Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 24, 1865, Image 1
SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOLUME i.\ v NO. ia. / ||abaimuj} 18 t*iriiasiira> jVIItY EVENING, vSUNDAYS EXCEPTED, BY *3. w. MAB« >TV «Sc CO. Aa 111 Bay Strket, Sayajotahu Georgia. ) T BBM 8: Per Copy Pive Cents. Per Hundred $$ 60. per Year $lO 00. advertizing: A limited nnmber of Advertisemeets will be re c> mxl at the rate of Twenty Cent? per Line for flirt insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line for each eubsequen insertion ; invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed in before noon of each day. JO B I 3 HIIV TIIV G In every style, neatly and promptly done. CONGRESS. legislation late resting - to .the Army a&d Wavy. The following aie extracts from the proceedings of Congress on the Kith SENATE. Mr. Lane (Ind.) presented the petition of citizens ol*'Fort Wayne, Ind., asking that ihe rebel prisoners now in northern prisons be placed under the care and con trol of discharged Union prisoners, and be furnished with the same clothing and rations furnished Union prisoners in the South Mr. Lane addressed the Senate on the subject of the above memorial, advoca ting action in accordance with its sug gestions. Mr. Wade interrupted Mr. Lane to oi ler a joint resolution. that all prisoners, both officers and soldiers, of the so-call ed Confederacy, who are now or shall be hereafter in the" control and keeping of the Federal Government, shall receive the same rations and the same amount of clothing and be subject to the same treat ment in every respect as Union prisonsrs, officers and soldiers, who now are or have been in the keeping and power of the so-called Confederate Government, that this treatment shall be changed for better or for worse whenever the Presi dent of the United States shall receive reliable information that the treatment of our soldiers in southern prisons is chang ed for better or worse, and that any offi cer in charge of rebel prisoners who shali fail to carry out this policy shall be de mised the service. Mr. Lane, (Ind.) said this resolution did not go far enough. It did not pro vide that the rebels should be kept un der the care of released prisoners of the Federal Army. This was a very impor tant part of the matter. It had been said that retaliation would make the war more bloody. He did not care how bloody it was made. He hoped it would make every southern river run with the blood of traitors. There were 44,000 Union prisoners in the South, and double that number of rebel prisoners in the north. We owed it to the brave men who had gone forth to light in a good cause to inaugurate this system of retali ation. Mr. Wade said that a year ago the Committee on the conduct of the war took more than a hundred depositions concerning the barbarities practiced upon our soldiers in the South. Many men were dying when their testimony was taken. It was the general impression then ffiat if the rebei barbarities were substantiated by this investigation, the executive authorities would inaugurate a system of retaliation. The report was printed, and leit no doubt that all the stories of rebel cruelty were true. Eut yet no action has'been taken by the ex ecutive authorities, He was sorry to see ftp much sympathy extended by people SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1865. of the North to people who inaugurated the rebellion, while they tranquilly toler ated these cruelties to our soldiers in the South. He had heard that a dis tinguished rebel was recently ar rested while coming North, and that the President had threatened to retaliate if a hair of his head was hurt. If retaliation was justifiable In this case of a rebel how much more bo was it in the case of cur brave soldiers! On motion of Mr. Howard the matter was referred to the Military Committee. Mr. Sherman presented the petition of the citizens of Sandusky, asking for the establishment of a naval depot at John son's Island, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Powell offered a resolution calling for the trial ot Brig. Gen. Payne upon the charges preferred against him by a military commission, for his conduct while in command at Paducah. It was laid over and ordered to be printed. Mr. Chandler called up the House bill to regulate commerce between the sev eral States, providing that every railroad company in the United States shall be authorized to carry upon its road mails, passengers, troops and Government sup plies iu their way from any State to auother State, and to receive compensa tion therefor. * Mr. Chandler said he hoped this bill would be passed immediately. It was very important. One of its results would be to interfere with a great railroad mo nopoly in New Jersey. This railroad levied tribute upon every passenger and every pouncl ot freight passing between New York and Washington. If it had the right to a small tribute it had the right to levy a large one or to prohibit travel altogether. This monopoly had qeen grinding upon the people of the i United States. It had been injurious to ; the commerce of the United States and j ought to be broken up. t Mr. Saulsbury said he had nothing to ! say in relation to the railroad monopoly alluded to; but he denied the right of ; Congress to interfere with a charter I granted. At the request of Mr. Johnson the ! consideration of the bill was postponed i until Wednesday. Mr. Wilson from the Military Commit : tee, reported the bill to authorize and I direct an inventory of the articles in the : arsenals of the United States, with the following amendment as a substitute— “ That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby directed to, cause a strict in ; spection to be made of the Quartermas i ter's Department as soon as practicable alter the passage of this resolution, and a comparison to be made between the reports ot the officers in charge of the Quartermaster's depots at New York, j Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Louis and I Louisville and an account to be render i ed of the articles actually on hand.” j The bill was ordered to be printed. Mr. Wilson, from the Military Com j mittee, reported the following, which was ordered to be printed— Rt'soleal, That the Secretary of War be directed to inform the Senate what number of soldiers and sailors, stating each separately, the several States, Ter ritories and District of Columbia have furnished the Army and Navy under all j the calls heretofore made, setting forth ! the number demanded and the number j furnished undereach call. A communication from the Secretary !of the Interior, in reply to a resolution calling for information as to the number and compensation of Pension Agents employed in the different States, was read. The Secretary informs the Senate that the number of Pension Agents is not, limited by law, and.that they are ap pointed by him. The Senate then went into Executive Session, and afterwards adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Stevens, from ti e Committee of Ways and Means, reported the bill mak ing appropriations for the Navy Depart ment for the year ending June 30, 1890, and a bill amendatnry of the act provid ing Ways and Means for the support of the Government and for other purposes. These bills were committed to the Com mittee of the Whole on the state of the Union. Mr. Oox introduced the following re solution : Wh-ereas, the country hails “iih manifesta. lions of patriotic joy and congratulation the vic tories recently achieved by our brave armies ; and whereas the recognized object of war, at least emoflg civilized and Christian nations is au honorable and satisfactory peace, ami that al though we do not know that the insurgents are jet prepared to agree to any terms of pacifica tion that our Government either would or f-hould deem acceptable, yet as there can be no possible harm resulting from ascertaining precisely what they art ready to do, and in order to refute the imputation that the Administration contem plates with satisfaction a continuance of hostili ties for their own sake, on any grpund of mere punctilio or tor any other reason than because it is compelled by an absorbing regard for the very ends of its existence : and whereas an esublish ed and rightly constituted Government, com bating armed unit menacing Rebellion, should strain every nerve to overcome at the earliest moment the jesistance it encounters, and should not merely welcome but seek satisfactory, how ever informal assurances that its end has been attain,ed, therefore, lie-voiced. That now in this hour of victory, which is the hour of magnanimity, it is eminent ly the duly of the President, on the basis of the present rightfully constituted Government, either to send of receive commissioners or agents, with a view to national pacification and tranquility, or by some other rational means known to civil ized and Christian nations, secure the cessation of hostilities and the Union of the States. After discussion the resolution was laid on the table. DRIXKISG. ODK Tu ANACREON —TRA.KBI.ATKn BY AKRAMAiI OOW- T.EY. The thirsty earth soaks up the rain, And drinks, and gapes for drink again ; The plants suck in the earth, and are With constant drinking, fresh and fair; The sea itself. (which one would think Should have but little need of drink.) Drinks twice ten thousand riiors up. So filled that they o’erfiow the cup. The busy sun f.iud one would guess By Vs drunken, fiery face, no Dm) Drinks up the sea, and, when he’as done. The moon and stars drink up the sun : They drink and dance by their own light; They drink and revel all the night. Nothing in nature's sober found, Put an eternal ‘health” goes round, bill up the bowl then, fill it high— Fin all the glasses there : for why Should every creature drink but I ; Why. man of morals, tell me why ? Matrimony.—A couple sat. beside the fire, de* bating which should retire. The husband sport ively had said. “Wife you should go and warm the bed.” “j never will,” she quick replied, “1 did so once and nearly died.” “And I will not,’* rejoined the spouse, with firmer tone and lower ing brows ; and thus u war of words arose, con tinuing till they nearly froze, when both grew mute, and hoverhig nigher around the faintly gli mmerieg fire, th»y tumbled o’er the dying embeis, as though ague had seized their mem bers, resolved like fauws ne’er to yield, but force esch*other from the field. Aud thus this once loving pair, in silence shook and shivered there, till every spark of lire was gone, and cocks were crowing for the dawn : when all at one ; the husband said. “Wife, hadn’t we better go to bed i” ESCAPED ERGX REBEL PRISON. Knoxviia.k, Tknn., Monday, January lfi, ISCS. The following escaped officers and correspon dents have reported since the <>th inst : Col. Butler, oth Indiana Cavalry : Captains Ander son, hd Maine, Conrad, *2f>th lowa, Meads, 11th New York; First Lieutenants Childs, 10th Maine, Morrissey, 12th lowa. Butcher, Oth U. 8. Cavalry : Kiiby, f'd New YT>rk Artillery ; 2’d Lieutenants Johnson, ltd Maine; Brown, Oth U. 8, Colored : Taylor, Ist Mary land ; Oliphant, 22d New Jersey. Also Messrs. Richardson and Brown, correspondents of the New York Tri- , bune anti Davis of the Cincinnati Grzette. lIICH 3IESi OF NEW YORK- Some of our cotemporaries have sur reptitiously procured partial lists of the Special Tax of live per cent levied by the Government on the Incomes of our citizens for the year 18(>3, and have been' parading these lists in their coloumns, to the annoyance, we judge, of certain of the assessed, who have, like Byron, “awoke to find themselves famous.”— evidently contemplates no such* publication, though we apprehend that it might better have expressly authorized it, for we think the amount of the tax would thoreby be increased. As the lists are now subject to public inspection and scrutiny. we deem it best that their pub lication should be expressly permitted (not required), so that there shall be no* ground for complaint, of surprise or im pertinence. Wo believe Mr. A. T. Stewart, the great drvgoodsmau, returns the larges. income for 1803 of any American. It is not, $5,000,000, as has*been reported, but $1,843,037, whereupon his extra income tax is $92,181. We consider it hard for tune for any man to have to take care of so much property for nothing h ut his victuals and clothes. Messrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt and William B, Astor are doubtless our two next heaviest tax payers, both together paying about as much as A. T. Stewart. Their names do not appear in the partial lists published. Moses Taylor is probably fourth : his in come being $573,484 ; tax, $28,074. We wish the gentlemen named in these lists who live in four-story brown stone houses or board at the Fifth Ave nue or (Clarendon Hotel on incomes of SOOO to $1,700 each Would tell us how. they contrive to do it. There are evi dently secrets in their style* of h mse keeping which we have never maste. 1. So the eminent lawyer and tinanok who is Gen. McClellan s next friend, and is popularly esteemed a millionaiie, has only, it scents, SIO,OOO a year, iittt the $50,000 to 80,000 which hat laid to his charge, while the lawyc has probably the largest adr practice, in our city charges his so moderately that his income is $2,514 per annum. This world 1 dently better than its reputation.- Tribune. TIIEMISSOrRI convent! St. i ouis, Monday, Jan- 10, 18 the Convention to-day a resolute passed expressing the opinion tl amendment to the Coristitutioi nov pending before Congress, she aid b t adopted, and instructing the Senators and Representatives from Missouri to. vote lor and use their influence to pro cure the passage of said amendment. After adjournment the President of the Convention announced that he had just been informed that all the Judges of the Supreme Court had resigned, and that two of their places had been filled by the ap pointments of Judge Clover,of bt. Louis, and Judge Wagner, of Lewis county. Two rebel cruisers are fitting out inn England, the Viper and the Rattlesnake. They are appropriately named, for they will* be poison to our commerce should they get out. The Rattlesnake is a fast craft, as she can make seventeen miles, an hour, so that she would be decidedly hard to take should she succeed in get- , ting to sea. Tiib new seal ol the {State of Nevada, says the Sacramento Union, which was authorized by tl e Constitutional Con vention, has been received, and is full < nine inches in circumference —too large for any practicable use, unless to stamp sides of leather. The design represents the sun rising over mountains, a railroad train, a quartz mill, a tunnel, a man dumping ©re, and a six mule team haul ing rock. Tin* n otto is “All for our .Country.” ( PRICE (Five Cents.