Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 16, 1865, Image 4

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t- —?- —se —r ——- •» BMMMBW Om or &«*#** I* i*Tr ' t#! ' ’ ’ <ksmflnv^»s %t M igy-' * wo^a »■ i gKSuitf ii iTfn~ u* «i&pv- Csidm m fit An vtfdtc W r i* BTftected; and whenever nec/aeptagr pise, special prtwfdH win oejMtftaM,. ■ 4 gbMMSSS SM: "nil order >Olll proper unthoritjL IT. PSWcs turd others, sswtjjn >* < HHR Bifvßtc* o* puldk rw wMHnjfti TrrbteA < bb’f Quartern© VT AU f pt r-sor.s with* the Otfcr.Jtt* IDHi to i»t wm7 connected wtth ttt MnA wU.bon* 'iel*y t.-. Gaptlto 'tisgdf Prdvort Marshal, foflice u» KlJMtaHgt sUKttheee remtfter thtslr name*. *£ si7itaYfa ■ vX Jfo .citizen will be urwtfel demeanor or v;ptu v.Titfgtr dt4»H Wg BHb Hea^jojrtd’Ji or from 1 Provwn’Mlßy 85,o*aZS TIT. The Fire .^fnte^rOferbfiir represented by the civil ftu-tjrartttt# is nrnbori aod ,ta pm|r|it|qM,' and wit] bt 1.. id ri" c:>uai!!je f&r tlwfaMßnfWg Jbrm.iuee oi his dutHMB. All AdMtoflCm TO 1 ferc&t Fire CbmpaAeg w® dtoßww hia ordert?, and negro’t of duty on he (lily punished; In gSCRPtfepB Tfovsteil of the DwkHet^w 4ft epA MrSSsmdvfr} tireng detneinaaM <rf gauds liMwn'Bort«r in the vicinity. 1 Those person# dniiiteillwF via Works and Gas Work* of the Cftfe frßLecnjtfmie ♦o perform their -fllmee ae neaeh % es these Works will apply their respectm <xmrirtanfteii%3qtfy,,eragfed. tad sent to their comm>» J pc|L'X J v» , i | *" • X, Capt SUes flpieer Master of this Port, aiuLJßv«ste<f fnlAJnEf vtty tbority tor the teaneactjoirWbmdr w> KpOjjrpir perl meat. Ofiice da JSmE Mi * rtamTn. j XL CiUtete desTfpus ofJiifti tl £ rttV ‘go; within the Rebel Hues, ififtsE t pj&jipWp *:ir Th«p>-finir 1 it imw«#SertOT picket lijid, « "_». /. ‘ XXL Citi/>ensitewtitu te<&Jp t Sr& t A toah-'-.' rfrottesatiim at the (iht 9 Btana*- enpplieti ajjon the order |4JDr.- 4 -J3i Jgspx(jJ be trr atBP. M Taya at bated m<n A><V)4 fP> the &{s» srl iTrJm. drrtT, aad \vhe navi* not j wP?*r.''vWl^ 1 «Treated 1 tw and j«vd«rrv chars etc rg wiß aiw re mfll < Oarv rdcßt h#T>ke» in cniryTD?rr.i ftjw to in %) ' ■evil,l |(l ' «• WtlTCVV"^'' attending to their* iwwlwm* ; B v ' ,< ' 'in*Wivwfterly inatmer ByLctae** mM ■'--" JU%Z tfm W. r *Anr, •«! vws aa t i ir f <Jbiniß«ialaag. W. T. Fokbkh, M-.CI «a IltAi tjeAwitiie Cltt ,#BSUppylfith, ISIJS?* - Gjottav jCkipprs «f# n jT rpFiK JL. %vf|hin lb* city te kept •lo& ar.^ prj*t an Mile- i t oiiio ? M Wpci l ntend thia 304*. "riwrabl ffl Viet'WfeMß® Aai-fMU » aw-way tX _ fOLtiiKnidy, o T ' whaler and ‘!jcrji?i.i(-h. will he re \tlWWiff 9 wm& find aHom<&M<br It»e apm ihr:e the •oi#v r MK’ r.t *il‘ aiif Jjav Inst the j - hwC’djJttolrWfrlied vp nt the of ftrr?* ”' f *• *TW»>f*ot}>ri»oir'ivvc*'p'n < w haann >iW* i¥.a tHMaw! the ci*y'!«nii» i) y the rocpanc ' etip’ise » - 4 ..% riK’T 7 , jhe p.~<t Onirt*rrdfteter wim f wdsni n ceria'n BamhT of • fcwns to curb di: t.'i 4i s o Iwel the 00 *? ont or .thd. citsi h toan.-v Wllth 1 Ti’KWrjf jjixo! of tftawfiir-t >-v B :>p< ird vd to Hyperirt ni the •?■< rk in each I’bfriei, vho I! iw'he*d that the la promptly '* A ' : •% , -«)imup.r.4 of 4 »ri^ ; -aBr«rQTTN JF-jOpAftfr • <*• . ' Commend "or W. A. WO. If V~tr 1 r ~*“ *• 1 1 J' r ~fTCT T~~ ,y —~— Oi'iT o 4 > t « ~a7 y >3i3Vl</ / • ’ MtKn: .- ]• ■ . ; * t col wn *' » Hh.vehy ; eiiormc ' l sa Fmvcat i■Virj;i.: J 0 t*.'•■; R*vtevn Tist.-ict * the place es thl, VVia V> «i \ TCiil i hie V- Y. ;*htv. J. fcy "• Brig. Gea. JOnN W. GEARY, (Vm’r. ■v. T. A A <r. P* 7X ’SfG* n,_r:;op7 J AT:<)N WAXTF.O fiF th° v her '■'-h- nte of Mr leovy. of K 'l’en teVwnmt' Tip • • ••> Ireland Li'aixve J> C.. fAr%ll v. ; < e T LIBT OF PEIGES FOR ms BB€WftATION JU OF THE 6ALBS OF THU FOLUfWLNO AlpnCtiS IB THE «JTY 09 BAVA»Xi\B s 'Appt05..,.... v 1....... t C® Bkch .nr, bntiieg or iJtjxtm, large. J. . 60 ‘ **■’ email OS Boots, CavaTiy, best. toVl Q$ Bniyhcn, Tooth, beak a. i*d r » Hair, beht..\ J,«O Better.. s. ..i...5..,.. T 5 Cheese per pound ....... ,i..‘ CO Combs, wiih r0irrar.....;......... ?6 J” « plain ..*..: CO /• India idhher .i CO I ItOl’ll k - • .‘l .. ... »,4 ..«'. ... ..... .... ' ** * ' • tore CO Candles, Adameßtiae, per paand 40 1 ’'*:*•« '• • Bi tMSB AHO Srmdduc Tobaews -C. H. Liltenttmt ” per pduwcl. ».r..1.».». .«. ii Bsrvf T<4keceat M Le Bevtn,* per Jh ....... 1 3T> Tin Folk “iiltenthaV" per package..a.♦. 1 2C Se. l,<per bta r '* jp ■ T'ObecftVMqsh ......... ......... t® icmterjsjrfe»g * 7 -1 *»d*vl-* If »« W • vo . ... y.. w i r- far ‘ I ■* <Anmer” * nr*? 4 * * *■ Sr MWWHPWM n^>4-• - JJ .. j. *- • - •*• *— »•*•*’•••■ .2 JW. , »'i ......... TJB * .• . -1 B f wwa n*tvf«Y«.... Ij® BPf* mis <•’*•.• } f®' •♦<•••• •••<*••«* tA-Aw 1 t • * •*.»«•••-? >•• » ' JR JjrESSfC*^•»«**»»••• ;,' PUt4lln^4iMtm*.., ICO BSSwfSf"* S3 KfeSSfito^j^rfci'vnii, :.'::: a^i.i«fcu»fc. ; r^..,. ; <#i pe^^,h^%..v....... ® f -- ? ■kfowchei.Vi^i,inpmij....... .......MsMo to MMMh... ... 4AJ ;****;;; *” JPl^ •ho f ttj ■rJnte Ltocn «n '•*"< Y TN GOODS FOR GFiLEBAL city, muri have perm uitt prices will be K*vaMty poa-. Ljeff, Idlers will conform ia pifcef ac> ipt‘~hM, dgUnfielN'd bv the ,Mfti>la*V.At ijieee iR ‘ This list will be pabliefced fc th£ and. ily 'mT~. l TAylir > FoB f fr.iKl will be jarseeHed appir FfT^Wii•Trk-l'R're, also nw n peincaa opening pWee of arnasWßleat. , * •, who vlaif te the ibi^pobur? f th?ir aiUi wtil %e cfane k aj>;l their goods c< nil- c item end sold ■ et r'-asuYifl* -fwiees p: K-ewls appwL p! wr. vh t» tA<j Fo«t I'*ndL . * - V'. Nutb rs or. pmney«r% hefmir’Pg: to apy pcr a;-e i-c-qmred J ti k nflißerVjaw i4 ec.*wifbi4> ew rales to their owa Atfjc>!.£?*; they do this, they not he inter• 4rtth offices oi tjfp Po»4. !i s?iW Tany Siich arc tonntl withoat having ized frbmtbWe Headsra^i>i< t H\fy will with id wvYltaie manner as other nu V# j (* . • ' VT, Ira R. Seymour, Frovpat mkv*ha*, at 4;a*>ne rteATcmaFLye, wgt fi* t tb< sc rr.lon, that may fetreaiVr be : invtxm edfie* in tbVB cty, are cult taiyM , *£ iJ t4la«a-rs or others w«i fist or ir (Toiler*Vloibi *Rf*E»#?A’r'«wla*inr!va-tAe TTfl rtgxVfibe §.;r» f, tha n«< odrv# w»l tvfVrolhiuip*MM«M»di t|i» I " CKi - - « - T % I «rm#u*l«T r |* >n o **« * * ® f. t Brig. W ! «?: \RT. f> . ... ... . COIM3O»HViIU'., 1 W, M‘. Acmtsa, AA t^ s . rr ; A DTX’RTHBIBQ, ,' ‘ I ' T 1 * 4»- v .\'? the utlentioli ©flm P y •acs®ti?:i to ti>a -rab’-e of the DAILY IfBBAAD , , a? an Afb/eri *.ng ATciutim. Our ' 4»rt pac'. th.a-1 r/e rjrc rrre’of frr.9e odifii r* ercb n iy. A c h'vsi rciifs nt, sl} fmpoNa?;t poit-U*. »nd aii oU', ccmpL'tid fir cn 'TtTnrtrir 1 geju-ral 'H v F rr 'L?;l xc rtgeord to rpidei-p its nse cepccbJlr rwlw.nfic, and \\ c te ll vc onr orras to be rory rent,* naiile, coH.p;,r<4l wim -the high p:\cee vthluh rule id oiler,©i !■■ . ' • k To Airtßß !TRi| I.rBRS.Mj?.T. ’ ’ * ' A tbe tiTeroS’gy r rYApwry sitfi qy? .fc^ i.wfhst taev caa«tMQQM«IXJbf P r irsxiiiaa r,» th ; s nty ard ;: ;r t. or the V ,( xr.iATn< 1 1 <t lb® autb, tirvr. tbcIUVAIvMAII DAILY HEXAUi CTOUi* FOil SALE. I ’ Tjc •• it r.; of the late R J?. Thryer. rt pf_ } clen 1 R. C., ja offered fort le, wiui the Uotk ir e itia tivi. s. iLr let'irvi.; ’;j !v ’o . HIBL U.t. Jc >.l 1 P7XX% 6 hl-i ■< :: ■ ts» Ll w.>~-Vy ALiwO Hi.uL e. C. Drugs and medicines!! . > Jest tended from Kew York, a large assert' merit of Drags, Chmnrmte, PerfhtmeiT, rk. L*ibin¥ JSdrthPe, cfe.; Ootogues, Pom ades, H ,-tir ton ton df the brfest fttafitf. 'Sooth Pdw- Gez.' artU Wnsbefc' tv'L l A huyte s qoainTty «* tkrtefal. Jttedirfßt®, ITUs aud Oiatmenil A nkc kit of B.rfhhti Gkrrisge and Velvet Spostges. ' ■' I irw +. .. f Flea Fcm-dee, prpth«»ng tnsisEat depth. Fare Soda Walar to Stone iAnrnmiaw, with She choieew mTwm AD tu-dezi Wiil r aoeive prdanpt attewtiea. IT. M. WAm M, S3 Iterch&nttf Bow. ; \ HRttiß hcm a g 5 000 Lfla ClS^l^l|Aaa SShT" 2» KJk. VmdITrUGT BREAD 1 GaSKaw Otes; T w ■ j o|/ # Kw Stiidi Cheap to * . " > • v ■ 1 i Kuami llsmi, at. >Rmr AND WAtF&DPPUBS, DRFtf GOODS, BOOTH ABD SHOES, ?w * »F S HlM#it IN (1 0.0 DM, ’ fißinrem SsaD) ' ul * :4 - *Ai«Pe»Ay f «* J _].«? A IP RIVMrf ALto«»aa.v>« « Lav/, &*.«* » Awo^l “ s^ l^^ UU| "^ r bTb?l£B6 rW^ - . , v FS^_ ° er *kf a vwSj aa t?” jGckwh, ooufiistihg: oi Alapae e*JDAiii«»,>CaQ*ka Spawn Hoods, Ac. AWo v v -* BOBBINS A CO^ *» * ft ** Ifo. 34 Alercimma’dltto « *r Lt_ ,4 > 4 Hike# Heady Sv C. BAKERV AND ‘CGNFIJCTiONEBY W BHT\ BLISi I MEN ? \T BEAIWRT. ' Wei have thv howor to the retodente of #»»Dhpailment that we have -nst ejpeaed a Cou cetteae# Establishment and ftret-cinae Bakery in Sam. A. Cooley’n Building at Beaufort, at which we *tref*repar<*l promptly to till any orders which #av be to ,0% Special attention is to the TOiyidfactofc of OraameßMl lheeep, Faneerf- E’d.iy. ami KJerant Pi,try, for 1 S . .! 1 rjcl# ALiMANUS A KLINE, ALBANY ALT, iv v Farnd, at Fkajkit.t A-Ifoaojut’a iTeyn Gooav of id) kind® now being tended. Loin g^^# n r CV «#' 1 D***i**Jv KjUfjn Head, gl t,'. H’C FOSTER. • eat iiOBTiiBAW. CIAIiTEF hr. \ WLS, ALLEm m thv «»»| powhle manner by exjwfleitoed artifto i. w. iSiivSi i Gidk-vW.'.' ti Teu-e'i.rt, iwd ■ | eftol Jfc » a MiAxi tpr»li£SsltLw, A./ Dcah-w in LwtJtjjry cicodau 1 OopEfAie "^iwl #HPI. , /.r 1 --—sr:...• -•_».a.,,<r ——» w ,. . a .... j ?*»»¥( ~1 .“ ■ ®'* ’ * '** t’ A 1 - IVtf tk\4 at th# » r ■ m . n .* I * palmetto EtiafulnmK, PAtIcPIW If. V AJ.7) bmMk| •1 >ORT. JIOYAA. PQHABB 4 A IlilUi) lL:iif££. ti JL & i JOUDKLL, ■" FervjidvL lt pfefßWlW A.M&nOAW 1 I. R«rl d#ii-v>N ffr*r, R C. Anibßotyj**, * Meteimtipra, * piVdi b r rhaten»|A% Italic AiLuins, . Pi cket Aifcpnss, he Goad FT; i- At "i JWrrm**•*!«» P#vw. L iv. /H lirao. S. O. 4. V. kAAGLVvI & CH of Boston, m w _ popular ynvFiur *■ |» Tta. Fatten* anb Harden Brandt* Owumry f* 11*14 I tfinZL Tadtefe « t T™ Water? ? 1.. feCHpOL Vf Geqgcaplaes and Atiasck, Bead^m MedeTßon, *’ “n«, hattan, *; and u .Dofe« Jljtis -Note Winthroo,” “lianhatto? ’ •?& W ” Quarto, - " < ap< aad I -^S ai Gap; »5 2*Clai ihivelopeß aast rtee bite, , bud, cream, lemon salmon, and opaque. Fendin’tn »rlkV s*. r 3sF& , 3Ed i T OaiU ;•* WanUagite bean, Faloun, Index, Cominwaj 3VtmA eSST Gold l\ais, 7iurk*iß size* >v*h and without eaw-I Itulmg Pens, hi Ivory a&d Elinf ?rSS| Wrvunir l toS <;lf. :.;UjJkT Itajt»d i Iu j* a l a Fo! del s, wood find ivory. Seal- ’ assorved ealors. Ink Stund?!* evei> Sg|®S &st Lyelefc, I ootfe, Aml and Hair Brushes: Cemhi PenoT every style. Slates, assorted siae®, 1 a ’ % •«**** ; . ylSaa' 1 1V { and EjuumS* A still asAoi-tmeht of Haii afcd Cotored (tat |ie;, 4fcc. t to wTuth wo toSi amsam* u! Deaktes and the PuWirgtneralJT. v t ' «. SAVILLK A Oof t _ - HUldnß«Mao. r»f > «sa» . tX#o»e who desire 1 FILES! 4 Rjuumj-tvo Uxeajui, to dale, can pcomur tbcm at at the regular price ptv coot. We nave reserved, eat h vtei% aWflideut mimbC? toauppiy ftliy detnap, and we beberw ™ toore complete «nd actantfte ceiupenriiuan •> swrentt in the Depart meat ratt be pi ecu red i ~ ByW. JN ACa TUST EEC'KITCBD * ~,» ‘ 3u*boo “ ohee&e, Svjindoiu Ilgam. Yankee of every Lb*. Cakes aivl rfind, •CraekiTfl, Mate&eMf 130 Bbie. Potstoee, C‘a untxi-f*e.>d;es, Toma * *OO “ ' tpOP- Peas, Greeib . 3,df)o Pr®. Gloves, *W®its—Beef, Tea 606 Camp Stcvefit • ' Chickeinu 1 uxkeye Btationery, in variety. ; iSuts, i.airi'ns. b q s, Cknfei tVnery Bti.nL Bovki. Ik.lg* r.k Lay Bocks. Shiite, Draw ei r> < Ndbirs, Handkerchief Neek-Tiea, Boots an# Shoes,*Amiy ILuirV®, Cookbig Stevts, Stov# Pipe,'a Bales. Abbot* 'History of the- War, FLh .Lueoa. Cttltly, hietailic C« thna Ti» SVure, Wooden Ware, Ac., Ttc.; Cali and ex •Eoiue. * 4 .V . t and HiLTort Hiaxui B. C., L'aV. ,14, 1?«4. >*• ( 4g7jD LJVIN O, ” T \~X Ax r>’unon£ble f.rVy», rv*m be bad rt thy SALLE GYSGEK and*ItetFIWE^BKELT SA , LOCL'i, m Hie rear oI the i\rvv i : ’obi Otom Hilton S. C. 1 have Che \*iy beet Ir.cilit’Te for luroishiiiv OTstLBS, CIA'Tb, HiEATR FOUL THi , VIjY:k.TYJ'I LK.LvAi, L-orh the North and Soilu-i pliui-a in Uv-t Tiduitf. ‘Lccktd to wide? &1.10 6 A. AL to 3 P..Jtf. LET’EM FH ZGLtis tb, Frrprieior, P. P^— rOtie trill is resf-ectflaDy ralicilcd. rrg FIGTSXm> S; OLS HAI -E AND -» e Ar No. 2 Luo.u v. av, liivnoM 11 ioi>, B. V. Lhoice i*r.d ToVrcco. Ik* r. fbi t, rat*riot be bc*t* * Appjt.e. j r. live b ul l t-.r. •' • AL-a, fcbui-:o.utuj.> i« r p*.he at the above pteoa Will M. WILLIAMS, Fit prmtfif. -- • A , CH W, DLL/J* LG ~ 2 * ivo. aIL Oiihania* w, ftThKA 3,1 »and R. C., . ' Wkwitkit?«*tul reoaif desk rs in iTJTTEK. .CMi'GU ,(•.('< J*B.A A* IS. CP/Cft Sib UO'AAi GhOIcW.I'ALLXD 1H IT runt j* UAh,>UAl ' B ' £*'>?&>' i "*> <y» Uj ; Yf 1 ?"a ; k i) b trb i? a J. 11. TOMILIX. Pr*prle(t/W* Cl tAV iLLI. A. CO., >9 V, BtII.AAU A.\X> PlVAll. b'TVI.OM IS, la’Hiitin Utrsild Mi re, liilli u ii«i ri, b. P. A I.'otsrl r*K< >.iit to 1 miwtiti »t Whoies.-dt*. tiißu -Cvi’c:. ly r. a?’t* uiurj i'.ini<l|fdl«^