Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 22, 1865, Image 4
Advertising, We respectfully call the attention ofbusi ness men to the value of the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD as rtj Advertising Medium. Oar connections :ire such that we are sure of large editions each <l*y. We have agents at all important points, and all arrangements completed for an extensive general -circulation. The limited space we accord to advertisements renders its use especially valuable, and we be lieve our terms to be very reasonable, compared with the high prices which rule in other lines of business. To , ADVERTISE LIBERALLY. s the true policy of business men, and we be ieve that they cannot find a better medium lor this city and army, or the Department <>f the South, than the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Roberts & lewis, l WHOLESALE AMT) KETAI ?. DF.ALFRB 1N SUTLERS’ GOODS AND LUMBER, MiTOHF.nL Avenitk, Hilton Head, S. C. H. S, ROBERTS, UanSO —W&SBWj . CIIA9. w. LEWIS. NEW BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We have the honor to inform the residents oi this Department that we have just opened a Con ectionerv Establishment and first-class Bakery m Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at winch we are prepared promptly to fill any orders v\ men may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival $ NOTICE. B. B. ANDREWS, Attorney ani> Cor at Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Proctor and Advocate in Ad miralty. All Confiscation Cases in tlie District Court of the Northern District of Florida examined and defended promptly and reasonably. Address, B. B. ANDREWS, Jacksonville, Fla. CW. DENNIS <fc CO., «i No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CH EESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE. ; Ac.. Ac., Ac. .ian 10. ts. U~sT CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, • 147 Bay street. Free Writing Table for Soldiers. 1 ens, Ink, Paper and Envelopes free. All letters written at our rooms st amped when requested, and stamps can be had, and if not,for: warded always as “Soldiers’ Letters.” A supply of religious reading usually on hand for gratuitous distribution. Religious services every evening at 0 1-2 o’clock at Wesley Chapel (corner of Lincoln and South Broad conducted by the Associated Chaplains. .■ Chaplains’ Meeting s/t lie Chapel on MONDAY Jan. lGth. at 10 a. m. l. V & r A. LAWRENCE, ’anl4 ts «>_/ Agent U. S. C. C. ]’ YOOKS AND STATIONERY. y Just received at the Palmetto Herald Stor< a large shipment of goods from Now York and Boston, embracing ' POEMS. Bryant, Whittier, Tennyson, Mrs Tvcux, in bine and gold. STANDARD NOVELS. Cooper Pickens, Thackeray, Dumas, Chas Reade, Wilkie Collins, Mis. Grey, Trollope, and is—t ci POPULAR NOVELS. :.! 3: fxias, Emily Chester, Down in Ten nessee, At,, Ac.—cloth. 2CSCELLANEOUS. English Bib’es, I etter Writers, Song Books. Cookery Locks. locket Dictionaries, (severa styles), Hoyle’s Games, Ac. MILITARY WORKS. Patten’s and Hardee’s Infantry Tactics Brandt’s Gunnery; Field and Heavy Arlillcrv , Tactics. SCHOOL BOOKS. Geographies; and Atlases, Grammars, Readers Arithmetics. Spelling Books: also, Dime Novels Beadle’s and Monroe’sj, and a full supply o standard and other Novels, in paper covers. *. STATIONERY. “ Medallion,” “ Agawam.” ‘Crystal,” “Man hattan,” and “Dove” Mills Note, “Fran conia,” ‘'Agawam,” “ Winthrop,” “Manhattan, and “Crystal” Quarto, “Manhattan” and “ Franconia ” Cap; Bill and Legal Cap ; Music Paper. Billet, Note, Letter, and Officia l Envelopes— assorted styles—white, buff', cream, lemon, salmon, ancl opaque. Pencils in great variety. Pens. —Gillofit’s GOO, 804, 262, and “Swan Quill;” Washington Medallion, Quill, Repub lican, Falcon, Index, Commercial and Eagle Gold I‘ens, various sizes, with ami without cases. Ruling Pens, in Ivory and Ebony. Arnold’s Writing Fluid, qis. and pts.; Maynard & Noyes do., qte. and pts,. and stands: Blue and Carmine Ink. Rubber and Ebony Rulers—round, square and flat. Paper Folders, wood and ivory. Scal ing Wax, assorted colors. Ink Stands, every style. Pen Racks; Cribbage, Backgammon and and Chess Boards; Chess, wood and ivory; Dice and Dice Cups; Dominoes; Playing Cards; Scissors; Knives ; Match Safes; Pocket Books; Eyelets; Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes; Combs; Pencil Sharpeners; Split Rings; Cork Screws. Pcnffilios ol evt ry style. Slates, assorted sizes. Account Books, (1, 2, 8 , 4 and 5 quires) octavo, quarto and cap. 1 Photograph Albums (ol best manufacture}: TOO, to, '40,-80. lu v 12 Pictures ; Pocket and Extension Albums. •A full assortment of Plain and Colored Card Pho'ograph*, &.(•., Ac., to which we invite iUentiU) ot Dealers and the Public generally, C. SAVILLE & CO. Hilton Head, fc. C. U LIVING,” vX At reasonable prices, fan be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Poet Office, Hutoa Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for famishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY'. VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cocked to order from G A. M. to 8 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited. I LIST OF PRICES FOR THE REGULATION J OF THE SALES OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE'S IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH : Apples sl2 no Blacking, bottles or boxes, large 50 “ small 25 Boots, Cavalry, best $8 to 25 00 Brushes, Tooth, best ] 00 “ Hair, best l 00 Butter 75 Cheese i>er pound 50 Combs, with mirror 75 “ plain 50 “ India rubber 50 “ Horn ... 15 “ “ fine 30 Candies, Adamentine, per pound 40 BKGAKB AND TOBACCO. Smoking Tobacco, “C. 11. Lilleuthal, ” per pound. $2 00 Navy Tobacco, “Le Nevin,” per ib ...!.!! 175 Tin Foil, “Lillenthal,” per package 25 HavanaSegars, No. 1, per box... 15 00 “ “ “ “ “ 10 (*• Concha’s Tobacco, “ “ 750 Tobacco, bags 50 “ bladders..... „ ’ 50 Pipes, Brierwood. 1 00 1 ‘ Rose 50 “ Apple 50 Potatoes, per barrel 9 00 Pickles, in glass (quai ls; 1 00 “ *• (half gallon; 1 75 Mackerel, in cans 1 00 Whiti fish.ii) cans 2(H) Haddock, in cans 1 75 Peaches, 1 lb. cans 1 00 Peaches, 2 lb. cans !. 1 75 Egg Plum, 2 ib. cans 1 75 Peas. 2 “ 1 75 Tomatoes, 2 “ 1 00 Can Meats ] 00 Can Poultry, , 1 50 Lobsters, cun, 1 00 Oysters, •• ... 100 Mustard, half pints 50 Chow Chow, ] 50 Cranberry Sauce, l 50 Lemons, per box,. 40 00 Oranges, 40 00 Milk, condensed, per can, 1 00 Soap, toilet, fine, per box 01 4 pieces, 2 00 Atlantic, 40 Mirrors, pocket, best, 1 00 Mirrors, pocket, 2d class, 75 ruddle GOODS. Coats, 20 00 Talmas, with sleeves, 30 00 Pouches 20 Ou Caps, 4 00 Pails 5 00 Boots 15 00 Woolen Shirts 5 00 to 7 00 White Linen Shirts, 5 00 Suspenders, Ist class, 2 50 “ 2d class, 1 50 Gloves, Buck, 3 00 Ganutletts, 3 50 Cotton Gloves, > 1 00 lleaijq’r’s Mil. Piv. of tiik Mississin*!, In the Field, SavaYmuh, Ga., Jan. 14, ISGS. Special Field Orders,) No, 12. j IT being* represented that the Confederate army and armed bands of robbers, acting protessedly under the authority of the Confede rate Government, are harassing the people 8f Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate them in the efforts they are making to secure to them selves provisions, clothing, security to life and property, and the restoration of law and good government in the State, it is hereby ordered and made public: Ist. That the farmers of Georgia’ may bring into Savannah, Fernandina or ' Jacksonville, Florida, marketing, such as beef, pork, mutton vegetables of any kind, fish, Ac., as well as cot ton m small quantities, and sell the same in open market, except the cotton, which must be sold by or through the Treasury Agents, and may invest tlie proceeds in family stores, such as bacon and flour, in any reasonable quantities, groce ries, shoes and clothing, and articles not contra band of war, and carry tlie same back to their families. No trade store wrilh be attempted in the interior, or stocks of goods sold for them, but families may club together for mutual assist ance and protection in coming and going. 2d. The people are encouraged to meet to gether in peaceful assemblages to discuss meas ures looking to their safety and good government and the restoration of State and National au thority, and will he protected by the National army when so doing ; and ail peaceable inhabi tants who satisfy the commanding officers that they are earnestly laboring to that end, must riot only be left undisturbed in property and person, but must be protected as far as possible, consist ent wuth the military operations. If any farmer or peaceable inhabitant is molested bv the cue my, viz : the Confederate army or guerrillas, be cause of Lis friendship to the National Govern ment, the perpetrator, if caught, will be summa ly punished, or his family made to suffer for the outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the actmu party, then retaliation will be made on the adherents to the. cause of the Rebellion should a Union man be murdered, then a Rebel selected by lot will be shot—or if a Union family be persecuted on account of the cause, aliebri family will be banished to a foreign land. In aggravated cases retaliation will extend as high as five for one. All commanding officers will act promptly in such cases, arid report their action alter the retaliation is done. By order ot Major General W. T. Uukilman. L. M. L ayton, A. A. G. j Headquarters Clty of Savannah. January 10th, 1805. General Oki »ees, ) No. 4. t THIS streets, sidewalks, alleys and premises witLiu this city must be kept clean and well policed. The Provost Marshal of each District will ap j point an efficient officer to superintend this mat ! ter, and will decwil such assistants as mav be ne cessary. All i>ersons occupying buildings or grounds, o whatever description, will be required to keep ; the sidewalks and alleys bordering upon them j thoroughly policed at all times, having the sweepings piled up at the sides of the streets. The offal or sweepings from camps must, be removed beyond the city limits by the troops oc cupying the camps. The Host Quartermaster will assign a certain number of trams to each district to haul the other sweepings out of the city. These teams will be unuer control of the officers appointed to superintend the work in each district, who wil be held responsible that the work is promptly and thoroughly done. Bv Command of Brig,-Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding W. T. Forres, A. A. G. Headquarters City of Savannah. January 14, ISO 5. General Order) No. 5. ) I. Any person found injuring or defacing buildings, fences, shrubbery, Ac..’ within the city limits, will be arrested and placed at hard labor. The special attention of Provost Marshals, Officers and Guards, is hereby again ca lled to this cub]'- cl. with special reference to the Parks, Squares and Burying grounds. Th e provost Marshal’s Department will beheld responsible for tne strictest enforcement of this order. aebeeii officially reported that certain persons owning buildings in this city are charg ing exorbitant rents for the same, and that in many nstances they h ive increased the rents much beyond what they charged in Confederate currem v‘, j rior to our occupation of the city.— Such acts oppress the poor, and are without ex cuse There being no other source of redress at present except the military amhoirty, Provost Marshale of districts will take cognizance of all such cases which may be brought before them and will interfere to prevent injustice of the character specified. By order of Brevet Maj. Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding. Vv. T. Forbes, A. A. G. jani.7 lir.vj .quarters. City 01 Savannah, Ga., January Ij, ISCS. General Orders,) No G. j ' N IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDERS v RE CEIVED, the command of tills city is to-day transferred to Maj. Gen. C. Grover. Ali officeis and men belonging to the 2d divis ion, 20th corps, who are on special duly in this city, unless assigned to such duty by orders from superior authority, are hereby relieved, and will at once report to their commands for duty, being relieved by others under command of Gen, Grover. The General Commanding embraces this occa sion to thank the Mayor aiid Aldermen of this city for tneir valuable co-operation; and the citi zens generally for the cordiality with which they have acquiesced and assisted him in all measures for the public good. Believing that very soon the time will come when military government will no longer be necessary in this city, the Gen eral now takes his farewell of it, and commends it and its inhabitants to his successor, trusting that they will extend to him the same confidence and courtesy which have rendered the relations heretofore subsisting so satisfactory. By order of Brevet Major Gen. J. W. GEARY. W. T. Forces. A. A. G. Headquarters City of Savannah, > January' 10th, 1806. / Special Ordee, > No. 8. / I COL. A RIO PARDEE, 147T11 PENN. V. V • is hereby announced as Provost Marshal o the Eastern District, in the place of Col. Win Wood, 7Gth Ohio V, V. reliev ed. . By command of Brig. Gen. JOHN W. GEARY, Com’g. W. T. Forties, A. A, G. Headquarters City of Savannah, L’ec. 24th, ISG4. General Orders.) No. 2. f IFOR CONVENIENCE IN MILITARY GOV • eminent, all that portion of the City lying east of Bull street, is designated as the Eastern Disirict; that lying west of Bull street, as the Western District. Col. Wm. B. Woods, 76th Ohio Vols., is an c nouuced as Provost Marshal of the Eastern Dis trict. His Headquarters will be in the U. S. Barracks, on Bull street. Col. H. A. Barnnm, 140th New York Vole., is announced as Provost Marshal of the Western District. His Headquarters will be near the cor ner of Barnard and South Broad streets. All applications for protection of persons and private property, or lor redress of grievances, will be made to the Provost Marshal of tlie Dis trict, or to the nearest officer of the guard. 11. Each Regiment on Provost duty will be held responsible for the peace and good order of its section. The Provost Marshals of Districts will number the sections assigned to these regi ments. 111. All public and private property wfll be prelected; and whenever necessary for such pur pose, special guards will be assigned. No private property will be taken or used against the consent ol the owners, except upon fin order from proper authority. IV. Officers unu others, entitled to quarters for private or public use, will make application to Brig. Gen. Easton, Chief Quartermaster. V. All persons within the City, who have bee, m any way connected with the rebel army, wir report without delay to Captain Ira B. Seymonll Provost Marshal, (office m Exchange bunding.; and there register their names. VI. No citizen will be arrested except ftr mis demeanor or upon written orders from these Headquarters or from a Provost Marshal. VII. The Fire Department of thin city Ujus been represented by the civil authorities an highly es ficient Mr. Casey, acting Chief of t hv Fire De - partment, is authorized to continue upwatioik and will be held responsible for the faithful per fbrmance of his duties. All members of the Af ferent Fire Companies will coiithiue sub ; ect to his orders, and neglect of duty on their part wii be duly punished. In case of fire, the Provost Marshal of the District will send - immediately strong detachments of guards to preserve order m the vicinity. VIII. Those persons connected with the Water \i orks and Gas Works of the City, will continue to periorm their duties as usual: The Manager ot these W orks vviH apply to the Provost Mar fchal of the District in vphich they are located for sufficient guards for the protection of the Works together w ith the fuel and other material Der taming to them. IX. All soldiers found within the citv limits, absent Loin their camps without passes from, then respective commanders, wriil be arrested ana sent to their commands. X. ( apt. Silos Spicer is announced as Harbor Master ol this Port, and invested w ith frill au tnonty ior tne transaction of business in Lis De partment. Oihce 011 Bay, opposite Drayton trctl. XL Citizens desirous of leaving the city to ah within the Rebel lines, w ill make- application at these Headquarters. They will be transported to our exterior picket line. XII. Citizens destitute of provisions, can m&u application at the City Store, where they will be - upon the order of Dr. Arnold. Mayor o’ the C ity. XIII. Reveille pill be beaten at GA, M. Tat tor at SP. 2d. Taps at 9. After Taps, all en listed men found on the streets who are not or. duty, and who have not proper passes, will hr arrested by the Patrol. Suspicious or disorderly ' characters will-also be arrested after that hour Care must be taken in carrying out this order aot-t to make improper arrests of citizens who may bo attending to their lawful business in an oulerly manner. By Command of Brig. Gen. John W. Geary, Commanding. W. T. Folll:, A. A. G. WAR DEPARTMENT. > Adjutant Glnj ilm.’s Ofi joe V ushington, February IS. iSC4. General Orders,) No. G 4. f q rlflgels and eldel deserters. Whenever refugees from within the Rebel lines, < r deserters from the Rebel aimies, pre sent themselves at U. S. Camps or Military Posts, they w ill be immediately examined by the Provost Marshal w ith a view to tietcnnine then charucia r and their motive in giving themselves up. . R‘it appear that, they are hone st in their in tention of forever deserting the Rebel cause, cure will be taken to explain to them that they will not be forced to serve in the U. S. Army against the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. The President’s Proclamation of December S, 1863, w ill be read to them, and if they so desire, the oath therein prescribed will be ‘administered' L them. They will then be questioned as to whether they desire employment from the Uni ted States; and if so, such arrangements as may be expedient will be made by the several Army Commanders' for employing them on Govern ment works within their commands. Those who come to the Army of the Potomac will be tor warded to the Military Governor of the District ol Columbia, at Washington, with reports in their cases, that employment may be if desired; or, if not, that they maybe Ks North as Philadelphia. By order of the of War : E.*D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. Official ; W. L. M. Burger. Assistant Adjutant General He adqi Ar.'ii i.b, City of Savannah. Ga.,) January Bth, ISGS. j General Orders. ) No 3 j I ALL DEALERS IN GOODS FOR GENERAL • SALE in this city, must have permits from these Headquarters. , 11, Extortion in prices will he severely pun ished. Dealers will conform in prices to the list established by the Provost Marshal, at these Headquarters. This list will be published in the daily newspapers. HI- A tax lor Post fund will be assessed upon authorized dealers, also upon persons opening piaces oi amusement. I l ' ’ 1.l‘ c , se persons who [Violate the foregoing it.ics will be arrested, their establishments'will be closet., and their goods confiscated and sold at reasonable 1 rices, ar.d the proceeds appro - priated to the Post Fund. 1 - . kutlersor purveyors belonging to anvpor tion ol the army, are required by the military law to confine their sales to their own commands.— As long as they do this, they will not be inter fered with by officers of the Post. But it any such are found offering goods for general sale, without having been o ! uly author ized from these Headquarters, they will be dealt with*in the same manner as other unauthorized dealers. Gapt. Ira B. Seymour, Provost Marshal, at these Headquarters, will see that these rules, auct any that may hereafter be announced re specting trade in this city, are duly enforced. II officers-or others who find any dealers violate mg tlie regulations on the subject, will report the Captain Seymour’s office, the cffSadere will be promptly punished and the public Kent fitted. By command of Eng. Gen. JNO. W. GEARY. u- m , . • __ Commanding. v> - TANARUS, A. A. G.