Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 16, 1865, Image 1

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■..i.hl.htffi m *.. ? —i—. asdaxm >»,-? ■■ • : -«♦•■■* , ~,..,14-:.*, * —fija *».» .. ...—* Hl—'. -- +• • *
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supfts EsciaPTan,
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•&H jaifoi (M» t j ' ‘
Pei -* > Fife Cent*.
„,, „, Jy ‘ *pvnt»;n*ut
■ A mimber of Advertieemeets win be re
eehr«d &t the rate el Twenty OferUs par Line for
tfrfct iu&ertioA,fMid .Cents per Line for each
J&aferdoa; iirapt .bly In advance. Ad
A ei«y styie; neats y and promptly done.
JM—J-11l LUL..J.. L-l ' JLL. _J. U
Ji* I* Bates to Jan. 11th.
’ tmrnm* umE& RKUKim
* ‘LSi'idT *■ v .Ay ‘ 4 (vf\ * y jjt
' '*?* 4to*to \ -&c- 4 , v... % &c.
By the arrival oi the steamer Rea. De
ftiJj from Fortress Monroe, we have
Aes «f New York, Washington and Bal
timore papers to the i 1 th, tar w&Lck we
are indebted
owing are interesting extracts :
(From felt Herald of the llt^-3
The prominent feature of the
from James river is oentaiaed in the des
patches of our correspondents, detailing
the particulars of the relinquishment, by
order of the President, of the command
of tite Army 0 the James by General
Butler, and the assumption of the posi
tion temporarily hy General Ord. Gen -
oiai Butler received ;3ie order at about
hail-past eleven o'clock on tost Sunday
forenoon, anu before three o’clock on the
afternoon of tbat day he had made ait
his threw eij preparations, turned over the
army to his uueossor, and taken his de
parture for the North.
Our valley correspondence
represents so.-t the inhabitants are suf
fering from a scarcity of food,and the reb
el Uuops. wiio are quartered upbii them,
render their cptHlfrion still more deplora
ble. No new* active military operations
of importance pave 'taken place in fixe
Ohr correspondence from Springfield,
Missouri, states that the Union garrisons
have been withdrawn from all the posts
south of thatipiacc as’far as Fort Smith,
Arkansas, by order of General Canby.
A party of abCfUt.sixteen hundred In
dians made an attack on Jiilesbiirg, Col
orado Territory, on lifst Saturday, robi>ed
the overkmd mad and kn express, dis
persed a mufo train, destroyed the etkge
station tmd a iafge umount of the tele
graph materkd, and. killed nineteen
uoktiers .and pidzens- A Revere ffobt
took placo, between the and
the troops, the latte* numbering alto
gether ,ie;#,dian a hundred; tut tlie
former were finally driven with the
loss of foci* qiiiid* ipidtwcJity-focrr others
kikvxl. Their design was to all
the whites in tl*e fevtUemeot. f .
Tl»e pf the passport sys
tem has nearly put an end to the travel
of Americans ia Qumida. The prispen l
ger uaans etti.hAjlb the; Grand TiUnk and
Great lkdh’ilhis are now rtm
niug wujt of Toroi to.--
. soldiers hre to
be F.iui auJ Viter a
Junction, to see that The Ipassrlilrt *
lations are strictly complied with.
* Included in the contents of rebel news
papers is an interesting and deluded nar- J
rutiva of the late Union raid of General
fitoncman, Barbridge and Gtllenv in East
'(eniieesee and West Yirgfola, to dama
ging to the enemy in the destruction ©f
the salt, and lead worsef 1 ana avast
amount of other property. Though an
is made to represent the extent of
die injury as much lefts than it really is,
the writer cannot avoid acknowledging
that it was very great, and derives some
consolation from the fact that, us the
Yankees have how done ell the harm in
that region of which they are capable,
some rest for the rebel troops may be
hoped for. The rebel Senate on the cth
inst. adopted R resolution of thanks to
their Imhan allies of the Oheioke© Na
tion. The Richmond editors are still
md,ulging in glorilicationa over the fail
ure of the expedition against the Wil
mington deieiicesL Moesby is said to be
still alive and in .a place of securjty, and
bis early recovery is anticipated. In the
sharp discussion now going on bt tween
the rebel newspapers, in which Je£t
Davis’ meddling is charged as the eause
of all. their recent some of
them, in hie defence, assail Geheral Lee
as the Marplot. •
CFroaa the N. Y. Tritmoe, Jan. W.)
Francis P. Blair, Br., went on his sec
ond Mission of Peace to Richmond on
Saturday. His son, Montgomery Blair, i
did not accompany him. Pksfiea from
the Confederate authorities—civil and
military (delay in the receipt of Which,
at Grant s headquarters, had induced
Mr. Blair last week to return to Wash-,
ington)—had been transmitted to him
kete, and will enobfo him to oentinue bis 1
journey to Richtnohd without interrup
tion. He is doubtless in that city. It is
known here that Mr. Blair will , propose
to the Davis Government a scheme of
pacification, resting fubdamentaHy on a
return of the Rebellious States to the
Union. Whatever political and moral
advantages may be derived to us from
this tender of the olive branch, no hope
is entertained hero that Mr. BkirVmis
sions will have the success of initiating
negotiations for peace. The condition
,of reunion will be fatal to Ids dr any
other envoy’s labors.
George D. Prentice- of the Louisville
Journal, who has been in Richmond for
over a month, the envoy of live treacher
ous Unionism of Kentucky, on his arriv
al here through our lines, of which he
seem, to have the run, reported to Ken
tuckians in the house of his own sympa
thies, that the Jeff. Davis Government
had conclusively resolved to free and
,arm the Slaves; that 200,b00 of them
would soon be equipped and put into the
.field to fight us, under the stimulus of
the promise of their own liberty and tliat
of their wives and children, and of a
proprietary interest in the soil. In this
desperate war policy,intelligent men hear
Jeff Davis's reply to Francis P. Blair's
proposition for peace.
TO THE mil.
«,;• CAiiojmrA* • ! ■
SHnorgmatififl ia fbe Rebel Army,.
Ac., %• Sc., ,&(].
VVe Lave received Kill fiie« of kite Tebel
papers, ityluGUig tic CbuJkrfon Courier
ami jilt jcmy oi tin; 12th*. f Wjc make the
foPowiag iDterfcatknaE &/ *<+ ( L
Kilax »r.ns XjAß*t \»jv-JfleatfoTiar
trrs, Cnarjewton, rjeceirrooi' L ; 9, IS<34. —i p+ci;J
Oidtri’9 —The Legislature of £o*th CaroLi*,;* ban
oticlrtvcd that ail iiree white raeu between the
ages oi sixteen and sixty years, net already in
CkmiwieruU; service, shall be tLahie to miliiia ser
The «:fy of Charleston fc» it* defen**
aS within it* who we. between th«w age?.
ThinNerrioe. m for.the defence of tmr homes. U
cannot be except- kg t thow who rje nm
willing to- tKl thiU State: whose Jaws protect
menu thet dfr oy which they are sheluyea
All wfil ad mast come forth,- The
free proffer of service i» what tho State dewea
The aervioe hos pirdSerKl will he demanded.
Officers charnel With the organisation of this
scree will, m math as possible, reoontlle the
service with. ths eiapJoyreenta in business, or
, lalxe; of tbot»e wh-r aaw re>uly to perScmn it. They
wba promppy respond to the cali of the State, are
entitled tb aad wid receive from it a careful con
sideration of all that affact* their wellaie.
in all organizations in the city of
. Charkiston wiU he lined without delay by ap
pointnient. The most active mea*s adopted
to cnroUmenia and perfect every or
ganization, - ' r
Arfcßt, aad patsldunent. jm prtyviilod W’law
will be only reported to when'indwpenst-.bfy ntv
cessary. it is hoped that in no ca*e will it he
necessary U> resort to either.
The anroUiueiit and organization us
Battalions or Independent Companies will be re
ported to the Adjutant and Inspetior
Officer wi l exercise ; ail the authority with which
they are luyast to maintain the respect dye the
Law of the State, which regimes far it* deface
he sorvioe of those who. live within her limits
and under its protection. (A- \
In this service there are no exempikms t npne
can be allowed except
stacoas, tivxtidcatce of dif>abillty, or ..otjier
causes, in consequence of which exemptions
have been hitherto granted*. will not he regard
ed, unless renewed, Kxeuiptkm from thi3 ser
vice is what no one wHI aeh who is true to the
State. If there are any not true to our state,
they have no proper place among those who now
prepare for her defenoe, ' . .•
.. yy’t . ... A. CL.
r By the Qovermw.
. Official: A a G Arlington, Adjutant and In
spector Gesteral.
SiHG» aF.CHAßLßfiixw—Five Hundred
itnd Day— Nothing oc
curred To quiet awte cit affairs
which existed at iagt report. ] Thd flag
of truce commußication for the delivery
of the riavajsuifth refugees has been
cfo oged from bavarmali river, and will
take place Charleston harbor this
Homing. Wo hope an effort will be
m4de by our city authorities and citizens
to receive these exiles with a hospitality
worthy the fair tame of old Charleston.
Def’t of So. Ca., Ga.
Charleston, S. C., January 9 V 1§65.
Notice. —An arintkl Guard of
Givalry and Infantry will p?itrol the
streets of this city day and bight for the
purpose of apprehending downers and
skulkers from the service of the country,
as well as to aid in preserving good or
der and quiet and to protect the persons
and property of citizens of this commu
nity, who are requested to facilitate the
giiiud in executing their orders, audio
give* information at tills oilfo<? of all
'mlflairs or other persons who may be
absent without proper authority fr<>m
their commands, or shirking, service.—
The co-bpcrutkn'of ail citizens is earn
estly solicited.
W.m. J. Gati r, '
A. A. G. and Proyost Mai-glial . General
January 10.
l From • ffr* Mereary of the If . j
PsoirPT Too condition, o i
this Military Department, as embraced
within the limits of Georgia and idouth
Carolina, is anything but satisfactory to
uuy man who is at*arc oi faoCs, and, has
capacity to nndersbjnd their bearing. We
presume there is no one iri thia Depart
ment to whom the condition of our pres
ent military organizations is less saiisiac
tory than to the General commanding.—
Probably there is uo oite so *horocad»ly
aware oi the lamentable 4korganization
that prevuiis in certain txjfpa and section
of his command. Ilia Department lias
' been newly turned into Ip* Inmd*, ibid
in;my of tue troops are new to lira sna
to tliia Department. Tluw came to him
under t|m odbunnuHl erf impedes gh* to
received tneru »9|J
, pii&iwot The enemy floqb nut mfehd' to
' wait iijAft auf tothfo' j And’\hcre ii
m ueh to do. ’* w ? [
Belo*B bringing ours-elves to free the
cm my, it it* aiioutely essential that
tho c m eommcnUj, bring t it.-, lurch to
lacajj.cvto evils lubstent tuJbjn our
own lines.' The path ire now are bud
mg, is Biraight to dostruc tioa. The ends
o 4 the Oj>cUefH:faey has arrived ia lihl
.earnest, Tfoi of the 4 seat ux
mouths will bring the Confederacr ir
the gronod, or will rcir Ahife-its power.—■
Without refiwm we ure
They? I* nothing bt.fone ua that csaaat
be ovemmxef but to do it, there muat hr.
anew state of things instituted. Wi
say again; there must be nerve. Met la
command miLst not be atraid to die—
They m'ist, not be afraid to kill. Oflfee».
must be killed—not mere privates. Efe
form must begin at the top; ifot si tint
bottom of tlie service To yearii ike pd
vale, Captains must lx* ehot r Ao xevdb
tlio Captains, Colonels must’,be sis*.—
We want no child's play— ifo uni me
« rtttM.
We want lio more Jeff. Da via
we want one *to.m of Irrain s oott Fpask
of otw-we want ho nfoA* Pnniraiirfn
—we want no more mermakllf with heada
of monkeys and fishy attachment at Owr
neither extremitioft—wo want mum, tm
men, earnest men—North!
Georgia and rioudt CaToUba are n as
mood for trilling, Theyf have Ml
enough of thte sort of thing, w They 4nal
intend to have modi more. Boon Qua
linfli don't intend to be conquered. jMk.
intends to fight ‘ Sttw? don't intend to tot
hampered or turned over to the mmm,
When toe Is thus dealt with, then wau
be a reckoning — a reckoning whenflteto
will be no rsspectora of ptirsoo. We
want implicit order and culm forecast
; v Westaad. to glfgHafon; atrippect
to the fight—we an ready i»«d trafauMt
to enter the straggle, for file or for deato
South Carolina is ready to beomae toe
arena of the Republic.- sh r sons aae
ready for the contest. Make of her
whole soil a military eamp- r +tiip her to
the waist; she will not shrink. Botgtoe
her her gauntlets and her sword, and site
is ready to st and or fall whep clue ml
If, however; obmuauiuiag officers wifi
not do their duty in this maUid’, kt al
men shut their books; for iht <oad arty
have well nigh come. The lime is .-iiort.
'—will it be improved ?
Thb Rv;i»KTi-.o Oe TTTAiJr.ife X* Mao
iEixjFAnxK.—'Ttew-r?litor ofate Kavcttr
ville Obforvcf has wieo a k-Uer irooi*
'clergyman in fekwaiuntfr written ibaw
days beibi*e the etaqaatM»Avof Uou ptocr.,
in which ho was reque ued .to txtrreci (fr
story of Yankfje e)*t?ages ou kuikw on
Milledgeyilk; wlih* tsfiennita laid (toot
pLop. The wrik i had ussamsd hy
Gen. Wayne that ho knew Ivokb
ladies in. Miiledgeville, that sre
such violence had been «iki
tliat Gen. Beauregard, v»i»> wjui Clm«c:
ajilerSherman, lias .-stok'dthat it nemawi
lrue Unit such airodlies had bec« cwoft"
niij ted. The writtr say# tfie Mary is m ~
questionably utitAl to excite
jK-blic foeiiiijg against coesmy.
nulUMlly cunGuuas that a iXAitrluu.*lMiM
v\ ill relieve tlvosc; who ha ih tricuds in Sa
It is one of the <iisgrai efnl iuc’dcsfti
with the pniazing mutvh of
fiUcrmundLroiigU that the worid
lua been mwitod to lies' of a l sorts fey
tiui people of that State. \
Be»to tho Mafcßtents cdf outrage*, We bv.t), pay a Obser
ver, verbal '* ui‘ the trmhfnU*e«
such ns toil as to belie \e them uninxitat
oitlar be nU/o.uie‘y. c 'lyblkbed l>y U*D
GvOrgia, pivj.s, vrto<*hsfely
tie— iU
■' *1 -r. Svr7}r- Til TCi ~f ; 'rrrrrrrt
Oue of our fcaeßuhuoa}i vnUey cottbsk
hjharmutioti has !*-* a.
avceiVea fliKn ifoifr JLikiuni.i>d tlmt
we ing 'laaT : ed «f
Brantliviik*, tkni*b u.r, iiw , i ti.* km
j«AKiit region.:ter ti e \ cl
ingto check an mjUdpaksd 2*»ttkws£*t -
moveauriit fYo-u Buvanimh if Gvttiwsii
anna r
* w«-
tPiVo CeulMu