Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 16, 1865, Image 3

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fJHrery. Bat ths question is bßke4,\rtiafc power it mi Ckreffr\?s* to sot tho famines free ? T«hs b ttw Marie poiat oa which I shall express m optatoa. My answer 1% that Goagrew has pr iolselj the same power to enfranchise the families that it has to enfranchise the colored soldiers. Thn two powers afo coincident and from ♦he same sonree. It ha-s already been nasamed that Congress may enfranchise the colored soldiers. This has been done fey Bofem i statute, without any reference to the conduct of his pretended Owners. |f we never asked the re ason for. such enfranchisement* it most be foetid, first, In practical necessity, that we may se cure the best sendees of the slaves; and second, in its intrinsic justice and hu manity. In brief the Government can not be 00 improvident and so foolish, as to attempt to obtain the services of the slave at the hazard of life, without Becur to him the boon of freedom. Nor, if the Government were so bereft of com mon sense as to forego this temptation to the enlistment of efficient service, could it he guilty of the unutterable meanness ofusang the slave in ttafc na tional defence and then returning him to bondage. Therefore, the slave vyho fights is enfrancised, but every argument and every . consideration which pleads for the enfranchisement of the family There Is the same practical necessity or doing it, and the same unutterable shabbiness in not doing it. There is no principle of law better established than toe ruie that any acknowledged eight Carries with it all incidents essential to Its e&jrcise. Ido not employ technical aagnvga, but I give the idea which is founded in reason and the nature of things. It would bo vain to conferva right, or a favor, if the means for Its eh foyment were denied. From this simple statement the conclusion is irresistible, la conferring upon. Congress toe power to create an army, the Constitution con ferred therewith all the powers essential to the exercise of the principal power.— If Congress can authorize the enlistment 4jf slaves* as it unquestionably can, it may at the same time authorize their en franchisement, and by the same reason ft miy authorize the enfranchisement of ♦heir families, and all this from the ne cessity of the case and to prerfeat an in tolerable meanness. An Righto patriot,nearly two centuries Cgo, exclaim id, iu memorial words, that, he would give his life to save his coun try, b it he would not do a mean thing to save it If there be any value in this declaration, it may well be invoked when !♦. Is deliberately argued that the Nation al G jveniment oin create an army, and In this service can enfranchise the slave which it enlists, but that it is impotent to enfranchise his family. I know not how we can use his right anil, and ask him to shed his blood in our defence, and than hand over his / wife and child to bondage The case is to-o clear for argu ment. The human heart regrets this in sufferable pretention. Bat it is said the ♦lave has no family. Such is the argu ment ot Slavery. For ail that he has, as well as all that he is, even his wife and child, belong to another. Surely this 'Unrighteous pretension will not be made •the apology for a denial of rights. If the family of the slave be not designated by law, or by the forms of legal marriage, then it must b3 ascertained by the next best evidence possible, that is, by cohab itation and mutual recogm’fop as man and wife; and any uncertainty in the evidence mast be regar led as a natural incident of slavery, As men cannot take advan tage of their own wrong, so slaveholders cadnot on this occasion" taka advantage of Slavery. Any other rule-would pracr tically unite with Slavery iu denying to the slave his wife aud child. Tnere is a Well known French maxim which »ays> that it is only the first step which costs* “6b next qua l* premier pxs que conte. ” An i on this occasion permit me to say that it is only the first stage of the argu ment which m irits attention. Conoede that the soldier miy be enfranchised, and it follows that by the same consti tutional power his family m ty be admit ted to an liberty. Any other con clusion would be as illogical as it is In buna vn, and disoredible alike to the heal and heart. There is no argument, whether of reason or of humanity, fbrthe fafiraachisemmt of the soldier, which 4ses not plead equally for that of his fina lly. Nay more, I know not how we can expect a blessing on our amis while wo fail to perform this duty. I cannot close what I have to say without adding that In my opinion Congress at this mo ment is complete master of the whole question of Slavery everywhere in the ! United States. < Hven without any con stitutional amendments ft can sweep ft ail out of existence precisely as it can re move any other obstruction to the na tional defense, and nil this virtue of a power as indisputable as the power to raise armies or to suspend the habeas corpus. Future generations will read with amazement that a great people, when their national life was assailed, hes itated to ewercise a power so simple and beneficent; and this amazement will know no bounds as they learn that Con gress higgled for months on the question whether "the wife and children of toe colored soldier should be admitted to Freedom. The question was than taken on the reference of the resolution, and it was de cided sh the negative, Teak 15; nays, 19. At the request of Mr. Bfiulsbnry, who wished to debate the further consideration of the subject was post poned. y * NOTICE TO THE PATRONS OP THE PALMETfO HERALD. The proprietors of Tkb Hru aco hare been granted permission to publish a daily paper from the office of the Savannah News, It i? designed to fern or© the establishment there, and to isstie »live daily paper, devoted to such news as la not contraband. Subscribers to Tun Palmetto Herald can have the money reftmde# teem for the uaexpired term of their subscription, or receive the daily instead, for a proportionate time. Confided! that we have faHy met the ex pectations of oor many kind patjfocs* in the pnblicatiofi of a weekly newspaper, we invite a continuance of their custom, and promise our best endeSvoia to make a daily one luWißttmg.—H<r +td,Dmr.JOfL _ JBi A Nhw Flao at Swiss flag I will shortly be Been at sea. /At first sight this feet may appear strange, as Switzer land has np ports, and as yet possesses no colonies. The following decree of the Federal Assembly will, however, furnish an explanation of the matter : “Consid ering the petitions of a large number of Swiss citizens domiciled at 1 rieste. Smvr- na aad St Petersburg, and the message of the Federal Council of the 25th of November, 1864, the Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation decrees; 1. The Federal Council is authorized to per mit the use at sea of the Swiss flag for Swiss vessels. 2. Until an ulterior de cision of the. Federal Assembly the Fed eral Council hereby receives mil powers to adopt the necessary measures for the execution of the present decrees.” In France when a lad arrives at the age of 21 ho may be drafted into the army; whether noble or ignoble he is f liable to be of the 100,000. youths who p are annually by impend decree called to the military service of the empire. To theridh there is a chance for escape by supplying a substitute at a price ranging from three hundrel to five hundred dol lars, according to the exigencies of the service, for the substitute business is en tirely in the hands of the Government — no brokers allowed. The term of en listment is seven years, but may be re duced by good conduct, and at the ex piration of that time, that soldier joins ‘Hue artny of the reserve,” if after the vicissitudes of a dangerous service he is still alive. In (his manner a force of 450,009 men is maintained, which can easily be raised to 750,000, and renders Napoleon absolute among-his own sub jects and a potent arbiter in the destinies of foreign nations. A captain, lieutenant and seven men of MosbyU command, who were on their way to carry out a raid on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, have been arrested at the Relay House, on that road. A large amount of money and valuable papers worn found •» their persons. #*• TI i W l * The tnnn m heart is Ska a feather bed —it. must bo roughly handled, well shaken, and exposed to a variety of tarns, to prevent ft* becoming hard- Hk&ixS’k's Mn. Drr. or rax Manwm, In the Ftekl, Gn., Jan. 14> 1864, SraeiAi. Frstn OhdkhM rbethg represented that the Confederate army and orated bonds of robbers, acting professedly wider the authority of the Confede rate Government, are harrassfag fee people of Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate them in the efforts they are making to secure to them seireß provisions, clothing, security td life and property, and tbs restoration of law and good government in the State, U is hereby ordered and made public: Ist, That the formers of Georgia may briny into Savannah* Fernandina or Jacksonville, Florida marketing, each as beet pork, motion, vegetables of any kind, fish, «sec., as well as cot ton in small quantities, and sell the same In open market, except the cotton, which most be sola by or through the Treasury Agents, and may invest the proceeds in family stores, such as bacon and fionr, in any reasonable quantities, groce ries, shoes and clothing; and articles not contra band of war, and carry the same back to their families. No trade store will be attempted in the Interior, or stocks of goods sold; for them, but families may dab together for mutual assist ance and protection in coming and going. id. The people are encouraged to meet to gether in peaceful assemblages to dismiss meas ures looking to their safety and good government and the restoration of State and- National au thority, and will be protected by the National army when so doing j and all peaceable inhabit fonts who satisfy the commanding officers that they are earnestly laboring to that end, mast not only be left undisturbed va property and person, but must be protected as far as possible, consist, exit with tho military operations. If any farmer or peaceable inhabitant is molested by the ene my, via: th3 Confederate army or guerrillas, be e mse of his friendship to the Mat onal Govern ment, the perpetrator, If caught, will be summa-t ly punished, or his family made tQ suffer for the outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the actual party, then retaU&twa will be made on the adherents to the cause of the Rebellion— should a Union man be murdered, then a Rebel selected by lot will be shot—or if a Union family be persecuted on account of the cause, a Rebel family will be banished to-a foreign land. In aggravated vasea retaliation will extend as high avflvefor one. All commandingofficers will act Dnmptty in sack esses, aad report their action after the retaliation is done.’ ! | > By order of _ iL, M. Dayteo* a 81 ** 4 * aat * Atu ' «. i—j—. 4 HBAJDQVAJCi'irtt Cm cwSavassao, r < ‘ • January H 1805. Gxxrsax. Obmr) No. t. } I. Any person found injuring or defecing buildings, fences, shrubbery, within the city limits, will be arrested and placed at hard labor. The special attention of Provost Marshals; Officers and Guards, is hereby again, called to this cubject, with special reference to tho Parks, Squares and Burying grounds. Tho Provost Marshal's Department will beheld responsible for tne strictest enforcement of this order. 11. It has been officially reported that certain persona owning buildings In this elty are charg ing exorbitant rente for the same, and that In many instances they have increased the rents much beyond what they charged ih Confederate currency, prior t<o our occupation of the city.— Such acts oppress tho poor, and are without ex cuse. There being no other source of redress at present except the military authohty, Provost Marah&le of districts will take cognizance of all such cases which maybe brought before them apd will interfere to prevent injustice of the character specified. Bv order of Brevet Miy. Gen, JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding. W. T. Fosses* A. A. G. janlT rpHNATRa GRAND COMBINATION MUSIC AND PLUOI. Tuasoav Evaxuna, Jah. IT. . DOBSTICKS Will rapeat feis Lecture on PLUCK t During the evening the EXCELLENT BAND Os the 3d Brigade, let Division, 14th Array Corps will perform SEVERAL OPERATIC AIRS. For programme, see small bills. Doors open at 6 o’clock precisely. A guard will be ia attendance to preserve or der tn the house. Tickets, sl. Reserved seats can bepeeured At the Box Office of the Theatre from 9 a. k. till 4 p. m. on Tuesday. NEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING Tun Sava tn ah Hkkalu at Wholesale are requested to send ia their order as early In advance as practicable. ft W. MASON <b 0© A STORE WANTED-ONH SITUATED IN A business location aud adapted to a rata trade. Address, giving situation and terms. Box M Savannah Herald D2i.ce* jnxli t dbOAA REWARD.—Lost, tn going from Tay (jpZUU lor street to the Marked a Otester Diamond Fin, which the owner values* more eapedaity bn aeeoont of its being a family reli«- The finder wiU please leave if st the Seramh Herald Ottee, ULBay street, jaaK—3F W| ANTED, OWN HUNDRED MEN | Capable of handling Gotten and stowfc* ft.en board ship. AteoT^ TKN BTETKDORKB To direct the same. For the former OKB DOLLAR PER DAT AND RAWttHi . WiH bo pall. iTWO PER DAY AND lATML These me« are desired to report i« RANSOM, A. CM* Immediately at Whitens Cottoa i *r* - ALBERT O. BttGWSR ** TW W , rwrt T OSf.-ON SUNDAY AFTORNOON, ON fA j Montgomery Street, between fens ml South Broad Streets, a pl*»in BRSAST-PIN, era tain ing a likeness of a child. The phi to eqpeeT ally valued fo* Us amodattona, and tho UmW will be liberally rewarded by feaviag it at this etttee. Gentlemen s FURNismNo aoow, or a superior quality, mav be fotmd Negligee and Traveling Shirt*. Mtvhto under Shirts and Drawers, Collars, Buckskin Qanntlrite askl CMpves, Cotton and Woolen Half Hesev Fur and Woof Hats, * * FtoeCfevalry and other Foote, RUBBRR GOODS Pbr Campaigning, consisting of eCTet * - 1 Poaches* Cape, Boots, Ait, Ac. HENRY GAMP. , Ote«i|p«L STBELH A BURBANK, b It Merchants* Row* lllHon Head, ft 0. Call the attention of Wholesale sod Rotafl por chasem to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING am» *%' PURNTSHING GOODS. Matches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, ml Plated Ware,Sword£ B:ishes, Belts, BmbrototeA Boots, Caips, Field Glasses; Uauntlcte Gtereft Ac., Ac. T>OBT OFFICE.-COL. A. H. KARKLAMD- I -Spexinl Agent Post Office Deportment, m quests all Cttkens now holding the kmu to Lock Boxes |p return them forthwith In (feat box** may be assigned. tt <tt, r\"m. BBLLOWft U Nov 8 MetriwnW Itew* HHtoa Hexft M, 0. BOOTS AND SHOBft f rs JL CLOTHING, ' * i FURNISHINO GOODS* *** terrUTRS* QOOBO “^^^OLBOAUiANDBDW^ TYIDDELL & MURDOCK, la r; mxnuui am» nmaißltan n‘ . SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORBR MEKF GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES! HMD AND OAPB, Gmrunm'a PoßNWurae Goeno, Ao, No. t Merchants* Row, Hilton Head* ll O. w. a kwku, CMniO —tf] ■.atenmem. OBKRTS A LEWIS, , whocpsaui» nrrku. Mtarms m SITFLERS* GOODS AND LUMBER, Mitch HU. Avbxuk, Hiu-khi Hejld* ft ft ik a Boaßjtrs, CbmSO —whwSvrt caua w. umrta. Horse and buggy for saia A Sorrri Marc, she ream old, wtfh new silver-mounted harness, and elegant Open fltttt Price, s3oa Apply at this Offictt 153 OONGRMBSTsiWR"” TOBACCO. gHtflfcfUß fLmantAafid Fine Cut Chewing in foi, dn, i Navy, Lemoyue* Navy, In Oaddiiw, | Pipes, Began. Family Soap, Candles, Asa.. At. HENRY CAMP. Oonrigvas. OUS^WANTED—WITH FIFE OR MURK lwnras, at reasonable rent Apply at this oiliccw jnn II BOAIiD AND ROOMS WANTED BYBWid gentlemen, Appty at this office, jan II U& CH RIFfIAM COMMISSION, • 147 Kayttrret, Near the Exchange and next doer to Republican office. Free Writing Table for Soldiers. Peon, Ink, Paper and Envelopes free. All letters written at our rooms stamped when requested, and stamps can be had, and if not, fun warded always as ‘•Soldiers* Letters.* 1 A supply oi religious reading usually on hotel for gratuitons distribution. Religious services every evening at • 1-4 o'clock at Wesley Chapel (corner of Lincoln aud South Broad streets;, conducted by the Aamefeteft Chaplains. Chaplains’ Meeting at the Chapel on MOtfDAIT Jan. 10th, at to a. m. W. A. LAWRENCE, *anH ts Agent U. ft CL Cl JJUftBABEAFRANft MO. 10 MRgCHAHTB* SOtft _ Hilton Ik*dJ. C. WHOLESALE IITTT FfTIT IIT 1111118 cu jav arndgS* «ogjw