Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 01, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. i.j jpe J|itbaim*tfj ||eralti IB PtnuaßituD BVBKY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, UT &. W. MABOX «fc CO. ; At 111 Bat Stueit*, Sataxxau, Gborola. TEMiIS: Per Copy..., Five Cents. Per Hundred...: $3 &&. Per Year ADVKRTIBTSQ! A limited number of Advertisemeets will bere t lved at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line for flist insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line l'or each gubsequen insertion invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed ia before noon of each day. < < JOB PTIINTING 1 n every style, neatly and promptly clone. wfjjirj vrjnmrM^-rjtacJ- *• -jcttJcxMi*. e*t*/iac jtwpMagaaacii mm mini rwwMm> THREE DMS LITER NOR THERN NEWS. Failure of Ms** S3 lair’s Mission to Blicleisioiiil. Attempted B.cb4 Slrdd on tfte TilE ATTACK. iSEPSTLSEE*. jffel&dl IV:V:m S.Slowvn *4Jp. : LiirEit mm By the arrival of the new tug a exit Pilot Boy, from New York, making an unusuilly quick pasaagy,we have North ern papers the 23tU. Tae foil owing are extracts: [From the New York Herald, Jan. 18.] Mr. Francis P. Blair, Sri, has returned to Washington from his second visit to Richmond, where his penCe mission, it is understood, entirety tailed He is said to represent that no hope of bring ing the war to an end by negotiation can at "present be entertained. There art plenty of peace men in Richmond, and there is much of wrangling and divisions among the rebel leaders, but alt aje so jealous and watchful of each ottu r that no one. dares to make an advance to wards official overtures tor a cessaii >ll of hostilities, and therefore it has been determined, by them, not withstand! lg all their recent disasters, to make one more desperate effort, by placing the negroes in their armies and more rigo rously enforcing the conscription 01 white often, to achieve their indepen dence, ; \ The attempted rebel naval raid on James river ended in Complete failure, and their fleet returned back up towards Richmond, after suffer! ig the los> of the Drewry, blown up by a Union i-hell It U again raumed lion tne repels are evaluating Ripum >nd*' One of our cor respondents with General Terry s army, Qi Gape Fear river, says that deserters from tne enemy are duly bringing tnis report into the Uniou lines. Wnether tuts be o*»riect or not, it is generally Uiiiicfstood that much of the rebel ma- Ciuaeiy lor the inaiiuUieture of war uuc tei iel and considerable of the govern ment areuives have beeto removed from 'taere. sue Oape Fear liver despatches give details of t-ne imporiant success tiiere 01 our army ‘and navy. Resides ail the guns and ammunition captured in the toffs, lin mmse’supplies 01 rebel provis ions were ui.w> secured and much other pMjkfrty of great value. The rebel troops in front of Gen. Terry made a fciignt ueniuiistration on .ast Monday ; but'|tr to holding. Deserters report Ui at two rebel divisions' from Lee a army at Richmond recently passed SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 1, 1865. through Wilmington on their way to South Carolina. Gen. Terry’s army ia in fine condition, and is being rapidly pre pared for turthei operations. Admiral Porter s gunboats were gradually fork ing their way tip towards Wilmiiigton. A Charleston correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch says that man succeeds in getting toosseaston of Branctiville the liU.l of Charlc-stott AVill soon follow. % A unanimous decision that alleged Lake Erie Pirate, should ipjgiv en up to tlie United btaths authorities, was yesterday n ndered in the Tomato court by Chief Justice Draper aid his three as?o< i;t e judges. Tiie stock market was higher jpterj day. Goveromt-Lt iXieurities were'fpfiet. Gold was excited, and after opening at 208 3-4, closed in the HjUtiiO® at 215 3-8. At tne evening hoard iySjjsed Washington, Jan. 27, I &€f>. —ft tier dated “Headquarters of the the James, Jan. 25, 1865/’ says : m This morning about three o’c!oclp*avy firing was heard in the dTectipn $f Fort Brady, which proved to be our gunboats opening on the rebel Stef agpßgx&t -tempted to pass the fort on • b.jck from their tc run past our works. jW hat damage was done it sifile to ascertain, owing : ; dßKicss, thb gh it is known that fftme of our heavy Umt damaged one as tthey were obki vid tp run out iig|»s arid to; be examining her sides, biit fibparti eUlurs txu'd be obtained. FOEEXUS L’2SWS. Five Days loiter. By the arrival of the Hibernian at ForUnnd, wq save Eu«r Fh n. w» to the ISth. t’he English generally Pf.eak in vei-y eifiogntic terms ot Oen. g her man and Uia </peratioiiS. The news ft' hiajcaptnre dr •»jvat\nali ckueed an auvance in United State* reeurities and a fall 01 tdnr per cett in rebel scrip and one penny per j* tuld it. cotton. A reactinu t oil |j4ace eobseqmmiy, in wever, on receipt of the news ui the hijiurt- u> take Fori Fisher. The London Tiune ©mphhCcaUy contradicts the revived minor that .-md France de yiiiv the iM.udwrii confederacy, A propoMtiou ior the ahaud* nmnit of St. Dti liiiuv;u hail been laid beihrt theßpanith Lcites by Ute minmUy. CJoitiuUs d<ised in London on the 13th inst. at 3 ' ii—4 a 83 T-8 for v otny* '1 he Liverpool cotton market on the same way ck>*cd quiet aad cn ch ng and Breadstufis weie dull, ano provwdoiis we.e quiet t ady. I>ra.ctic.vx,1 > ra.ctic.vx, Phuknolooist.—Phreno logioal karaeter of Mr. Mark Miltn-rry, Esq., given at- the offis of professor' Josti Billings, PmktiUul Phreimlogiß. $1 00. AmutivenesS—Bigg, silks out like a hornet’s mst You ought to be able tew tuv the wimle humin UiUiile with 3 lire hump*ut onst. Yu will itever be n wid deivr long nor any. Pulitika—k’u have got it the natural wa. A sjJeudid bump. It feels like a diinocractic hump, too. Meimy men haz got to be eoubtnbles with hail’ yure bump. K- — Shteually, or very mu eh. l u might file a woman, but tuff match. I should like tu bet on the W'Uuan. This bump wants poultisin. Yittlea —Hi thunder, what a hump 1 I Siiould tiiink yu .could eat a hose and cart, and chase the driver three miles without any praktis Tnunder and lightuiii l what a bump 1 let Baniuin git his hand on this bump and yure for tin iz maid. . Alusik—A sweet pretty bump about the size ot a Lima bean. If I had this bump I would buy me a juice harp and wander in the Rocky Mountains. Pon mi houor, Mr. Aliluery, ini advice, is, nusa tuis bump. Ri bk Rations iu Fyrt Bushel —Qiar* teT» Ut iannu —Jdo&Um kiantUL SUPPRESSION OF TUB REBEL PERSONAL NOTICES OF THE N. V. NEWS. [From the N. Y. Smaj An order from Washington has direct ed Gen. Dix to suppress ihe “Personal” notices to rebel sympathizers heretofore published in the Confederate organ of this city. The editor of that journal does' not like this/‘despotism”’ as he calls it, and appeals to the public for sympathy aujd its opinion upon so gross an “out rage, ’ which he says has'been perpetra ted against the liberty of the press. The copperheads will no doubt sympathize, but. loyal people wi.l be- ratified at the action taken by the autnoritii s While we have constantly condemned the arbi trary exercise of despotic power, as. evinced towards the press and individu a s by an illegal or unconstitutional sup pression of newspapers and arrests of persons, we nevertheless recognize the right of our Government to establish (du ring a time of war ) a censorship" over newspaper publications intended to give aid and comfort to our enemies. Many ot the “personal-*’ alluded to were un doubtedly “conlFab.iud communications” which no loyai publisher would admit into his columns. While we condemn any arbitrary proceedings that restrict Uie discussion of public affairs or a na tional policy, we cannot find fault with tliie ordi r prohibiting tfie .puhlication of mhtter which'might, aha doubtless did, convey infonnutiem to someone. or miu.y‘of Xhq re gels''now in armp against our government. If the “War Depart ment have the right or power to prevent letters so Oon'ffderiftes from passing our lines into the enemy 's country, the same aqUierity may be exe: cised in prohibit ing a notoriously disloyal journal from publishing in i(s cdluiuhs the same kind of letters, with the intention of convey ing tliein in bulk, whenever an opportu nity ior eominimicariiig with’ the rebels. The enforcement of this prohibitory or der, does not therefore, belong to the category of arbitrary or despotic mea sures, that have been employed by dif ferent officials in the exercise of doubtful powers; hence, we deem it a proper ex ercise of legitimate authority, which the people will doubtless endorse and ap prove. In the good old days of slow coaches and slower mails, w'hen Northern New York was as far opt of the world as some of our Northwestern Territories are now, there was gathered around the ]K)fet-office one nighfi in a small town, quiie a crowd, to hear the news brought by the stage just in. “ What's the news,” asked an old fellow, who w 7 as not asworldy-wise as he might have been — “ivhat’a the news?” “Martin Van Buren has been appointed Minister to Great Britain.” said a friend at his elbow. “.Minister to Great Britain! The idea of his being appointed Minister to Great Britain ! ■ Y\ by he can’t preach no mure than I can!,’ Old Joshua Swallow, a veteran minis ter, was the other day preaching against the spiritual call to the ministry, and re lated an anecdote of Caleb who gave liis experience in this wise—“l wxis ode day plowing and was called to preach by a voice saying, ‘Caleb! Caleb V Who could have called me thus?’’ A boy in the back part of the congregation, says Mr. Swallow,exclaimed, “Maybe it was bull-frog, Mr. Jones.” “,’ said a loiTto a young lady, “what a pity it is that you wasn’t a mir ror.” “Why so ?” said the blushing lady. “Because you would be such a good -lookiug-lass.” By reason of his capture of Fort Fish er, Gem Terry is entided to au addition to bn* name. W e suggest Terry del —Jbvsirn Uwald. Astonishing Endcranck of a Boldiutl. One of the most astonishing examples of fortitude and endurance which has oc curred during the war is that of privates Mm. N. Kellernaan, who enlisted aat Company H., one hundred and Ibrtxt- ■ eighth Fenn sy l van ia volunteers, Martfe 1, 1804. At the battle of Po River, osat the lOth of May, he m-eived tl.rei dis tinct wounds, one on right should*®;, another on the dun, and the tliiidataar and entirely destroying the tbe ofhis, right ear % He rej fined his regiment m, the 13th of August, when the 86c<>m4! edrps was on the march to Deep Bot tom. The following day he was soL*- jured by the concussion of a shell that he? was removed from the field iii.seiihibl.qv and was not enabled to report for duty until the 13th of October. On the 27(1* of that month, and while the Second iiitff. Third divisions were making a recu a— 'uoii-unec on.the left, Gen.* Mjlco, u de mand ing the first division, . directed at, demon strati on pu the rebel firt in of his llrie. • Keller man was selected,' with for the purpose. They chaigwi auj<i heavy fire, and succeeded iju driving tiw.-; enemy from the fort, capturing a.muu ber ot prisoners, with whom Kellerm •» was sent to the rear. Having perform ed this duty, he started baek ; :o r( j» jse liis comrades. In the meantime tW rebels had rallied and our (droops Cdmpelled to fidl hack, Eellcrman.M* tU|e t darkness did not observe ttiL uiitik near the ioi't, wheii he .came updn tii« rebel picki-trline, which had merits tablished in his absence, Fortunately he was unobserved, and sinkingdoivre fie crept into a small ravine, hoping to, make his esc:o e during 'the night.- - Boon alter a rebel vidette was- throw» c-iit a few feet in advance of where It 4 lay, thus placing him between the vi dette and the skirmish;line. In this po sition he lay until the night of the 2d o£ November, a period of six clays, vx po&ed to the wind and rain."and the cold freezing atmosphere of the the nighty without food or drink, cla wing tho leaves and the roots within re ach ot bia, arm, determined not to ?umq.d< r him self to the enemy, wbft h lie could Laves done at any moment with safety. On the night of the 2d, the enemy hav ing relaxed nis vigilance, he succeeded! in reaching our lines, crawling u|k>h hisc hands and knees, and bringing w itli him, his accoutrements and Spencer rifle. 01~. being taken to the hospital he Was ut terly exhausted, his hands and feet wenr badly frozen and the toes of his rig hi. foot somewhat gangrcßous. He w a.v unable to swallow lorithe first day ; ou the second, b. el tea,and other nourish ing and stimulating liquors w r ere B!dmi»- Ltertd with the best effect. He has tOfA great extent recovered the use ofUiat hands and feet, and bids fail- a.t no tli»+ taut day to be able to rejoin his regi ment. General Miles has forwarded a recom mendation that as a reward for his unex ampled fortitude and heroism in relcua ing to surrender himself to the eiitiujp under such trying circumstances, be use granted a furlough tor thirty days a£wfe awarded a medal of honor. In a ros.ii by Huffman, the Germaaa pfiet, who wis expelled from the sian dominions, and the admission of Li* woika prohibited, the following 1 ug» word api>ears: “Bteneiverwt igeruugver tassunghinassigbereehtigt; ’ it means *, man who is exempt ot taxes. We our selves have heard of a gentle man, Jfe member of the Marrioiiettennseliste spielhausengeeelisohaft, who was said UF be an excellent performer on the Cunt stantinopoh litanischuliteu velsackpk ife- The uoooaks in xiieUmond do not for peuuies Their petition is put f‘VVill you give me five dollars to bn a loaf of bread t*’ f PRICE \Flve- Center