Newspaper Page Text
#amntuxU £Mly 2tcrald.
Yesterday afternoon there was a meet
ing of the freedinen and freed women of
this city, at the Second African Church,
which was filled to its utmost capacity.
The meeting was called oy direction of
CSess. Saxton, inspector of lands under
the recent land order of Gen. Sherman,
that he might explain to the freedmen
their position under the late military
eveotSj also what was before them in the
fixture. ,
it was an interesting occasion. No
tices of the meeting were given in the
African Churches last Sunday, and it has
fieen the theme of conversation among
the colored people during the week. —
Tfbc pews, in the body of the house,
were filled. The galleries presented a
sable cloud of faces. Seats were placed
m the aisles, and every seat in the house
was occupied, and there was still a
crowd at the door auxious to ontain an
General Saxton and staff, Rev. Mr.
French, who has labored among the
colored men from the occupation of
Beaufort, the ministers of the African
churches, officers of Gen. Grover's divi
ai on, and several gentlemen from New
York and Boston were present as inter
ested spectators.
The choir sang “America,” as an open
ing piece, and then at the request of Gen.
fiuxton they also sung the Missionary
“ From Greenland's icy Mountains,
Frein; India's coral strands."
They acquitted themselves creditably.
PL*yer was offered by Rev. Mr. Hous-
Ifewi, after which Gen. Saxton addressed
tlse audience, explaining to them the
position they occupied—that through the
war and in the providence of God they
were free men, that all their relations of
He had been suddenly changed ; that
bow they would no longer be provided
fca\ but must provide for themselves ;
tfcat the government which had made
them free had set apart the islands of
He coast for their occupation, and that
•She head of each family was entitled to
ftrty acres of land.
The extent of territory was made plain
% familiar illustrations. He also set
fief ore them the inducements held out by
the government for the able-bodied
men to enlist ; that it was their
€fe?y to support the government which
Had set them free.
Be explained to them that all wealth
was the result of labor—and that hap
piness and prosperity could only come
ffeom labor, and that they must work
Baid—-harder perhaps than when they
were under their masters He spoke of
what had been done at Beaufort by men
who were slaves four / years ago, but who
Bad accumulated five or ten thousand
dellais, who had learned to read and
write. He had detailed Capt. Ketch
ram who would have their lands in his
oharge, and who was colonization offi
cer of the islands.
General Saxton was listened to with
gaofectnd attention.
fftev. Mr. French made an address,
oalarging upon what had already been
eaidL Tueir freedom was the gift of
GkxS,the President had only proclaimed it,
a mi Gen. Sherman had brought it to
them. This was received by the
audience with cries of “Amen!”
M Bless the Lord!” “Yes, Yes,” “That
ffc-wl" The time had come when their
old habits must be changed. Their old
masters were not bound to help them,
they must help themselves. His advice
was for some of them to remain with their
masters, and work faithfully and receive
wages, which their old masters would
doubtless be willing to make as long as
they could afford. The young men
should enlist, but all others should at
once go to the islands and commence
operations, living in huts till they
could get houses. They must take their
hoes, spades and shovels, and lay out
their gardens, and raise vegetables for
the market, and chickens, and com and
cotton. They must begin at once and
not sit idly upon the docks.
They must woik. They must do as
the chickens do—scratch or die. They
mast feed themselves and elevate them
selves. Kind men were ready to help
them—to teach their children, but they
must start out independently if they
would be respected.
They must have but one wife, must
quit lying, and be honest, and conduct
themselves in such a manner that they
would win the respect of everybody. He
believed they would succeed, but above
all they must remember that all the
great blessings which had come to them
were from Jesus Christ.
Several times during the meeting the
audience gave way to loud demonstra
tions of joy at the prospect before them.
Old Hundred was sung at the close,
followed by the Benediction.
Our Weather Paragraph Com
posed Exclusively for the Herald.
We delay the preparation of this im
portant article until the last possible
moment, as we intend to spare no pains
or expense in making this department
as valuable as possible. The weather
market was rather dull this morning,
but some excitement was occasioned on
Bay street by a considerable fall of rain.
Umbrellas were in active demand, and
went up considerably, but in conse
quence of a reaction in the rain market,
declined after 9 o'clock and closed
at 10.20. Whiskey went “down, but
there were few transactions, and scarce
ly any spirit in the market. Mud was
plenty but speculators were a little shy.
The bulls, (driven by commissary em
ployees) had it all their own way to
day, but we can probably bear it by to
morrow. ■ Fuel is again in active de
mand-shorts quoted at S2O a 522
fire-building 25 a 30. In the money mar
ket 50 cent pieces are numerous, and an
active demand for 5 cent ones. The
Savannah Daily Herald sells at the same
price, five cents per copy; the market is
quick; gold and sliver are received at
par. This is the end of to-day's weather
article, but we shall endeavor to collect
materials for another to-morrow.
Bakery and Confectionery Estab
lishment at Beaufort.— We call the at
tion of our-numerous Beaufort readers
to the advertisement of Messrs. Mc-
Manus & Murray, who are" running a
first class bakery and confectionery es
tablishment there, and have the best
facilities for filling all orders promptly
and in all respects satisfactorily to the
public. *
Personal. We are happy to learn
that Gen. Prince, formerly commanding
the 2d Division, 3d A. C., ha3 been as
signed to duty with Gen. Sherman. He
arrived in town yesterday and is stop
ping at the Pulaski House. Capt. Rus
sell, A. D. C., accompanies the Genera*.
Maj. Gen. Foster, commanding the De
partment, arrived in town lad night.
Ax Order to Improve the Sanitary
Condition of the City. —We print else
where an important order, relating to
the sanitary condition of the city. We
urge upon the citizens of the city the ne
cessity us at once getting vaccinated, and
thereby preventing the spread of the
loathsome disease that already exists to
some extent in this city. An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound ot cure,
and a little care and prompt attention
now to these eminently proper precau
tions, will prevent the spread of the
small pox, and accomplish its final
eradication. Another matter, bearing
on the sanitary condition of the city, is
worthy of an allusion ju3t now. It is
the proper policing of the city. The
military authorities will do all they can,
but in order to make their labors effi
cient and productive of the best results,
they ueed the active and hearty co
operation of the citizens, which should
be rendered cheerfully and at once. By
this means the health of the city will be
improved, and all danger from epidemics
warded off. We ask an earnest atten
tion to this subject.
Serenade to the Herald. —We were
honored last evening by a serenade
from the Band of General Molineux’
Brigade, of the 19th Army Corps, un
der the leadership of Martin Freeber
thyzer. It discoursed iu capital style
several spirited pieces, which attracted
quite a little assemblage of persons who
seemed to enjoy the music with great
zest. As for ourselves, we w T ere charm
ed by their delicious harmonies, and we
return to one and all of the baud, our
grateful acknowledgments for the com
pliment conferred upon us.
The Band will hereafter play at For
syth Park, every Wednesday and Satur
day afternoon, at half pa st three
o clock. We trust that a large atten
dance of ladies of the city will grace
these musical soirees with their pres
ence. The seiectidhs of music will be of
a classical character, and their rendition
of the first order.
Arrived—Steamer Mattagorda. Ayers, Hilton
Head ; Str. U. S. Grant, Dobbs. New York ; Str.
Loyalist, TOfiner, Hilton Head; Str. Norfolk,
Robbins, Hilton Head : Str. A. FI etcher, Wilson,
New York; Schooner Electric Spark, Dehart,
Hilton Head ; Schr. Margaret A Lucy, Greeley,
Hilton Head ; Schr. Ida DeUatorre, Fichett, Hil
t m Head: Schr. C. S. Grove, McKee, Hilton
Head; Schr. Kate Merrill, Weeks, Hilton Head.
Departed—Steamer Norfolk, Robbins, Hilton
Head ; Schr. A. A. Rowe. Casberry, Hilton Head;
Str. Loyalist, Oflmer, Hilton Head; Str. Matta
gordon, Ayers, Hilton Head.
Capt- Albert Stearns, Street Com
missioner, has his office at No. 12(>
South Broad street, next afrove the corner
of Barnard street. Ilis residence is at
the N. E. corner of Broughton.. and
Drayton streets. He invites written com
plaints of all unisances existing in and
about the city to be left at his office.
A Pretty Mower in Saxony. —At
Dresden I saw the Sistine Madonna with
inexpressible delight; but I saw another
sight not quite so poetical and ideal, yet
still to be looked upon with interest and
pleasure. One day I was walking through
the public square to the picture gallery.
I happened to notice a woman mowing,
I stopped, sat down and looked at her
for an hour. She was apparently two
or three and twenty. Her head was
finely formed, and set firmly on her
shoulders. Her hair was neatly braided
round it; her features were regular; eyes
bright blue ; form vigorous, well round
ed lifce that of Dorothea in Goethe's
poem. From her ears hung golden ear
rings. She wore a bright colored petti
coat, reaching a little below the knees ;
her legs were bare, and her feet encased
in embroidered shoes. She was the pic
ture of health and robust beauty. She
. swung the scythe with an inimitable
ease and grace ; and as she did so, there
was a placid expression on her pleasant
countenance, which spoke of a good
conscience, a contented spirit, and a
willingness to do the work’ which her
destiny pointed out. I examined the
swaths ; the grass was cut as smooth as
velvet; you could not tell where one
swath ended and the next began. An
English lawn looked no smoother. It
was a work of art, high art; and an
American iarmer might have taken a
useful lesson. I wish I could have taken
her portrait as she stood before me:
Pro/, Felton .
[From the Waver!ey.]
The clouds, the clouds, oh! the pure white clouds.
That come with the morning’s dawn.
When the air is fresh and the pearly dew
Shines forth on flower and lawn.
How they roll along with their silvery light,
In their course towards the zenith above j,
In their snowy robes like angels they seem’
Ou a heavenly mission of love.
The clouds, the clouds, oh ! the murky clouds
That oit come with meridian hour.
When thunders roll and lightnings flash,
And the sky begins to lower.
How dread they look as they upward rise,
In billowy folds of gloom,
And clothe the earth with their sombre shade
As if man had met his doom.
The clouds, the clouds, oh! the evening clouds,
Thai come with the twilight grey,
All tinged with gold from the parting light
Os the settiug god of day.
How they shine, those glorious sunset clouds,
And in grandeur move a long ;
The blue, the crimson, the silver and gold,
In a fair continuous throng.
Pleaching at Wesley Chapel, corner of South
Broad A Lincoln Sts., on SUNDAY at 10 1-2
a. m., by Rev. Mr. FRENCH. Chaplain U. S. A.;
at 3, p. m., by Rev. M. BOWMAN, Chaplain 22d
Citizens, Soldiers, .and all are invited to attend.
Seats Free.
Chaplains will please remember the CHAP
LAINS’ MEETING, 10, a. m., every Monday
Morning, at Wesley Chapel. Feb.3-2t
Headquarters u, s. forces,
District of Savannah, Ga., Feb. 2, ISGS.
Genet, at. Okdek.)
No. 5. f
In order to affect a thorough vaccination in
parts of the city heretofore neglected in this re
spect, the following method will be adopted ;
A sufficient number of Surgeons and assistants,
under the immediate supervision of Surgeon
Morgan, Health Officer of the Post, and Surgeon
Provost,Medical Director 2d Div. 19th Army Corps,
will*take immediate charge of the vaccination of
those requiring it inrthe District west of West
Broad street, and east of East Broad Street.
The City Government is requested to cause
those to be vaccinated who require it, in that
portion of the city lying between East and West
Broad Streets. Vaccine matter will be furnished
and any assistance loaned by the Health Officer
of the Post, if required.
. By Command of Brv’t Maj.-Gen. GROVER.
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. Gen’l feb.3tt
A large assortment of DRY' GOODS, Small
Wares—such as Pius, Needles, Combs, Brushes,
Umbrellas, Bonnets, Ac., Ac., at
in the store formerly occupied by H. A, Rich
mond, corner of Congress A Whitaker Streets.
Feb’y *2. 18d5. ts
Bakery & confectionery estab
lishment AT BEAUFORT.
We respcctfuily call the attention of the public
to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in
Sam. A. Cooley’s Bnilding at Beaufort, at which
we are prepared promptly to till any orders which
may be forwarded to us. Special attention is
paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces,
Fancy Confectionery, and'Elegant Pastry, for
holiday or festival tables
Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY.
O Avery large and desirable Cargo has arriv
ed in this Port, and now placed m the large Ware
house formerly occupied by J. V. Counerat, cor
ner of
where it is offered in lots, at Wholesale only.
Groceries, Flour, Corn Meal,Pork, Beef, Hams,
Fish, Preserved Meats, Pickles. Ac., Kerosene
Oil and lamps, also large and well assorted in
voices of Dry Goods, Small, Men’s Clo
thing and Furnishing Goods, Hats, Stationery,
Wooden Ware—also a full assortment of Hard-
V are.
The attention of the Trade is particularly call
ed to this? stock.
Piano, Sofas. Bedsteads, Carpets, Ac.
lebi 3t No. 3 Gordon Biock.
A Bass Singer, good reader, desires, for
the practice, a position in some Quartette
Choir ; is acquainted with all the different ser
vices. Address “W. D. W.,” at this office.
Jan 29 ts .