Newspaper Page Text
by jo*l bates bw*tt.
War! war! war!
Blood-red stained is its fiery car,
A Juggernaut of a ponderous weight,
Bmsiung beneath it the life of state;
toward it goes, with thundering tone,
While up to heaven ascends the moan
•f Many a victim and nation’s groan *
Beneath its burden of sin and wrong,
As the cry of conflict is borne along—
_ War! war! war!
Shrieks go up from the plain afar;
And shouts of triumph are mingled, too,
w hue gaudy banners, of gold and blue,
And crimson colors are brought in sight,
With ceremonies sf pomp and might,
Which partially serve to mask the blight
That’s caused by sinning—by heinous wrong,
While the ary of conflict is borne along—
* ' War!,
, . War! war! war »
Laying a track for its ftaneral car,
Leading it on with an armed tread,
Loading it down with the mangled«dead,
Flooding the nation with bitter tears,
Wasting the hoarding of peaceful years,
Wittering beauty by doubts and fears;
*Tte all the fruit of some wicked wrong,
And tte cry of conflict goes borne along—
War I.war! war!
*Tte a locust plague, as H spreads afar—
A lava flame, but a recompense
For outraged men; and it drivbs from hence
•Hie knotted scourge and the clanking main,
And many a fearful cry of pain,
That long hath swelled in the fertile plain,
Is silenced, and in-its place thesong
Os Freedom’B triumph is borne along -
—— War I
While so much attention is directed to
JJic manufacture of new weapons of war,
It is somewhat curious to note the fact
that the method of making the best
swords is a lost art, ard all the skill of
modern times is insufficient to recover
itj While we have been making great
discoveries and improvements in the
manufacture of steel, it is remarkable
that neither England nor any other
country can produce an article equal to
gie Damascus tftade which are so cele
rated in history, nor has Damascus it
self been able for several centuries past
to make even a- poor imitation of the
work for which it was once so celebra
These blades are no fnyth, as some per
sons have imagined. They still exist,
numerous and highly prized, in the hands
of the descendants of Saracen chieftains,
and Eastern princes, and notunfrequent
ly are shown in European collections.—
We have a specimen lying before us, a
abort blade, rather a long knife than a
sword, of that peculiar steeljwhich mod
ern art catfnot produce 1 The peculiarity
of the Damascus weapons is not only the
beautiful surface, showing myriads of
waving audzig-rzag lines,running through
the metal; but the elasticity and temper
of the steel surpass all other kinds, and
show such a union of sharp 'edge
"With great elasticity as no modem art
can equal. The point of a sword could
® e hent to touch the hilt, and spring back
to its straight line, and the same sword
would cut through an ordinary steel wea
-oou without harming its keen edge, or
would pass with astounding facility
through a silk shawl, or handkerchief
thrown into the air, severing it with a
swift sharp cut, Scott’s story of Salad
in’s sword, in the Talisman, is net an in
vention of tne romancer.
Very many and expensive experiments
have been made to recover the lost art
of making these blades, but without suc
cess, except in the one instance of the
experiments of General Anosoff, a Rus
sian officer es great ability, who really
aeemed to succeed in reproducing the
old Damascus steel. But even he was
tmable to do it with sufficient certainty
and regularity to leave his discoveries
behind him in such a shape as to be of
practical value to the world. For since
his death, in ISSI, the Siberian works,
which he superintended, have failed
wholly to produce the required article
and the manufacture of such blades has
entirely ceased.
The theories of different persons bad
toeeivthat the peculiar lines and veins in
the Damascus weapons were produced
toy some intermixture of other m°*als
with the steel. General Anosoff, after
careful examination, came to the con
clusion that they were but the marks
the crystalization, .or the lines of carbon
Among the lines of steel crystals. He
invented a system of carbonization,
which produced steel with tiie lines visi
ble, and -then washing the blade with
acid he brought out more distinctly these
marks of the peculiar manufactures.—
His works at Zlataoust became celebra
ted as the Birmingham and Sheffield of
the Oural country, and the steel blades,
arms, razors and cutlery of various
kinds there made were unquestionably
the best products of the modern world.
The General was accustomed to ex
hibit to his visitors the exquisite perfec
tion ol his work by performing the feat
of cutting through a gauze veil in the air
witto one of his swords—a feat which no
British steel could be made to perform ;
and he would also hew nails, bones, and
other hard substances, with the same
sword, without turning or nicking the
edge. The highest authorities, speaking
°f Anosoff’s steel, say that the result ot
his discoveries was “to impress on cast
steel the elastic properties of a softer
material.” Capt. Abbott, a British offi
cer highly competent to judge on this
subject, said “ the general fault of Eu
ropean blades is that, beiug forged of
sheer steel for the sake of they
are scarcely susceptible of the keen
which cast steel will assume.
“The genius of Ano?off has triumphed
over this objection, not in hardening the
soft steel, but in giving elasticity to the
hard, and it may be doubted whether
any fabric in the world can compete with
that hi Zlataoust in the production ol
weapons combining an equal degree of
edge and elasticity.” Capt. Abbott also
states that he saw several of the rejected
blades submitted to the breaking engine,
to be recast, and that they were “bent
double, and back again, several times
before they could be divided.”
The death of Anosoff seems to have
committed this art again to oblivion.
His processes are well known, and his
blades are prized in Russia afkl among
the Eastern princes as fully equal, both
in beauty and in temper, to the most
celebrated of the Damascus blades. But
the ait does not obey the will of the
successors of Anosoff, and for the pre
sent we have nowhere in the world a
manufacturer of Damascus blades.
tteadquartepsu, s. forces,
XX District ol‘Savannah, Feb. 3. ISoS.
General Orders, ) *
No. ID. i
L Paragraph 1, of General Order No. 2, from
these Headquarters are hereby revoked.
11. Lt. Col. Al'ried Neafie, New York Volun
teers, is heroby detached from the regiment, and
18 detailed as Relief Commissioner of Savannah.
Lt. John 11. Chariot, 15fth New York Volun
teers, is announced as Assistant Relief Com
missioner, and will report to Lt. Coi. Neafie for
11l Capt C. B Bradshaw, 24th lowa Vols. is,
hereby detached from his Regiment, and will es
tablish and take command of the Camp of Dis
tiibution. He will report to these Headquarters
for orders. . x
m By command of
? cv ’ t Ma J- Gen GROVER.
Edward G. Dike, A. A. G.
Office of Dirtotor and General Manager
Military ad, U S
n . T ~ e Savannah, Jan, 21. 1866.
Col. J. Condit Smith :
Colonel—Yon are hereby appointed Superin
tendent in chare* of United States Miltary Rail
roads, terminating at Savannah. Ga.
Respect* oily.
Your obedient servant.
Brevet Brig. Gen. Director
and General Manager M. It R . U S
• J. Condtt Smith,
fenperintu ntU. S. Military R. R.
Offioe of Tin; Home Insurance Company,
.. Savannah, January 2Sth, 1865.
As from the occupation of the Federal armies,
*° Baraace l*«ued by this Company
til Q? f f noett^twlt^, i ,t the stamp o{
a persons, holding the
!!& s! thlfi a *e hereby notified that
- hcm ari - v c,Him npon this Com
pany, said Policies must be issued with a United
States stamp attached to the Policv All Poli
S Jsfi« i bef ° re Decembf r 21st ' 1864, being
Janße ~ 3 Secretary.
For sale a Milch Cow with her calf. 12 days
Fphrnnr-»° tb ? t W , ill talve about the first of
February. The animals can be seen at the res
idence of Daniel Clark, Battle Row
lan 31 s> fc
formß the citizens of Savannah that she is
now ready to resume her business of MAKING
Sj£S*s ino hoop SKI « T “ JttheSSS
or Jones & Mouigomery Sts. Feb. 4.—1
We respectfully call the attention of buei
ness men to the value of the *
as an Advertising Medium. Our connections
are such that we are sure of large editions each
day. We have agents at all important points, and
all arrangements completed for an extensive
general circulation.
The limited space we accord to advertisements
renders its use especially valuable, and we Re
lieve our terms to be very reasonable, compared
with the high prices which rule in other lines of
business. To
Is the true policy of business men, and we be
lieve that they cannot find a better medium for
this city and army, or the Department of the
XI District of Savannah, Ga., Feb. 2, ISQS.
General Order,) *
No. 5 j
In order to affect a thorough vaccination in
parts of the city heretofore neglected in this re
spect, the following method will be adopted ;
A sufficient number of Surgeons and assistants,
under the immediate supervision of Surgeon
Morgan, Health Officer of the Post, and Surgeon
Provost,Medical Director 2d Div.l9thArmy Corpp.
will take immediate charge of the vaccination of
those requiring it in the District west of West
Broad street, and east of East Broad Street.
The City Government is requested to cause
those to be vaccinated who require it, in that
portion of the city lying between East and West
Broad Streets. Vaccine matter will be furnished,
and any assistance loaned by the Health Officer
of the Post, if required.
By Command of Brv’t Maj.-Gen. GROVER.
Edward O, Dike, A. A. A. Gen’l feb.Stf
Headq’rs U. S. Forces. Savannah, Ga.,
January 25, ISGS.
General Orders, \
No. 5. (
I. Hereafter authorized dealers of goods im
ported from the North and retailed to citizens of
this city, officers and soldiers, will be allowed to
sell at an advance of fifty per cent, upon the
cost price of the same or similar goods in New
York City, and in no case w ill any dealer be al
lowed to sell at a greater profit.
Vegetables, game, fish, oysters and wood,
brought from outside the lines aud not imported
from the North, will not be exposed for sale at a
greater profit than 200 per cent, above the retail
price of the same before the rebellion.
11. Authorized hotel and b'fai diug-honse keep
ers will be allowed to charge not upwards of lho
per cent, advance upon the'established prices be
fore the rebellion.
111. Officers, soldiers and citizens are invited
to report any violation of the foregoing para
graphs to the Provost Marshal, who will, upon
Mich report, arrest the offender, close his place of
business—if he has one—and turn the case over
to the Provost Judge for adjudication.
IV, Retail wine and liquor shops, and sales of
wine and liquor to soldiers, are prohibited
V. Until further orders, no letters will be de
livered at the Post Office to citizens net actually
within the lines of the defences of Savannah, and
until the census can be taken, and the names of
citizens present registered, no letters will be de
livered without satisfactory evidence of identity.
No written communications will be permitted
to pass outside of the lines into any district in re
bellion, except such as are directly authorized
from these headqnartere.
By command of
Bv’t. Maj. Gen. C. GROVER.
Edward G. Dire, A. A. A. G. jan2G
Savannah. Georgia, January 24, 1865.
% No. 4. j
dutv at this Post, those connected with de
pots excepted, and all citizens within the lines,
are required to report immediately any case of
contagious disease which may come to their
knowledge to Surgeon J. 0. Morgan. U. 8. Vols.,
Health Officer of the Post, unless the same has
been so reported before,
Any neglect or failure on the part of any
citizen to comply promptly with this require
ment, w ill be considered a misdemeanor, and
sent before the Provost Judge for adjudication.
H. Commanding officers of troops iij quarters
will be held responsible that the quarters of
their troops are at all times in a thorough state
of police.
By command of Brv’t Maj. Gen. GROVER.
Edward G. D ilk, A. A. A. "Gen’l.
- HeaixjuartkbsU. 8. Forofs,
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 2Sth, ISG,>.
General Order,)
No, 8. /
. an Act Congress, approved March
12.1803, all abandoned property referred to in said
Act, which may he found within the limits of this
command, and which does “not include anv kind
or description which has been used,or which was
intended to be used, (or waging or carrying on
war against the United States, such as K
ordnance, i-hips, steamboats or other water cruft!
and furniture, forage, military supplies, or muni
tions of war.” is hereby turned over to the dnlv
authorized agent of the Treasury Department/or
Savannah, therein provided for to be disposed of
in accordance wi}h the requirements thereof
By command of Bv’t, Maj.-Gen. GROVER
Edward G. Dike, A. A, a. G. j an
Headquarters U. S. Forces. Y~
.OnmAL <W,> Kava,mah ’ Jan ' «#./
No. C. f
No further applications for trade or traffic will
b^mmf;ro n r' Wered ' «“
fcwu. G. P ttE , iT l A% ae °- GK °S
advance as practicable. ? 1
llkadq’k’s Mil. Div. of the Mississippi
In the Field, Savannah, Ga., Jan 14 irp-
Special Field Oedees,) ‘ °° 0 -
No. 12. /
IT being represented that the Confe<W«*
Rimy and armed bands of robbers
professedly under the authority of the Contes g
rate Government, are harassing the peonte
Georgia aud endeavoring to intimidate tW, *L r
the efforts they are making to secure toX?
selves provisions, clothing, security tolifp «„A'
property, and the restoration of law and
government in the State, it is hereby orderedW
made public: ana
Ist. That the farmers of Georgia may bri»«
into Savannah. Fernandina or Jacks?,nvUkf
Florida, marketing, sucb as beef, pork, mutW
vegetables of any kind, fish, & c ’., Z
ton m small quantities, and sell the same in ot*n
market, except the cotton, which must be sold bv
or through the Treasury Agents, and may invest
the proceeds in family stores, such as bacon
and flour, m any reasonable quantities, gK
nes, shoes and clothing, and articles not contS
band of war, and carry the same back to th£
families. No trade store will b e attempted £
the interior, or stocks of goods sold’ for them
but families may club together for mutual assiw
ance and protection in coining and going.
2d. The people are rneet
gether in peaceful assemblages to di&nssmcaT
ures looking to their safety and good government
and the restoration of State and National an
thonty, and will he protected by the National
army when so doing; and all peaceable inhahi
tants who satisfy the commanding officers that
they are earnestly laboring to that eutf, must not
only be left undisturbed in property and Person,
but must be protected as far as possible consist!,
ent w ith the military operations. If any farmer
or peaceable inhabitant is molested by the ene
my, viz : the Confederate army or guerrillas he
cause of his fiiend.-hiw to the National Govern
ment, the perpetrator, if caught, wilt besuroma-'
ly punished, orffiis family made to suffer for the
outrage; but if the crime cannot be traced to the
actual party, then retaliftticu will be made on
the adherents to the cause of the Rebellion
should a Union man be murdered, then a Rebel
selected by lot will be shot—or if a Union family
be persecuted cn account of the cause, a Rebel
family* will be banished to a foreign land. In
aggravated cases retaliation will extend as high
as five for one. All commanding officers will act
promptly in such cases, and report their action
after the retaliation is done.
By order of '
Major General W. T. Sherman.
L. M. Dayton, A. A. G
Headquarters U. S. Forces,
Havana ah, Ga., Jan. 22, ISGS
Generral Order)
No. 2. j
X# M., 159th N. Y. Yds., is hereby announced
as Relief Cc-inmitsioncr of the City of Savan
nah, and will retort in person to the Bv’t Maj.
Gen. Commanding for instrnctkns.
11. Capt. M. Benedict, lCCth N. Y, Vols., A.
C. M. 2d Division, is announced as Provo6t
Judge of the City of Savannah, the duties o
which office Ke w ill assume in addition to thos
of his proper office.
111. Capt. Albeit Stearns is detached from
his Regiment and is announced as Street Com
missioner of Savannah, and will report in per
son for instructions to the Bv’t Maj. Gen. Com
IV. Capt. S. S. Starr, A. Q. M. 2d Div., 19tb
A. C., is detailed as Rost Quartermaster, and
will, tor the present, perform the duties of that
office in addition to his present duties.
By command of
Bv’t Maj. Gen. GROVER,
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G jan24—<t
Adjutant General’s Office
Washington, February IS, 1864.
General Orders,)
No. G 4. f
Whenever refugees from within the Rebe
lines, or deserters from the Rebel armies, pre
sent themselves at U. 48. Camps cr Military
Pests, they will be immediately examined by the
Provost Marshal with a view to deter min e'their
character, and their motive in giving themselves
lip. If it appear that they are honest in their in
tention of forever deserting the Rebel cause, care
will be taken to explain to them that they will
not be forced to serve in the U. S. Army against
the Rebels, nor be kept in confinement. The
President’s Proclamation of December 8, 1863,
w ill be read to them, and if they so desire, the
oath therein prescribed will be administered to
them. They will then be questioned as to
whether they desire employment from the Uni
ted States; and if so, such arrangements as may
be expedient will be made by the several Army
Commanders fbr employing them on Govern
ment works within their commands. Those who
come to the Army of the Potomac will be for
warded to the Military Governor of the District
of Columbia, at Washington, with reports to
their cases, that employment may be g ven them,
if desired; or, if n(7t, that they maybe sent as fa*
North as Philadelphia.
By order of the Secretary of War :
A Assistant Adjutant General.
Official ;
' W. L. M. Burdick. Assistant Adjutan^enera
Headquarters U. S. Forces,)
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 28,1866. f
General Order,)
No. 7. /
A LL pers< ns having Ammunition in their po«*
-*TV. session or on the premises occupied by them
will be held responsible that they report the
same immediately to the Provost Marshal, who
will seize the seme and turn it over to the Depot
Ordnance Officer.
To insure security of jroperty, any person
knowing of any Oidmmce ►ecreted, are uurited
to r< port it to the Provost Marshal
By Command of
■ Bv’t. Major Gen. C. GROVER
F. G. Dike, A A. A. G. janSD