Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 19, 1865, Image 3
aid for savannah &-<oltitiens of the Stew fork Produce Exchange. Tlie following are the resolutions adopted by the N. Y. Produce Exchange necessarily omitted yesterday: Whereas, The members of the New York Produce Exchange' hare learned, by the proceedings of the first public demonstration of the people of Savannah since its reoccupation by the Federal au thority, convened to give expression to their sentiments and views, and that they ‘‘accept-the situation,” and in the language of the President of the United States, seek peace by laying down their arms and submitting to the national au thority under the Constitution; and l Whereas, The Mayor of said city, in calling said meeting to order and desig nating its objects under the new condi tion of public affairs there, stated “that said city contains twenty thousand hq habitants, without food, without sue ] and without any remunerating industria pursuits, and without any place of ref uge be it therefore unanimously Resolved, Fkst. That the action of the citizens of Savannah, Georgia, in again recognizing the authority of the Federal Governmeut, comes emphatically to us as glad tidings}; and we heartily rejoice that their patriotic course must soon re store that city to those cordial business, commercial and political relations with the City of New York which marked their former intercourse previous to the breaking out of the existing rebellion. Resolved, Second, That the members •f the New York Produce Exchange, in common with their fellow citizens, have learned with the profoundest sorrow of the suffering necessities of many of the citizens of Savannah, and in order to manifest our sympathy and contribute as far as possible to their relief, we rec ommend the appointment of a Commit tee of Seventeen to co-operate with the committee already appointed by the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the sufferers of Savannah, so that the entire commercial community of the city of New York may extend that aid which their own munificence and the distress of the sufferers demand. Resolved, Third, That said committee be authorized to take such action as shall i* the most prompt, practical and effi cient manner secure the objects desired, and they are further authorized to de pute one of their own numbers, or some member of the Produce Exchange, to jointly accompany any person designated kj the Chamber of Commerce, to Savan nah, to deliver the articles forwarded to the Mayor of said city, for distribution in accordance with such regulations as the Military commander there may adopt. Resolved, further, That the President of the Produce Exchange be requested to unite with the President of the Cham ber of Commerce in requesting the Presi dent of the United States to give the re quisite authority for the admission into the port of Savannah of whatever articles ot tood and clothing, not contraband of war, may be gratuitously furnished and forwarded by the ship already generous ly offered bv the citizens ot New York to the suffering people of Savannah. The following committee was appoint ed : Hiram Walbridge, Thomas Dunham, Ezra Nye, J. S. Williams, Archibald .Laxter, J. J. Marvin, Lewis Roberts, Edward Cromwell. F. P. Abbott. E. W. Coleman, .R. ,T. Randolph, William H. .Harris, R. H. Laimbeer, G. D. Cragin 4 S. A. Sawyer, A. E. Orr, E. S. Brown and Edwin Wilson. Mr. Walbridge was appointed Chair man of the committee, but declined to serve. Mr. G. D. Cragin was nominated and elected. The meeting then adjourn ed. Tup Fall of Fort Fishbr.— The de mnad for our paper containing the ac count of the fall of Fort Fisner, yester nay, showed the intense interest in this great victory. Our counting room was thronged for hours, and our steam press could scarcely print fast enough to sup ply the demand there, while some of ou.i agents waited patiently tiH evening be fore they could be served. Hiaixjttaetkjw. City of Savannah, Ga., January 19,1565. General Oxdees.) No. 6. / IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS RE CEIVED, the command of this city is to-day transferred to Maj. Gen. C. Grover. All officers and men belonging to the 2d divis ion, 20th corps, who are on' special duty in this city, unless assigned to such duty by orders from superior authority, are hereby relieved, and will at once report to their commands for duty, being relieved by others under command of Gen, Grover. The General Commanding embraces this occa sion to thank the Mayor and Aldermen of this city for their valuable co-operation; and the citi zens generally for the cordiality with which they have acquiesced and assisted him in all measures for the public good. Believing that very soon the time will eome when military government will no longer be necessary in this city, the Gen eral now takes his farewell of it, and commends it and its inhabitants to his successor, trusting that they will extend to him the same confidence and courtesy which have rendered the relations heretofore subsisting so satisfactory. By order of Brevet Major Gen. J, W. GEAR\. W. T. Fobbes, A. A. G. rpo THE WARD COMMITTEES.—YOU ARE A requested to meet me at the Major’s office his evening at seven o’clock to assist in the dis tribution of fresh beef and mutton kindly sen tut by the citizens of New York. R. D. ARNOLD, Mayor. SPECIAL NOTICE. Office Chief Quartkemasvee’s Depot, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 9, 1865. All officers of the Quartermaster's Department having means of transpoitation which they de sire to turn in at this Depot, are notified that Lieut. F. Hope, A. A. Q. M., is now ready to re ceive the same. His office is at Bay Street, north side. By order of Brig.-Gen. L. C. EASTON, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Captain and A. Q. M., • Chief Quartermaster's Depot. SOLOMON’S LODGS. NO. 1, A. F. M. There will be held a Regular Meeting of the Lodge, This Evening, at 7 o’clock. The Fraternity are invited. By order of* RICH’D T. TURNER, W. M. Jambs M. Jones, Secretary. Jan 19 It IOST OR STOLEN.—A small SATCHEL or J RETICULE, containing Surgical Pocket Case and Surgical Instruments. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to this office. S. M. BRIGGS. Jan 19 4t ■ Express.— I will thank the man who kindly took a pair of MARINE GLASSES from my private of fice, January ISth. to return them, or call for the case, as I do not wish them spoiled. A. A. KIN, Agent Adams Express. Jan 19 Notice! OFFICE OF THE SOUTHERN INSUR ANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 18, 1865. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at their office on Saturday, the 21st instant, between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing five (5) Directors, to fill vacancies in the Board for the current year. Jan 13 3t H. BRIGHAM, President. housbT" By W. T. HOUSE & CO., No. 105 Bay Street, Up Stairs. Meals at all hours of the day. Oysters con stantly on hand. Fresh Shad, Wild Duck, and other game, whenever procurable, and the best the market affords at all times. jan 18 IV 0 T 1 C E • x x Office Chief Q. M. Depot. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 17, 1365. All persons iu this city having in their posses sion Horses, Mules, Wagons, Carts and Drays not already in the employ of the Quartermaster’s Department, will forthwith report them at the office of the Chief Depot Quartermaster, 84 Bay Street. Bv order of Brig.-Gen. L. C. EASTON, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Capt. and A. Q. M., Chief Q. M. Depot. DRY WOOD WANTED—IN ANY QUANTI TY from one to fifty cords. Highest prices will be paid. Apply at this office, ts. A GOOD PRESSMAN CAN FIND STEADY Employment at this office, 111 Bay Street. PURCHASING BUREAU OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Ac. Office, 161 Fulton St., New York. The undersigned having been chief assistant examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the New York Custom House for the past four years, of fers his services to Druggists throughout the country. All purchases will be made in the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased are warramed to be reliable. „ H. N. AVERY. fHon. Hiram Barney, Refers to -J Hon. Roscoe Conkltng, * r (.Prof. Tiieo. W. Dwight. ts. rpHE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD OFFICE Is at Ne. ill Bay street. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Ovttcp Washington, February 18, 1864. 9 General Orders. > No. 64. f t refugees and roust. deserters. Whenever refugees from within the Rebel lines, or deserters from the Rebel armies, pre sent. themselves at U. S. Camps or Military Posts, they will be immediately examined by the Provost Marshal with a view to determine their character, and their motive in giving themselves up. If it appear that they are honest in their in tention of forever deserting the Rebel cause, care will be taken to explain to them that they will not be forced to serve in the U. S. Army against the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. The President’s Proclamation of December 8, 1863, will be read to them, and if they so desire, the oath therein prescribed will be administered to them. They will then be questioned as to whether they desire employment from the Uni ted States; and if so, such arrangements as may be expedient will be made by the several Army Commanders for employing them on Govern ment works within their commands. Those who come to the Army of the Potomac will be for warded to the Military Governor of the District of Columbia, at Washington, with reports in their cases, that employment may be given them if desired: or, if not, that they may be sent as far North as Philadelphia. By order of the Secretary of War ; E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. Official ; W. L. M. Bcp.ger. Assistant Adjutant General YXT’ANTED, m ONE HUNDRED MEN ! Capable of handling Cotton and stowing it on board shsp. Also. TEN STEVEDORES To direct the same. For the former ONE DOLLAR PER DAY AND RATIONS Will be. paid. For the latter TWO DOLLARS PER DAY AND RATIONS. Those men are desired to report to LIEUT.-COL. RANSOM, A. Q. M., Immediately at White’s Cotton Press. ALBERT G. BROWNE, Sup. Special Agent of the Treasury Dep’fc. sth Special Agency. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, OF a superior quality, haay be found at No. 151 Congress Street. Negligee and Traveling Shirts, Merino under Shirts and Drawers, Collars, Buckskin Gauntletts and Gloves, Cotton and Woolen Half Hose, Fur and Wool Hats, Fine Cavalry and other Boots. RUBBER GOODS For Campaigning, consisting of Talmas, with sleeves, Over Coats, Pouches, Caps, Boots, Ac., Ac. HENRY CAMP, ■ Consignee. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING* AND FURNISHING GOOD& Matches. Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots. Cape, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, I &c., &c., Ac. POST OFFICE.—COL. A. H. MARKLAND- Speciai Agent Post Office Department, re, quests all Citizens now holding the keys to Lock Boxes to return them forthwith iu that boxes may be assigned. ts. jan. C;N. BELLOWS, • No. S Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. And SUTLERS’ GOODS Os every description. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Horse and buggy for sale. A Sorrel Mare, six years old, with new silver-mounted harness, and elegant Open Buggy Price, S3OO. Apply at this Office. • WANTED— A NICE STORE, ON A PROMI NENT STREET, suitable for & retail busi ness. One with a counter and fixtures preferred. Address J. S. S., Savannah P. 0., stating terms and location. jl7-2t A STORE WANTED—ONE SITUATED IN A business location and adapted to a rsa trade. Address, giving situation and terms, Box M Savannah Herald Office, janl2 t Office Savannah Water Wofjwß, City Exchange Building, January 17,1564. WATER TAKERS WHO HAVE NOT PAID for water up to the Ist May next, are no tified that they are required to make immediate payment at this office, or the water will be shut off from their premises forthwith. The rates for water will be the same as that charged last year. T. J. LAMBERT. Lt. and A. A. Q. M.. M. D. M.,in charge of Water Works. jan!7 ts Board and rooms wanted by four gentlemen. Apply at this office, jan 11 PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. B. B. ANDREWS, Attorney and Counseli,or at Law, Solicitor cm Chancery and Proctor and Advocate in Ad mi salty. All Confiscation Cases in the District Coart of the Northern District of Florida examined Anri defended promptly and reasonably. Address, B. B. ANDREWS, Jacksonville, Fla. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! 1 Just arrived per steamer Ceres, a wel m lected stock of Dry Goods, consisting of cas, Delaines, Cloaks, Shawls, Hoods, Ac. Ala* a fine assortment of Boots and Shoes. At vtitotw sale and retail, as cheap as can be bought ■iHfl ton Head. Call and see. ROBBINB A CO., No. 14 Merchants’ Bowl Hilton Head, S. f. Hilton a shurtleff, Dealers in FINE GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac., 186 Congrbss Street; _ Savannah, Ga, Boots and shoes made and repaired At No. 2 Broadway, Hilton Hkad, 8. C. Choice Segars and Tobacco. Beer, that cannot be beat. Apples, prime Butter. Also, Shoe-findings for Sale at the above place. WM, M. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. C“T W. DENNIS A CO., " No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS. CAKES, CRACK EPS, POTATOES, FLOUR. CANNED l*tulr AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, &V &c., Ac. jsiißjO ts 1 .. -4. Boots and shoes Repaired in rear of Post Office. J. H. TONKIN, Proprietor, Riddell a murdock, WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL DEAL KBS IN' SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GhntlbmrVs Furnishing Goods, Ac, No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. w. v. riddbix, [JanlO —tf] H. J. MUMOCK. NEWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING Thb Savannah Daily Herald at Wholesale are requested to send in their order as early it advance as practicable. , 8. W. MASON A CD Fiund, • On the march, near Gordon, Ga., a Pocket book containing about S6O in currency. The owner can obtain the same by describing its con tents and paying expenses. Apply to Ist Sergeant Detachment 18th Wls. Vols., with 93d IU. Vola., 3d Division, lSthOorpa. PORT ROYAL HOUSE, UNION SQUARE Hilton Head, S. C. E. S. RIDDELL, Proprietor. Peabody - * Morgan! ’ “ No. 1 Broadway, Hilton II had, S. Ct Dealers in SUTLERS’ GOODS, Wholesale and Retail. SAVILLE A CO., ~ • W HOLES AJ.fl AND RbTAIL St ATI ONUB, Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, 8. 0. tw~ A Liberal Discount to Purchasers at Wholesale. Cash Orders by mail or express promptly fflledL E. W. SINCLAIR, PHOTOGRAPHER. Galleries at Beaufort, and Hilton Head, S.€?., and Jacksonville, Fla. T^UNBARSAFRANZ, - NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions. t£. US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, • 147 Bay street. Near the Exchange and next door to Republican office. Free Writing Table for Soldiers. Pens, Ink, Paper and Envelopes free.' All letters written at our rooms stamped when requested, and stamps can be had, and if not,for; warded always as “Soldiers’ Letters.” A supply of religious reading usually on hand for gratuitous distribution. Religious services every evening at 61-2 o’clock at Wesley Chapel (corner of Lincoln and Broad streets), conducted by the Associated Chaplains. . . .. Chaplains’ Meeting at the Chapel on MONDAY Jan. 16th, at 10 a. m. • W. A. LAWRENCE, •anl4 ts Agent U. S. C. C. House wanted-with five or more rooms, at reasonable rent Apply at this office. jaa II j K o CONGRESS STREET. TOBACCO. Smoking, (Lilian thall’fc>e* Fine Cut Chewing in foi, (10, Navy, Lemoyne, Navy, in Caddies,] Pipes, Segars. Family Soap, Candles, Ac.. Ac. HENRY CAMP, Consignee* f '* ' . ■