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.fiUMttttali ffaihi Retail
It has been justly said that “ war is a
erne ty.”
This is true even of international wars
carried on according to the prescribed
liUos of civilized warfare, but doubly so
in civil wars. No real war can be car
ried on without a fearful sacrifice of life
Tvud property, and without being attend
ed by some savage atrocities. This great
civil war which has raged through the
continent for four years has had its atro
citii s; but, from all we know, these are
the icts of law less men to carry out their
base designs, but have not l»een sanction
ed by any civil or military authority. —
We have seen the sad results of war in
desolated plantations, ruined homesteads
and bloody graves. We have seen the
dower and chivalry of the land swallow
ed up by thi3 insatiable Moloch. Its
fruits are a rich harvest of blood and
tears, orphans and widows. War is a
fearful scourge, and black and bitter must
be the future reckoning of its authors
and abettors. Though the sword is a
powerful argument in peace conferences,
it cannot restore the husband to his wid
ow, the father to his orphans, the son to
his aged patents, the brother to his weep
ing sisters; therefore we say. bitter is the
reckoning of those who have instigated
t his war.
If you ask the southern people
for what are they fighting, some will
tell you that they are fighting for their
liberties, others that they are fighting be
cause they are compelled to do so.
We assert that the man who will not
strike for his liberty w hen assayed is not
worth bearing the honored privilege of
manhood. Our fathers nobly battled for
their liberties in the Revolutionary war,
and we honor their memories, and pre
serve the records of their heroic strug
gle with pride and veneration. But
t hen our fathers had a principle to con
tend for, such as the Bouth have never
None of the privileges of the Southern
people were violated—no unjust taxation
rights and privileges were inviolably
respected. In all state offices they had
hi majority, arid exercised a controlling
influence. If any one doubt our asser
tions, we refer them to Alexander IT.
Stephens, notable speech bn the seces
sion of Georgia. This remarkable docu
ment will stand forth to the future his
torian as an evidence of the treachery of
the Southern leaders and their bad faith
toward the National Govi rnment, and a
convincing proof of the justice ot the
Union cause.
It all has been the work of a few baf
fled politicians, who. relying upon for
eign support to back them and home
traitors to aid them, thought that they
could frighten the North into any sur
render of principles, and thus the more
thinly establish their own political
supremacy. They little knew what a
desperate power they were about in
voking. They roused up the sleeping
young giant to crush them with the
mighty strength of the thews and
siuews of a Titan. Had the South suc
ceeded in its mad attempt, what would
have been the result.? We all know the
aristocratic tendency of the Southern
planters, and as sure as success had
crowned their arms, so sure would they
have established a grinding oligarchy,
co in posed of incHv'dual despots, or a
despotic monarchy of the w orst kind,
m comparison to which the w'orst gov
ernment of old effete monarchies would
be a blessing.
Once admit the right of secession and
what w'ould be would be the fate of our
glorious Republic ? California, with her
; golden mines and immense sea coast;
i Texas, with her fertile prairies and deli
-1 ctous climate; the Western States, wish
j their growing wealth and greatness,
! would, perhaps, for some real or fancied
| wrong, claim the same right. At any
■ time there will be found ambitious poli
! ticians and daring fillibusteTS ready to
: fan any discontent into Rebellion and
thus compel our great Republic to
dwindle into little petty disintegrated
States- Jealous of each other’s interests
and welfare, and ever embroiled in their
petty strifes, it would be the old Roman
story of the bundle of sticks repeated.
Once let Imperialism put its iron heels
upon us, and. like the old Man of the
Seas, it will ride ns to death. Under
our wise laws and Administration, we
have been cheaply and prudently gov
erned. Let us be content with the wis
dom of self government, which has, in a
short time, raised this country from a
feeble colony to become one of the
mighty nations of the earth.
We say to the people of the South that
in fighting to establish despotism or
monarchy, they are riveting their own
chains. They have nothing to gain, but
everything to lose, by the overthrow of
democracy. So. in heaven’s name, let
them give up their foolish, useless strife,
and return to their cotton fields and rice
plantations, return to their peaceful pur
suits, and the Federal soldier and Fed
eral government will cordially hail their
return and bury the past so deep that, it
can never resuscitate. If their Gover
nors refuse to hold a convention of
States, let them compel their leading
men to appoint a convention of delegates
of the noble State of Georgia, to set the
example to its erring sister States.
Be assured there is no unjust prejudice
in the North. Us liberal response
to the appeal of Savannah is sufficient
proof of this. Spare the blood of those
, now surviving. Make honorable terms
while you have it in your power to do
so. You have done ail that brave men
I could do, though your cause w'as a bad
one. and there is nothing humiliating in
laying down the sword when conquered.
Spare further bloodshed we entreat
you. Now it is not war, but butchery,
for be assured the North, though willing
Ito accept an honorable peace, would
| carry on this w T ar for thirty years sooner
j than this glorious Republic should lie
| disrupted into little petty kingdoms.
The Savannah Daily Herald has
been for some days printed on fine news
ink, promptly forwarded to us by our
agents in New York. The improvement
consequent upon the from the
vile compound the rebels used is mani
fest to all. With nearly new type, new
ink, good printers, good pressmen, and a
Hoe press, now in good condition, we
claim that we issue a neat looking paper,
and it shall be our constant effort to have
it well filled with all the latest news that
is not contraband. In this connection
we desire to return our sincere thanks to
Joseph R. Sears, Esq., proprietor of the
New South, at Port Royal, for kind
assistance in obtaining the quick trans
portation of some of our new materials
from New York here. We shall con
stantly add to our materials, as additions
shall be required for the good appearance
o f the Herald.
About tub Weather.— The oldest in
habitant, when asked if he can recall a
time,, since he was a youth, when the
weather presented so runny execrable
features as that of the past, teu days, will
gaze in a contemplative mood upon the
heavens fora while, slowly but confident
ly shake his head, and reply that his re
collection fails to find an equal to it in
the past. A constant succession of cold,
cheerless rain-storms, that seem to pen
etrate everything out-doors to the very
core, whether it be animate or inanimate,
has made the week gloomy and miser
able enough. Every one’s spirits were
down to the lowest point. People
screwed the muscles of their faces into
hard knots, and looked blue and dejected.
Not a philosopher could be found in
totfn whose beautiful doctrines could
sustain him under the adverse pressure
of the moist atmosphere. Like the cha
meleon they reflected the hues of the
hour, and went about with spirits tinged
with a sombre hue. The heavens to-day
are of an unclouded blue ; the sun pours
its genial rays upon the earth, giving
light and life: the air is crisp, and as
sparkling and exhilirating as champagne
without the liquid in which it hides, and
every one is again in high spirits. The
philosopher is again to be found to-day
as brilliant and gay and merrv as a Bob
o’Link, loudly protesting that he is in
different to the nature of the weather.
He cares for no vicissitude of climate.
Let the sun shine, or the heavens be
wrapped in black, let Sirius rage or
Boreas pipe his coldest lay, and he will
wear the same smiling countenance—re
flex of the same cheerful, genial spirits.
We are glad to have an occasion thus
to notice a change for the better in
the weather both on account of our fair
day'philosopher and for the rest of the
community who are more susceptible to
the influences of the weather thau this
wise man. May w'e have a long period
of fine warm weather to make amends
for the horrible experience we have pass
ed through.
Turn distribution of supplies to the
people of Savannah hue been carried on
by Mayor Arnold, the Council, the Com
mittee, and Capt. Veale and Lieut.
Chariot, acting for the military authori
ties. with the strictest fairness, and they
all deserve much credit for the care and
Labor they have bestowed on the matter.
Purser Frei>. W. Ely, of the steam
ship Arago. has our thanks for several
very important favors. He is very cour
teous and obliging, as we can testify
from long acquaintance, during which
wc have been under many obligations to
The Supplies prom New York. —The
following is the cargo of the steamship
Rebecca Clyde, from New York for the
needy of this city, a portion of which
has already been distributed :
070 barrels flour, 428 barrels com meal
47 boxes bacon, 15 boxes and casks
hams, 5 kegs shoulders, 5 kegs lard, 100
sacks salt, 21 barrels pork, r>o barrels
beans, 3 drums codfish, 407 bags pota
toes and 103 barrels other vegetables, 10
barrels onions, GO barrels pilot bread, 150
quarters beet 100 sheep, 25 barrels mo
lasses, TO barrels pickles, 10 barrels vin
egar, 1 bale hops, 20 boxes mustard, 6
boxes pepper, 20 boxes corn starch, 14
boxes so vp, 2 boxes candies, 5 kegs of bi
carb soda and 2 boxes cream tartar.
Armed, Steamer Granada, Baxter, Nev York.
Departed, Steamship Crescent, Latham, Hilton
Head; Steamship Perit, Delanoy, New Yiork;
Steamship Series, Sherwood, Hilton Head;
Steamship Maraposa, If owes. New York; Steam
ship Norfolk, Robhins, New York; Steamer
Loyalist, Hoffman, llilton Head; Steamer Plato
Gel try. Hilton Head; Steamship Guide, Altov.
HiitonTleadj Steamer W. W Coit, Hilton Uead.
The public meeting called by Mayor
Arnold, to be held at the Athenaeum, at
li o’clock to-day, is necessarily post
poned until 12 M. to-morrow, at the
same place. It is hoped that there will
be a large attendance of the citizen* of
the city, to give expression to their feel
ings towards the generous citizens of
New York, Boston and Philadelphia for
their timely and liberal aid to the poor
of this city. It is earnestly desired that
the meeting be of the size and character
that the occasion demands.
The following are the resolutions of
the City Council on which his Honor,
the Mayor, called the meeting :
fi/ WivvV. That hie Honor ''Mayor Arnold bo
requested to convene a meeting of our citizens at
the. Atheutenm. nt It o’clock to-day. for the pur
pose of giving expression to their heartfelt
thanks to the citizens of New York, Boston and
Philadelphia, for the very, large, valuable awl
timely contribution* of provisions and other ne
cessaries of life, which have been received and
are now on their way to this city : and that hw
Honor the Maj-or invite the several eommfttees
from New York. Boston and Philadelphia, in
cluding the owners and the commander of the
Rebecca Clvde. with Captain Veale. of General
Gearv’a stasis, and Lieut. Charlotte, U. 8. A., all
ot’whom have co-operated witb us m the good
work, to attend the meeting.
m.esoiutio2is Complimentary to
Major General Geary.
At a special meeting of the City Coun -
cil, held at the Council Chamber, on
Monday, 23d itist., His Honor J>.
Arnold. Mayor, in the chair, the follow
ing were unanimously passed :
Whereas By the evacuation of Sa\ an nub by the
Confederate troops on the night of the 20th De
cember, 1.31)4, the city was left in a defenceles*
position, and from the military the right of gov
ernment devolved on the city authorities ; and,
whereas, the Mayer and Aldermen of the city of
Savannah, in Council assembled, had previously
resolved that when that contingency should oc
cur, they would immediately proceed to Major
General W. T. Sherman's headq>iartere and ask
from him protection for the lives and private
property of the citizens ;
A nti, whereas It was our good fortune on the
morning of the -21st December, ISC4, to meet
Brigadier General John W. Geary, who was
leading the division of the IT. S. Army which
was the first to enter Savannah, and said re
quest was made of him; and, whereas, he
promptly granted it, and took ail necessary
means to a fiord protection, by sending a brigade
into the city in advance of his troops, under the
command of Col. Barnum, who displayed his own
efficiency, and the admirable discipline of his
troops, by preserving an order and quiet per
haps unparalleled in the annals of warfare,
when a victorious army entered a captured c!a*.
and, whereas, the conduct of Brigadier General
Cnow Brevet Major General; Geary, while com
mandant of the city from that time anti! he was
retired from his post in the field, carried out to
the fullest extent the expectations raised from
our first interview with him:
Resol.ved, That the thanks of the Mayor and
Aldermen of the City of Savannah,' for them
selves and in behalf of their fcilow-citizena, be
and the same arc hereby tendered to Brevet
Major General Geary, ibr the uniform courtesy
extended by him. to all who came into official
contact with him, and for his great judgment in
the conduct of alibis business transactions, and
that, we will ever hold him in remembrance as
the embodiment o? the high-toned gentleman
and the ckivalric soldier.
Resolved, That to his Staff, individually and
collectively, we hereby return our thanks, and
those of our citizen;., for the able, impartial and
courteous manner in which they performed their
onerous duties.
Cincinnati, Monday, Jan. 16, USBS. —
The correspondent of the Commercial,
writing from Nashville, says :
“The Convention passed, by nearly a
unanimous vote, a resolution that no
person should be considered as qualified
to vole until he should take a stringent
oath declaring himself unreservedly in
favor ot the Union, and all Laws and
Proclamations issued by President Lin
coln, or Congress, since the war began.’*