Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 18, 1865, Image 4

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AJD V EKTISJLN (i, We respectfully c»fJ the attention of bind new raeu to the r*)oe of the HA VANN AH DAILY HERALD an an Advertising Medium. Ou* connection.-* are such that we are wire ot' large edition* each day. We have agents at a?! lniportnnt pointy and ali arrangement* roropU»ted for an extensive general circulation. The limited space >ve accord to renders tte use especially valuable, and we be Here oar terms to be very leasonabK compared with the pricew whk-h rul*', Ln other linen at bnstnees. To AimH'riKH i»IJO£BAUi.\. s the true policy of men, and *\ e be ieve that they oanno-i find a better medium tor this city and army, or tb* Depart men; of the South, than the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. JUST RECEIVED By C. W. DENNIS A CO., And will be sold at v>:rtY low prices ::: -'bn. 1 1-cr. Hardware, of even <:e --‘ Cheese ecripdpu. v • Not ions, ot every l(k 000 L/bs. hiul khxl* Crackers, Matches. -Potatoes. <L.uikm Peaches, Toma .. Ji*?,, “ Elw.r, Toes, PeiiS. Or*/-re .1,000 Prs. Glove*. Meats—Beef. Vea 500 Camp Htoves, ChEkeas, Turkey? Stationery. in variety. Nuts, Raisins, Pigs, Fig Paste, Copfectionery Blank Books, ledgers Day Books, Shirt*. Draw ers, Collar*, Shoes, Army Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe, Herring’s Sales. Abbot's History of the War, Pish Line's, CtrtJery, Metallic Uoflins. Ware, Wooden VTa.>*. Ac. Call > f nu ex amine. Hii,ton Hi.-. 0, s. 0., Nov U, ;sf4. New bakery and confectionery ESTABLISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We have the honor to inform the residents of this Department that we have nv*i opened a Oon ectionery Establlsliroeot and ilr-t-elrtss Bakery in Stun. A. Cooley's Bui Wing a: IPanfort, at vliieb we are prepared promptly to fill any order.- which may be forwarded to us. 'Special attention i* paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Fancy Confectionery. and Elegant Pa«fv. f.y hotktiiy or festival tables. McManus a; xlink. TAYLOR’S ALBANY ALE. By the Barrel, et Peahopv a Moko vs’s Fresh Quods ot a., kinds now being landed, from a AKA 2su. 1 Broadway, Hihon Head. 8* C> Drugs a n and medici n k s •; Just landed from New York, a large oient of Drags, Chemicals, and Perfumery, viz Lu bin's Extracts, Eclrihi’s, do.; Colognes, Pom ades, Hair tonics of the tines: quality. Too: a Pow der, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Medicines. Pills and Ointments. ' A nice lot of Bathing, Carriage «nc Velvet Sponges. Flea Powder, producing instant be.-gb. 1 hire Soda Water from Stone with the choicest syrups. AU orders will receive prompt attention V . M. WALSI?, M. L»„ 1 1C Merchants’ Row. Hilton Head. 8. C. ISHOTOCRAPHS, CARTES DK VLSI TIL Ac., Ao. Large Photographs, Cartes lie Visit. , A mbrutyprs, Molaiiiotypes. Frame*, for Ph<>iog-f:j r ):s. Large Albums, Pocket Albums, In Good Style, . At Fi Miut<~nA> is' Row. Hit ton Heap, S. C J. T. READING A Cos, f'AKR) LIVING,” VT At r* n«on:iblc prices, can h< ..-ul at the RAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office. Hhk*j Head, EC. I have the, very best facilities lor (nraishing OYSTERS. CI.AMS. MEATS, POUL *EY, VEGETABLES, Ao., from the North and other place? in this *.irni’y. Cooked to «»-der from 0 A. M. to 8 P. 31. PETER FITZGERALD. Proprietor. P. S.— Cue trial is respectfully solicited. CTO RE FOR SALE O The store of the late K. N. Thayer, at St. Helena. S. C., isoffered for* sale, with the rtock and fixtures. For terms, apple to RIDDELL A "MURDOCK, 5 Merenants’ Row. ’anlO ~lw Hilton Head. g. C’. 5,000 LBS. CINCINNATI BACON; 60 Bids. Fresh PILOT BREA p ; 1,000 Gulkms RT2ROSINE OIL, in FE e-Gaßou Ouitfi: Per Cfet-up, bv C. N HF.i.LOWK NY- s Mva«jnj>vis' R*»w . RIiTON N. C. PAUL & PITTS, liR-VUFRS I S ARMY AND NAVY SUPPLIES. DRY vrOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS &<u. &i\, Ac., No 5 MeRUiWTs* Row. Hru. J-; U i, Avr 1L * Fount, S. C. W'fry^\ fe M>v< -‘ A/JuN Eb stytToxT ... 1 a r? r tO'tanpnly N Y Newspapers. »uk I UeßAtfk IJterarv Papers, Mnga il" v * Eooka Niatiutffery, Ac., at Wholesale 'or DAMN S MORRISON, Bos 90, Ifittott Head, r o, Hu.M»o(*veT'jii» City ovSwaswau, l>e - ‘.Nib, 1 s*>4. Gknvra.. Okokj»s \ No. 2. / • IFOR CON V ENTENTE xS MILITARY GOV « ernment: all that portion oftb* .Chv lying east of Bull ftneet, 1? 'de*4gnated ae the fcasftem Dieirlct: that. ryity? vest "of B’.iE s*fc*eet, as the M estern District. Col. Writ B. Woods, *;rh Ohio Vois., is an nnutu-ed as Provost Marshal of the Eastern Dis trict- His Headquarters will b»- in the Y. S. Bamjcks on 801 l street. Cot. 11. A. Rartmm, 149th New York Vols., Is announced a? Provost 3lareha? of the Western District. His He«<lqiuut«rs will be near the cor iter of Barnard tuid South Broad streets. All application* for protection of persons and private property, or for redress of grievances, wili be mad*' ;o the Pi'ovost Marsh;tl of the 1)1*.- or to thi: nearest offio’X of the guard. 11. Each Regiment on Provost <mtv will be held retq>oiJr,ible for the and goocl **rder of its action. The IV*m>st Marshals of Districis w ill number the sections assigned to these regi mejits. 111. All public ami private property v.-ftl be i pretected: and w henever necessary for s-uch pur pvse. special guards wi!l be assigned. No privTite property wifi he taken or used i agelnst the cwnsent oi' the owner?, except upon | nn order from proj>er authority. IV. Officers and others, entftleo to quarfi'ra for {U'ivate or public ns-, will make application to Brig. Gen. Easton, Chief Quartermaster. V*. All pei'sons within the < Itv, w ho have been I in any way connected with the rebel army, will reptirt without delay to Captain Ira B. Seymour. : Provost Marshal (bffice in Exchange building.; and tl'.ore register their names, i VI. No ait)zen will be arrested except f. r mis demeanor or upon written orders from these j H*‘A<lqnartei'S or from a Provost Marshal, j m The Fire Department of tills city has been i repr-.'sented by the civil authorities as highly es ficient. Mr. Casey, acting Chief of the IMrc De partment. is. autborlz* and to continue operations and will b - h'*ld responsible for the faithful per formance of his duties. AU members of the dis fevent Fire Companies will continue subject to * Uls ordeis. and neglect of dntv or* their part wi •be duly phnisluKl. In case of fire, the Provost Marshal of ihn District will send immediately I strong detachuk'iits of guards to prebervo oick'r ; in the vicinity. VHJ. Those persons connected with the Water ! Works and Gas Works of the City, will continue ; ;o perform their duties as usual;' The Manager of these Works will apply to the Provost Mar ■ -haJ of th«' District In w hich they are located lor , sufficient guards for the pi'otection of th«- W orks. together witli the fuel and other muPaial per | faiuing to them. ! IX. .3Ji soldiers found within tiie city limits. absent Iron, [heir camps without passes from ! their respective commanders, will be arrested | and .-'Tit to their commands. X. Silas Spicer is announced as Harbor | Master of this Port, and inverted with full au ! thority lor tiie trausactio l * ol business in his De -1 parinieiit. Office on Bay, opjmsite Drayton i treet. j XI. Giti/.ci.s desirous of leaving the city to go within the heb«*l lines, will make application at ’ those Headquarters. I'hcy will be transjanted ; to our exterior picket line. 1 XII. Citizerc-destitute of provisions, can make ; applicnlKm at the City Store, where thev will be j supplied upon the order of Hr. Arnold, Mayer o; ! thoTaty. j Xin Reveille will be beaten at <i A, XL Tat ! tor at «P. 31. Taps at 9. After Tans all en | listed men found on the streets who are not on i duty, r.h,l who have not proper passes, will be 1 arrested Iry the Patrol. Suspicious or disi rdcriv ! eharaeters will also he arrested alter that hoar i Care must be taken in carrying out this order not j to in. ka improper arrests of citizens who rauv be ! attendin':- to their lawful business in an brucrly j maim-e. By Command of Bt’g. Gel*. doir< W Guart, ! Commanding, IV . J . 1" ORUI'S. A. A. 1 7 . HuAiXi'TAßTj:*.'- 6Tty . v s\A \n. January loth. ISC*. GrsxßAi. Ov.i.nss,) No. 4. | r |MiF. streets, sidewalks, alleys and premises A within this city must W kept clean and well pill cell. The Provost Marshal of each District w ifi aj ~ point an efficient officer to superintend this mat ter. and wifi detail each assistant* as may be ne cessary All persons occupying buildings or grounds, o whatever description, vil be required to keep the sidewalks and alleys bordering t pun them thoroughly policed at ‘all times, havuig the sweepings piled tip at the rides of the streets. The offal or sweepings from camps must he removed beyond rhe city limits by the troops oe eupving the camps. . . . The Post Quartermaster will assign a certain number of teams to e jffi district to haul tlie other sweepings ont ol sh? city. These teams wili be under central of the officers appointed to superintend ihe work in each district, who wil beheld responsible that the wor-k !s promptly me thonsighly done. By Command of • Brig.-Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding W. T. Fokw*, A. A. G Jaunary f rmiAi. Oet*ke. 1 No. ?. ( rOOI. ARID rARDEE. 747TH PENN. V V • is hereov announce*] as Provost Marshai o the Eastern Dirt net ir. the place of Col Wm Wood, 7<>ih Ohio V, V. relieved. By command of Brig. Gee JOHN W. GEARY, Cou.’*> Wf T. Forbes, A. A. *7. HC FWWKR. PnOTOGRAIjfIER, MORRIS *• ISLAND near FORT SJIAW CARTES L-’H YLSITKS. AMBR</rYYES. Ac., mad*' it. the best mauvei by experienced artisis. T 143 T OF PRKTEfI FOR TH E REGULATION ii OF THE.riALEri. OF .THE- FOU,OWING ARTP’LES JN TRE CITY OF SAVANNAH : Apples' ■ . ., ..f.ft Btackiiar. bottle’s•>-*• boxes, large'... 60 •• _ 5ma11..... fir* Boots Caya'.ry, best ;l**to23 00 Brushes 'i’oofh. best.. - 100 Hair, best ;... 1 00 Butter .>. ; 75 Cheese fx*r ■ pound ;>0 Combs with mirror. If* “ piiiin :>0 •• India rabbet . 60 . •* Horn 15 '* ** ’fine AO Candles, Admnentine, perpotmd 40 S-KO.UtS CM- i»HiA,eCTI>. Smoking Tobacco, -A*. JI. LillenUiaL ” per pound $2 ©0 Navy Tobtfcc*x **Le Neviu,” p*irlb 1 75 Tin Folk ''‘Lillellthai, ,, per package 2-6 1 Havana S* gars. No. 2. per box. 15 0o Concha’s Tobacco, “ *• 750 • Tob.vcca bags 50 bladders * 50 Pipes, Brienvood i (K) ** Rose • 50 1 ” Apple .*>o i Potatoes per barrel y 00 ’ PLkJes, in S'lass f quarts; ] 00 , “ Kjill gallon; 175 , Mackerel, in cans i 00 ; hitefish. In cans *2 00 Haddock, in cans 1 75 Peaches i lb. cans 1 00 j Peaches. *2 lb. cans I 75 * Egg Plr id. 2 R . cans 1 75 ' Peas. 2 •• 1 75 i Tomatoes 2 •* ’. ’ 100 Can Meats : 1 00 i Can Poultry, 1 50 Lobsters can, l 00 i Oysters •• 100 Mustard, half pints 50 * Chow (iffiow, 1 50 * Cranberry Sauce, ’ 1 50 ! Lemons per box, .R* 00 ■ (b iinges. 4i' (xj Milk, condensed, per can, l oo Soap., toilet, fine, per box of 4 pie-Cvs 2 00 “ Atlantic * -iO Mirrors pocket-,best 1 00 i Mirrors pocket, 2d class. 75 ! hrniTKK *-<OO L-S. Coats, 20 00 Talmas wnh sleeves, 50 no Poaches 20 00 Caps 4 00 Pads 5 CK» Bc>ots I r (mi M’oolen Shirts 5 00 to -7 00 M r hite Linen Shirts 5 00 Suspenders, Ist class !'! 250 -d i 50 Gloves Buck, 3 00 Gauntletts ;* 50 Cot ton G loves *. j y() Books and stationery . Just received at the Palmetto Herald Stor* a large shipment of goods from New York and Boston, embracing POEMS. langfellow, Bryant, MhUtieV. Tennvson. Mrs wi.irg, in blue and gold. STANDARD NOVELS. Cooper, Dickens Thackerav, Dumas Cl as Rc-ade, Wilkie Collins Alia. Grey, Trollop*. and 15— c.o±. POPULAR NOVELS. i£ at ‘.era, Emily Chester, Down in Ten nessce, &r.—cloth. MISCELLANEOUS. English Bibles, l etter Yriter?, Song Books Cookery^fcreks. Pocket Diaionaries' (teevera styles), Hoyle’s Games <tc. MILITARY WORKS. Patten’s aud Hardee’s Infantry Tactic ß Brandt’s Gunnery; Field and Heavy Artillen Tactics. SCHOOL POCKS. Geographies and Aliases Grammars, Readers Arithmetic?, Spelling Books; also. Dime NovcD Beadle’s and Munroe’s), and a full su])j<ly o standard and other Novels, in paper covens.” STATIONERY. 1 Meda! lion.” •* Agawam.” ‘Crystal,” •■Man hattan.” ami “Dove” Mills 'Note, “Fran conia.” “Agawam.” “Wiuthrop,” “Manhattan, and -Crystal” Quarto, -Manhattan” aud - Franconia' Capv. Bill and togai Can ; Musk Paper. Billet, Note, I etter, aud Ofiiciftl Envelopes— assorted styles white, buffi cream, lemon, salmon, aud opaque. Pencils in great variety. Pens.—Gillott’s fiOiL iit>4, 202, and “Swan Quill:” Wuthington Medallion, Quill, Repub lican. Falcon, Intfox, ComniercUU and Eagle Gold Pens, various sizes, with and without Ruling Pens, in Ivory and Ebony. Arnolds Writing Fluid, qts. and ; Maynard A Noyes do., qts. and pta, and stands : Blue and Carmine Ink. Rubber and Fbooy Rulers-—ronnd, square and Paper Folders, wood and rvorv. Seal ing Wax, assorted colors. Ink Stands, every style. Pen Racks; Crlbbuge, Backgammon aiiii aud Chess Boards; Chess, wood and ivory: Dice md Dice Caps ; Dominoes; Playing Cards• EyeMs ; Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes ; Ccrtnlv4; Pencil Sharpeners ; Split Rings ; Cork Screws. Portfolios of evtjry style. Slates, assorted sizes. Bocffis, (L % 3,4 and 5 quires , o-rtava quarto and caj'. * Photograph Albrnv? (of best rrmimuicturvv; iOO. :>rt, 4<X ::h, 'As 12 Pictures ; Pocket and Extern ion Albums. A fall assortment of Plain and Colored Card Photographs &0., <£y., A-c., to which we invite attentku. oi Dealers and tne P;.t*Uc generally k ro, /ILIE & CO Hilton Ile&d, & C. Dunbars a franz, 10 butler’s row, Dealeie m Sutlers’ Goods, Wholesale and KetiiiL . r jT HE SAVANNAH DAH.Y HF.RALD OFFIv R a at No. 111 Ra| rtreet. Hf>.sim;’kS Mtti. Drv. oc TnnMjSKM3Bri>j>i e . n In tbe Fi«iJd..Srtvaim>;h, I Sl'FCl.'vL UliOliKS,) No. Y 2. f IT being represented that the Coufe^erat*: army and armed bands of robbers, acthv profossedly under ;he authority *»f the Confode rate Ooverrunent, are h.irrassing the people 01 • Georgia and endeavoring to Intimidate them iii the efforts they are making to secure to them - .selves provisions, clothing s*:ctirtty to life ang property, and the restoration of law and gooc * government in the State, It is herobv ortfo-rei and matle publi:-; Irt, Th at the fa.rroers of Georgia may bring Into Savannah. Fernandina or FackfamvflW Florida, marketing, such as beef, pork, ruuttor . vegetables of any kind, fish, Ac.; as w-ell as cm son in email quantities, and sell the same in open marker, except the cotton, which mnst be sold in or through the ’PreasuryAgents, and nxay ffivep*; the proceeds in family stores, such as'bdcoh and Hour, in any reasonable quantMas, groce ries. shoes and ciothing, anu articles not contra band of war, and carry the si ; me baek to thifir families. No tratfo store will be attempted ir. the Inurior, or sf. cks ol goods sold* for them but tamihes may club together ter mutual as«irt ance and protection in coming aifo going. 2d. The people are encouraged "to meet n>- getherir. peaceful :;s*embli,geH to difeura urcs looking to their safoty and good gmernmem and th*- rortoration of State and National au thority. and will be protected by the National army when so doing; and all peaceableinhabi t mts who satisfy the com in anding officers tha" they ;ue earnestly laboring to that end, must ncr ouly b« left undisturbed j n property and person" bnt must lie protected as far as possible, toDsv«r ent with the military- oper;UionK. If any forinc or peaccalile inhabitant is molested by tffe cm my. viz : ih(' Gonfederate army or guerrillas*, be caffi'Je of lii- friendship tn the' National Govern menu th*- if caught, wilj bertimmt !y punished, or Ins family made to suffer for th.- outrage; Imt if the crime cannot be traced to th actual party, then retaliation w ill be made 0 ; the adherents to the cause of the Rebeilion - **honld«a Union man lie mnrdc-red. then a Reb* s*-l.‘ct. -d by lot w ifi lie ahot- or if a Union famih be or accocnt of the cause, a Rche family' will be banished t*; n foroign land, I*, aggravate*! cav - if'taliation wUI extend as higi. five for one. .All commanding officers w 8! a<- promptly in such cases, aiwi rep*>rt their Action after th* cctiJuirioi; h done. By order<g , , Gt’neral W. T. L. M. Darbin, A. A G. • HJ. JHy MiCi.Khl m 04 Savcnsaj;, Aamtaiv 14, 1^*,. G; nkkai. OhHifcl No. 5. 1 1. Any perror found injuring or buildings*, fonoes. >hrulffiery, Ae.,- within the city mints, w ill so- attested and placed at hard labor. The special Mention of Provost Marshal*. Officers and Guards, is hereby again called to ihi? cubject, with special reference to the Parks Sqm. re's and Burying grounds. 'Che Provo**-' . M;.r-h:u n Popart n,tnt will beheld re* jjonsibi lor tne -inctcri « nfor< etntyit of l) h, order. 11. It-hr.* been officially reported that aertaitr persons u\v« .ng building* in this city are char, 1 ex< r"oi?au: rent- tor the same. and that il many instance* they have Increased the rents r: >cl beyond what they chained in Confederate eurr- n< y, prior to our occupation of the* city.— Si ch act" oppress the poor. and are without to.- eu'<v T litre being n > ether source of redrew at present except the military anthoirty, Provost Mar-hale of district*- * ill take cognizance of ad ?u: - h case- yldehto a \ bronchi before then ;nd will interfere to prevent injueti cos th' character speci;!* and. By order of Prevet Muj. CVn. JOHTS W. CPdiY. Commanding YV. f. 1 t.Tyi s A(K jan/T lit- i« i *ti *t, Cm t*e Savannah, Ga.. 1 January Bth, 1805. j Chcs i.n vs. Orojr"g. > No :i f I AI.L OEALKRBTN COOPS FOR GFNrRAI !• SALK in this city, xnuet have penults iron these Headquarters. 11, Extortion in prices will bo severely pun hired. l>e«iers will conform in prices to ihe list established by the Provost Marshal, at these lleathijiariers. This lit" w ill be published ir. the daily newspapers. ill. A tax lor Post fund will bo assessed r.por. o uil)< rized dealers, also upon p«rsens op* nine places of amusement. I\ , Tuose persons who h ioiate tl»e foreco : ns: njks wi’l be arrested, their establishments wil & be closed, and their goods confiscated ODd sold at reasonable prices, and the proceeds appre priated to the Post Fund. V. Sutlers or purveyors belonging to any po~~ tion of the army, are required by the military law to confine their sales to thc.ii cv n cetnmands.— As lone ns they do this, they will n<A be inter fered with by office.]* o* th**Poet But if any such are foul id offering goods for •reneral sal-, without having been duly author ized from tliese Headquarters, they will be dealt within the same merger other unauthorized dealers. - , VI. Capt. Ira B. steymot r, Provost Marshal at these Headquarters, will see' that these rules, and any that may hereafter be announced re specting trade in this city, are duly enforced. If ofhcers or others who find any dealers violat ing the regulations on the subject, will report the same at Captain Seymour's offices the offender* will l>e promptly punished and the public bene tilted. By command of Prig. Gen. JNO. W. GRAFT. COtt.roandii*g.. .W. T. Foma, A. A. O. PERSON AL~INPOiTm Vl'lO NAV A NTKI> 0"P the y hereabouts of Mr. Cleavy. of Ritten anle county. Tipperary Ireland Aifcdrcse D V\, davtnnab Hsrahl Office.