Newspaper Page Text
No change ia froat of Mobile.
Tiie enemy are still below Pasca^oMa.
Jacklox, Miss., Saturday , Jan. ■
-Twenty-three horses, six hundred bales
of cotton, commissary and quartermaster
stores were burned at Summit, on
the Mississippi* seventy-five miles south
of Jackson.
Gen- Tavlor telegraphs that the enemy
in some force came toward Clinton. Ba
ton Rouge and Bayou Sara and return
ed. Activity is represented on the Mis
sissippi, and troops are passing up and
(From the Richmond Examiner, Jan. 30.)
Blair, on recently leaving Richmond,
proceeded only as far as City Point, and
there opened telegraphic communication
with Washington, and in consequence of
this communication, three emiuent per
sons, after consultation with the Presi
dent, have determined to proceed to the
Yankee capital, their safe conduct being
assured by the Washington authorities,
for purposes which have been tully dis
closed to the public. The persons are
Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President
of the Confederate States, R. M. T. Hun
ter, Senator from Virginia, and the Hon.
j, A. Campbell, formerly Assistant Sec
retary of War. They left yesterday
morning in the Petersburgh train, in
tending to go by way of City Point.
Mr. Blair was not in their company, as
was generally reported. There is a di
versity of opinion as to the point to
which these gentlemen will go. Some
say they have safe conduct to Washing
ton, others that they, will be stopped at
Fortress Monroe. It is positively kuovvn
that these “Commissioners,” as they are
called ou the streets, were not nominated
to the Senate ; that their names were not
in any way sent to that body, or that
they received any commission or ap
pointment from the President; and that
thus, therefore, their mission is without
any official qualification.
The provisions of the Constitution
which apply to such matters are plain
and indispensible. The President has
power to negotiate treaties, but only
that they may be submitted to the ac
tion and determination of the Senate ;
may appoint commissioners when Con
gress is not in session ; but when that
toody is sitting, he can do nothing more
than nominate them to the Senate. _ Va
rious rumors have attached to this ir
regular visit to Washington, but we
have very good reason to believe that
nothing preliminary to the visit has
passed between Richmond and Wash
ington, but general expressions of the
desire for peace, and that the “so called
Commissioners’’have merely gone tor
ward to Washington in the general hope
■of reducing this desire to something
more definite in the way of provisions.
The events of Saturday gave occasion
for reviving a report of certain complica
tions at Washington with European Gov
ernments, as the probable explanation
©1 its motive in making What was appa
rently an attempt, on its part, for a nego
tiation of peace at last, for the first time
since the beginning of the war, through
Confederate commissioners of any char
acter to the Yankee Capital. Additional
occasion was made for such rumors oy
-circumstances that a courier, with dis
patches for Richmond, had lately been
landed from the Tallahassee, on the
North Carolina coast, and it was rumor-'
-ed that these dispatches might have ref
erence t 9 some new phase of the old
story of foreign intervention. We hap
pen to know that dispatches from this
vessel are expected at the Navy Depart
ment, and that they were lauded some
days ago, about BO miles above Cape
Fear Piver; but whether they had arriv
ed, or what was the official anticipation
of their contents, we were unable to
learn. This is the whole extent of the
story of “European dispatches,” as far
as known at present writing, Another
rumor comes from Washington, by a
“gentleman from the Valley,” who says
that the French Minister there had tie-'
manded his passports, becausa of the
insult to bis Government implied in the
Appropriation Bill, making appropria
tions for the Minister of the Republic of
Mexico. By last acvices in
newspapers this clause has only passed
one branch of the Yankee Congress.
(From the Richmond Sentinel, Jan. 30.)
Messrs. A. H. Stephens, R. M- T. Hun-
ter and John A. Campbell, left Rich
mond yesterday on their way to Wash
ington, to confer with President Lin
coln on the subject of putting an end to
the war, if possible. The circumstances
under which these gentlemen have de
parted on their mission, art* understood
to be as follows; Mr. F. P. Blair having
so *ght an unofficial and confidential in
ter view with President Davis,' departed
for Washington with an assurance that
our President would be willing at any
time, without obstacle of form, to
send agents or commissioners to Wash
ington to confer about the terms of
peace, if informed in advance that said
commissioners would t>e received.—
On Mr. Blai's second visit to Richmond,
he brought tile consent of Mr. Lincoln to
receive and confer with any agents in
formally sent with a view to the restora
tion of peace. The three geutleir eii who
last yesterday, were thereupon selected
by the President, and they have gone
without formal credentials, and merely
as informal agents to see whether it be
possible to place a conference for peace
on any basis which may serve for attain
ing so desirable a result. It is possible
that success may attend their efforts, but
wisdom and prudence demand that we
indulge in no confident expectations on
the subject, and that-we relax not one
moment in energetic preparation for the
ensuing campaign.
From the choioe made by the Presi
dent we may rest assured that no means
will be left untried to effect peace, if it
l>e possible to obtain it. But if these
three eminent citizens selected for that
purpose shall fail in their attempt. One
good result will certainly have been
reached. All discordant counsels on this
subject will have become reconciled, and
it will no longer be in the power of fac
tions, or the timid, to persuade the
people that, peace can be received by
any faith other than that opened for us
by stout hearts and stout hands.
Oa Saturday morning last we publish
ed in an extra fall details of the North
ern news to January 31. To-day we
give a synopsis of the important news
contained in the Northero papers of Feb.
2, with interesting extracts from Rebel
The news came by the Arago to Hil
ton Head, and we are under great obli
gations to Purser Fred. W. Ely for
promptly forwarding our full files of
Hon. Geo. Bancroft's Rroollections
of Edward Everett. —We have re
ceived from Mr. Bonnei an advanced
copy of the New York Ledger, contain
ing a fresh, brilliant and interesting me
morial sketch of the late Edward Ever
ett, by Bancroft, the Historian. To
day, we extract a poem entitled “In me
moriam,” which will be read with mel
ancholy interest by all. We shall at an
early day present extracts from Mr.
Bancroft’s article, containing many new
tacts relating to the life of the lamented
statesman and patriot.
As the Arago was leaving, the latest
sales of gold reported were at 200 1~-
THE undersigned is prepared to deliver to sub
scribers the Latest Northern Papers, and the
Savannah Daily HERALD and Republican, at any
part of the citv. , , ..
Orders left at the Herald office, or that of the
Republican, or the office of Dr. Walsh, corner ot
Broughton and Barnard streets, will be promptly
attended to.
febT ts * News Agent
Funeral notice. PUr
The friends and acquaintances of Mr. (*eo,
F. Palmer and Mr. J. V. Conueratt are mvited
to attend the Funeral of Airs. L. A. UAKfeC x ,
from the residence of the former. East side ot
Pulaski square, between Macon and narns
streets, at half-past 3 o’clock This Afternoon.
_ febT
Headq’bs Post, Provost Marshal's Omopi
Savannah, Ga., Feb.
Mrs. Mary Crabtree Hines, of this city, wJI
he sir of something to her advantage by cauhr,
at this office, „ , _ w
ROBT. P. YORK, Lt. Cvl R «
feb* '
A r> rfo-rnance will be siren bv the
at the Theatre, on
Commencing at 2 1-2 o’clock
Doors open at t 1-2 o’cloek.
will be performed, with
in the character of the spy. and a good cast.
PROF. VAN LOG AN will give a
The whole to conclude with the farce of
The City Orchestra will furnish music.
feb 6—2 t
The City Store, No. 2., corner of Drayton &
Bav streets, under the superintendence of Mr.
Geo. W. Davis, will commence selling this day.
Heads of families must apply in person. En
trance on Bay Str«*et.
Dealers in Groceries are excluded, where they
design to re-sell, the object being exclusively to
relieve families.
February 4,1865. 3t Committee.
Geo. w. wylly,
Drayton Street and Bay Lane.
Will attend to the sale of Real Estate. Stocks,
Bonds and Goods of all description at
Private or Public Sale,
fobs ts
f~l Savannah, Ga., Feb. sth, 1865.
GaMKRVU Ordeb )
No. 11. i
Pursuant to a mutual agreement between the
military and civil authorities, respecting a di
vision of labor in the matter of vaccination of
citizens of this city, the followiug is ordered,
viz : that all persons who have not been suc
cessful vaccinated within the past year, residing
within the districts below named, will report
between the hours of 8 and 9 A. M. and 3 and
4P. M., to the respective physicians assigned to
their district The following assignment of dis
tricts'is made, viz:
Dr. Falligant.—West Broad to Jefferson, and
north of South Broad street. Office: State
street near Barnard.
Drs. Schley and Kollock.—Jefferson to Whit
aker street and north of South Broad street,
Office of Dr. Schley, State street near Barnard.
Office of Dr. Kollock, Wright square betweeu
President and York streets.' .
Dr. King.—Whitaker to Drayton streets, and
north of South Broad street. Office i South
Broad, 2 doors from Drayton.
Dr. Yonge—Drayton to Lincoln streets and
north of South Broad street. Office : Broad
street, 3d door from Lincoln.
Dr. Campfield.—Lincoln to East Broad streets,
and North of South Broad street. Office: Corner
Perry and Habersham streets.
Dr. Raberg.—West Broad to Jefferson 'streets
and South Broad to Jones street. Office:
Corner Tattnall and Berrian streets.
Dr. Charters. -Jefferson to Whitaker streets
and South Broard to Jones street. Office; 99
Broughton street.
Dr. lvnorr.—Whitaker to Drayton streets and
South Broad to Jones street. Office : Charl
ton street opposite St. John's Church.
Dr. Wragg—Drayton to Gulf road and Lib
erty to Gaston streets. Office : Corner Brough
ton and Habersham streets.
Dr. Sullivan.—Dra>t n to East Broad, and
South Broad to Liberty streets. Office : Corner
&outh Broad and Abercorn streets.
Dr. Bourq.—Jones to Gaston street, and
West Broad to Jefferson street. Office: .
Dr. Fish.—Jones to Gaston street and Jeffer
son to Drayton streets. Office: Corner State
and Lincoln streets.
By command of
Brcvt. Maj. Gen. GROVER,
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G.
Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets,
'Savannah’ Ga.
At the place mentioned we have opened store
rooms and Relief office, where we will be glad to
render any service in our power to the soldiers
and sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeons in
charge of Hospitals will please send in their re
quisitions for stores.
jan 21—ts Agent U. S. 8. C.
The old and well known Rooms over the
Express Office are again opened to the public,
whore the undersigned will be happy to see his
old friends and patrons, and as many new ones
as will favor him with a calb
regular meeting of this Lodge will he held
THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7 o’clock, at
Masonic Hall, Bull street, corner of Broughton.
Members of the Fraternity are respectfully in
vited to attend.
David H. Galloway, sec’y. feb o
feb 6
Savannah Ga., Feb. 4. 1805
All persons in Savannah having Cotton in
their possessson, or stored in their houses, or
houses occupied by them, will register the same
atmy office without delay, and all persons are
prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil
itary lines of the city, without they have written
authority from the undersigned
-3 H. C. RANSOM,
Lt, Col. & Q. M. in charge of Cotton,
feb 6—ts
Headquarters u. s. forces,
District or Savannah. Ga. Feb. 6th, 1685.
Grnitlu. Orders. >
No. 12. j
No shipments from this city of rice parduaed
ou or after Monday the 6th inst., will be au
thorized. Those who have purchased rice here
tofore, and have not paid for the same are au
thorized to pay the purchase money to the city
authorities who will be responsible foe the
same to the past owners.
By commaud of
Brvt. Major Gen. GROVER.
Edward G. Dikr, A. A. A, G.
feb 6
Groceries and provisions of all
descriptions; a choice article of SOUR
KKOUT, and the best quality of MINCE MEAT,
For sale by WM. M WILLIAMS,
feb 2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker ats.
A large assortment of DRY GOODS, SmaH
Wares—such as Pins, Needles, Combs, Brushes,
Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., &c., at
in the store formerly occupied by H. A. Rich
mond, comer of Congress & Whitaker Streets.
Feb’y 2, 1865. ts
■ ■ . . i-«- —■
We respectfully call the attentiou of the public
to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in
Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which,
we are prepared promptly to till any orders which
may be forwarded to us. Special attentiou is
paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces,
Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for
holiday or festival tables.
Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY.
O Avery large aud desirable Cargo has arriv
ed in this Port, and now placed tn the large Ware
house formerly occupied by J. V. Conuerat, cor
ner of
where it is offered in lots, at Wholesale only.
Groceries, Flour, Corn Meal,Pork, Beef, Hams,
Fish, Preserved Meats, Pickles. &c„ Kerosene
Oil and lamps, also large and well assorted in
voices of Dry Goods, Small, Men’s Clo
thing and Furnishing Goods, Hats, Stationery,
Wooden Ware -also a full assortment of Hard-
V are. ... „
The attention of the Trade is particularly .call
ed to stock.
Office of Struct Commissioner,
126 South Broad Street,
Savannah, Ga., Feb, 1, 1865,
Wanted immediately, Carpenters. Blacksmiths,
Teamsters and Laborers, While or Black.
Rations issued immediately to employees.
Apply at this office from 9 o’clock, a. m.» uftth
3 o’clock, p. m. ALBERT STEARNS,
Capt. aud Street Commissioner.
The Post Office in this city is for the benefit Os
the officers ands >ldi< rs of the Federal array, and
bona-fide residents. No mail matter will be de
livered for persons who are without the lines of
the United States army. Any person taking
mail matter from the office addressed to any
persons not within the lines of the array will be
immediately arrested.
Special Agent P. O Department
jan2T 1 and Sup’t Mails for the U. S. A.
Dramatic association.
Ladies or Gentlemen w ishing to join a
Can do so by applying to
C. K. F., Drawer 13a P. 0.,
Savannah, Ga.
Savannah, Ga., F.b. 2.1565.
This Company is prepared to issue Policies on
all descriptions of insurable property in the city
at fair rates, and to adjust the losses that may
occur iu an honorable manner. tu^r****
For Insurance apply to the office ot tne\/Om
pany, 83 Bay street. Savannah, Ga.
P y AARON WILBUR, President,
feb‘> M. A. COHEN, Secretary.
m ov
OnncK, 161 Fdu'on St , NuwYosk.
The undersijrued having been chief assistant
examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the New
York Custom House for the past four years, of
tors his services to Druggists'throughout the
country. All purchases vvill be made. m i the to
terest of customers, direct from Importers an«
Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased
are warranted to lie reliab.e.
flton. Hiram Babnkv,
Refers to{ Hon. Rosooe Coskt.ino, ufmLla 2ai
i_Prof. Tuso. W. Dwiout.
CoroßKT* tinoaias Wantko. Government
employment «rith * ,od PAT and RATIONS JM
be Sven to good men, on applying at the office
formerly occupied by Erwm &> Hardee, Bay
street, North side.
Applv immediately to
T. J. LAMBERT, Ist Lt. & A. A. Q. M
feb 2—,tT Mil. Div. Mias.
Glass ware,
Consisting of
TUMBLERS. GOBLETS, t ec _ a . -
WINE aud ALE GLASSEs, &c., Ac.
For sale at
febl -2 139 CONGRESS STREET.