Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 18, 1865, Image 3

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she determined to extend her revenge to her husband, and rooty directed that the .girls head should be placed under a cover on the Pasha s dinne r-table. It is the, custom in Turkey for the maJe.heads c&uriQlUes;to dine apart trom their wo men. On the day in question the Buhana seated herself*on the divan —a km g so& extending across the room—previous to hec husband's entering the dinner room. Ophite arrival as is ctratouiary, he went up to his Imperial spouse and rendered her the usual homage* She recreated him, to proceed with his dinner. When seated, he called on the servan ts present to remove .the cover which fe thrown oyer the tray whfcrh forms the top of the tabl£; to his" surprise, they hesitated, and sorgnk back. The Biritaoa then called tonim to remote it hinaseff upbraiding -thejservants for their conduct. The un lipppv Pasha, obeying his wife's direc tfone," threw off the cover, and then be fore' him lay the gory head of a murder ed girl He reeled and fell back a corpse. Previous to taking off the cover he had drunk some sherbet, and whether this was poisoned, as some imagine, or that the shock produced apoplexy, has not been ascertained as no post mortem ex amination had been held. Id w ill of -course, be thought that the Imperial . murderess was at once seized and placed in the hands of justice. On the contra ry, DjemUa Sultana, a princess of the Imperial family, daughter of Sultan Abdul Medjld, and niece of the reigning Sultan, lias up to the present moment remained In her house unmolested,nnd'the only police taken of the matter lu>s been that her Imperial uncle is very angry with her! rF-om the Manchester (X. K.j Dally Mirror.] SAVANNAH. L Rlji" the belle and shout hurrah ! Triumph crowne again our banner; Glory beams from every star, \b it rv*ves above Savannah ! Make the winter welkin ring With n"w and with praises: Let the heart rejoice and sing; Heaven shall hear the song it raises Shoot for Shermaa and his host. Shout for Freedom's waving banner, Moving toward the,white sea coast, Winning"gtorv at Savannah ! Winning glory, glory. Pof a nation’s story' At Savannah! a. * -b’vom Atlanta to the sea !*’ Vhle the w’atcinvord of the leader : We are able, we are free. Stronghol de shall be walla of cedar : And the might of freemen brave, ) Under Freedom’s hoty banner, Soon shall bless the waiting slave. Give ue triumph at Savannah J Shout for Sherman and his host, Shout for Freedoms waving baaner. Moving toward the white sea-co«M, winning glory at Savannah ! Vanning glory, glory. For ft nation's story At Savannah in. Foes av giants in their boasta, Palntiug visions of disaster To the sea-bound loyal hosts. And their bold and fearless master 1 ' On their flanks, in front and rear. Threatening host and gnu, and banner, Till the "cowards" in their fear— Triumph proudly at Savannah i Shout for Sherman and his host Shout for Freedom’s waving banner. Moving toward the white sea-coast. Winning giorv at Savannah 1 Winning glory, glorv. For a nation's story At Savannah ' IV. <>u. still on, uo fear ao rest. Trusting in the God above them. Strong to make the nation blest. Strong to tight for those that lore them : So the dear old flag flung ont. Wake a long and loud hosanna. * Fill the air with song and shout For their triumph at Savannah. Shout for Sherman and his host, Shout for Freedom's waving banner, Victors near the white sea coast. Crowued with glory at Savannah. Crowned with glory, glory, For a nation's story, * At Savannah ! Wukm Gep. Johnston is called from Ins retirement and placed at the head of a defeated and Inefficient army, he steps forth and shows to the world, that al though he has been insulted and neglect ed by the prejudice of a superior, his highest mid holiest ambition is the pro motion of his country’s weal, /For such noble and exalted patriotism his name will be embalmed in matchless verse of Homeric grandeur by the children of generations yet unborn —Soutfam Cbn jvd#r<U',y. ‘ j • ’ Sharks Bwult Lf,—During the ene my’s demonstration upon Wilmington there, were eoino merchants, of the shark species, whp refused to take Confederate money for their goods. They were a lit tle too fast, Wilmington has not taik-n. The Richmond Enquirer thinks said merchants deserve to be hung for an at tempt to pull dervo the pillars of t-ho na tional feith.— Cha;'kfiiou Gonrier, lOik. ATOIICE IN OFFICE OF- THK SOUTHERN INSUR ANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. Gft I JUtL *A A meeiiag of the Stockholders of this Com pany will beheld at their office on Saturday, the inetant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. P. M-, for the purpose of electing live Director*, to till vacancies in the Bourn for the current year. , ... Jan IS Vt n. BRIGHAM, V-esidenk JpCfeTTOXEMEXT. The opening perio-mance of the WESTERN DRAMATIC COMPANY. I* itwr'oida-bly postponed till FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. ~Oan. inn IS JACK ELSON, M&imger. _ /■y ’li HOUSE,” ~ ftv W. HALVE «fc CO., No. lflf> Bay STiiXur, Up Stales. MealH at all hours of the day. Oysters con stantly on hand. Freeh Shad. Wild Dss'k. and other game, whenever procurable, and the best he market afford® at all tinier J an V r O T l C V. . , TANARUS, OwtCK Cniux Q. M. jihPOT. Savannah, Gn., Jan. IT, 186A All persons in this city having in theb posses sion Hordes. Mules, Wagons. and Drays not already in the employ of the QuarterinaaterV DepaF.raeot, will forthwith report-. Uero at. the office of the Chief Depot Quartermaster, M Bay Street. Hr order of Biw.-tfen. L. C. EASTON, Chief Quartermaeter. GKO, B. CADWAtLADER. , CapU and AQ. M„ Cliief so M. rvßl' WOOD WANTED- -IN AJTif QUANTI -1 T TY from oue to fifty eo**d3, Hiyhert prices vriU be pa id. - Apoiy at thlr office. ...... -*• A GOOD PRKSSNLAN CAN FIND STE.ADI* at this office-, 111 Bay Street. T>CKCDLAHIMf BUISKAU X op DEtT-GS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &*. Oircwu'-, 161 Fuv-tcwv Src, Nhw Yook, The uixierelgned ha'-in" been chief aasv-tant examine.- of Dyuj?® and Medkinoe in the New York Custom for the paet four years cf fora hie service® to DmggUAa throuapao’.d the' country , All purchases will be made La tlx* in tem?t of customers direct from Importers and Manufactvirerft. asnl ail articles thus parchaeed warraritedi to le refl&b^e. H. N. AVERY. f HrOU. Hl3\M Baumts Refors to < lion. CV>nkum*, (.Prof. Thjco. W. DwJO*rr. U. Oftiov. Savannah Waits Wovun.^ City Exchauife Building, January IT, 1-564. \TTATER TAKERS WHO HAVE NOT PUD W for w ater np to the lei May next, are no tified that they are required to make Immediate payment at this office, or the water will be shut off from thfk pA-miaee forthwith. The mtdi for water will be the Fame se that charged laet v ear. T. J. LAMBKET. Lt and A. A. Q. M. ; M. D. M., In charge of Water B orks. >nlT ts \i r ANTED A NICK STORE, ON A PROMI VV NENT STBKKT. suitable for a retail busi ness One with a counter and fixtures prefeived. Nddrele J. S. H„ Savannah F, 0., stating tenns and location. WAR DEPARTMENT. Aiyictant Gbnkua t.*i* Ovvio Washington, Febrja 'y IS * (hcoa?.vi. 05UM53A \ No. G 4. J iuo'CGSRs ant* :vr:;tn. j-^ntnets. Wheuever refugees from within the Kene[ lines, or deeerterg from the Rebel armies, pre sent themselves at 11. S. Camps or Military Posts, they will be immediately examined d.v the Provost Marshal with a view to determine laeir character, and their motive in giving uiemselves up. If it appear that they are honest in Ciefr in tention of mrever deserting the Rebel cause, care will be taken to explain to them that they will not be forced to serve in the U.'S. Army against the Rebel's, nor be kept in confinement, the President’s Proclamation of December S .1 will be read to them, and if they so desire- ihe. oath therein prescribed will be administered to them. They will then be questioned as to whether they desire employment from the bai ted States: and if so, such arrangements as muy be expedient will be made by the several Army Commanders for employing them on Govern ment works Within the ir commands, j bos * wno come to the Armv pf the Potomac Aynll for warded to the M ilitary Governor of the Jhytnct of Columbia, at Washington, with r ep°rts m their cases that employment may be g ven t.«eta if desired; or, T not, that they may be oei *. a- -a. North as Philadelphia. By orde r of tl e Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. OvnoiAi. • _ W. L. -SY. Pfo4sa: A«aiatazit Adjntani Of**™. ■ rpaWATKIf \ THEATRE ! 1 ' THE STAR CfIPSRA TF.OfJPE W!li mate their . • s FIRST OF AFAN In this CSSs on TUESDAY I?VEM>Gk J.ASU IT>■ When PROr-KSBOR SAX DIN Wli exbSbtt the moat wouder fsah? Vxr.i IVrr. n>sski> iy mw Pt. VCP, la of the above, DOv>iTl< v KS» UEOTVRE POfcGTONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY. For particulars, bCl? of the. d»v. (HKD. W. WII.SONNT; Manager. WANTED, : . ONE HuNDHED MEN ! Capable of haivlling Cottoa andstowiag ir on board ehip. Aho. TEX STEVEDORES To direct the aam^ Ffor the former ONE DOLLAR PER DAY AND RATIONS Will be paid. For the Latter TWO DOLL.VRS PER DAY AND RATIONS. Thw men ao 1 desired to report to LIEUT.-COL, RANSC»M, A. Q. M., Immediately at tV hh+ 'y Cr/tton Preoe. ALBERT G. BItOWNE, Snpu Special Agent of the Treattin IVp' t. i,th Agency. IOST. AIN SUNDAY AFTERNOON, ON J Montgomery Street, betwfca Bmm and St>uth StreotH, a plain BRKAJST-PIN, eoi> taining a of a child, live pin ]» especi ally vahityl tor rta ami the finder will be liberally rewardvd by leaving it at thw office. ( 1 ENTLKMFiN'S FITRMSBIKG GOODS, C>F I t a superior qiiality, mav V ftemd at N,x I*>l Co.Nf;«i , sy Saiu'KT, Negligee and Travelhw ShirtK MeFno under Shlrtf* and Drawers f'o’J-ar 0 . Buckskin GhCintlett? ana Glove*!*. (A*tton and iVooldii ItalfHoye. Fur ana Wool Hall. Fine Cavalry! and other Boot**. RT.BBER (B>OOS Fv*r CnnrqjaignJng. of Taimae, vrtth sleeve**. Over Coid.s Yfooclv-s,- Cap^* Boots &c.. Arc HiSNRY CAMR. cW*ir>e'-. QTEELE * BUR BAX K, . « O LI Moiehante* Row, HBton Hea.L S, C. Call the atteatiou of and Ketao :HLr» rhaeere to their «uper'oc stock of MILITARY ANT> NAVAL CIOTDING a i*t> • ■ ’ FtTtNTSHIXG GOC»DS. Matches flocks Fancy Goode,.Huve.’ry. and Plated Wart, S^vorris Soohes Belts EfnbfOrierleA Boots Cope, Field Ghu*fle?, GnunUeta (rkw'ee* &c« «fco., Ac. I>OST OFFICR-CCilu A. H. M ARK LAND- Special Agent Pofct Office Department, m Sieeca all Citizen. 0 new bonding the keve to Lock oxee to return them forthwith in that may be aligned- t£ .son C>. .N BELLOWS. • No. B Merchant** Row, Hilton Head. S. c. D- ai ’t 'a BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING. FURNISHING < .CK * 1 >s. And “ SUTLERS' GOODS Or :»rv descrfotlou. ' * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Horse and buggy for sale. A Sorrel Man*, elx year® old, new silver-mounted bume«*»s and c-legani Ope a Buggy Price, SSW-. Apply at thie Office. 1 ro congress street. I*K> TOBACCO Smoking; Tal'anthaJ's Fine Cut (tewing \n i>»l, <i<». Navy, Ijemwne. Navy, in Caddies, Pipes, Segars. Family Soap. Candies. «bc... Ac. HENRY ( AMP. Consignee. HOIJHM WANTED—'WITH FIVE OK MORE rooms, at reasonable rent. Apply at tills office. 11 T>OARD AND ROOMS WANTED BY FOUR gwitlsmen. Apply at this ofllee. bin’ll US. CH RISTIAN commission, , 14* Bay street, Near the Exchange and i>ext dor*r to Republican office. Free Writing Table for Soldiers. Pens, Ink, Pape.r and Envelopes free. All letters written at our room* stamped whpn requested, and stamps can be font and ts not,for: warded always as ‘‘Soldiers’ letters.” A supply of religious reading usually on hand for gratuitous distribution. Religious .-mices every evening at C 1-2 o’clock at Wealcv Chapel (corner of I.iiv:uln and ,South Broad streetaj, conducted bv ’he Associated ChapLulns. , Chaplains’ Meeting at the Chapel on HONDA; Jan. iCth. at 10 a m W. A. I.AWRENCK •anl i .ts . Agent tJ. Sr. C. C. pROPESSIONAL NOTICE. B P. ANDREWS, A Tropin T A/vJ) (>W!NHi4M,OU »T La*V, Soi.«OJT*Wt kH Cu.vNenn a/,»> Vfoocrha m*t> Ai/VOTatw tn A»- Miy.Ai.rv. All Caaea in the District. Oou/t of the Northern Dietrfct of I'lorlda examined and Ac l'Hjfkd: prottfptlv* and pea*ouaWr. Adder-w,. aB. ANDREWS. . Jacksonville, Fl« '\fFW GOODS f NEW GOODS tl| LY arrived per Geamer Ceree, £ rfitt ae rected ntbek of Dry Cfoo<bv conaletlng of Alapoc caa, Shawlo, Hondo, Ac, Also, i a fine* aabortment of Boots and Shoes.' At wfcole and retsik ae cheap rs» can be bought at Hil ton Head. CnlFahu -**e. ROBBINS & CO.. No. It Mercluiota’ Howl Hilton Head, 8. O. Hilton & hhurtlkff, Ihalcps in m>: GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOPS, <feo, C>r*oeKSS Stbebt. Savannah, Ga. AX'D SHOES MADE AND REPAIRED At No. 2 Broadway, Hilton Hzad, S. C. Choke Sega re and Tobacco. Beer, that cannot b« beat. Anpies, irtSme Butter. Aj-ka Shoe-findings for Sole at the above place. WM. M. WTUJAMS, Proprietor Cl W. DENNIS & CO., ; a No. f. Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C., Whotesak* and retail dealers In BUTTER. CHEESE, c CAKES,X BA('K EPS POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY. HARDWARE, Ac,. Ac,, drc. Jtvn 10 ts Boots and shoes Repaired la rear of Post Office. J. H. TONKIN, Prtipnefor. pLANK NOTES ANT) DR.VFTS Sa> at ti>' PALMETTO HERALD STORE, Pit.wrr.aro fL«EA r .n Building. H!lro» Head, S. C. Back numbers of the b.ylmbttq HKILVII). Tboee who defdw COMPLETE JTLEr* Os Tub P\r.MHTii> It.Kß.un, to date, can procure them at this offk% at the regular price per c«py W> re"e*"ved, eoci) week, a sufficient number to !“Upp*>' any reaHoualde demand, amlyve believe no more’ cpmak-te and a*u*u/ate ('umpendhim of evenie 'a the Ikpartment can b<* procuied S. W. MASON & CO VTEWS.J>E«VIERS AND OTHERS DESIRING i v Tun Sava.-*>a.v Dan.v Hkraj.d Hit Wholesale, aye reoitr'eted to Kind in their order early in ah fuK 4 * uractkahtci S. W. MASON & CO A STORE WA NTED- ONE SITUATED IN A lo<*atlon and adapted to a reta trade. , . 1 Address gi'hur and Urns Box M Sovunnah Herald Office, L nOT->;D, X On the piftivh. near Gofdoo, Ga., ft Pocket book containing aboutiu Tbo owner can obtain the same by describing it* con t'-nta and paying exjwnseg. • Appiv to Ist Sergeant Detachment I3tfc Win. Vols., with Di><t Tll. Vole.. M Division. lath Corps. PORT ROYAL HOUSE, UNION SOU ARK Hilton Head, S. C. & S, RIDDELL, * Proprietor. I>K.YBODY A MORGAN, I . No, 1 RisoM'WAr, H/j row Hiaj>, 8. C. l>a*ers in BUTf .KiV GOODri, Wholesale and Retaii. \ f' SAVIL/.K A CO., C « Wni'i.duij'. on itwca Staticwkh, Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, S. ay*r- a Liberal Dtocottot to IT-chasers at Vfhoiesak". Cash Orders by inail or express promptly Tj - '• W. SINCLAIR, Tj PHOTOGRAPHER Galleries at Beaufort, and HU too Head, S. C. and Jacksonville, Fla. TryT'NRAKS & FRANZ, NO. 20 MERCHANTS* P,OW, Milton Head, H. C\ \VI!OI>-SAIiE AND RETAIL DKALEIiJ SUTLERS' (KiODS Os ail Descr'TJtionK * ts. RTDDEI I. & MURDOCK, WTK>IJ-8»1.K AXI> BCTAJt DFAi.f.lI3 TM' SUTLERS* AND NAVAL STORKS, DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, nATS AND CAPS, Orvn.KMKN's r cuNTeniNo G<xme, &c.. No. f* Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, 8 C. v>\ n. KrmwLu (jantO —ts) u. j. iimmoox. F>U BERTS & LEWIS, \j W UOLi-HAL? A. I *!* ?».T,UL DK.UJJBB l* SUTLERS' GOODS AND LUMBER, MmtiF.i r. Avenuh, Hiutos Hkad, S. G. :! a. */>*«« u- *. t jaa3o—w&kswj