Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 09, 1865, Image 1
A VANN AH DAILY HERALD. 9 1 jU »• i N ~ 2-i i r-K yubumub, fliiib j|crid& Ui I*URIUSUKI> K J K uy RVRNIW, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, RY .i. >v. VIVMO.V At CO. Vt fit Bay Srsitsv, Satannaii, Gkorsia. p*,- 0 ipy U*ive Cents. "Vr li in l• • • s®. j.*r Y**if • ...$lO 00. t dv itrrisi iu: • k limit *1 n-i’U ■ t 4 l.Uvri Unmeet* vvill be re- V( .(i t t'if ♦ Twenty Cent." per Line for i, ;r 1 <> i itiil Cift- eii Cent» per Line for each ~, ,h n in* fi* n : iiivitriitbly in advance. Ad . • ti'>vm‘iir> <1 l«i be handed iw before noon of -Mi'll 'I '.V. .i i»iu xrixo ~ ~v , .|‘v lu'.'fc'v an l pr mpfly done. (||W m • raf»i . - +» .id/tfiiiiwi'ilHnmtffM IIIUiIJIiKSO.V SKATES. Ev i V whi,-;c, in ill s »rt* <>■ uewsp ipers, I,i. i r -ad«». gi >noa • itiug fuii—Jcn t! is PirkfbtlUing—.4cmyi.\iit, nn \ Sohuyl ki r ir* »iiv —Lliuui >u i 1 lit u* — private dit t> —jiegrtui Ui« —u ni on scutes, boys ()ll s,me,; splendid sylpnides iu scaui s Al rh, >ieelrs n» t and away «>yvr tie tee —fne—iae T tund. r . the very iv.»lid > gave iu * the L*e-!<*ver, and in Hie I lirai n oia* up *a tint sud d-a attack, l r-solv.-d Upon taking an ie. -<*rune i ,VaV'*u/ *Va it was li, liiud r? I ita i a ter nuvigt ed* laat & rtsof cr.iU. 'Us ra i liai Lien id oe« u «m the waier, Un i tinier Me Wider. .ui my life—and im iea, l > f a.* ti . iiadut i kilted seals, and ca dlwuiie Dears/ io.’ »\ eeks together, Oil i6t t vVuiti.ui could skate —so me papers said; bo did every* >uy eiai, when i in quired of tlfcm, I count skat*.: vvhat wis the realon I codidu t f sue on y tilings Id eTer seen a Woai ia. Jo mat I couldn't, Was to nook tier u va diess a.t, and, carryi g six feet oiva.k i ot criuo line, sail tirough a t\vv.uiy-iucii and ♦or way. Yes, si*—l couni sku, , i.i i1 wa bound on aniee cruise. There waanotumg to prevent toe ex pedition trod being ritied out at once. I was louitgitg about the Navy Yard, detached Iron every tiling—all acquain tances induced—waiting orders. Dis gusted with detestuig thea tres, what wail ft do for amusement ? Wny, skiU, oi course ! Ol», yen —the Very thing, m Jove! Why hadu 11 thougat Oi tualotfj.e t I'd have acruhe *r atiouei: is possiole. No—l must nay : tne tools first, and started oif up town to fa4l eui. I brought up in front of a big window on ilie auirr>.u\i aide ot Ofeest£nt street, going towards Schuylkill, where they hadduore flktfreut rigs of sliding nm chiiit‘4 to an you euu see national tiags in iii ©fciXg about as much of tno qa *.avOuU>odKHihe iMerent patterns a* djes us cUrouoinater tune, I •<' - (tit u iAide aud asked for a. pair of Si .¥ "'ri '■ ’ .i *•; ,-j / y ** Vi hit kind do yon prefer, sit ?" ”and, 1 have uo preference. Give me the best article you've got. **> o% sir; anti the clerk passed out for kispecuoa a pair v:f brass-clad, steel cuppers, wun more gillies and running riggiug to uni man there is to a French «Ux>p-oi-\ * A-ftese are ii o :st no they ?” **Yea, sir—U oi. o'. ) on to them, sir, uu ; oi l . - ■ . wuvre aud any when, t . -a* . _,ii niug > if y<»u d"i !, aii . t’ > , oaea, sir, and i u ioiunt y >ur m .a-,j ’ “VVua . o;. / r.e fj FtiiArta 4}'»>..i • -*.l»eap> sir. ’ Diuu U)-. . is .5, i*it i ▼ested Ik:t v • • •'* *.v»* li «* ' ceil Ub ♦ Fairuioun bound oiip.'i.i 111.i 0 . ■. jbJ/erybou^ said so—only gaut 1 Splv'liOK; ; *ua o iulioolit f luci' SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 9, 1865. wa> a reginiclit oinKii, .t.o.*Ua|kwi oi dimity, and a whom brigade ot small cratton Bhaies—kireriug, >cooliiig and cutting ail spi ts oi lanci a0» tiie ice ; evexybody iauglj.ig, clintti ruig, whoop ing. skylarking and .s.dtccr ng in all ui rectipus 1 and 1 dido t w« not r new« i .a'- pers. and every i»w,iy else, c.dh and skating glorious fuu. v , “Have yer skates stripped, Bir ? 1 said an ijitincrani b >o.l»Jaik o ul tiie height of a walking .- iif k. “Do you tttidv i'stand it. Bub?" * yes sir. !♦ Mr.i,i an tiie ladies skates ior tin. ’ ’ , “Ah, all! Do, 1 1. if A.u>t Lyve and jolly time of it ; \\ • uut nk. the U ri/i syseif. Tnere you ar«. Go atu acl, b y'i ’ and I sat ttou n on tilmkies t.ox, aiaiUt a couple oi iainoiiis ou « i. »i e.o ■ / oi/.. —like a, r t kv i, u oi.t by a grf jit stamping, long n y uidiuti 1 ger liyikg jiLln • n>, a. o b>\ arms like «i bLeui yunts in n /iur ricane, with the hii ti sail aorilt. • “Oh, hot bo they can mi»ok« on skates—eh, boy i" ~ t t “Li ru.—yvb, dtr Everybody smokes on tne ice.’ - ‘ Exactly.’’ feo I tired up on a cipe, and snipped it ior tne cruise. Uirchin a iii/uiKcd skates .ill maoiito, and, took a tiny cent “iractipnal ’ lee. ‘’Here, by.—here a another fidyi— Just uiiO'V me ti* Ml on your box n few mciutes till 1 gei, tne run <>i the uaviga t 11. * * . A. v | .... , .. . *’Ves, bir—you ean.*e/ Umru till I git somebody ei eio Mrup. ’, , bo Ism tncre jjuiiym ice navigation by dead rcck uh directly a littfe petticoat ■crait, 1 nr yellow skills ua nor krnc *s,dvd uw, itusbiau cap, auU anus aKidibo, swooped dowudlhd check eii up right in ironi oi me. 'l'iieie siie acing ior a nijimte, quivering- like, and ouitiiK iug, jiv i‘ a> <i tisli-liawk oik .s ovv r his prey; ..uti ah «m a i mb eyeing me Wllii iljoili’ i via. ale IK I,4*r JbUUUig UiaCa He t. “A <oi ;i i.iiv, uifl Catch aid u y h ci'ii'i ■ Little Dim. liiiv ht r iclt hint a Uilie, uei.t i,. . kiKv .ngtiLy, made a graeeiUl i UIVI. tne o* liel’sbil i jcisl bruisliig my nose; aiui . if Si.e Went like u dyuig n l —oj c-e-st —zit swinging worn sim in sioi, i.u; tartan '■ skill swaying iiiiiM,! «u,u toliiier, tike tin H folds of asp ink. r or p.wt* m With Lh ship-head to m o and • “do-hu. ihu s a ,; t tiu age, isit?r— And thatb tut. c, . ...t e/ iiniudvr. I can skate ! Anubuix i cdu skate jßut I couldn t, though, what ever aiiy body else Could do. I accepted Dimity s Challenge, kfwever, and her practice on ice. bit I bounced up from that black ing-box, lifted loft foot a little,bent right knt#, and stuck my arms akimbo, but I didn’t cut a curve. I did the next best thing,however; and cut a •‘spread eagle. *■ Fort foot slid due southeast* and siark. board one norwest, till 2 realised tugsg spread-out pictorial impossibilities on circus bills. I wondered if my boot?, and skates would ever become amputates again. 44 Hullo 1 mister, vi* uiiisiit try to skate all over U »t,o hh . oi" tin* ; ere pond at once f: gr w ( mv td clai-lookiug cua , <. ... necaod up 4»og enough to p.u i.. i.i C i iOiiiuiioLrancc against my iu ..ojviy. ’ , ; / ‘tX say al.s. » emiul'ut yer hit y«t?eii uut.-; ; .i, .o. v mi we cau sap ’tw'een yer leg.-... ~.. .a a yuungj scamp ills leader to a u., . Juvenile skaters- . , ; *’ £> n’t ti • . it o.ib feet at °lmc, :.i ■ .and a atusuac, , 4 ... . v/.i <wl ereji ■”i ' . * 4 i. V / jf‘.;>U; Oi.l * i opr yig^r •f ‘O “• '■ l ' r i.iuu. *•■ • y your b»uy so * ' b •> . •; .and diday a Otf u A >on that foot whic.c|M*» the ice. , Tis very easy, sir—just tMis way I’*—and away went ray Chriatiftn niintux; with a lohgji striding, graceful fwing* /•0 yi>—that a very eusy,* All the vkror In the other limb. Yes—l can d© d> itl” bo I made a «<oo|, ami—did ill I stuck,out fail lg, like a mosquito when lie's lilood sucking. Put all ray vigor and muscle into right limb, and couldn't get it out again* Went off on «ne foot like a shot; crooking right knea a little twice a minute, Just as Little ■ Dimity did ba\v * eriuoline craft croV sii glmy under cohvby of a big cluuijU-bai.ken cmip : hotii skating a str* ak. Trit'd X sheer k> port, and go i clear hf Vu* Misa<d fetays, and went ajtoiffl oi Criiirdihe. Ttie \> oof my put t .skati* 1n.0k.1 and Alias W*uiyl)o(Jys skirt,' whij li gave ine n broad bln t r 'to fctar hoaru, and 1 rammed big convoy, ‘but trhgf liim square ©a his cutwater, and drofe the ft re-end of my Principe tfap de\Vu his thvoat. There was an ever lasting tangle l ,' and all hands went spnjwilng on the ice, like a nest of In eauga laud-crabs. ‘Tjjixik litre, sir? What do you mean V yelled the vig convoy, scramb- Imgj to his feet, and for a broadside •* ‘ i . “Peg pardon, .sir, I couldn’t help it I”! Implied meekly, sitting slid fn the ice. “Couldn't Wp its Why didn't you ktop?’ “Didn't know how.” * “O, ho! green on skates, eh “Yes, greener n a cabbage i” That moililied the l>ig chap, kuft. set ting me ou my pins again,'"fie volunteer ed to educate me in checking up. your toes up, aud mg *tue heels (if your skates into the ice-r-ll4kway.” And he Uluotrafed. “0. yes; I can do that.’’ And',l did, diiietly. Oil I shot again on one leg; 'h*| ring this time for the sliore—lor id -liated < m ugh. - Half v\ ;py in, and there>l£d right down u ; my conr.-f. a crowd of jiWJty or.sM* — ? gnis and niew, ami wouieu and boy#. I uil and *‘dovvn brakes,” a ‘ to iu- Aructiuiis—and broke too much. Up iocs, and digging niy heels into the ice, i sagged back like, and doubled auiid shiji, as if l was goina; to take a seaL— rati I. did! I went €U)wn stern foremost Mil a mSjm t that broke the ice like a jxnieoi window glas> shivered by a |>eb qie ltuile.l tufougii it. I oed ua idea jU h a then tuat such a bump as that wouid li&ve started the annul on any irun-clad adoak l #old those infernal rkatos, just as I sat, iof lour undm a strong con victiou that 1 'there * • no fun in skating. It# all a humbug. I can't skate—l don't want to. — FliUa, Dispatch. XairtJuu Gikls.—l cannot well iaaaglne a bouie miiie hieompleie than that one where there Uno little girl to maud iu mo void of the domestic prcn» which b lya can.never fill, and to diaw a.l he;.jL wtyipn the magic ring by tuti' liainele.-s Cdurai ol lit-r presence. I’tu r« is sOme t uug about little girls widen u espi ciU* kY lovAnle i even amir willful, naughty waps seem utterly void of evil where nay, aro so soon imlow ed by tue sweet P> mieuce that ovciliows in mch gra- CiioW showers. Y*>ur boys aib uoo’le fellows, gexi foils, hwing, and full of gdbu Ikiiptusea. but ttiey are toisy ami and t aumauaova, aud dourly as yyu »ovc uii Ui, y«>u at e glad thtir jaacc is out oi doors i r hui Jennie, witn her light step, is always b«. side y<m, f-lie brings tie slip* m r» Wr i>a|>u, add whtli t«er pretiyicUmp* led ungt iv. unifldil tfhe paiHr i r iim lo ‘kprn'jt sue puts on n taumufe no linger f.hin a lairy *v and, witn stune veryjinyt udmtdHiUivnoi “dolt, rags/ uds up a suuiO ’f.x;Ker l>y iiiauinia, k|Ut a-' Woiuleriui utteumpumi of womanly dig- j •ity ) And who shall tell how tic linle thread off. speech Unit Umvs with inch. „ sweet* silvery lightness li> m thon: ceut Ups, twines itsell ariund the n oth er* heart, never to cvcnwlan the dear little lace is hid > n < i.g the dai sies, is ao Uiany inot i era know . >, 7 But Jennie grows to be a womr. r, rr and there is a lung ai*U shining tnuk ncta the hnit-haß bed door cl childl c< and till the girl blooms Into'the murine w< nm. There are the hrethers whoulws}sk war their voicts when they talk to ihiir sister, and tell oi tlio sports ip wl.icl she take# almost us much inti re st ,ns 11,.i y ( o, while in um she tlitni to nil little fsliiior details of home liie. on vvoiiii they would grow np if noi ha htr. Ai.d what, a hi kid si e is upon the dawning nmol ond wl,i nin so many tcinphtljiui# lie. Always hr sweet p.fcainci* tc guard nut iirpie liicuk a check pralmiity, ti sermon on hnasrhility. Dow afiugiai t the cup of tea she hands them at the evening cupel tea she hum.#, tiu m at the evening meal; lmw cheery her voiu* us she delates the little iucitlaifs ot tin duy. Nd silly talk of incijiiin 4 hedex, « r k\e of yoiiitg men iset on the pH liania e.—■ A girl like tba- has no en.q ly tq mi in,, her Lead lor such thoughts to ruu hi t in, ami yfu dout find her spending fie evening in the dim parlor w ith a qtiYs tfonktiie ViVirig man ior her c« mpmiv ' \Vhen lover, ie n usi wy what lie ha# to say in the li mdy si* iii.g room \vilh ( lather and mother pel, it he is akliaraed to, there is uo lcom loj him these. Jenhiea ycuf.g l.eari las tint be eh fill eel Ly the piniicbus mnseiiwri which reanlta in so many unht piy marriagCT* or ba&ty dvvuTi t-. Deal girl,, fihejtlnnkk ad the tin e ol v/hul a godcl home she lias, what dear brothtri, and on ’bended trim's the bless hg# of Heaven to n st* < n ih- m j lut sne doja not know In \v lur. vejy lar, lor time #od eki city, la r t-wn pure ixmu j >le goes, ho\r i. tyiii as a I intiiVst her homes win re it lister s imiA ory will be the cub WMi o( the past- ■ Chirilikj then, the liUld girißpd*nipled? - darlings, who tear their aprons, am .tart Ui# tahle-cioths, ami cat ,ibc sugar, and are tho sugar uiid stilt qtlife! Let them dress'and uhdm s . (iieir dbll ’ babies to their hearts Cimtent, and dot) t tell fbera Thm Thumb and Bed Kidd ihf'. Hood arefteth n. but leave them aLmo. till they find it out, which thej will all, tcoaowy Answer all the tunny (juea 1 - tions they sak,iwJ'dbii't m k -fuu <;1 their baby theology ; and when you tf>ss|v. whip them, do it £© that it ycurinujd' remember it, it would m X be.whh t‘ ms... tor a great many hule gills 1< no. their hold suddenly hi sere the door tr* a> w hkh they lwveesoip.dL Bi ut, aid finci their way back to the annuls. B * In * gen tie with the darlings, and w u wlint. a frtfik of sunshine will lollow in wake. of. the tittle Dihbinp heada to makq life happier and kindlier. ' ‘' On one of th c Pp trains ir< m York, last week, fib*: Y ,cf Stam ford, lannliariy knovvn among fuh htUute brokt rs as *‘Wa i, U.c>k ,a beside v » two hundred amt twenty pouWff womau, mai hAwd Limselt as ah'a -bug in a’vug,” ns seht wad madw jmt tiwir lize. Wien the loidtdfc'jr f 'vain# Utrotigu for tli'tf Jb i , handed fmn aV; hen the v\ omen re (lUefrUd him Jo *‘lake »wo Jaies ‘Ont ;bf Uie biil 1 ’ 4 Wat’looked ad<in;liii at the woman, aud a. id, iSo, 1 *los nol;” ‘ct Wed, it you- can t htatu two fufea, ju?t gh oui of t is m* i, ici 11-a/fa t .been su i'4* to am. u bi .a e n y 1 ns baial dn u ; 'i The otue.-t joiixiibl in th i w or.ii i> phlk- Hided hi F« Vfii, i iiiinv. .* is pr i»t‘d .oa siu, Wid hi * JtV ii an and weifi. ij/r mire luun at .o sand yea . 1 iFive Ccnt*«.iu i,‘i I