Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 08, 1865, Image 3

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/Tbobgia CHAPTER, no. 8. wOl boa Kevlar Meefa* *® cw-^grg^SMSfcttg. j M. Jo.vjm, Secretary- 221 rX)R BOSTON DIRECT. Vane fast »™gyggs£ • j. j Chu.t), Commander. 4 . .. VPR for Boston, direct, on ror Iv THURbDAT , Feb. Stir. •gffi STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATION For twenty more passengers. juspty to the Captain on board at the Upper Mill Wharf j. M. OLIDDEN^ HnATMfcrAKTKiw ¥. 8. Fondas -Bnvantuh, Ga., Feb. Ttb, 19)35. s # EciAr' onm?3,| rE following ins rnetions wi I be strictly ear ned out by the guards in this c'ty, having iKit'oo under their ch-irgo. iis. No perspn will b-c, permitted to enter any *>om. warehouse or shed, containing cotton cx- or to go on the wharf where cotton in being loaded cr placed, either night t\f day- without a pass from Lteot 00l H. O. Hansom, Q.M., or the oommaadbig officer of ini* ho smoking or fires Wri!l be * Unwed near buildings or sheds contain* Gotten, or on the •altar where cotton is stored or being loaded. ?rd. No person will be allowed to move eotton Irom any warehouse or bnUdSng in Savannah, or fr m the wharves, uftless having a vrtter, ord irom Lieut. Cos!. 11. C. Ran-om, (}. a,., i move t. This does not apply to the regular gang? of laborers during wording hoars. 4th. All persons attempting to entei any room staining cotton, will be required to show their passes; and the guard will take np all passes .granting this privilege that are not signed by Lieut. Col. H. C. Ransom, Q. M. The above instructions are not intended to pre vent the employees of the Quartermaster or Com missary Departments from entering Btorerooma •ccnpied by them respectively, or on wharves where they have vacant rooms, when fnrniehed vith passes from the proper officers of this De wrtment By command of J Bvt Major Gen. GROVER. Ewwabo G. ItfKß, A. A. A. G. ffebS ¥JSSAN IT AH Y COMMISSION, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, Savannah' Ga. r *At the plaee mentioned we have opened store rooms and Relief office, where we will he glad to render any service ih oar power to the ooMictb, and sailors of the Army and Navy. Serceons hi -charge of Hospitals will please send In tileir re oolsitions for storm fc t. HOBBIT, jaa 21—t? Ajpmip V 9, 8. «. pOST OFFICB NOTFfTSL The Post Office in this ttty is for the benefit es *he officers and e.ildkrsof the Pedera! army, and brna-JM* residents. No mail matter will be de livered so- persons who are without the lines of the United State? army. Any person taking mail matter from the office addressed te any Ipeons not within the Rises es the army will be i»mediately arrested. JL M. MARKLANB, Bpe«ial Apwt P. O. Department jaa27 and Kupt Mails for the IJ. 8. A. war Department. " Qyne* ov Dmwmm and fiwirui MYmaoxb JSd.*xabt Riiußoufc U. S. Savannah, daa. at. IS6®. •01. J. COKDIT P.WVTH : Colonel—You are hereby appointed Superin tendent in charge’ of United States MtJtaey Rnii w>ads, terminating at Savannah, Via. Respectfully, , Your obedient servant, ’ D. C. M’CALLffiC Brevet Brig. Gen. Director and General Manager M. 8, i!„ U. 8. Official: <J. Cte&mrr Snrm, Superinte' dent TL 8. Military S, SPECIAL NOTICE. Avery large and desirable Cavfn has arriv ed in this Port, and now placed m the largo Ware noose formerly occupied by J. ▼. Conaerat, cor ner of BAT A BARNARD STREETS, where it is offered in lots, at Wholesale only. Groceries, Flonr, Corn Meal, Pork, Beef, Hams, Fish, Preserved Meats, Pickles. Ac., Kerosene Gil and lamps, also large and well assorted in vokes of Dry Goods, Small, Men's Clo thing and Furnishing Goods, Hats, Stationery, Wooden Ware—also a fall assortment of Hard- Warfe. The attention of «he TTade & pirtiealfcrfy- call ed to this stock. CORNER OF BAT driBARNARD STREETS. j^onck- H*Atxi*Bß Post, Protm*? MissriAVb Ojwym, i Savannah, Ga., Feb. 8, tstfs, Mrs. Mary Crabtree Hines. «’ this city, will bear of something to her advantage by calling at this office, _ _ RORT. P YORK, Lt. CM. P, M, feb 6 | ■ ! ' : Notice. A large assortment of DRY GOODfA Small Wares —such as Pina, Needles, Combe, Brashes, Umbrellas, Bonnets, Ac., Ae., at wholesale, m the store formerly occupied by H. A. Rich mond, comer of Gongrens is Whitaker SfireeJß. »eh»y2,R»&. ts q,iukb ooTßßmaniT Awncw Rale, SfXTT BAJUUTL& BBfiTf RIG COFWR STITT BARRSCiT BH9T H*> COFFEE. WVtbeaoli AT A V • T t G N ! 9. North side of BAY at the ■**« •* BARNARD Street* J) . . .f.,; V - • ' • * y t / DfiißeiAf, , -!! V * (To-movrOMf) at ,f HALF PAST TSN O’OIGOK, A. U. .This stdewdfd article W* be asM F ■ , k id rem mawwp bmbr [' ' , " " * [ •• s » St j ; By i I * 1 L ( » \tmvm* « ftiuif f , rj ikip ■. t l s . ! r • will find R adbantageots ts be present at the ;Bale> an A j ' $ m#mm a nne a * :■ . ■ } \ | ■ . i., - : SIXTY' HA St BY » j :! ■*. t t ■ • Os the. u 1 l ,V: * TiS 'J ' I ; •* i a p-’ -:. - : ' • \ R WE* Jt-.U• *. MVltt* Far sale. '.• It- l 't ' ' ' * , • « j(m hwtmim arth *de *f Bay, head of Ba mafd Street, . >' >l' .'<■ >• .■»■ ' ! !: I . * " ■>' , QN fRtR«»AT, Vt.M A.. Mv. gILLLASDa i The obi mad wefl known SoonM over the Express Office an ~#rbi nwened to the paAHc, whera Jie t!»dersrlg»#d wffl be happy to see hia OW friends and patrons, and as many new ones as will favor Urn with a calk feW Iw WALTER O'MEARA. CPKCIAL NOTICE - * O Savannah Ga., Peb. A 1966 AB persons hi Bavanr«ah having Cotton m their posseesson, or store*! in their houses, or booses occupied by them, will register the same at nay office without tietay, and all persons are prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil itary lines of the city, without they have written authority from the undersigned- IL a RANSOM, ILt CoL JtQ.M. lashargeof Cotton. feb B —ts __ TT B ADQUARTERB U, 8. FOROR3, OL Dcphtot or Ga. Feb. Bth, IS6S. , Ofcmaui. Okbkbs. \ no. is. ; , • , >; No shipments from this city of rice parr hosed on or after Monday the tth test., win be au thorized. Those who have porch seed rice here tofore, and have not paid for the same, are au thorized to pay the pm chase money to the city authorities, who will be rapoasitee for the same to the past ownera By command of * Brvt. Major Gem. GROVER. Bbvaid G, Dvkm, A. A. A, G. feb € Groceries and provtsions of all descriptik>i^; a choiec article of SOUR >: ■ CUT, aud fV 1 *v :ility of WINCE MEAT, Fe-pale by * .« M. M WILI.IA H. if Cor luvughtoa and Whitaker stl Bakery & confkctionkry estab lishment AT BEAUFORT. W> respectfully’Call the attention of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment, in Sam. A. Cooley's Building at Beaufort, at which , we arc prepared promptly to fill any orders whKffi may be forwarded to ua. Special attention is Said to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, ancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. i Feb.Vtf McMANTJS A MURRAY. i OFFICII OF THE HOMS INSURANCE CO., Savannah, Ga., F b. a, 1365. 1 This Company is prepared to issue Policies on / all descriptions of inrnmole property in the city \at fhir rates, and to adjust the losses that may * occur in an honorable manner. I For Insurance apply to the office of the Com > party, te Bay street. Savannah, Ga. i AAEON WILBUR, President, I fNffi M. A. COHEN, Secretary £pBROHA«H*Q BirKEAM ! MtUGS, MBDIdNES, CHEMICALS, Am. Ovr iaK. 161 Fw-tow S>n, Nkw Y«ks. The trader signed having been chief assistant 1] examiner of Drags and Medicines in the New I Ysrk Custom House for the past four years, of )Scrtt hVs services to Dnwgieta throughout tho \ country. AU purchases wdl be modem the in / terest of oastomera. direct from Importers and i Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased 1 are warranted to be reliable. J * H, N. AVERY. fitUAV BaRNVT, fßefem to \ Hon. Rosoob Ci»nxt.iss, tProf. Thbo. W. Dwight. Dramatic association. Ladies or Gentletaen w ishiug to join a IFIRST CLASS DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION, Caa d© so by applying to €. Drawer 135 P. ©.. Savannah, Ga. r\Ar ANTED. ! tv Ok?ioh ew Svmarr Commissionkii, ) 126 Soath Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., Feb, 1, 1*63, ! Wanted immediately, Carpentera B lacksmiths. t Teamaters aud laborers, While or Black. i Rations issued immediately to employees. Applv at this office from 9 o’clock, a. m., until % o’clock, p x. ALBERT STEARNS, ... Capi. aud Street Commisaoner. Riddell a murdock, wnotJßSAi.n ann kktah, » ut SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORKS, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gffim.iuKUN’B Fukxishi>o Goops, &«., No. 5 Merchants*- Row, Hilton Head, S. G. w. ». ammxu [janlO—tf} a. j.mubdook V 1 OCAL. A Bass Singer, good reader, desires, for j the practice, a posinon m some Quartette I Choir; is acquainted with all the different ser vices. Address “W. D. W.,” at this office. Jan 29 ts ; BOOTS AND SHOES. For sale by WK M, WILLIAMS, # ts Cor. Broughton aud Whftaker fta DVTIRTISING, . , . We :espertfr»lly call the attention of bum ness men to the value of the _ SAVANNAH DAILY IIERALD *s a* Advertising Medium. Our connections are such that we are sure of large editions each day. Wg have agent* at all important points, and alt arrangements completed for an extensive general circulation. The limited space we accord to advertisements renders its use especially valuable, and we be lieve oar terms to be very reasonable, compared with the prices which rale in other lines of business. To ADYRUmS T,inimAl.t.Y. la tfce true policy of business men, ana we be lieve that tbey cannot find a better medium for this city aod army, or toe Department of tne South, tha-a the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD r pHK AMERICAN HAY AND OOTTOM A wem 00. kancvaotout. Corner of Grove and North Third sta., Jersey City. OFFICE, No. in Wall-si, New York. GOVE'S PATENT- k t The attention of all parties interested hi the or compressing of Hat, Cotton, Hk*p, Wooi- Ra<w, Hoi's, or any other article required to be baled forTransportation,Storage or Consump tion, is respectfully solicited, to the PORTABLE or STATIONARY PRESSES, manufactured by r this Company, under the superintendence of the Patentee, Mr. Joon H. Govk The PreftT is very simple in its construction, re quiring but ordinary intelligence to work it, and can be operated by any kuown power, such as Steam, Water, Horse or Hand. Iu using Horse power but one horse is required, the Press being so mechanically constructed on a well-known principle that the fv? - power increase* in a greater ratio than tJie increasing rerdabonoe. The advantages of this Press over all others are as follows, vi«; Ist. It can press 2t per cent more material in a river space. id. It can do the work In 33 per cent less time 3d. It requires 50 per cent, less driving power. tth. It turns cat the beet shaped bale for hand ling or rolling. St A The Trees will last a life-time, he work ing parts being built of the beet of iron, and not liable to get out of order. Th« ordinary work of this machine will pres* in one operation ("after once filling the box of the No. 1 PrwO a ba'e of Hay of 459 lbs. weight In fWTvro i? inctich. ~/^J Four men and one horse can bale 12 tons of ■!sy ai*.f F* r ih >n.v. hoiit the a?d pf a horse, or any power except that contained m the ’*ret»a, can turn out a bale of nay 2T inches square by 46 inch es long, weighing 4f»o lbs,, or ‘23 1-3 lbs. to the cu bic foot. No toggle joints, screws, cog-wheels, beaters, or rollers used in this Presc-. The attention of Cotton factors and planfera Wool and llemp raisers, is especially called w this Press, destined as it is to work a complete revolution in the now slow, clumsy and expen sive method of baling. The Company will dispose of Town, County or State rights (reserving to themselves only tile right to manufacture) on reasonable terms. Mr. N. D. FifIHRU is the authorised Traveling Agent for the Company in the Easters and Mid dle States. For further particulars send for circular*. Jan, 30 tmo J^OTICE Conoano L a non kns Wantbin Government employment with good PAY and RATIONS wiM ( be given to good men, on applying at the office formerly occupied by Wrwin A Hardee, Bay i street, North side. [ Applv immediately to T. J. LAMBERT, Ist Lk A A. A. Q. M. f feb 2- A ts Mil. Dir. Miss. |Wb OOD LIVING, *’ 1 VJ At reasonable prioes, can be bad at the ; BAOUJ OYSTER aad REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the. Naw Poet Office, Hilton Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, PWL TRY, VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to order . from 0 A. M. to S P. M. ; PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. ; P ; S.~One trial is respectfully solicited. Herald job printing office, No. 11l Bat Stebkt, v Savannah, Georgia. ; We respectfully call the attention or the pub-. He to the facilities which we have for doing atf kinds of Job Printing NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We hare the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doiug a variety of w*rk aud doing it all well. We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS* Os long experience and tried ability. W© hay a NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which wa. are r, CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. Vfe are prepared to execute orders for Posters, 1 lacards. Handbills, Programmes, j Plav Bills, . * Circnlars, Bills of Fa -e, Visiting Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, ( Business Cards. Letter Uesd»- Bill Heads. Drafts, Receipts. Checks, Passes, „ Labels, Constitntions ' By-Laws, ~ • Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blanks, Calendar*. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. . , :t sp We have a „ ~n m * > FINE ASSORTMENT OF INKb von *- PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTA TION. We endeavor .to do all our work well, aud to orive complete satisfaction to our customers. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of atoHem material, labor and living will admit of, and ar© below the increased rates which, rule in othee lines of business. S. W. MASON A CO,, 111 Bay street. * Savannah, Georgia. npHE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD OEFIGK Is at No. 11l Bay street. , „ t ■.. * i\ h '} f < I‘i {/ Jfj