Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 21, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOLUME TVo. 10. I jffc IB PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, EY S3. W. MASON «& CO. At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, teems: Per Copy .Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year $lO 00. advertizing: A limited number of Advertisemeets will be re ceived at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line for first insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line for each sobsequerr insertion ; invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed* in before noon of each day. JOB PRINTING In every style, neatly and promptly done. MASSACHUSETTS. GOV. ANDREW ON THE WAR. We make the following extract from the Message of Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, in the Legislature : The proposal to amend the Federal Constitution by empowering Congress to abolish slavery is urged by the President, in his last annual message, upon the re consideration ol the House of* Represen tativeg. In the Senate it has receiv-* ed the needful two-third majority. In the House it barely failed. It is hoped that reconsideration may disclose a change of votes, and establish the adop tion by the present Congress of a mea sure which will ultimately extinguish slavery and prohibit it forever. If this shall be done, it will be the welcome duty and the lasting honor of the present GeneraKCourt to ratify the amendment on the part of Massachu setts. If it shall fail, I trust the Presi dent will promptly call a special session of the new Congress, by which its adop tion mav be considered certain. It would well become the Legislature of the Commonwealth,. in such an .emer gency, by solemn resolution, to request - Hie President to convene Congress for a duty so grand in purpose, as well as practical in character and exigent in im portance. I venture also to suggest the proposi ffcrn of an amendment to the Federal Constitution, repealing its inhibition of duties on exports. A moderate tax on the exportation of cotton, and perhaps of some other articles, might be levied by Congress, which would materially in crease the national revenue, without di minishing the production or sale of thpse articles; wjqle at the same time indirectly promo-- ng their manufacturer at home, and thus strengthening tha country in its competition against othes nations in the markets of the world. Had the rebellion been successful, the Southern policy would have been to im pose a light revenue duty on exports, (which would have affected the North ern as well as the European buyers,) and , also to impose a greatly reduced duty on European manufactures. Thus on ~ in j. troduction of foreign manufactured foods into the South, they hoped by iscriminating against our manufactures, jtnd by controlling seven-eighths of the navigable rivers of the continent, and of their reach into the interior, to smuggle foreign goods into the West and North west, despite the laws of the United States—with the intent to disintegrate the free States; to break down American manufactures, discourage skilled, intelli gent labor, and reduce the laboring clas ses, by measures alike audacious and in sidious, to the dependence held by the slave power appropriate for the masses of men. - I desire to see not only slavery extir pated, but its' policy reserved, and an American policy inaugurated which will SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21. 1865. secure at once the freedom of the people, the strength of the Government, and the independence of American industry. The statesmanship of the future gives cause for more anxiety than any milita ry concern of the present. How to combine the austerity of a Government determined to vindicate its rightful pow er, with the parental forbearance which discriminates those who are swept into the current of treason from those who are the wanton architects of ruin; this is one of the problems. For myself, I would counsel forgiveness to the masses of our countrymen, hurried, precipita ed by a superior power dominating their in telligence and their capacity of resist ance, into the vortex of a ruin they nei ther foresaw nor even yet comprehend.— Cheated, misguided, conscribed, over whelmed, they have b een led to battle by the light of their blazing homes.— They have periled their own lives while they have assailed ours, without com prehending the occasion of the war, and without the ability to avoid it. Victims of an evil, subjects of a wrong which in volved their own fate, they were unable to escape its meshes or resist its power. Let the people of Massachusetts remem ber that the poor , oppressed democracy of Georgia and the Carolinas are their brethren. We fight to carry the school house, the tree press, the free ballot, and all the independent manhood of our own New England liberty to the people of the sl#ve-ridden South. Delivering them from their oppressors—as Maryland has just now delivered herself—let .them en joy with us the fruit and feast of victory. Nor let sentimental politics surrender either them, or the black man with whom they have shared the voiceless woe of his servitude, or the country on whose fate our own depends, to the possibili ties of any reactionary theory. So, too, let the color of an African extraction, so long the badge of slavery, cease to be the badge of exclusion from any of the privileges of citizenship. Let intelligent manhood enjoy that recognition, and reap its due reward. Then we will re store government, order and society. Then we will reconstruct the States in rebellion on a ground of principle and fait!§ which will command the friendship of the nations, the sympathy of man kind, and the benediction Qt God. The old Hall of the House of Repre sentatives at Washington, with which is associated the fame, the wisdom and the eloquence of so many American states men, has been set apart by Congress for a National Gallery of Statuary, com memorative of citizens illustrious for their historic renown, or distinguished civic or military service, whose careers* on earth have ended. Each State will be invited to furnish two statues in mar ble or bronze. Many years will elapse before this gallery of historic Art will be complete. But there are already names ample in number, belonging to history, and forming a part of the renown of our ancient Commonwealth—venerable names of men over whose graves retreat ing Time has long cast his shadow, and of whom such monumental commemor ation would be worthy and becoming. I respectfully recommend the appoint ment of a Commission to report during the present session a plan of co-opera tion on the part of Massachusetts in this eminently patriotic national design. If these honors are paid to the heroes and sages of the past, what commemor ation awaits those who in this generation shall command the gratitude of poster-, ity ? In the vestibule of the Capitol of the Commonwealth, you passed through to this hall of your deliberations beneath a hundred battle-flags, war-worn, be grimed, and bloody. They are sad but proud memorials of the transcendent crime of rebellion, the curse of slavery, the elastic* energy of a free Common- wealth, and the glory and the grief of war. There has been no loyal army, the shout of whose victory has not drowned the dying sigh of a son of Massachu setts. . There has been no victory gained which her blood has not helped to win, Since the war began, four hundred and thirty-four officers whose commissions bore our seal, or who were promoted by the President to higher than regimental commands, have tasted death in defence of their country’s flag. The names of nine General officers, sixteen Colonels, seventeen Lieutenant Colonels, twenty Majors, six Surgeons, nine Assistant Surgeons, two Chaplains, one hundred and ten Captains, and two hundred and forty-five Lieutenants, il lustrate their Roll of Honor. Nor will the history be deemed complete, nor our duty done, * until the fate and fame of every man—to the humblest private of them all—shall have been inscribed upon them the records of this Capitol—there to remain, I trust, until the earth and sea shall give up their dead. And thus shall the Capitol itself become for every soldier-son of ours a monument. “Nothing is here for tears, nothing for wail Or knock the breast, no weakness, no contempt. Dispraise or blame, nothing hut well and fair, And what may quiet us in a death so noble. ******* Then plant it round with shade Os laurel evergreen, and branching palm, With all his trophies hung, and acta enroll’d In copious legend or sweet lyric song. Thither shall all the valiant youth resort, And from his memory inflame their breasts To matchless valor and adventure high ; The virgins also on festal days Visit his tomb with flowers.” The Wreck of the Melville. Further and Interesting Par ticulars. [From the N. Y. Herald, Jan. 14 ] We have from William Kennedy, the third engineer of the unfortunate steam ship Melville- an account of the wreck of which we published yesterday—the following additional details of the disas ter. It was aoout half-past ten o’clock at night when the bows of the vessel were stove in. The captain was on deck at the time, and, knowing that there was a bulkhead which cut off a compartment in the bows of the vessel, and which had saved the ship on a pre vious voyage, he assured those on board that he still felt confidence in the ship and that the compartment would secure her. Soon afterwards it was discovered that the hold of the ship was filling, and that the bulkhead was only useful in prolonging the career of the vessel for a few hours, but unable to save her. The male passengers rushed for the boat, in which the captain was subsequently lost, with the intention of embarking in it and saving themselves. . The captain in his efforts to prevent this, got into the boat, and the sea carried her away, and she was soon swamped with all on board of her. The fires of the engines were extinguished by the water soon after it commenced rushing in. About midnight the sea was calm, comparatively, and becoming more so gradually. R continued thus till noon next day, when the steamer went down. Many of the lady passengers were sea sick and some of the gentlemen, and this contributed much towards keeping them quiet. There was no unusual noise from the time the clanger was first discovered till the last person was swal lowed by the waves. The boat in which our informnt was, was swamped no less than thirteen times, but it was a life boat, anu always rose again. Every one on board had a lile-preser ver when the ship went down, and these kept them afloat for hours? during which time they were engaged in devotional exercises, such as prayer and singing ; but from these the unfortunate people disappeared one by one, as they suc cumbed to cold and exhaustion, leaving only the life-preservers to show that they had existed. The schooner which was in sight of the wreck is much blamed by our informant, who says that she could have saved every one on board the Mel ville if her commander had been a hu mane man. He exonerates the captain of the steamer from all blame, and be lieves he did the best he could um’er the circumstances. Among the passengers of the unfortu nate steamer was Mr. P. Osborne, the father of our deceased correspondent, Mr. Galen IT. Osborne. He came on from Hilton Head in the Fulton, with the body of his son, and had taken pas sage in the Ceres on his return to Beau fort, but changed his mind and took pas sage in the Melville, and was lost with her. One of the last persons drowned was the stewardess, who held on to the boat which saved Mr. Kennedy and his com panions till she was exhausted. Our in formant believes that the four persons brought to this port are the only ones saved out of all on board. DIRCE FOR A SOLDIER. BY GEORGE 11. UOKER. “Close his eyes: his work is done! What to him is friend or iooman, Rise of moon, or set of sun. Ilanfl of man, or kiss of woman! Lay him low, lay him low, ' In the clover or the snow ! What cares he 1 he camiot know! Lay him low. As man may, he fought his fight, Proved his troth by gis endeavor; Let him sleep in solemn right. Sleep forever and forever. Lay him low, lay him low, In the clover or the snow I What cares he ? lie cannot know ; Lay him low ! Fold in his country’s stars, Rollthe drum and fire the volley ! What to him are all our wars, What but, death bemocklng folly ? Lay him low, lay him low, In the ?!over or the snow ! What cares ho ! he cannot know; Lay him low ! Leave him to* God's watching eye, Trust him to the hand that made him. Mortal love weeps icily by : God alone has power to aid him. Lay him low, lay him low. In the clover or the snow ! What cares he? ho cannot know: Lay him low ! Tuk Free School. —The .Jacksonville Free Schpol is now in full operation again, lumng commenced its session on the 2d inst. It is somewhat more thoroughly organized and will be con ducted with a view of making it a per manent institution in the town— Florida Union . An Irish beggar recently made his ap pearance at a New York hotel, when the landlord said to him, “Why don t you go to work ? A hearty man like you should not be seen begging. - ’ He said he could not get work. “Well, then, enter the .army. There you can get four hundred dollars bounty money, besides thirteen dollars a month and found.” “Found!” replied Pat, “yes, be jabers, found dead on the battle field ! Mr. Rogers was requested by Lady Holland to ask Sir Philip Francis wheth er he was the Junius. The post ap proached the knight, “Will you, Sir Philip —will your kindness excuse me addressing to you a single question ?" “At your peril, sir,” was the harsh and laconic answer. Tiie intimidated bard retreated to his friends, who. eagerly asked him the result of his iqmhpation. “ I don’t know,’ - he replied, “whether he is Junius; but if he be, he • certainly Junius Brutus ' lli: :4> f PRICE (Five Cents.