Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 08, 1865, Image 4

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(Written for the Savannah Daily Herald,] A NEW SONG.—SHERMAN AND HARDEE. Air— “Oh ! Poor Robinson Cruson.” Come Hi?ten to me, and I’ll sing of Hardee, The "Iteb” who commanded Savannab- Who swore that he would smash all Yankees who should Try to run up the Star-Spangled Banner. Oh, Hardee, how could you do so ? Go work yourself into a stew so, For Genera] Sherman, if any man can, Will flax out your army and you, so. Hardee didn’t care, but he swore a big swear, That every Yankee he would slew, so All Chivalry’s sons, with their big English guns Loaded up, ’cause he told ’em to do so. Hardee, ’twas improper to do so; Make yonr soldiers all get jolly blue, so, . For the men, do you see, loaded up with whisfcee, And all of them traveled askew so. But one day it is true, when the Yanks came in * view, Displaying the Star-Spangled Banner, Hardee mustered his men, and he swore to them then, That no Yanks should e’er enter Savannah. Oh. Hardee, why did you swear, man, Your enemy wasn’t a cur, man, But he came here to fight till the thing was set right, And the gentleman’sname it was Sherman. Fqr fear the -What-is-jt?” might pay you a visit, \ou obstructed the river to town so That Torpedo or wreck might give us a check, Blow its up, or send us all down, O. Oh! Hardee, why did yon do so ? . . The Yankees wouldn’t serve you so; The Torpedo I mention is no “Yankee Invention,” Biit all is to Chivalry due so. When Sherman at last, all obstructions had pass ed, By river and road in brave maimer, , I’ll send in. said he, to see if Hardee ' Is willing to give tip Savannah. Oh ! Sherman, how could you do to, * When, Tecuipseh, yon very w«3l knew so, That Hardee had said, he would sooner be dead, ‘ Than give up Savannah to you so, I dont-care a fatftb, says Sherman, 1 am. Asa trophy resolved to achieve it, Infill have Savannah, to there plant my banner. Xf Hardee doesn’t iike„ liq can leave it. tv _ If ho runs away, how I shall whip him, 7 /‘And mv brave Pioneers they will strip him, For wherever they catch him, my boys think they match him, * u And they swear they believe they cun whip him. Yes, Sherman was right—Hardee wouldn’t fight. Nor of battle give one single sign, ah 1 Byt we just caught a sight of Hardee in his p flight, CrcHsing over to South Carolina. How, wasn’t it, Sherman, a pity To whip Hardee out su pretty, j; . Had you trusted their, brag, our glori ous flag, 11 Not yet had protected this city. How-give, every one, as soon as I’m done, Three ctieers for the Tri-colored' banner, Aild three more for him, Tecumseh, so grim, Whose geuins has conquered Savannah, On Sherman, we’re proud that you do so, That you’ve scattered all foes e’er you kuew . p °i Our blood, well you know, to the hist drop shall flow, Whenever demanded by you so. SELECTED ODDS AND ENDS OP NEWS AND INCIDE T. Here is good news for soldiers, and for all others who in hot weather like their delicacies “on ice.” The ice crop this winter is abundant. On the behuylkill it is eight .and ten inches thick ; Government is laying in a supply there for the sick and wounded fiol^iers. It the subjoined item be true, we can only remark that the SO,OOO must have been disposed of, as a great many con gressional notions are, “in general com mittee.” Thd sword to be presented to Vice Ad- Jairagut by the Union League Ouj ot Philadelphia is flow ready for him. It cost $ 1200, but is said- to be handsomer than the one given to Hook er, by the Californians, that cost SO,OOO. During the performance6f the Hugue nots, at Ghent, lately, some improvised troops, who were-tofire upon the Hugu enots, were go carried away bv the ex citement of the moment that they direct ed a volley point blank at Raoul, only three paces distant, and almost killed him with the cartridge paper. With ragard to the iollowiag, we, being a bachelor have no hesitation in saying, we wish we had been on the jury. A husband of collossal strepgth has been beaten by his wire at 'Lyons. She had long been the victim of his brutality, and at last she sewed him up in the sheets and belabored him with a stick till she Could beat him no longer, and then making him a curtesy she bade him good bye. She went home to her father* and lie sues ior a separation. It is too bad that visitors at the White House should be such vandals as they prove themselves The sofas are hack ed with knives. The carpets are cut to pieces. .Tjfo marble is chipped away and the mahogany sliced up into sou venirs. The other day one entire lace curtain was stolen from a window, the gilded shields wrenched off; and the cords and tassels pocketed 1 X* would seem that Gen. Andrews has been a long time in coming to a conclu sion reached long since by nearly ail the sensible men in the army. Brig. Gen Andrews thus endorses the efforts made to benefit the colored man by freeing him ; “I do not hesi tate to say that what I have seen of slavery and freedom, as regards the colored race, since the war commenced, has made me an aboliti mist— and this oXiludve of considering them as a help in the war. I am of the opinion that their emancipation has been a blessing to them.” y Goms AwA¥.—Gen. HcClelfan, with his wife apd child, leii Boston, on the th January, in the China, tor Europe, accompanied, by August Belmont The lady's health is said to betiie cause of the journey. Florence is the destination ol the‘party. 1 4 ■ . ■» Here's comfort for dancers* A little tract lias been published in Lo. don, called “Dancing a and Scriptural Pleasure, ” from which we Hearn ’ that dancing “ was ns> dby the Jews of both sexes, young and old ; and that,' though some may’ Iritter awav other parts ot the Bible, yet to say that we have no. clear, S< upturn,! warrant e-r the elegant and gladsome adaptation of motion, which we call dancing, is inly to ignore or evade the plain word of God.” Our English'Cousins talk terribly. Wit ness the following. Here is a splendid specimen of Eng lish bragg, intended to intimidate Gen. Dtx lroni prosi eating his intention ot pursuing raiders into Canada. The Era sets the growing signs of war and savs ; be declared with England, the Union is family crushed. We should at once recognize the Confederacy, break the blockade at every desirable point, reinforce the Confederates with the finest lioops in the world, and sweep the in vaders el< an out ot every Southern pro vinces. Our “navy would, operate in a v\ ay Wijich would astonish tile swag gerers in New York, and though Canada won id at first suffer heavily, she would soon have ample vengeance I” Headquarters u. s. forces. District of Sitvantrah, Ga., Feb. ° 1835 ‘ General Orokr.) No.. 6. / In qnler to affect a thorough vaccination in phrtpof the wty heretofore neglected in this re spect, the following method will be ad- pted • A sufficient number of Surgeons and assistants under t|»e immediate siq ervision of Surgeon Morgan Health Cfficer of the Post and Surgeon Proves LMedica Duector -d Div. 19th Army Corps. wmII take immediate charge of the vaccination of those rQquinnjr it m the District west of West Brofld street and e.ast of East I>road Street- The City Government, is requested to i-anse those to be vaccinated who require it, in that portuui of the city lying between EastVmd M eet Broad Streets. Vaccine matter will be furuishefl •and any assistance loaned by the Health Officer of the Post, if required. By Command of Brv’t Maj.-On. GROVFR Edwahd G. A. A. A. Gen’l febStf llkadqua rters IT. 8. Foucfa I * huvaunak, Jan. 20ih, 1565. J Generai. Order,) * “ No. G. ’ ( ‘ No further applications tor trade or traffic will oe re.ena cl or considered, until further orders t y command of w n „ I{Vl1 {V 1 Gtn. GROVER. Ed vard G. Dike, A. A. A. G. jan2T Drugs and medicinbhm Just landed from New York, a large assort ment of Drags, Chemical*, and Perfumery, viz. Lawn’s Extracts. Edrßiha. do.; Cotognea, Pom ades, Hair tonics of the finest qonitty, Tooth Pow der, Pastes and Washes. A large quantity of Patent Medicines, Pills and Ointments. A nice lot of Bathing; Carriage and Velvet Sponges, Flea Powder, producing instant death. Pure Soda Water from Stone Fountains, with the choicest syrups. All orders wfll receive prompt attention. W. M. WALSH. M. D., 13 Merchants’ Bow. I ’ llikoa Head, 8. C QUANG. GKO. R. WHITE A GO., id Ctirv enorrar, Nuw Yohk. Offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN IBLAND GUANO, at wh« kteafe. They have facilities for filing order** superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. E. WHITE A CO. are the sole agents for the sale of the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANURE, nude by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains T per cent, ammonia and over 40 per cent of soluble bone phosphate. Though this analyst- would hardly V*ad us to such conclusion, yet its practical application for the two years past has shown its immediate re sult* to be as great tu- \\he*e Peruvian Guano is nsed, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding yesr’s crops. Price, tyA) for a,OOO lb* M with discount to the trade. « 1 2mo j&n2¥ STEELE A BURBANK. . 11 Merchants* Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AMD - FURNISHING GOODS, Watchea, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, an Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., &c., &c. CSAVILLE & ((>.,. . V? ?wv • WiK'.I.rSAIJ' A NT> Pwtait. Ptationphr. Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, 8. C. * ;ar> Liberal Discount to Purchasers 'at N\ho!es«M. Fash Orders ny tnaif’or expbesl? tfrCmptiy filed. UNBARS & FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS* ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER# ' •*" in 1 i SUTLERS* GOODS Os «I1 DesrrtptionK. rt. CN. BELLOWS, • No. 8 Merchants’ Row, * M firm B ..Hilton’ Bead. S.C. * Dealer In n A\- r ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 CLOTHING, . m FURNISHING GOODS And t SUTLERS* GOODS .. Os every description. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CW. DENNIS A CO., a No. ft Merchant** Row, f * Hilton Head. S. C., " holesale and retail dealer* in BUTTER. CHFFSR, ( JOARB. CAKES.CRACK EPS POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FEUFi AND MEATS, STATIONARY. HARDWARE. Ac., &c., Ac. janlO ts ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES, Ac. CAHILL AND COMPANY, No. 6 Mfscua'tli Row. i HILTON HEAD, Have ju*t received hv the „ „ STEAMER LINDA, irom New V r-rk. a Urge invoice of GRG< ER iES BOOTS AND BHOEB. ; CANNED MEATS, FRUI rs AND JELLIES, of all descriptions, COFFEE. SUGAR, , P TEA, TOBACCO. BEGARfi. 4 AT. 8(1, WINES, Ac.. Ac, which will be sold at wholesale only, at the lowest mai ket pi ice*. jyj g y BADGE COMPANY, «. solid SILVER BADGES Regiment beautifully engraved, at $1 -ach or vvOiCl Hi qjo, American Shielded each,in Siher: also Badg es for every Corps constantly on hend. We also send to the armv a find GoM Pen, ith ebtmy or extension ladder at $1 ea<h a 12 karat Gold Pen. with rut berreverse ladder, $3 each. Al 4 hnrat Gobi Pen,.with solid silver ex tension holder, s.l each : or. « detached lever movement, in gliter chafe, medium size polihhed caj), Magic timekeepers, made expressly for soldiers, in sterling silver, ca^ by o/pri^ l*T A U large orders mU receive a Überal ora. mi win. * Circulars suit free to anv addres* R. KEITH A GO.. M»™r r „re™ „M Watches, Chains, Rings, &c. jan 30 —lin US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bar street. if DWIGHT SPi NCER, Agent, TTKADQUARTERS TJ. S. FORCES. XX Savanhah, Ga., Feb. sth Tofts GiikHUL Obdkh i > ' 1866- * No. 11. f Pursuant so a mutual agreement between the military and civil authorities, respecting a d? vision of labor in the matter of vaccination of citizens of this city, the followiug is ordered vie s that all persons who have not been sue capful vaccinated wiUiin the past year, residing within the districts below named, will renorf between the hours of 8 and 9A. M and 3 and * p - M.., to the jwpective physicians assigned to their district. The following assignment of dis. tncts is made, via : Dr Falligant-West Broad to Jefferson, and north of South Broad street. Office* State street near Barnard. Drs. Schley and. KoHock.—J< fferson to Whit, aker street and north of South Broad Office of Dr. Schley, State street near BarnTrd Offi<* of Dr KoHock, Wright square between President raid York streets. Drayton streets, and north of South Broaa street. Office: Smith Broad, 2 doors from Dravton. Dr. Yonge—Drayton to Lincoln stieets and north of South Broad street. Office: Rrmtrl street, 3d door from Lincoln. Dr. Campfield.—Lincoln to East Broad streets ‘and North of South Broad street. Oflice: Corner .Perry and Habersham streets. * Dr. Raherg.—^West Broad to Jefferson ‘streets and South Broad to Jones street. Office - Corner Tattnall and Berrian streets. Dr. Charters.- Jefferson to Whitaker streets and South Bio&rd to Jones street. Office- Psi Broughton street. ’ Dr. Knorr.—Whitaker to Drayton streets and South Broad to Jones street. Office : ChaU ton street opposite St. John’s Church. Ifr. W ragg—Drayton to Gulf road and Lib erty to Gaston stieets. Office ; Comer Brough ton and Ilahershatp streets. Dr Sullivan.—Di-a>t n .to East Broad, and South Broad to Liberty streets. Office: Corner South Broad and Aberoorn streets. Dr. Sonrq.— Jones to Gaston street, and West Broad to Jeffer«on street. Office: . Dr. Fish.—Jones to Gaston street and Jeffer son to Drayton streets. Office: Corner State and Lincoln streets, i By command of Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER, Edwabu G. Dina, A. A. A. G. OEADQUARTERSU. 8. FORCES, ( ’ ■> L-4 District of Savannah, Feb. 3,18(55. G E.\sa an Oan*jib,) No. 10. / ’ ' L Paragraph I, of General Order No. 2, front these Headquarters are hereby revoked. 11. Lt. p(.l. A1 ried N< afie, New York VoUm teeis, is hen>by detached from the regiment and is detailed as Pellet Commissioner of Savannah. Lt. John fl. Chariot, jU&th New York Vojwn tei rs, Is announced as Assistant Relief Com missioner, and vrdl report to Lt. Coi. Nenfie for inMtrnctions. 111. Capt. C, B. Bradshaw, 24th lowa Vols. is, hereby detached from his Regiment, and will es tablish end t <ke command of the Camp of Dis tribution. lie will report to these Headquarter* for orders, By command of Brv’t Maj. Gen. GROVER. Edwabu G. Dire, A. A. G. IbAnq’ES U. 8. Foacfes, iSavjskaii, Ga., January 2*5, IS6»V. Genkrai. Oiujees,) , . . ‘ No. 5. ( I. Hereafter authorized dealers of goods im ported from the Ninth and retailed to ciliz< ns of this city, officers and soldiers, ill le allow ed to sell at an advance of fifty per cent, upon the cost price of the same ot similar poods in New York City, and in no case will any dealer 1 e al lowed to sell at a greater profit. Vegetables, game, fish, oysters and wood, brought from outside the lines and not ihi| oiled irom the North, will uot be exposed for sale at a greater profit than ‘2OO per cent, above the retail price of the same before the rebellion. IL Authorized hotel and b arciing-hotise keep-' ers will be allowed to charge not. upwards ol 1;0 s>er cent, advance upon the established prices l>e bre the rebellion. 111. Officers, soldlerp and citizens are invited to report any violatic nos the foiegoltg para graphs to the Provost Marshal, who will, upon -oca report arrest the off ender, close his place of business—if he has oi e—«nd torn the case over to the Provost Judge for adjud cation. IV. Retail wdne and liquor shop*, and sales of wine ami liquor to soldiers, are prehil Red V. I ntil further orders. no U tteis will be de livered at the IJ(■st1 J (■st Oflice to citizi na n<<t actually within the Hnes of the. defences of Bava«nah. and until the census can bet» ken, and the names of citizens present registered, no letters will be de livered without satisfactory, evidence of identity; No written commnnicatfons will be pe; milted to paas outside of the lines into any district in re bellion, except such as are directly authorized from these headquarters. By command of Bv*t. Mai. Gen. C. GROVFR. Howard q. Dike, A. A. A. G. jan-6. Hradquarters U. S. Foranu,! Savannah, Ga., Jan. £6, lßofc. j Gbmkral Om>£K,\ •* No. 7. / A Ll> pers< ns having Ammunition in their poe -M2 session or ou the premises« c< upied by them wilt be held responsible that they report the same immediately to the Provost Marshal, who will seize the same and tarn it over to tbo Di p« A On nance Officer. l V . lo insure security of property, any ptrsiO ki owing of any Ordn nee sec reted, are invited to report it to the Provost fcarshal By command of * Bv’t. Major Gen. C. GROVER. 1 . G. Dike, A A. A. G. j#n.A X EWS-DEALERB AND OTIIEKB DESIRING Dx Tur Savannah Daii.y Hi rai.h at V\hol*raJe a requested to send iu their order as early so ad' ance as practicable. 8. W. MASON A CO.