Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, January 25, 1865, Image 4

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SPECIAL NOTICE. Okkicp: Ouikk Qn \*trrmast i "r*b DtfP<rr, S-n vannab, Gn., Jan. 9, IHG.?. All officers of the Quartermaster's Dr-partnu nt having mean* of transportation which they de sire to turn in at this Depot, are notified t hat lient. P. Hope, A. \. Q. At., is now ready to re ceive the same. His office is at Bay Street, north hide By order of Brig-Ben. I* C. EASTON, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. B OADWALLADER, Captain and A. Q. M., Chief Qaartcmiwter’a Depot. U OOD LIVING,” vT At reasonable prices, ran be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and "REFRESHMEN T SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, lluwr Read. 8. C. . I have the verv best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to order from 6 A. M. to b P M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. B.—One trial xte reapectfnlly sobetted. II arses 11. S. Foacrfi, Savannah, Oa., Jau. 19, 1865. Gkwesav. -Okdko, 1 * No. i. ; Pursuant to General Orders from the Head quarters of the Department of tl»e South, the un der signed hereby assumes command of ttie Difi ll ir; and Post of Savannah. Existing orders will continue in force until fur tlier orders. C. GROVER, Brevet Major General, Commanding. PURCHASING BUREAU Ok' DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, £c. Omcs, ICI Fcgton So 1 ., New York. The nnrlewirTjed having been chief assistant examiner of Druse and Medicines in the New York Custom Honee for the past four years, of fers his services to Druggists throughout th country. All purchases wiii be made in the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased are warranted to be reliable. 11. N. A VERY. fPen. IDpa.m P/bk>.v, Refers to -1 TTon. T?nw<vr Covkuno, i,Prot Tnstx W. Dvneirr. | J 8. SANITARY COMMISSION, Corner of Congresß and Whitaker Streets, Savannah’ Ga. At tbe placid mentioned we Inyc opened store rooms .and Relief office, where we wit! be glad to render any service in onr power to the soldiers and sailors of the Army and Navy. St-rgcons in charge of Hospitals wili please send in their re quisitions for stores. ,7. V HOJSI.IT. jau 21—ts Agent V. 8. S. C. Books and ktationt ry. Just received at the Palmetto Per; fid Btor< a large shipment of goods from New York and Bostf" 1 - “rrtUriHTig ... _ "■ "VS. ikOngteljOv.,. ryani. \» niti ter, Tennyson, Mrs wiling, in "nine and gold *1 RTANDARI) NOVELS. Coop<-r Pkhens, Thackeray, Ihttnflg. Gita? Reads, Wilkie Coll ins, Alin. Grey, Trollope., .am: It —c cv>. ?f PELAR NOVELS. * 1 J : u. Kt Kf.iiy Chert tv, Down in Ten nessee, &, t e.—cloth. NIECELLANEOUh. English Bibles Letter SVriigrs, 8ou« Books, Cookery Ttrlr To;l cl DHli'ciinTies, (severs styleffi, Hoyle’s Jffitaes, Ac. MILITARY WORKS Patten’s and Hurdle** Infantry Tactic Brandt’s Gunnery; Field and Heavy Artillen Tactics. SCHOOL BOOKS Geograpk•t.s and Atlases. Grammars. Reader* Arirbiuetics. Spelling Ik ok«; also, Dime Novels Beadle’s and MmiroeV). and a full supply o standard and o’he” Novels, in paper covers. BTATJOXLRY. ' “ ?Jed>.l!k-n “ •* Agawam.” • Or; still.” “Man b,await.” and •• D*> v »* •* Mills Nate, ** Fran «©oia," “Agawam,"’ • W.nibrop,” “Manhattan, and ” Crystal •’* • Qtr rto, '‘Manhattan” uni? FreneotJa *' Cap; Bill and Legal Cap t Mi.r-it Prqvr. . . Billet. Note, Letb-r, and Offid.i 1 Envelopes— asserted spies—white. bnffi ••fettn, lemon satmor., and opuque. Pencils in great, variety. P«-ns.—Giiiotl’e alri, .sb-4, 2C2, and '‘Swan tyv.ll, ■ Washington Medal Hod, Quill. Repub- Ikiui, Falcon, Index. Commercial and Eagle Cutd Pens, various rtzon. with and without cases. Ruling Pens, in Ivory and Ebony. A mold V Writing Haiti. qte. and pis.: Maynard & Noyps do., qt.K. and ;>ts,, and rtantifi : Line and Cur mine Ink Rubber tind Ebony Rulers—round, square and fiat. Papet Folders, wood and ivory. Seal ing Wax. assorted color*,, luk Stands, everv style. Pen Racks: Cribbage, Backgammon and aik! Chess Boards; Obese, wood and ivory; Dice and ’Dice C ips ; Doinifioes*., piaving Cards: Scissor* ? Knives : Match Safes; Pocket Ihwkr ; Eyelets: Tooth. Navi and Hair Brushes : Combs; IVncll Hhjirp ners ; Spirt' Rings; Cork Screws Portfolios or every style. Slates, assorted Fixes. Account Books, (1. 2, 2. 4 and 5 ouiroo octavo, -quarto »«d cap. Photograph Album* bis l*e»t matinfaert re)* U<o. r>o. Hi. be U) }2 I'ic-ttltefi : I'otkft M.d listensiirn Alliiime A (’nil assortjbeQt of Plain kuo Colored Card FhotoirrupSa Ac.’. Ate. A- ,to which we i«\;te attention t»! j k-aler* and tiu; Idildic g‘'neral s v, J / *" C. SAVILLK & CO. Btttou lie ail S. V. fj HE SAVANNAH I>A I? ,Y RF.R \i A? OFl'lh ’• ■ in ftt N*. 3.n Isry rtre.f.t. llkauqVs M n. Drv. or wr Mr*nffi'.m, In the Field, SavAiuiah. Ca. f Jan. S, 1865. Se!xn>.u Fjkld OioiKas’l No. 6. ) The General Commanding announces to the troops composing :he Military' Division of the Mississippi that he has received from the Fresi d> nt of The United States anct from Lieutenant General Grant, letters conveying their high sense and appreciation of he.campaign jest closed, re sulting in the capture of Savannah and the de feat of I food’s array in Tennessee. In order that all may understand the import ance of evcuts, it is proper to revert to the situa tion of a/fairn'in September last. We held At lanta, a city of iit tie value tons, but so impor tant to the -uemy that Mr. l)ai in. Ihe head of the rrlx*llious faction in the South, visited the array near Palmetto, and commanded it to re gain it, as wf-M as to ntin’and destroy us by a series of measures which he thought would be effectual. That amiy by a rapid march gained onr railroad at Big Shanty, and afterwards about Dalton. We pnrsued it, but it moved so rapidly that v:e cotcki not overtake it, and General llood it'd hia army sucuossfiiliy far over towards Mis sissippi, in hopes to decoy ns out of Georgia.— Put wc were not thus to be led way by him, and preferred to Lead and control events our ecivep. Generals Thomas and Schofield, com manding I)<*par;nv;nts in our rear, returned to their posts and prepared to decoy General Hood into their mesho*, whilst we came on to com plete the original journey. We quietly and de liberately destroyed Atlanta and all the railroads which the enemy had used to cany on war against us, occupied his State Capital, ana then captured bis commercial capital, which had been so strongly fortified from the sea re to defy ap proach from that quarter, Almost at the moment of onr victorious entry into Savannah, came the welcome and expected news that our comrades in Tennessee had also fulfilled nobly and well their part, bad decoyed General Hood to Nashville, and then turned on him. defeating hie array thoroughly, enpfnring nearly nil Isis artillery, great numbers of prison ers, and were etill pursuing the fragments down into Alabama. So complete a success in milita ry operation*', extending over half a continent, is an achievement that entitles it to a place in the military h istory of the world. The armie« serv ing in Georgia and Tennesson, as well as ihe lo cal jfftrrisor,'- of Decatur, Bridgeport. Chattanoo ga, and Murfreesboro, are alike entitled to the common honors, and each regiment may in scribe on 4ts colors at pi*.•.•retire thq words‘‘Sa vannah” or ■ 'Nashville.’ Thi‘ General-in Chief embraces in the same general success the operations of ihe cavalry column under Generals Stoneman and Barbricge, and Giiicra, that, penetrates into South-west Vir ginia and para IRedthe efforts of the enemy to cib tnrb the peace and safety of East Tennessee. Instead of being put on the defensive, we have at all po n.s assumed the bold offensive, and completely thwarted the a nd. .signs of the enemies of onr country. By order of M.'ijc-r Gire rel W. T. SHERMAN. L. M. Dayton, and Assistant Adjutant General. ITuAuq'i* Div, THir ?dis«isßire?. In the Field Savannah, Ga., dan. 15, is».r. Sprca..:. Frn/w Oumiua.l No. 1?-. j The Department oi the South having placed wntniu’the sphere of this command. and t being'big v D «rirabJe ibat. g; uniform po* i revail touching comraei o and inP'rcowrs;: v. itli ~h<* in?i bii iiits of the South, the hsiuwimr grn erul rules ani:! (.rinciple?. wili be cohered ?:> r.n !e.*s modided by iaw i..r the enkra of tile War Tb partraejit ; I. ConuiMT'c v i:h foi .-.ign net iocs caniv»t be permitted:or undertaken lifftil ibe naiional a.i tli> rity iNta'bbsh'.’d to mu **\fe;;t vbat will give tin necessary courts and oflleeta to control and tonnage .--!< h matter*. Trade will be confined to ir»«Te batter un'lsr.le proporiiore-d U> the ?>o ne*snry wants r.f the ., m:\ of the inhabi t >n;s dep; r.diirf on i* for tbe'\s*ut.ies of life. • ret over; that trade nuwt be kept subject- to strict military « ■! or si»■ t lliai\ce. ft. Trade sto.n >v jp b<* permit tec at lit nufort, 11 it ion H oa.'k Savaiij • b, Fern- neiiia, SL Aiigiuf fine fUid Ja> k onvili!-; in ab the sos food and niathing. grocevi--, iadiew and < hildt n goods geimraily, ar.d articles n t contraband vs war. g: 111. To trade is a privilege, and no wili be ;e r.w:i to I'uy au i ibr profit unless ho be a citLa u of the T'nired St.-it-e, and sub scribe to .r y o -ml oath or e-lTgaiion that is or may be pre.s'i'ibed by law; and : l pciats threat ened bv n»j en, ray, the ofiieer commanding inav further e; ac*. as a condition, that ihe trader j hall himself engege to serve, in some military ca pacity, to aid in the dtfViice oi rise place. IV. Persons dosirii;g to trade will apply to the eonmaibling officer of the Post and ohtuin his v. Ktteri'consent, sy' the kind, nature an«i extent »'f the trade, nnd when he requires import>ifioi> froth r.criht rn cities he will in like manner npp>!y for his rroiMi'r. The commanding offc'T of the shi-fit -nay-'appoint some good officer tosup-rvisc these inarters, who will’frequently in'sfHici the stdres, rr.d when there is cot saflf eient Corripetition w ill fix the prices of sale.— These ft-oro* wili in like manner be subject to the super.\:wk)n of the GomiTpincßag General of the Department of the South by ’ himself or an inspector General. V. In order that purchases may be made with oconom.v. the iTonraaDding i fficerof each Post will make reports of his Action in regard to trade, with »he names of traders, amounts of goods desired for sale, &c., to the coramanding general c-f the department, who will, in likie manne-, make full reports to the Secretary of the ! cited States Treasury, to the end that" lie »v%v iufitrurt the collectors of peris from which thipm-Tts are expected a*» to the* neces»-giy per mits arnl ck-.irance* It. being fctterlv impracti cable thb \ !. moral com manning military oper ations fih’ti •. give his personal attention to such riartcrv, it is desirable that as much power as possible should ho delegated to Foist com man d em, an i th*:y sliould be'held to the rtiicthfit ac conr>t that no trade is per nbted iujnridus to* Ihe niil'scrv ittor. etn of th -1 nited Statea. Yl Ftu» o r ii,vttcu; witi b. restricted ».b 'oli.i. 'y | to the Uiatod States Treasury agents, ard no title 5a cotton or bill of sale will be reelected until the cotton is sold at New Y T oik Country people having email lots of cotton are permitted to bring the same in to be exchanged for food and clothing for their families. The Quartermaster will set. aside a store or ware house, to which each wagon bearing cotton will, after entering the military lines, proceed direct, where an agent of the Treasury Department wiii receive and weigh the same, and pay for it the price fixed in the Bt.h section of the Act of Con gress. approved July 2, ISS4, viz: three-fourths the value of cotton as quoted in the New York market; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby requested to make appointments ol agents to carry out the provisions of said act at the posts of liiiton Head, Savannah, Fernandi na and Jacksonville. VII. In order that tbe duties hereby imposed on commanding officers of Port* may not be neglected or slighted by. tbe * ? :iuges incident to rank and changes of troops, the Commanding General of the Department of the South wili ap point a special officer to command at each of said Posts, with a small garrison, not, to be changed without, his order; Mid when other troops, commanded by a senior, arc added or ar rive. the command of the port will not change, but the additional troops will be encamped near by and act according to special instructions. By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN. L. M. Dayton. Major and AestfAdj’t Gen. iisAINJCAUTI'K-? CITY OF HWANNAU J anuary lt»th, ? v'/>. (If.N3T.AT. OIII'EES, I No. 4. I t I>HE streets, sidewalks, alleys and premises within this city mut't lx** kept clean and well policed. The Provopt Marshal oi‘ea<h District will ap point "an efficient officer to Huperinteud this mat ter, and will detail such assistant# ns may be u - cessary All persons occupying lunldhigs or grounds, y whatever description, will be requfr..,*d to keep the eidewaiks and alleys bordering upon them thoroughly policed at all times, having the sweepings piled up at the sides of tin- streets. The offal or sweepings Iroi-n camps must be removed beyond the tifv limit*' by the troops oc cupying the camps. . The Post Quartermartor will assign a certain number of teams to each district to haul *the other sweepings out ot the city. T hese teams will be under control of the officers appointed to superintend the work in each district, who wil ne held responsible that tbe work 5-‘ promptly and thoroughly done. By Command of Brig,-God. JOHN W. GTSARY, Commanding W. T. Fohiseu, A. A. G. Hfwtxjii AurKHe < ity ev Savannah, January 14,13d 5. Gi.nkfau Oeoftil No. 5. j 1. Any person found injerirg or defacing buildings, fences. *luubbeiy, &■?.., within the city limits, will be arrested and pbio-'d a;, hard labor. The special attention of Tb ivost Officer? and Gur.nis, is hereby again’ ,1 j.j lliifi cucj- ck with special refai-ence ro fhe*Larks. Squares and Burying grounds. Tip’, pmvosi Mar pepartmeut wli; be held lor trier.enforcement n f tnl.-s <irri,;-. Bh b« en .iflh'ialiy i ‘ported {bst certain persons owning building* in this < tv :.r*' charg ii)g exorbitant rents ib: the same "and that in irainy nstar)res th<‘\ h ive :ocre isy«l the rents much beyond what they chc.rge.l p, Cotifedcrj'.te currency, prioi to our occupation of the Such acts oppress tbe poor, and are without <x cuse There being no other se-ttreo of redrew at present except the military aurhoirty, lTovopt ?>iarsi.ale of districts will take cognizance of ail such cases u. hich may b ; brought beiore them end will interfere to prevent injustice of the < hanietcr irperificd. By order of Brevet Maj. <--n. JOHN W. GEARY, Commanding. V.’. T. Fnvj-FK. A. A G. j;n: 17 City of Savannah, Ga,. January 12, lSdf.. GIfNKFAI. Gp.-l.lT>,> No 0. ( IN ACCORDANCE WITH OR7»ERH RE CEIYiID. the cominand of ihia city is to-dav transfer, ed to Maj. Gen. O. Grover. All officio.* and men b«-longing to the 2d divis ion, SOlli 'corpßj who are on spiv*ial duty in this city, unless assigned to such duty by orders from superior authority, are hereby relieved, and will at once report to Ihrir coni mauds for duty, being relieved by others under command of Gen! Grover. The General Commanding embraces this occa sion to thank the Mayor and Aldermen of this city for their valuable co-operation; and the citi zens generally for the cordiality with which they have acquiesced and assisted him in all measures for the public good. Believing that very soon the time will come when military government will no longer to it-mvssfiry in this city, the Gen eral now takes his farewell ol it, and commends it and itfi inhabitants to his successor, trusting that they will extend to him the same com,-deuce and courtesy which have rendered the relations heretofore snbeistirg so satisfactory. By order of Brevet Major Gen. J, W. UKARY. W. T. Forjuis. A. A. G. NO T I C 22 . • Onxa: Ciufi- Q. M. Djfot. fiavanniih, Gc., Jan. 17, ißHf>. All persons in this city having in their posses sion finises. Males, Wagons. Garts and Drays not already In the employ of the Quartermastc-r's Department, will forthwith report them »i the office of the Chief Depot Quarteramater, Pay htreet By order of Brig.-Gen. L. G. EASTON, < 'kief Quartermneter. GEO II OADWALLADER, Capt. and A. Q. M., Chief Q. M. I- ejot. , Hfaikj’h’b Mtl. Drv. or thk Mififiiefimpu In the Field, Sava mud), Ga., Jau. }4, SrjsciAL, Fjk.t) Ocpiuis, > No. 12. f IT being represented that the Confederate array and armed bands of robbers, artim . professedly under the authority of the Ccnfedw rate. GoveiT,ruent, are harrassing the people of Georgia and endeavoring to intimidate them in the efforts tliey are making to secure to them selves provisions, clothing, security to life anff property, and the restoration of i:tw and goo* government in the State, it is hereby ordered and made public: Ist. That the farmers of Georgia may bria> into Savannah, Fernandina or Jacksonville Florida marketing, such as beef, pork, mutton vegetables of any kind, firli, &c., an well as «> ton in small quantities, and sell the same in open marker, except the cotton, which must be cold b\ or through the Treasury Agents, and rnay invert the proceeds in famiiy stores, such as bacon and dour, in any reasonable quantities, vies, shoes and dotbing. and articles not contia baud of war, and carry the same back to tlu-i* families., No trade store will be -Jtempted in the interior, or stocks of goods sold for them, but families may club together for mutual assist ance and protection in coming and going. 2d. The people are encouraged to meet to getlu rin peaceful assemblages to discuss meas ures looking to their safety and good government and the restoration of State ami National au thority. and will be protected by the National array when so doing ; and all peaceable inhubi rants who satisfy the commanding officers that they arc earnestly laboring to that end, must not only be left imdistuibed in property and perfinn, bntmuft be protetted as far as possible. conbiKt ciit wilt: ibe miliPuy operations. If any fame! or peaceable inhabitant is mob ; ted by the era mv, viz: the Confederate army or guerrillas, Im*- '•ause of hi« fiiend.*hit« to the National Govern inent, the perp* trator, if caught, will betumma- Iv puairheu, or his family made to suffer fer tla outrage; but if the crime cannot be treced to the actual party, then retaliation will be made ov. the ‘ eni s to tbe cause of the Rebellion should a Union man be murdered, then a Itcbe ?<. looted by lot will be sliot—or if a X'nicu famih be pK*rs‘3cnted on accontrt of the cause, alit-be family will l>e banished to a foreign land. In , aggravated cast s retaliation win extend us high .as five for cue. Ail c.( rairanding office-1> will »«•; promptly in such cases, an<t report tlufir aetkm after the retaliation is done. • By order oi Major General W. T. Sicerman. L. M. Dayton, A. A. G , \*’A R DEPATffTMENT, Aivi tant GenwaiV OrncK Wartiington, Februaiy 18, 18G4. G KNKIIA i. OupKBS, > No. 04. \ raruorUb and xKiifci. mtojiTj-Kfc . W bcivy-ir from within the Rcl«„- lines, < r ties* rtt rs lrcin the Rebel armies, pie. *cnt themselves at U. S. Camps or Military Fusts, they will be immediately ex a mined Joy the Provost Marshal with a view to determine "then char.-p-ter. and their motive, in giving thcraselvci* • r>. If it appear that, they are honest in tbeir in tention ol forever deserting the Rebel cause, cstre will l■■ raki'ti to explain to them that they w>V not lie forced to reave, in the U. S. Army agaitif :be Pebols, rxr bt kept in confinement. The i-’resilient,’« Proclamation of December 8, JWV . will 1•• read to them, and if they k> desire, tb*' oath therein jtx scribed will be aurainistered |»> Iho-m. They will then be questioned ns in whether they desire employment from the Urn i ted States ; and if so, such arrangements as may :be expedient will be made by the sev« in! Army ' Commanders for * mpjoymg them on Govcrm i mom works within their commands. Those who come to the At my of the Potomac .will be fi»v \vard> <\ to the Military Governor «>t- tbe DiM-rir of Columbia, at Washington, whb' r;.q-<i , tß h their cases that employin', nt may be g*v en them if desired; or, if not, that, they maybe sent as flu North ns Philadelphia. By ordei of the bccret&rvof Yvar : E.‘D. TOW NSKND. Assistai l A jutant General. On-lOiAL ; W. 1.. M. lit anrti. Assistant Adjutant Genera Hi; Aixjr.AßTi us. Cirrv -u Sivannaxi, <?a..l January Bth, 1865. j GrtNituii, OEl'K'ts > No f 1 ALL DEALERS IN GOODS FOR GEN ERA; >•« SALE m tliis city, must have permits from these Headquarters. H, Extortion in irictrs will be severely rur-- ish«.‘d. Dealer* w tin ecmfcim in prices to the lirt established by the Provost Marshal, st these ID adquar ter.-. This list w ill be published in tbe daily newspapers. HI. A tax for I‘ost fund will be ueseffied npot ;u;tliorixed dealci'M. also* upon perconfl opening places of amusement. IV. ", hose pcrsoirfi who ’violate the fr.regoiß* rules will be airested, their «*stabtishidenta will bo closed, and their goods confiscated f.n-d sold til reasonable prices, and the proceeds appro - priated to the Post Fund. V. Sutlers or j im ejcrs oelonging to any t<* - tiofi ol the : r;ny. yie rtajuired py ihe military law to confine their sales to their own com man (la.- As long as they do this, thev will not be inter fered with by office)s of the Port. But if any such are found offering gooilfi for general sale, without having been duly author ized .from these Jiondquarleifi, they will be deal’ with in the same manner as other unauthorized dealers. VI. Ira B. Seymour, Provost Marshak »< these Headquarters, will see that these rtues. and any that may hereafter be announced re~ spocting trade in t.bD city, are duly enforced. If officers or others who find any dealers violat ing the regulations on the subject, will report the same at Captain Seymour's office, the offenders will be promptly punished and tire public be»e fitted. - -By command of Brig. Gen. JNO. W. LEAPT. _ , Cvx&HtanduDg. \V, TANARUS, Fgainta, A. A G.