Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 18, 1865, Image 2

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Jxvaanah faUit Retail by k w. vl\&os am> co» KWAVXAK. EbDAY. -T AN. i*. I<«C6. Capture of Fort Fisher. J7BO PRISONER TAKHN. t# cmi Ki:w. >wet ere fighting for Fh e Hoars 'lbis’ morning wp haw authentic iniel • Vtgenee of the eaptotv of Fort Fisher, behr«r Wilmington. The news reached liere yesterday. la the form of minors, which very proper ly were not permitted to t>e published. To-day the announcement is bused on reliable intelligence. The <?apture embraces 1.780 prisoners. •aocoTtlinsr to ‘il«* best Information we .fiare, including one General and a large number of subordinate officers. About 70 guns were raptured. The victory was achieved by an expe * didon from Fortress Monroe, titled out after the first had failed. The fighting was very severe. lasting about live hours The, storming party consisted of ahou l i*,ooo men from Gen. TerryV division.— They iuid some- close fighting, hand-to • hand. The losses we*e about r*oo oi Hitch side. The news was recurved v. Hilton Head , yesterday, and a salute ass fired iu hon or of ike victory. \t spread like wild fire as soot as It reached here, aud by nine ’ o'ek.ckfhLs morning vae the common topic of conversation atvd congratulation •-<-very where. The above are all the particulars we tVel at liberty to publish. We have rc iCeived many other derails, but some ot Them are not reliable, and the others we reserve until officially announced. iaHu diag th?. names of the Generals and the composition of the forces to. which the credit of this important achievement bc- T-OttgS. Itaftnietioß of aa Iron-f3ad in (itarksion Harl)^ '.tHK HIOAITOtt PET APS ( O STAR BV A TORPOMK /LARGE LOSS OF LIFE. * We learn from an officer of the Navy ••Oixt the Monitor Petapseo was sunk in CJharleoton Harbor ou Sund xy night, by a torpedo. She ?im upon it suddenly aad the cx ptaston occurred almost instantaneously. Abo®t thirty of the officer* and crew vivere fcavod. Many are supposed to ■‘ewe browned or been killed oy the t\- sloskHi. Tf&vse arc all the authtfniio and daiU we have at present proper for publication. Hc&vm Orvnu.i:,— Surgeon John C. Morgan, 2SHh Mo., lias been appointed MiC.-aUh Officer o“ Savannah. BIAKtWE SBWb'. * Ai'tttxl, Steamer fellnot*, J*oxtr&<a Monroe.* •Steamer Victor. Fortress , Monroe; Steamer , Qen. Sedgwick, Lwtrow Monroe: Steamer \eh laod, Portrcs* Monroe; Steamer W, W. Cost, r Crow' 1 ]- H-ltoa Hvod ; Steamer FouniaLL HL usi Ibead. 'W \ ftT K 3> Five good Printers »!an obtain stutch* employment by app-fyd/ig tti this office. 11l Pay street. Stah Ovkha Troom*.—This enterpris ing troupe, of which Geo. W. WBsonne Is manager, gave a u<m*i exhibition lost evening as advertised in yesterday's Herald* The performances oi' Prof. Sun Din elicited great applause, and ail the exerciser- were- well compacted. A Message that Might Have Bekn. M. Provost Par.xkri, of the Paris Journal do Debate, to an article that appeared on the 23d tilt., on the* subject of Presi dent Lincoln's Message, says: "The London dimes calls H a most uncomfortable message for the American people, the Times is right. But it is easy to imagine another ?till !es o comtoriable: that is. one which would announce to the people of the United States that they had ceased to exist as a great nation, and that a rival Republic, a formidable foreign agent, was about to rise on Its frontier. It would be- natural that such a message should be hailed with joy in London : but a Frenchman will be cxcnstxl if he may never haw the unhappiness of n act ing it. ScßSOßiacus iv thc Crrv will confer a tkvor it they will call or ecud. to the office, 111 Bay street, for their papers, for one or two days, till arrangemcnis for delivering them Bw.perfected. We c»haU wnhln that, tinv.* have thdUvies fer rieUwer ing papers anyvf’tMrnj in the* city. Ocr Hotsev-—Tills rHd fiivorite iaurant of Savannah, on B&y t?ir*€ near the comer ol W hitalver Street, Is now open by Messrs. House, Weiis & Cos., all army .boys, who have served their time faithfully and received an iH'r.c.rable dis charge. They have a cx»i bill of fare, excellent cooks, attentive waiters, and tine accomjr>odadons. SmscRiBERS who wish to s» od the Sa vannah Daily Herald North, arc assured that the’r order? will be prccjaptly at tended to. Wc nothing for wrapping the and ‘deliveringthem at the Post Cfficc, and.we take ail pairs |to forward by every rual). < hders can l>e Ibe left fbr any number cC issues, at the j current i I Masonic."' We have in oinr edho»rial | room a complete file of Thr Matt, .n l | Fkkk Mason, for 18671 J, \<iih the- Jan i uary numlvjr for 18i>"n which we shall be ; liappv to allow the examination of by any j of the fraternity. t Why may we nob following the e\- : ample of European Powers in so-cailcd I neutrality, declare the ports of the United ! States blockaded, and make the vessels ; of Great Britain, France, &e.. seeking to enter or depart from those.por 1 -, the hw ‘ ful prey of our cruisers ? A cowardly j care for her commerce has been the eon i straining- consideration with Great Brit ! ain in her one-sided neutrality, an 1 in ; her mock submission to the repeated iu ! salts anil outrages of the Yankee Gov jernmem- it may not be impossible for I vis to reach her through the sensitive me ; diurv. We may deprive iu r precious I comuierce of the protection that “a juisil i Lmimous conduct towards the Vs as!dug j ton Government has hitherto secured, i We throw out the suggestion for the ci u- I sideration of tho.-e who direct oitraffairs., ! The attitude f»f a suppliant has gained as j nothing Perhaps a W ider conduct might | avail i-OiUevhiiig, Ray? tee 1 ' *,b - ’lgU— i Ch<ir?'M<yo Chi 4 it,'. \ VIBIT TO THE UtEtalOfC'VV'E OF COWPER. Rev. Dr. Radios, an English ctergy man Traveler, who died about a year ago, left a diary which has lately been published, with a memoir, hi London. His leiters from the vurtou.- p<act-s of his sojourn are among the l>esT things In the volume'. A visit ro th' h-oinv~ of Cowjxr Is thus described : f :wn quite frii of Cow'per. and can think and write of nod dog efse, having |u.«t returned from eapWing scenes whkh his genius has knvaortaiized. I arrived heft* about 2 ocJoek, and took up my quarters M the inn in the market piaCe'just opposite the hodsc in which lit- lived for nearly twenty yearn The house U one of considerable antiquity, built of ?ed brvgk. and is now most gloomy and depterab’e In appearance, Wing Inhabited only in ptvrt, and that bv people who are ks \<i close prisoners, ijehig leaiffiui of opening the doors k*st the bailiffs should enter in—a wry dif ferent state of things b> that which it presented wheu dr- author o( “The Tank ’- whs b* tenant tvncl I .leiy Austin was his guest Things-l«eing as J have stated, ftiud it impcfesible to gain ei mlttanci to the. interior of the said man sion, so nni-t content myself w ith gazing on the outer w alls, while taiaginatu n pictures to herself the rec-nes otw‘e exhib ited w ithin. And oil! wik' that has any spark of genius or of piety, can look upon thin building, ugly and disfigured and gloomy as It is. withoiit the deepest emotion, when he rejects that beneath its roof a poem was conceived and exe cuted whkrh will be Ibe pride an»i glory of our country, sc long a>s Hnglarsj has a nanw and a place arvomr tin* civilized and tzoltshed najk>ns ot the earth! “ After diimeFi set out, vx-ok in hand, for 'VVr'Ston l iderwood, a eery si-&all village, abotu a rrdie ao-i a half from Oiney. I did not taka: tivc carriage road to it, lan went, as the guiik* recommended, by tin-: fields, visit big in the eminence, and r.i'her spots alluded to and described in the poems. By this circuitous mo<le t reached the hail, a very old mansic-o. dog the resi dence of the Thrfxkmoriou rumirt, the walks, the shrubberies, tix* gardeixs the of w hich are so amply delineated in the works of Cowper. The !*st pos- Bir George Thrvvkmort-on, Mis recentiy died, and the- pneseuf owner, io whom the titie doe? not descend, is suf fering the to to decay. In deed. it is a miserable 08*.i iriace,. very dteadvantageon«y r shuate-L ami not worth preserving. As Cowper, Ik>w cver, liad spent many hoars/and per haps some of the few happy tares he was permitted to enjoy wkbLa the wail- of that now b.riorn and deserted manbion, 1 was determined. It josslPie, to.scctm’ interior, and my wi-h was granted, one f't' the feniah* servants showing me throughout the principal apartments.— But tiwy had nothing aNsut them, only —and that was enough :o endear them to me—they hud witnessed the social hours of Ova per, and the gv ni -is of the poe t stH-mod to Unger amid their sUeuce and solitude. “ Leaving the hou*e, 1 sought the gar dener. who introduced me to the* garden and the w tide rn ess. He had been only eight yeai>» til Weston, and knew ncth iug of Cowner personally. .1 found him, however, civil and intelligent." Amongst other things, he jviinted out to me a shrub—the lignum \ ioe—which the poet had planted with hi"* <uvn hand more than thirty years ago. While saunter ing through the grounds the idea occur red to me that yen would be gratified, as well as I, with some plant from Wes ton, to enrich, and. as it were, to conse crate our humble shrubbery at Edgar Hill. 1 oomrr.unirated my tleslre to the gardener, which be immediately pro ceeded to gratify, and, in pursuance of which, he has packed up for me three China rose plants, which 1 shall send you by the coach, and w hich, as soon as they arrive, you must cause to be put into the ground. * Thk Hungarian Freemasons have eleeb and General Turr grand master ef fective, and Kossuth honorary grand master. Ti he grand lodge of Italy has congratulated the grand lodge o.t Hun gary on these nominations., ITfIF MutIiATTON. OF JOUS HuNVAnG Tov:e—A veneration fbr t he memories of j great men led me t/O visit the newly erect i ed monument of John Banyan la Buohifl tie ids. to which I was escorted bv three ragged ujrc L at first, thought wen* ctistodk.ns cf the sacred spot. Ar riving at the ' tomb, one of the urchins, not withstanding rpv remonstrances,- cteDibered up tc»the : ecumbent statue of “the most immortai of dreamers,” arnV pofok-d out a mmiklioii of the fhce w , which lie sai l had been done “a goodish wiiile aero," while his companioofi dig p<>x i d them-xfves around the tomb in anything but a reverential imanner. Upon closer inspection, I found that the lace of the* statue bad indeed l>een mutilated, porks of the ix.w and mouth being com pletchr gonel evidently the result of rutii- Jeee violence. Several of the spear-heads surmounting the railing, were aisiv. wrenched off. This unhallowed dese cnition of Banyans tomb in a neighbor hood so ftiii of sac led associations struck me as l>eing peeuliariy painful.— -Correa jKft'ri-rrt f/,tufon 'frn T >K>rRFCTTyr. Covruti k.\ tion. —The warehouse of Mr.* Charles Hammond, situated on the l iver banks, containing from fifteen hundred to two thousand bales ot cotton, xvas fired about eight o'eloi k last evening and totally consum ed. This fire w T as evidentlv the wenrk of an incenciarv. as the buiidiiig, which is two hundred and fifty feet long, was al most instantaneously in James, having evidently re<n fired in various places. Fortunately a heavy niin liad just falf f-n and the buildings in tin? vicinity, on both rides ot the river, were thoroughly dampened, else wo might have had to record a much i»v>re extensive conflagra tion. \A<> are authoritatively informed that the entire 10-ss of cotton sustained by the Government In the tire on Sunday night was only thirty-three bales. About one thousand bales were consumed, the pro pe-rty of various private iadJ-ridkial^.— tJVri. j, r i .-ja» - Jt--.- A Cat at Ba t.— I The Intelligencer teLls a hidicrous story of how a cat was beriged in a cellar. Tljk- incident occup ied at a house in the cathedral street of Icigh. Tfo- cat. Hla sakl, luid got. into a cellar stored with all «orte of provtskma and presented so bold a front and such sharp claws that no one dared to attempt to forve her from her stronghold. At hist, afier some days, a comiviii&ionaire who had becui a soldier waa got to storm the cat’s castk*. Armed with a loaded pistol he prc'S*ented himself at the cellar door. • The family of the house watted above in terrible suspense. At last a kxid report, /-followed by a cry, was heart!, anchthe gaiJani warrior was found Iv lng on the ground of the cellar bleeding: at the head. The matter was soon explain ed. The pistol was an (rid one, and it mcoiled so violently that it struck the possessor a severe blow. As for th<* cat, nothing more w as seen of it. and wheth er it was blown into invisible atoms, or whether it escaped by some meana the g(X*d folks oi’ the Lfoge am still uncer tain. A Tukkixh horrible tra i gedy is report*.d in a Constantii ople iet | ter to the tfiih. The following are the j particulars, as thus re])orted: Djemila Sui ! tana, the third daughter of tiic* late Bul- I tan, now in her ‘22d year, was married ; to Mahiiiotind Jelladin Fastia. The posi i lion of a subject upon whorq the Bultan | confers the hand of one of his daughters j is anything but an enviable one, as the | Princesses treat the unhappy husband \ much in the same way as they do their ' slaves, or rath* r worse, for the latter have : not the misery oi' appearing in a false j position, [t is well known that the I husbands of the daughters of the late ! Sultan—Fatima. Raffia, and Dejemila — ■ have led the most, wretched ot lives from i the arbitrariness and jealousy of their I wives. The tragedy which occurred on j tlie 12th inst., arose from this cause. — I The Sultana Djemila, from causes well j or ill-founded, became jealous of one of her slaves, whom she imagined was re ! garded with some favor by her husband, in her Highness’s rage against the un | fortunate girl she ordered one of he*’ | eunuchs to cut her head off, which watt ! done at a stroke of his scimetar. Theft