Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 16, 1865, Image 2

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jtawnuß-lt § *iltj |hr hi BY 8. W. MAS&X Aim CO. SAVANNAH, MONDAY, JAN. H» «*&. Import as t Letter from Colonel Julian Allen to the N> T* Chamber of Commerce* The following important letter from Colonel Julian Allen to the N. Y. Cham ber of Commerce will be read with inter est j Boerox, Jan. 8, 1865*. A. A. Low-, President of the Chamber of Com merer. New York— BtK Having read in the public newspapers of yonr city the uncalled for and out of plane debates of your eommit ee, appointed by yon Under resolutions kiudlv offered by Mr. Chittenden, and unanimously Adopted by the Chamber of Commerce, it becomes my duty to make this communication. Your committee seem to hare acted coder a misunderstanding of the facts.— They brought up matter not at all con nected with those resolutions. To the question— W ho I am and what am ? I was appointed to proceed to New York by tne Mayor and Council of Ba-< vannah for the purpose of negotiating an cxchango of riee for a variety of provis ions. In the belief that the people of New York would rather give the required pro visions and not take the rice from the suffering people of Savannah—they will need it all—l expressed these views to my friend, Hon. Albert G. Browne, Su pervising Special Agent of the Treasury, who concurred in live opinion. Mr. Browne kindly gave me a letter of Intro duction to you, which brought me be fore the Chamber of Commerce by your Invitation.. Now, Bit*, it is very painful to be pheed by others' mistakes before the public in the light I have been by certain persons of yonr committee. In the first place, the poor and suffer ing people of Savannah, just delivered from oppression and despotism of the worst kind the people ever knew—by General Sherman and his noble' army, do not ask or beg for aid, and I disclaim having asked or Pegged for them. I merely m vie my statement, and yon, sir, nobly acted with others of your mem - bers. Although the Chanabpr ol Com merce p isscd specific resolutions, a part of your committee seem to ignore them and enter entirely into another matter. I have fulfilled nay obligations to the citizens of New York, and hope to be able by to-morrow to see the feelings of Boston expressed. I shall be in New York on Tuesday end accept the steamer offered by the War Department to carry the provisions to Savannah, «nd despatch her at an early day neaAweek, and trust you, sir, will withdraw *y name from any fur ther action connected with the resolu tions off red by Mr. Crittenden. I intend to give the citizens of New York at Urge an opportunity to act in the matter, but shall vot suspend my action in buying and forwarding the re quired provisions. There is no question of the right of the Chamber of Commerce acting indepen dently of mv services, and if they see fit to send their donation to (Jen. Geary for distribution I cannot consistently have any connection in such a preference. Al though having the highest esteem and considerrtion for Gen. Geary, it would be a reflection upon the Mayor and authori ties of Savannah, in whom I hare confi dence, to advance any funds for the pur chase of provisions, and to them alone I an authorized to deliver by Gen. Shei m.ui an I Mr. Browne. j Your obedient servant, • Juliax Allux. Col Allen was to aidreaa the New York merchants on the afternoon of the lltix | Frans,—The alarm of fire on Saturday evening between 7 and A o’cloek, wt s ; caused by the burning of a lot of 100 e cotton On Bay Lane, between Drayton and Abercoru streets. Tho dare age was light, confined to the destruction of the cotton. The alarm about 2 o'clock Sunday morning, was from flames issu ing from the roof of the carpenter shop of Mr. G. Butler, on Charlton street. The loss is about $4,000 —insurance SI,OOO. The soldiers assisted very ma terially ia extinguishing the fires. Ml'sOskj.—We have in our editorial room ft complete file of Tun National Fkre Masost, for 18S&-4, with the Jan uary number for 18*55, which we shall be happy to allow the examination of by any of the fraternity. _ _ Latb Papecs.—We have a file of New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington papers, to Jan. 11th, which any of our patrons can examine by call ing at our office, 111 Bay street. Thanks. —We are indebted to Captain Atkins, of the steam 8- R. Spaulding, Captain Baker, of the Neptune, Captain King, Harbor Master ,at Hilton Head, Captain Silas Spicer, Harbor Mastej lure, Captain Beard, and Mr- E. S- Rid dell of the Pulaski House, for important favors, for which we return thanks. Arrival at the Pulaski House, Dec. 17, 1864,—John Parrabee, South Caro ling ; Gen. Beauregard, C. S. A.; Capt. Chisholm, C. S. A-; Capt. F. A. Strong, Macon, Ga.; Capt: M. K. Treamur,Ma con, Ga. ; Dr. Alexander G. Yerdier, S. C. Assessor; Oapi W B. Davidson, Augusta, Ga.; Lieut. Hi Ia Weste, Au gusta, Ga.; D. P. McNeil, Army of Northern Yirginta ; Wm, Clark, Hospi tal No. 2 ; RohfTAfdrich, Gen. Young s Staff ; W. Huggfiis, Virginia. “ Nbrv*.”—An important article, with the above caption, from the Charleston Weekly Mercury, of the 12th, is crowd ed out to-day, but will appear to-mor row. — Scm=CßrsETts rx the City will confer a favor if they will call or send to the office, 111 Bay street, for their papers, for one or two days, till our arrangements for delivering them are perfected. We shall within that time have facilities for deliver ing papers anywhere in the city. igrWe call attention to the advertise ment of a lost diamond pin. The owner is especially anxious to recover It, on ac count of associations which make it par ticularly valuable. SuBSCRrBKRS who wish to send the Sa vannah Dally Herald North, are assured that their orders will be promptly at tended to. Wo charge nothing, for wrapping the papers and delivering them at the Pest Office, and vre take till pains to forward by every mail. Orders can be be left far any number of issues, at the current rales. Ot*. House.r— I This old favorite res taurant of Savannah, on Bay Street, near the comer of Whitaker Street, is now open by Messrs. House, Wells & 00., all anny boys, who have served their time faithfully and received an honorable dis charge. They have a good biil of fare, excellent cooks, attentive waiters, and Hue accommodations. Naval.— Captain Scott, of the Sonoma lias been relieved and ordered to the command of tho iron-clad Passaic, off Charleston. FftgElWlf or COLORED gOfiWERS* FAMILIES. nTTERESTUTG DEBATE IN THE XT. 8, SENATE. ( In the United States Senate, oh the sth. an interesting debate occurred; OU Mr. Wilson’s re solution to make free the families of slaves who enlist in the armies •f the United States: The question was upon the reference to the Judiciary Committee moved by Mr. Davlg. Mr. Wilson hoped the resolution would be passed to-day. He had received let ters from officers in the army engaged in recruiting service, and they all indorsed and approved the measure. He did not wish to detain the Senate by discussing the proposition.' If Senators would re fer to The Globe of last session they would fiud it was debated for hours. He hoped now for action. Mr. Doolittle—l am in favor of the motion .o refer the resolution to the Com mittee on the Judiciary . My reasons are very simple and very clear. ” The Senate has already passed a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States and put an end to this Slavery question in all forms by an amendment oi the fundamental law of the land. 5 which is above Congress, above the Su preme Court, and above the President: a change, which when once established, no phange of Presidents, no change in the Supreme Court, and no change in the legislation of Congress, can affect at all. That measure which passed the Senate at the last session is now pending in the House of Representatives, and as I am informed, and I believe the journals ot the House show it, next Monday is fixed for the day upon.which the House will act. Os course Ido do not know what may bo the decision of the House; but I have strong hopes, and I think good rea sons to believe that the House of Repre sentatives will adopt that proposition. It will at once, if adopted by the House, be submitted to the Legislatures of the sev - eral States and passed upon undoubtedly during the present Winter, before the adjournment of these legislatures in the Spring, and this vexed question—the whole of it—will be disposed ot and put outside of Congress—outside of its power to control and there will be an end to the agitation of the question. At the last session of Congress, some of the members of the Democratic party were disposed to resist the adoption of this constitutional amendment. I have good reasons to believe that some of them at least will favbr it now, for when Jeffor-. son Davis himself with his cabinet an 1 the press at Richmond recommend the abandonment oi the institution of Sla very in the Southern Confederacy, why should the Democratic party in the Northern States have any reason to hold on to it any longer. Sir, they will have no reason for it and no excuse for it; and I believe the proposition will triumph. When it triumphs here in Congress I have not the least doubt that it will re ceive the sanction of three-fourths of the States. And when that is done this great question, which like sin has brought into our paradise death, with all our volun teers covering the land with blood and ashes, will be finally settled by the su preme wisdom of the American people, expressed in a constitutional form by an amendment.of the Constitution. I there fore hope that my honorable friend will allow tlie question to go before the Judi ciary. There are those who seriously doubt whether you have the power to pass this measure as it is proposed ; but no one doubts the constitutionality of amending the Constitution. Mr. Wilson—l cannot consent to have this resolution referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Senator from Wisconsin tells us there is an amend ment to the Constitution pending, and that he has strong hopes it will pass the House of Representatives on Monday next. I had hoped that that measure would pass the House. I have more doubt ot it now. Whether it passes or not, the Senator from Wisconsin knows, and we all know that it cannot and will not become part of the Constitution for many months; foi two years at least—it , may be three or four—but certainly not within the next eighteen mouths. The acts are these: Trie Gotigrew #f the United States at its kst session decide* that a man who should eeffifit hi the army of the United States should be free bv the fiat of the Government of the United States. If any ofe doubts the constitutionality of that law let him test jt now. Sir, the wives sod ebftdre* ,j*f the men we have made free ace held m slaves. We were told fro* army officers I at the last session of Congress how they | were treated in Missouri. The sects were presented to the Senate and they shock ed the sense of humanity of every ©ae who heard or read wh« wag going on there. The wrongs that have been per petrated on the wives and children of our colored soldiers in. the past year would shock the htmthnitv and appeal to the justice of the people if told to them. Os the power to pass such a resolution I do not entertain a* doubt The most eminent lawyers of this country have so said We may have to pay for these slaves—probably we shall—but as to our right to do it, there can be no question/ and I think that at this time we ought cot to hesitate a moment. We road al ready of what Is taking place in the rebel States, and what Jeff. Da via pro poses to do. They propose to give free dom to the slaves, and to give them an interest in lands. They who commenced the rebellion for the Bake of making Bta very eternal, are now talking about ma king slaves free, and they will fight the battles of the rebellion. Mr. Wilson con tinued his remarks in a similar strain. After which, Mr. S iulsbury said, when this question comes up for bold ami manly discuasi'm in tho Senate of tho, TThlted States, I hope it will be discussed in a spirit of charity, with no v bitterness on either side: I would like the advo cates of this measure to present argu ments to the Senate of the United States. Ido not wish to hear speeches on the evils of Slavery or the wickednesa of Slavely. I wish to meet this question in this light. Have we the power, have wo the authority under the Constitution of the United States to pass a bill of tbit kind! Has tho Congress the United States authority to enter within the Ihnst* of the respective States and declare that any person who is held in Slavery under the Constitution and the laws of any particular State shall be free ? Has the doctrine of military necessity gone sn far that when we were in a state of war whatever the Congress of the United States shall decree is constitutionally de creed ? I ask the honorable Senator from Massachusetts, the Chairman of the Military Committee,- who has introduced the bill, when he comes to present Ida reasons to the American people and the Congress ot -the United Stab s why this bill should be passed, to point ns out the authority to pass H. There are some questions which in law are settled; there are some questions which, as Constitu tional questions, have been 1> tig and I shall maintain the doctrine, when this question shall come up for discus sion In the Senate—that not only have you the right to free tiie wives and children or negroes who volunteer ia our army, if they are from States where Slavery is recognized, but you cannot give freedom to the negro volunteer him self, if he is a slave There is no princi ple more cieariy recognized in interna tional law than this, that if a slave b® captured from his lawful owner by ooe belligerent, and afterwards comes hack into the possession of the other bellige rent, that he reverts to his original owner. Mr. Sumxbr— -There was a call only a few days ago for 300,000 more troops The country needs them, and it is tho duty of Congress to help supply the*. — To this end there must bo no difficulty* impediment or embarrassment in tha way. All those must bo remembered# but this is nf*L all. There must bs en couragement of every kind ; and suoh if the character of tiie present proposition there can be no delay. The country cannot await the slow action of a consti tutional amendment. Congress mu:4. art to the extent of its power, and any abdication of its pow er on this question will be injurious to the public Interests. Ail must confess the humanity of the proposition for enfranchising the fai lles of. or lored persons who have bsrae arms for their country. AD must c*J * fess the hardship of continuing them »