Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 09, 1865, Image 4

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UaDKU Tills OB BP, ky a m. o.vapßvrai * li, ¥ ,* \ I } o«n tkep u .'iore the still waters sleep, «»n inyeinl beds pillowed vyith sand. Audit* King* of the sea their watohfulnese ki-cp o*ei kh*^ treasures of mnnv aland, I*ve a evfit more precious to me than the mines, W th’t teir diamonds of beauty untold; Astra ' hat in lustre utifadfngr outahinou ' The purest ol‘ India’s gold. It was Set in the crown of my joy lon# ayo, And the pride of iny Whirl Wag its throne, Where the li .htof its puritv beamed in the glow Os a Jove th i| no •mortal hath known 4Rave I, a,nd my lit le one aleeping ao still, ’ And wlro twiner ca# come bacr to roa Through the and chill of the watem that Hie &?palch • oot in the Ssa. * * * ij O mj darling I lost O the anguish it cosk The ilfljrelß hr Heaven can tell llow the <»! »esoins oi h >|ks died out in the frost *». the Winter of Borrow that fell *On my s >ul when 1 knew chat the gentle and tme • ’ • HadPperiahed w hen Qod might have saved. An I kept him for me and my lore till he grew To battle th perils be braved. Now t sit. on the sh >re and list to the roar t n the ore *k rs ihat da>h at my feet, And t.Hiik of the luce l shall see nevermore, * I'nl over death’* billows we meet: But *t *v it in my hear, is a fountain of peace P*i it placid, ii' iny life while 1 weep, A spr\ ,ig wj *sc sweet comforiiuga never ghall iva-e Until uudi-r tfv* lilies I sleep. P r the td: i.i it' il »w is singing I know, Thr »ugh th«* * or ,1 groves over his breast. An ! in - ro i 'h rnlituj wavns wich taeir iriuges ; iike sn w, Aie rnckiug him gently *■« r**t: Wii ilcj the *3<*jt auminer wintL with the music of st earns. And, the rhiplea all whisper to me In tins ipjoniighL’s-pale b ams, the love and the dr aius Os my 'U il or boy under the. sea. Wasuinciton, Jituiiary tiy lAiS, f.»Vi3*a Ym h Herald. 1 AKTEMUS WARD’S LETTER AKOUr BOibiOS. Arroiiius thus writes to hrs '“dear But ruing his- Lite ?i,it to the 4 ‘Mikl ro Amiohh:’ T,ij»• \viruler of my room commands ti i*\ iii)«iti,i vie>v ;Oi‘ Copp's Mi l. wlu jv O Mather, the Intlier oft-ine Reform ersVnuV sien, les Bern cl There is meo » v-ai nuty vvlio worship Cotton, and there is wotiiin \v, o vv'i/r him next lo.tlfe’.i But I Jo not weep for him. lies t»in de.iii too ! uigthy. I amt going to be nbuni, like <>iii ill. 8 our uahor ho >.l, Wi o is,i;i ei, -a;x \<• .rx*<o age anu gels uriiinc iV’ r" lei tion nay, and xv e,.s B tt my b i‘ime he Ifaint'got no V> lie s a. i uh’ Orphan, de ls Bunker's lliil is ov r yonder i,i Chafl stun i.i 17.>7 a.t ,rillin' dram\ was ; ou! ov rti e re, ia whioii lot ♦‘Warren (’< •iithioHlion pi yi ii alar part- OM Mi. Fanil 1 i- ited, but iiis liab j*, still, i.-to lii blars . This is the, Cradle in which Uie Goiidess oi Liberty vyaa rockedpiny Dear. ,Toe Goddess hasm l»in very vyeil durin the past lew years, and the num ris (jiiaek doctors fehe cmlie,i in didtft help her any; but tl'.e o! ! gais phvsiei ins now are iifen who umlerstniul their bisness, Major generalK ej eakiu. and I think the day is near when sin H *>e able to take her three meals a day,and *leep nigl4# a* crimf Wy ns in the old ti mo; k v M The Common is here as ashil ; and the low cuss who cailed it Wacant Ix>t, and wanted to knew why they didnt onpa-. •«ent it with same Biidiu*’, is.a oclApoy 4&atcast in IJaponslt.- . : .The State House is SM ilifiVbai, of 'ia were oneef bats. They buy 'em. Itakedt, of batters „who cany on hat stores down stairs £%uare, and whosbatsis either,years aliead of the or ten years ‘ Ijfehifid iti—jist as Air ititelkicAifioal persevn think abopt iw i had the pt of taikia’ with >erril .metnbi Begisiatur. 1 told ’etii the £re BViO ages was onto )*e Am« rfcan p o, .i« . T eiv was deeply impr ssed bv ti.e t inar , ed wanted to know if I Hud • * Grate yT^n? i Jlarvard 0 >ll gc. Phis celebrated in stitution »i learnin is pleasantly it and in li * b T-r iota of F.trk *rs, m 8 uTool Ufr ■‘t »n,l has po >pijs froiU a l oVeVtln* ewi^tijr. °V *tp i \'f {»n yesjd . *i vvi . wiuiii. cm jil.V r iitmiik o ilium wno wii- m.Jiioae y*> ,e of • xen, “4 .is is Where is vv ,■ r‘ us 1 rrt’i’iit ii arv f .S-lfflier -V-g JS -,A>‘.f f ?i > *AI '.p -n'’eiu;e an l spilt t.i ir Bn i Cl ; «i: oi ml.’ Tali," ibe mm said, “itsgoodfo \\ 1 1 it if l leans and potato, s, t>ut a« legarca riisiii' wneat, taint worm a dam But hav’ you seen the Ur »tj Grgiu t iTeturnetl in llie li *Bs Car-, p rt Way. A piH'ty girl in H|*e, taoles kot near mV, and was feltin' a young man how union he reminded her of a in n she ust dto know in Waltivam. r'outy sikui the young man got out,, and, . sailin’ in a seduciv manner. I said to me grl in l *Dout I remind youol somo b idy you used to kn >w '{ V ' , fc ‘•iros," Blie said, “you do remind me of ofcc man, but he was sept so llie pea itentfiary f< »r steaiin' a Bar i oi mackerel, he died there, m* I coneiood you ain't fo** * I didn’t pursoo tne conTersation. lonjy heard ln r Jlv. ry voice ouee mare (lurin’ tilts* n maindir of the j« rny.— Purjiin- to ar> spent able lookin female ot ml vano< and summ r< she asK.e.l her ii she had S*en toe *Gi*eat Orgin.- We old chaps, my dear, are apt to tbr git. that it is soni • time sillt-e vvb was in lanth an et lit* * food. Nothin’ y>y fun her int’lTiM took place on tne ears ex cep a a color and gent cm in, a total to tne,!ask and ti Id lend h m my uiamoti-l i>r*M(»n to Wear to a fut a raj in bwuili Boston, I told ti ii I wo at In t —not a /tur/nisx. Aitlio' tur fr.»m tin- pr.Uinyries, there is ab nulail's of wil l g an. ia lio ton, tucii as jpuiii.s, '-nijies |» \ r anti i rup> r IJUmnt to haveuJiood -d to me Gr.»t • Orjin in tui-, lettir, out Ilu vea t sen it. jtfri Re eve or, whose tay.-rn I stop at, ia P>rjni-d me tliat it can he di-tino iy iieard tiir* ugn a smoked gi iss in histiaitv town in New’ llampshir.*, any dear day. But seiiin’ the Grate Orgia n i ie, and indeiu Iduiitttiinkl bedrd is mentioned al Inti time I was there, B iston is « lie oi die grandest, sure-ioot< a dest, c*i*-a i hi adest,j,c msortable>teiii s o , tne glob.. i>alike ev ry oi In r large ci y I was i vei in. i e nib tol the harkiiien clou t seem o-liav lifh s.iecvimiiy intended i*y iiatui .oi* the Burgle ry perles.-ion, and itsaboiti tne only large city 1 kn av ot where you ,d(A» t eirjoy a 'iriniant ojipt rtunity o oein’ swiiulled in Mini way, from tne Rilin’ ol the Sun tot eg<»in down there oh Tin r. 4 I say, loutl and eontiunered tbplaus' for Boston ! Herald job printing office. No. ill Hay ■*tkkkt, Savahn *h Georgia. • WV r? p’Vt fully c > 1 t >e mti ntion in Jin* pub li'jt.'i. the I 'ciiit'ip which \v< h «xe ;oi d/ii.g i.!i kliulf- if dob V i t:i!" NEATi V AM) PROMPTLY. Wio r: }\i r >T PKF.JJM L\ THE WORLD Mr tioi.iir a variety of wink :nd uoii.-gila! XVfll v. t* oniplov ' ‘ FIRST OKAS- Pi,l Vi i RS. Os lonir <x a**}ei»cc • n-J iried a aliiv. We havi i\i DV Pin >TI N1 i .M v'l KliiaLs. Fr-iin ts e iH-i»t North'‘l'd ;onm r j iu x\ th w« X.ijl* IC>Nsm\TLY MAKING At MUON#. We .tie pieji.-tred la execute 1 ■ -rd i» ,cr | in#st»i*. ■ . Ike. r s. if . 1! n bill*, Pr> grammes, Idrtv Hills ("'] ( j;l. IS, j * D 'i- ol Earn, »:»rde, edu; n*» (’»rds, , 'i itkols, Business Cards. L‘-ti< r Heads. Bill Deads. Drafts, Receipts, Checks, ..Passea, Lab Is Ufmstitnfinii# By-Lavs, Pamphlets ballad*, Legal blanks, Calendar*. Knyelop^SL On a my other kind of Rribtimr, IN ANY 81 YLE. ttfo | • D’nn a PiNS ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOB 4 * PRINTING IN C OLORS.' ORDERS BY' MAIL OR I XLHESS Will,receive prompt ami cate ulattention, and the work will be forw ;,riK-d FREE OK CHARGE FOR TRANsPORTA j * '1 ION. Wo. endeavor «a?d i all Mir work well, and to give OMiufA'te antis uctii n t< < m twst« n.tra ol R PRICKS Arc aw lev as the pr *>ni Di-h cvstof etotifc, H.ainms lib r and lix our will dmit of, and are below ih iur nMjd cites which mien other lines j»f CbaiiteciS. W. MASoN & CO, HI Ray street. Sttvaioi !■ ■ re V| T Alt DKPARTMKN P. * f Okfio, or litn (mm am. Manaukk MiI.ITAKY 1{ \l|.|;«lA|.. I’. IS „ , . „ ♦ , Snviinn.di, ii Mfo. fol .1 Oo iht n «miT|i: „, v ... I an- if i; i>y p dntetl snpirin •tei T-m hi cha-* t> ft H pL Mdt-ifx Riul n> ds, le nun a « ' ,t .>. 4 x.nut ii i, H UitwpeyC . •x, ,j > -»l»e ‘i tit -ei-Y oil, i v . i “ *'• .VOftLLrj!.* * r,i « 'V- 1 .i-ii. Director :m.l < vl ta. er.M. R. p- s. • • •’ >l. 11 vximi trurt/t and a P. - Mil i ao | { . Uh t «: s mi.otc Vn ks i * / *Uihl landed trnm New Ynaf, a large nmit oi UrmrK. Chctnie Is, fflSmftimm/' 2 . Lidtjn’B Extracts. I-idrihiV dii; OoJogiyA >nle.-s pair tonics of the finest (nality, r J>otn l*uw der. iStstcf* and Washes. A large quantity of Patgnt Jfidicineß, Pills and Olid in cm*. r rs / A nice lot of Bathing, Carriage and Velvet bpongCß. Flea Powder, producing death. PnreSoda Water from yt<o>e Fountaina, with the cllaicest B.vnipK , r / All order* will l cceivf* j)r*ynpt attention. W. lit. ViMBSfl. M. 1)., Ali Mercliant*' Bow. / Hilton Head, i>. C £JUANO. (>BO. K WHITE A CO.. SS Curr vrariT. New \9S*. ofler AND SWA ISLAND O' AM), at wfc< leaale. They havt facilities lor lliag orders superior to any othei h<»nf>e st/]prespiil in tlie trade. Alik).lK V\ HITE &CO are the sole agents for the*Rle o, the Pftl t'E CONCENTRE Ti D 'MANUHE, m »de by the Bruce Fertil'ner Com p ny at State* Island. TIB Fertilizer chitams 7 pircent. ammonia ~111(1 over 40 »H*r<’ent. * f soluble bone phosphate. r rh7 sgh this hi a)y.-i- would h rdly lead us to such conclusion, vet its practical application I'm tli t.wo years past has shown, its ininiii iate ie ciiitsto Le .-is great ut- w hwe IVruvi n Gu nn is used ami that tlieseil is left in better cwiuiiUoi for tpe succeeding \e. r's ct< ■ -. Price, fortb*., w.4i disci tint to the tt irlf. . juut'l OTEELE A lIITtBANK O 11 Aimhnids'ltow, Hilton Head, S. 0. Call the attention of Wind-sale and licLa! , chasers to their superii/r siocl; of yiIUTAKY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AMI FURNISHING COODI4, Watch ea, Clocks, Fancy Goods, .Jewelry, an •t'uited VVare.Su oids, Sashes, Belts, Enihroderies. lioiita • Ctips, Fp Id (Musses, Gaunt.els (Moves 7tc.J &c., Ac. Ct SAVILI.K A ((».. '• WiioursAi.K am. Dm a ii. Ptationkks. Pthmctto Heiaid M* re. Hilt* eH,ad, S ( f l.i)>era I to Pm chasers p’t Wnotesa.v Oasb Orders m mail or express pr< mptly lilted. IQ UN BAB’S A I DANZ. NO. in MKRt H ANTS’ ROW. Hilton Dead, 8. (’. W HOLES A1 F AND RETAIL DEALERS i X I SU'N.ERS* GOODS Os all Descrij t'ons. r ts. poua Livixo." VJT At rens«»nat)l( prices, can i»e h-.d at tie EAGLE OYSTER nd REFRESHXiKN 1’ -A. LOON, in the reir ot'the New Office. Iliu.. tend S. 0. I hive the verv liest laeilities '«>i ntnishing (’LANS. MEATS Rol l RV VEftKTARt ES.,A<*.. fr*.m the N«>r»h an ■ther places in t ~ vu-inio . < >AoU,od to .<"de ■bin •» A. V. i . - R M RETii!i -ig t %.i^.' Rr, priet-.r. * . * s - —One tiii.l .s*r» s]T. el i.)h solicited. * ' /h w. dknms a ((•;. 1 <l ' v» No. . .Men t’.-.uis’tß.w, ■ . . Hilton Head. S. 0., \S htt’esale and retail healer* in R.UT’IER. ( Ml I H < 1< At Si ( ARES,CRACK :EHS I OTA'iOES, Ft OI'H, CANNED FRUn iand .v»eats stationary, hardware. j&C.,&c„ &c v jan 10 ts ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES, Ac CAHILL AND ROMP A NY, No. 0 M moiiA'-T’B Row, __ . A HILTON HEAD, 'Have just received bv the j STEAMER LfNDA,i •Venn New York, a large invok eof (GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, CANNED MEATS, i of TEA, TORAtcO SE(.ARS. AMJO W A•. Jbr. which will le polo j,t wtuhaalc onlv. it the lowest in. ik<n pdees. fob?- tl ! SOLID rxILY f ER BAPCIFS F< 1 ! l ; l‘dh lftli. ICth 18th Vth and :dd Airny t ( rps witn Name i t.mpanx and Rerrlmei t beautiitiflj . i.jrr..ved. at $1 f,O »ai h or (itild at tj-8. . » Airier can FhieLlsOl Silvtr: also P.ade ee fi reyt ri C«'iß*oiisi ntly on h. nd YVe also send to (He urmv a Ami Gold Pin, lih eb *ny or exYepeit.n In ldei at jj-1 eaili A P karat O ld I t n with tnbb«»Meyeis<' holder, jjdf each. A 14 kniat (h Id Pen, with eolid sdxer ex tension holder, $•: each : or a deimhed lexc tnoAeim ni, in surliii}; silver case, medium S'Ke. poluhetU: p,..flT Mnfric tmieW-ejan-s made exiress’v >.»r fwildiers, in sterlinir silver, engine-tiinied 'oises. •|p/0 - t AII xent by mail on receipt n fpn e. V.m* Alf ltrr€otler *'S U r V*V fi 11 tilM-al pr> - t *** C ren ;rs f< lit fiee to mix addles*' R. K EITH A (ill,, „ , ‘ -L-lui S|„ New Y. id. .Mami ac imns and Joaleis in Am-v p,,. ...* | WaKhus ('h im*. kin K b. Au jmi BO- De O'J HKRs Dl SILJM. I ’ IUK SaV.WN »„ I at \\ 111 II M. 'i aie leone* ed t» end *in iheir order as no i • ii< advance an practic d*ie. b. W. MAsON * r« . AO VI 1/1 IMNu We resj cil tdly ( j.l) He >rt i. i ri« i, oi 1 i lt J ness men to ;he t: lee » f the SAVANNAH lAIIY i’ll LAID as v« Advertising Medinni.’ <n. <> ucctioo* are »nch ihat wi are mih of li rg» ed ti« eaih day. >Ve have agiiits at all in*jonm i pvii ts and all tor. ngi melds <ompl( t(d i<4- un <xUnsj\e general ciruiU tion. 4 The! limited space v e acund to tnlvertisetmnte retideh* ils use csj ceialTy > aim tie. aid Ve lieve our teims to be \f ry roum nuhlv. c<moan and with tin h- h prices \ihuh tide in ~:L,r of *'usi»(*ss. To A) VKRTHIK l.limiU. I< ttid true policy of business nu n, md we l.e_ l>eve that they gamut tud a lam imdiim fur this «Sty aid sinny. or the i iiiriipi.t «,| n,« than the SAVANNAH DAILY HLBAID CiR BELLOWS. • No. 8 Merchants' Row, ‘ Hilton Head. 8. C. Deader in BOOTS AND-SHOES. CLOTHING. I Fl GOODS And ' '*•>*■ SUTLERS'GOODS k ... Os every descriptii n. | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lIKAUjrAVTW U. S. Foicb fa\aaiiiah, Ga., Feb. 7t!, 1805. s** < t \i. \ No. 1. | ’ PilK fr lfiwiiig ina rnc’h ns- w j 11 1 » p’r'cfly enr » r'4 nt b* tlie rtuiifls in this oTy. hav ng e«t # 4* idei their e. ’ b • (. Ato | ers* n wit hi pc milted io«n’<r any < «oi.. war. L «m* oi si cd, <( nijdrii g cotton < lus|veb, rr t. go t n ttu u I ar; wt eic c< tt< n t« . X ppively being le: tied • r pb c< and. eitl ci re« pp r ««• with* nt a pas- ir m i ie. t. (o', H. (’. ' i*-. ni Q. M.. or the mfl am ing «ffiiei of th# Post. •lid. . o smolvVH v o> fn# will tv :DI( w< f] i*crr idiyjbtrflrl n so. sh *#» e<>nt;i#r*.< c* Con. or n ih® *vhtir>♦ win cotton s st< r«4 *rb*i g)« rd«c. No\«rsen «.i llmahv< ti |« nu>\c(<it<n r« th jitv v.i > i (,»► oi n*'in havyj up (r ir. mth wh «, un'e shv ug a r it* n • rdcr '>'r(*ih t tent G ii. ('. Ran*.* m’ Q. Ji., pm* ve t. -Thi- •< -not m |’y t the regular jatgs of lalbr. r* ##p#i u*» r in*/ h« i rs, *t s h. A , ##• ? it* mj tit gto »n l et iny re« m • • lining ( j# •, v 'll bur* i idreij to si« w ile.r. f s sod ihegns and \Riil t: ke Up :Il ],vf* » g»tu.t«ig this- piiv «#e hut aiemt si-nul ly i.u lit. < I. II C. Id i. * m Q. A*. The HbA> e.lw»ir; ct «» • e ii* | intend* dto j r«v ( vent ihe * mpi- ><' so. tm.ater o C*m mi.Ljin D |> r-rrunis tit in'- At'ler't i sii )< i**ni» •(lipid In th m i sj.eiti\#t . «r < u \kmit v\ hi re the\ In ve v. cffttf toV nr.L v lien luim'sl icl wilß p.- sses ir* in the proj er-* 11.terh ol‘ Dc p rtin* 'f)f t ’- *' ' pv con #b> nd of T’.vt. TVTiifov Gen CLOVER. Emv.sKii G. 1 mm* A. A. A. G. ki.B UKAr<JUAPTI : ysr t s. FORCES, Dianna.* 9t va.\.naii, Ga. Feb. Gib, ISCS. (j&M KM. * 4n-4»!i., t N*>. ii\ r Noshipm i ts T in this rtj of rice purihared on or a lei Mommy tf’e Clh :? sD will b*- an *lit fixed. '* h< se \\b< have nnuh s«' rij,f here ((J' r*. at.d have mtpudL. rft e same iuc :n --th> i z*‘d to pay the pu ih;;se mi iiy t* li e »ity :iitl>o d#> who w til Tid* mpciitible U r (he sjiine to thd past owners, j By command of i Bi vt. Major Gen. GROVER. SnwAitn G. Dikk, A. A. A, G. febG TT EADQUARTsSRIJ U. S. FORCES. i-A Sayankaii, Ga., Feb. Cth, 18C5. Gas KB AT, » Nr. 11. f Pnrenant to a mutual agrecmrj3t between the military and civil «mh< riticp, reipeitinff a <ll -of labor in the matter es vaicii uli< nos cuizcAP of this city, ihc follrwii g if- < rderrd, viz: that all pei aoi a vho have id toil nc c.?ssfiil within the pret year. ie.-ldiig witliin ihe uisirii ts beh w ntnnd. will ret«rt tietween the ):•« *'f Bandl)A. M. ind 51 end 4 P. M.. to Uie r* physieij n- rseii ntd to their distrlci. H g KTgjgi incut ol t.i> Hicts is mmle viz : i)r. Ftb uiit.—w**t Proad to.T«fTersc n. eni north o ♦.nth ».o).d street. 'Cflice: State sti M t near Ri rnrYd. I iHVchley ai.d Kolk'ck.—J<fTcrson to Whiß: jyker pflreer and north #. Berth Broad' strei't* Olhce of Dr. Bb <ct near Pamard. odiccof Dr. bi-iicK'k, Wrt?.ht sqnare betweea ' Prosident t a|id York street*.' . ( Dr. King.—Whitaker to Tiroytoa rtrects, Wid no th of So«#h Bnrtd OflGce : Sootli Broiifl, 2 doorKVom Diayton. 7 < i-r. Youge—Drayton to Lincoln st>eets and north of S< nth Broa P street Office: Broad stieet, Bd and«.» r Ivom Lincoln. Di. CampfifcM.— Lincoln to East Broad streipta. and No»thpf,Sooth Brord street. Office: i< ruer Penv and Pabe";h.ijn sheets. Dr. Ralu rg—W est B. <-ad tp .Te/ferson st eet* ami Sim Hi i ro r <d to Jom i- stiti't. Oflices O* rner Taiti.all am) Ik niarti i « ib Dr i hniin; .D ili iM.ii to \’ hinl e v pl'm't* aid Soul Ii ) < i i«i t< Juci i id. < fi»u ;£b i r u. i.l i. • in Km. kn t -> vv ii Ptreefe and Snn’h r -- < ffice : t hail t il 11 Ov i j • ( it it Mh, 1 r ' • -i <ad »n and Eb ony lo c. • if liui Pr iiyj-* t< ii ,t Hi u<i. »■'! if dr ; .« «i • -• c . .011.1 Dr. nl Md VN i st J i e 1 >r. r . .. , ... j,„ j ,]i Ij x s n t j , .ii met HM® Slid Dll-c i ii sir * i . **' " to ion in . GIR.V R, EII.V.XKi- Ki i