed the signal of sur render ; but before the barges could bo secured a gunboat approached and shell ed our forces so furiously as to compel the relinquishment of their prizes* which drifted down the river to the gunboat. The barges exploded several of our tor pedoes, but foiled to clear the river. The gunboats continuing their progress,* sev eral of them were blown up. Deterred by these losses and by the hazard of still greater, they then beat a retreat to James ville, twelve miles above Plymouth. Up to last dates only six of the twelve boats had returned. Their offieers stated to the citizens of Williamston, twenty two miles below Fort Branch, that they had lost four of their boats by torpedoes. When asked where the other two were they made no reply. They also admitted the loss of one thousand men. Admit ting their statement—which is believed to be true—we can account for the other two missing boats. The officer in charge of the torpedo force, in reconnoitering, discovered a sunken boat, of which no one was aware, and cut from her about fifteen feet of her boarding nettings, of very large size. The sixth gunboat was sunk by our light field battery. Among the arunboats destroyed was the power fill Otsego, a double-ender, bearing four teen eleven-inch guns, and manned by a crew of three hundred, reinforced by the same number of infantrymen. Four of her men, who were picked up at different times, all agree that of the six hundred men on board not more than sixty es capted with life from the wreck. A worthy and reliable mechanic who was pressed into Yankee service to make coffins for the officers and boxes for the men fished up from the wreck, declares that up to the time of his release over two hundred had been made and shipped to Plymouth, the men to be buried there and the officers to be sent to the United States. The work of flaKlng up the dead was still being prosecuted. Mary of the bodies of those blown up on the different boats had floated down toJimosriUc. AtefcMut we team fik at Steedmau’s cavalry hove captured and burned Hood’s pontoon trains, and taken from him six hundred mutes, one hun dred wagons and two hundred hogs. The rebet Roddy’s cavalry have nearly all been dispersed. It is said that Hood has been ordered to Tuscaloosa, Alaba ma* to reorganize his fragmentary army ■ ■ —■ ■«■■■-»■» » I About four hundred guns have been captured "from the rebel armies since the middle of October, six-pounders, twelve pounders, Ac., which are now the ex pounders of treason. , ~ URL EUTO'S DAUGHTER. AH OLD TBDTOtraO UOKND. Twas night in the forest. Sir Olnff rode by; He had summoned his wedding eompaaj. Shadows were dancing on the green land; The Erl King’s daughter grasped his hand. ‘‘Welcome, Sir 01 tiff; torn not to flee; Join our revels, sad dance with me." “ I may not dance, I most no f stay. For to-morrow will be my bridal day.” M Listen, Sir (Muff; come join with me, And these spurs of gold thy trophies shall be. “Wear this robe of gossamer slight. That I've woven and bleached by the pale moon light." “ My vow is another's, time calls away; I most to the castle ere dawn of day." / • “Relent, noble knight, and enter our ranks; Those jewels shall be my token of thanks. H “Thy gems are welcome; with them will I ride, To adorn at the altar my trusting bride.'' He took from the elf-maid a glittering flower— Sir Oluf was hers from that very hoar 1 His heart was smitten with pangs so sore That he quailed as he had never done before, Fainting she lifted him on his steed— The iron-cased warrior of help had need I When his steed regained the castle gate, Long had his mother been standing in watte. “Whence cometh thou, by dawn, my child? Thy features are pallid- thy look is wild 1“ "Mother, I'm feint and unnerved by fright; I met the Brl King's daughter this night l n *• Get thee to couch; evil haunts the son; Thy vows are forfeit, thy bride’s undone l" “Teli the fair lady that I may be found Training the felcon and coursing the hound.* Soon morning broke, by the sunlight clear, Both bride and wedding guests appear. They spread the feast, they poured the wine; "Wfifcfe Weir ww mine f “Is the gallant knight riding at morn la the tangled forreeta, estray and torn? "T*’"’ They search the wild wood for many an hour, They scan the eaetie from vault to tower. By the shrieking bride the guests stand aghast In a lowly chamber they found him at laah^^_ Sir Olnff—in death on hie couch he lay, That elf-maid had stolen his life awav. U a CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, • 14T Bay street, Near the Exchange aad next door to Republican office. Free Writing Table for Soldiers, Pens, Ink; Paper and Envelopes free. All letters written at our rooms stamped when requested, and stamps can be had, and if not, for: warded a Iwavs as ‘‘Soldiers’ Letters." A supply of reHsdous reading usually on hand for gratuitous distribution. Religious services every evening at 61-3 o’clock at Wesley Chapel (corner of Lincoln and Pouth Broad streets), conducted br the Associated ei CTx&plains’ Meeting at the Chapel on MONRAT Jan. lfith, at 10 a. m. W. A. LAWRENCE* *anl4 ts Agent U. 8. C. C. J-JUNBARB A FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS' ROW, • Hilton Head, S.a m .__ n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions. &• 'JTOREB CHEERS / ELEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHT 6CNBI! DOESTIOKS At the THEATER EVERY NIGHT ! I Boys whatever Corps yon may happen to belong to, this document Is addressed to each and very one of you, to inform you that Q. K. PHILANDER DOESTIOKS, P. B* Holds forth at the Theater, In Savannah, (a town you may have heard of) on TUESDAY NIGHT, on the subject of j PLUCK! And as nobooy fit the world knows better than you do the meaning of the word, ho invites you each and aQ, to come aad bear hi« Mena on the gabiect. To be sure you wilt have to pay ONE DOLLAR BACH I For the privilege, but yon may be thankful for toe low tariff; for if you had only half as much money as yon have Yankee PLUCK he would charge yon twanty-nevatt dollars apiece. fpra fHiTilliyiifrW DAILY HWUi MVK3K rihNTLKMXN S FURNISHING GOODS, KM a wipertor qaallfo, may be found at __ _ ffo. 151 Comma**} Bearer. IflegHgeo and Traveling Shirt* , Merino under Shirts and Drawer* Cottars, Buckskin Gauntietts and Glove* Cotton and Woolen Half Hosts %v and Wool Hat*. Gwuiry and other Boots. EUBOKR GOODS Ifar Campaigning, constating of si&pr s Poucna* §2U.*c. • CtTHHEE & BURBANK, ll MEsuoAmoßf Rnw^ Call the attention of wholesale par chaser* to to their superior stock of MILITARY AMD NAVAL CLOTHING ' -~ ’ AHD FURNISHING GOODS, Matches, Clocks, Fancy .Goods, Jewelry and Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Betts, Bmbeoi derles. Boots, Cape, Ptehl Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, «sec., ACm &c. lanDX—tf POST OFFICE NOTICE V-COLONEL A, H M ASKLAND, Special Agent Poet Office De partment, requests all citizens now holding the keys to Lock Boxes to return them forthwith In that boxes may be assigned. ts jao CLERK WANTED -A young man of "good business habits, who is a good penman and accountant, wanted as a Commissary Clerk. 0»e having experience either in the depart meat • army preferred. Apply to ' Capt. L. Y. STUART, C. 8., Corner Broughton and Bull sts., up stairs jan!2 ts CN. BELLOWS, • Np. BMerchants' Row, Hiitoa Head,£vC Dealer tn BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS —Atm — SUTLERS’ GOODS •P EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE AND RET AM/ TJOUSE WANTED—WITH FIVE OR MORE XI nwnu, at reasonable rent. Apply «* jfc* office, Jan ts OARD AND ROOMS WANTED BY VOVR gentleman, Apply at this office, janlt T>IDDBLL A MURDOCK, Xw WUOLKSALJB AXED ENTAIL MU.WB (Mr SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES. JWT GOODS* BOOTS AND SHOES* HATS CAPS, dhntvLRMEN'B Fcbkmhuhi Gocre, No. 8 Merchants’ Bow, Hilton Hea& It •. ir. and, aumsau, QanlO —a. i.nnwb. Roberts a lewis, m— fctnr irtrfi it try* r *«« “ SUTLERS' GOODS AND LUMBER, MnußHu. Avnnm, Hiltov Hhus & C. a. fcaodta, [janSO—wAa9w| cmas. w Horse and buggy fob balm A Sorrel Mare, six /earn old. wffih near silver-mounted harness* and elegant Open Bmm Price, S3OO. - - Apply at this Offtoeu • 153 ODNGBBBB BTBK3BT TOBACCO, Smoking fLCfentbaCA, . Fine Out Chewing in Colt do, Navy, Lemoyne. Navy, in Cad dice, Pipes. Segars. Family Soap* Candles, Ac., Ac. HENRY CAMP, Consignee. XTBWB-DEALBRB AND OTHERS PESnaTO Lv Th« Sava.kvam Daily Hxsald at Wholesale ire requested to seed in their order m eatfty In advance as practicable. R W. MASON A CO STORE WANTED—ONE SITUATED 0T A basiness location and adqpfed to a rota trade, ’ Address, giving situation and terms, BMC M Savannah Herald Officei janll t d&OAA REWARD.—Lost, in going fromfly lor street to the Marked a ChMtsr Diamond Fin, which the owner values, mocw '‘specially on account of its being a femfly reiir The finder will please leave it at the Savannah Herald Office, 111 Bay street , janM—lP rrvHE METROPOLITAN MINSTRELS. X These Favorites of the Army will make their third appearance before a Savannah a*. EVENING, Jan. 1S» 188*. At the SAVANNAH THEATER To thr.<»e who have hoard the exqutaim smgb»C. of the Mahone Brothers in their Solos andPM^fr the mere announcement of their appearante WM be a sufficient guarantee of the exeeUenoe of me performance, . Lum Mahone will sing a NEW NATIONAL S01«L . written by his.brothor. - OEi&INAL BURLESQUE N&O DR®- BATCRS. Prof. Weothworth wUlpmfocm Us mtoxeMi ***** FEAT OF aTRENCffU havtaf a aere* hsadred pound solid sWm upon Mabreaat, at each