Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 09, 1865, Image 3

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„, rt ii,ly injurt iey li um ary .11 •<«« P .f,Hi'ier ti.nur am.ii t.. fj filiation. If th-rj la as mncli of so «1 f.ft to°tli«in, or of »ihubles to l> iv f/i a omble* tlKMivbv any a»« »a«it of orivji remain nliv-tt and in a working ! nliti vi, they wi 1 in a short time have ru*id as threat a prnine*, -in l ac iuired Tnllectively a* Pjent wealth, and as great f cl pitalas before, by the mere <*m timi mce of that ordinary amount of ex which t*iey aeeust-*in< dto L v) j o y in their occe nations. Nor does LjJ evince any strength in the principle >f sivin?. in the p >3alar sjivc of the terin since what takes place is not in tentional abstinence, but involuntary privation-” QhAMPAGNK CIDBR, nest Cider, in boxes, J*st landed ex Savannah aoJ for sale at 139 CONGRESS STREET, Store formerly occupied by NorHt, I.athrop & Rogers. Ct fob!) SmVYBD OR STOLEN. On the night of the #reat Are, a cream co orel Cow. f r iin St. Ganl street Also taken ni'ht three suits of Gentlemen’.* Clrtlilog. Any information concerning thorn w ii lie thankfully received by Mrs, Mary Cun aecn, St. Ganl street. 2 feb3 US. CHRISTIAN rOM MISSION, • R »oms 147 B it street A l wire lot of Reading Matter, Writing Pap°r, Envel 11 km, &c., just revived and ready for dis tibutiou. Pvcitiries for writing Letters for aft wishing to avail th nnselves of them. Appointm >nt« at Wiariey Chapel, comer of Sonih Broad and Lincoln streets, on Sunday, at 101-2, A M., Rev. H. C. Skinne v , Chaplain Bth Ini: at 3 P. M. Rev. Jeremiah Porte* Chaplain of Marshall Hospital and Ist Lt. Ark 111. fel)3 DWItiHT SPENCER, Aftd gTATIONERY AND PMiODICALS, SAVANNAH DAILY IKRALD STATIONERY AND PERIODICAL STORE, *o. 11l aar vrmmr. 1 have just opened a Btat>*kkk* mo Pm**r>i oak Stubs in the Sotarkah Daily Ukiald Boilditw, No. 11l Bay snect. where I have for •ale at .* , WHOLESALE OR IftVAIL a large stock tur STATIONERY Tnftnding BILL CAP, FOOLS CAP, LETTER PAPER, ' NOTE PAPIER ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS, iNK * PENS* PENCILS, Aa, Aa, &o.» &* PERi'OD I C A L b . I have made arrangements, which waft soon bp. in operation, for a regular and fhd supply of the latest New York Daily Phpcr* Pa pers, Magazines, and other Periodicals. JOB PRINTING. Business Carts, Wedding Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Drafts. Checks, Receipts, Envelopes, Ac., &€., Ac., printed in the best style. POSTAQE AND REVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor to keep on band Postage and Revenue Stamps, for the accommodation of cus tomers. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Is always for sale at my counter, at Wholesale or Retail. fcb» H. P. RUGG. QV CRocMRIKS. i *• - t **** •; • y * \ . TANARUS;, , ' GROCERIES. f ’ •?' 'v'\ '. ■ FAMILY OBOOBRIBB, From New York, 1 » NOW LANDING from the t STEAMER SAVANNAH, and for sale a! . IBV CONGRESS STREET. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Best Family Flour, $Mk *Best Family Floor, half barrel, SIEV Best Family Qnahea Batter. Best Family Cheese. No. 1 Mackerel In klta, Colgate’s fc> torch and Soaj* Codfish. Best Leaf Lard Ale and Cider, la boxer Cknned Milk. Family Sugar—loalJ Crashed and Brown, Almonda.' Walnut* Adamantine and ffyerm Candler. Coffee—Rio and other varle|fe* Butter and Sugar Cracker* Soda Biscuit and Pilot Brea# ALL FOB BALK AT THIS LOWEST WHOLE BALE PRICES DEALERS SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL TERMS. Apply at the store formerly octop'ed by NiJviTT, Liroor A p ti « (HO CXHMBKBBB BTRSBT. ; > rpHE LATEST NEW YORK DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, YOB BAI.H AT TBK SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, fob# 111 BAY STREET. WANTED TO CUT WOOD. The Wood Committee want?®® Wood Critters, at remunerative wages. Axes, transportation, accommod itions and rations furnish-d. Apply to Col. Neaffie, at the City Treasurer** Office, City Hall. JULIAN ALLEN, Chairman. Oota tub Con km, Secretary. M fehT THE undersigned Is prepared to deliver to sub scribers the I stest %rther* Papers, and the Savannah Daily HERALD and Republican,at any part of the citv. Onb r* left the Herald office or that of the Republican, or the office-of Dr. Wah>h, corner of Broughton and Barnard street* will be promptly attended to. DANN & MO ART SON, feb7 ftf New* Agent. Roberts & lewis, i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERSIM SUTLERS’ GOODS AND LIMBER, Mitoukll Avenue, Hilton Head.' 8. C. b. g. robkkts, £}an3o—w&s3w> OKAS. W. lkwis. COOK STOVE WANTEb, —WITH PIPE aud Cooking Utensils. Apply at this office. Feb. 1 It jgILLIARDS. The old and well known Rooms over the Express* Office are again opened to the public, where the undersigned will be happy to see his old friends and patrons, and as many new ones as will favor him with a call, febft lw WALTER O’MEARA. SPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah Ga- Feb. A tdl All persons in Savannah having Cotton In their possessson, or stored in their houses, or houses occupied by them, will register the name Ht my office without delay, and ail persona an prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil itary lines of the city, wit bout they have written authority from the undersigned -11. C. RANSOM, Lt Col. & Q. M. in charge of Cotton, feb st—ts /GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS OF ALL VT descriptions ; a choice article of SOUR KKOUT, and the best quality of MINCE MEAT. For sale by WM. M WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker t>t». BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY ESTAB LISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any order* which may be forwarded to us. Special attention i* paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces Fancy Confectionery, and E|ega«t Pastvy, fojr holiday or festival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. OFFICE OF THE HOME INSURANCE < 0.. Savannah. Ga., F b. 2, l3K<. This Company is prepared to issue Policies on all descriptions of insurable property in the city at fair rates, and to adjust the losses that may occur iu an honorable manner. For Insurance apply to the office of the Com pany, 80 Bay street, Savannah. Ga. AARON WILBUR, President, feb2 M. A. COHEN, Secretary. PURCHASING BUREAU * » . OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &o, Ofkiok, 101 Fulton St., Nrvt York. The undersigned having been chief assistant examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the Custom House for the past four years, of-" fhrs his services to Druggists throughout the country. All purchases will be* made in the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased are warranted to he reliable. 11. N. AVERY. fHon. Hiram Babney, Refers to ■{ Hon. Roscou Conklino, tProf. Theo. W. D wiout. DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION. Ladies or Gentlemen wishing to join a FIRST CLASS DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION, Can do so by applying to C. H. F., Drawer 135 P. 0., , , Savannah, Ga. TXTANTED. Yv Office, of Strket Commission^*, 126 South Broad Street, ' * Savannah, Ga., Feb, 1, 1605* Wanted immediately, Carpenters i lacksmiths. Teamsters and Laborers, While or Black. Rations issued immediately to employ ee«. Apply at this office from 9 o'clock, a. m., until 3 o'clock, v m. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commieakmer. |■- ' - ■■■"—■ 1 ■—t ■ .. Riddell & murdock, I WUOLLSALK JLNI) RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DR> a GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND OAFS, Gentlemen's Furnishing Good* &€.* No. ft Merchants* Row, Hilton Head, 8. C. w. A RIDDELL, {janlO —tf] K f.mBttOOA THE AMERICAN HAY AND COTTON rum •). m vMrrAKTHtT. Cfomrof Grove and North Third at*, Jersey City. OFFICE, . No. Its Wall-st, New York. GOTH’S PATENT. The attention of all patties interested In th* pressing otcmupiessing .*f Hay, Cotton, Hlm* Kaos. Hops, or any other article t* be baled for Transp<.rtation,Btoraceor ('oni*nmp tiun. is ri-ape tfully solicited, to the PORTA»iLN or STATIONARY PR&SSRK, mauhTaefu ed »y thl-* Company, under the superintendence o* th* Patentee, Mr. John H. Govb The Press is very simple in its construction, w quiring but ordinary intelligence to work it, a# can be operated by any known power, * n 1 a* steam, Water, Horse or Hand. In using J ora*- power but one home is required, the Pres being so mechanically constructed on a well-know* principle that the power increase* t* a gro star ratio thin the i*crcax>vn rsaxtrawL. /ry The advantages o. this Press over all other* are ls It hows, vi*; Ist, It can press 20 per cent, more material t* agivei space. vd. 11 can do the work in HS per cent, less tin*. 3d. It requires SO per cent, lent driving power, 4th. It turns out the best shaped bale for hand ling or roiling. sth. The I ress will last a life-time, he work ing p&ru> toping built of the best of iron, and not liable to gel out of order. The orciinary work of this machine will pres* in one operation Lifter once til ling the box of the No. 1 Press] a bale of Hay of 450 lbs. weight i* ftVTvro Minptkr. <ra Pony meu and one horse can bale 12 tonsef Hay a day. Four men without the aid of a horse, or any power except that a m ined in the ‘'ress. can turn out a bale of nay 7 inches square by 40 inch es long, weighing 4(h) los , ur -3 1-2 ib», to theco liic foot. * No toggle joints, screws, cog-wheels beaters or rollers un and in this Press. The attention of Cotton factors and planters* Wool and Hi mp raisers, ia etpecia ly called to Press, destined as it is to wmk m cnnpleto r. olutibii in the now slow, clumpy and expeo sivo methxf of biliug. The Company will dispose of Town, C uinty or w tate rights (reserving to themselves only th* right to maimfuctare] n reasonable terms Mr. N. I). Fisa %is tfce authorised Traveling Auent for the eompanj in the E*oteni and Midt die States. For Tirther particulars send for circulars. Jan.3o lino JJ S. SANITARY COMMISSION, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Street*. Savannah’ Ga. At the place mentioned we have opened stor*- ooms and Relief office where we will be glad t* - ender any service in oar power to the soldier* an® sailors of the Army and Navy. Sergeous I* charge of Hospitals will please send in their r*» luisitions for stores. J. C. TIOBLIT, jan 2i —ts Agent U. S. S. C. jSoST OFFICE NOTICE. The Pont Office In thft city b* for the benefit of the officers ands ddi< rs of the Federal array, and bomi-ji le residents. No mail matter will be do l.v<T“ l Tor persona who are wthout the linos of the United states army. Any person taking mail matter from the office a Idreseetl to any pers >ih oat \yithi'» the lines of the army will bo immediately arrested. A. 11. MAUKL\ND, Special Agent P. O inn°7 and Sin’t Mail* for the U. S. A. . C 'ECI U, No note. O a very large and desirable Cargo has arriv ed in this 1*1)1 1 and n>w placed in the large Ware house formerly occupied by J. V. Connerat, cor ner of CAY & BARNARD STREETS, inhere It la offered in lots, at Wholesale only. “ Groceries, FI mr 0 >rn Meal Pork. Beef, Hams, Fish Preserved .Meats, Pickles. &c., Kerosene oil and l imps also large and well assoatel in voices of Dry Goods, Small W, Meitfs CiO tbing and Furnishing G >ods, Hats, Stationery* Wooden Ware—also a full assortment of Hard ■ The attention of the Trade is particularly call ed to f his stock. CORNER OF BAY & BARNARD STREETS* J^OTtCE.- IlK.uxj’as Post, Provost Marshals Office Savannah Ga., Feb. 3. 1960, j Mrs. Mary Crabtree Hines, of ill s city, wilt beat of something to her advantage by calling a ,tthU office, BOB T p TOKK , Lt . Cos,. P. H. feb 6 t f ——‘ I N A large assortment of DRY GOODS, Soill Wares—such fin Pins, Needles, Combs, iicnwn* Umbrellas Bonnets, Ac., Jfec., at WHOLBSALB, .in the a&re formerly occupied by 11. A. Rich mond, corner of Oougreas <S VV fttfaker streets. Feb’y *2, 18K. v “ 2 ■ y —f---*' V Singer, good reader, desires, far the practice, a position in some Quartette Choir :> is acquainted with ail tl o differeut ser vice* Addiess W. D. W., M at this office. Jan *29 ts . Boots and shoes. For sale by WM. M. WILLIAMS ieb2 ts Cor. Bionghton and Whitaker rpUB SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD OffFKflL is at Nt. U 1 Bay street