Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 10, 1865, Image 4

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THE LOVE KNOT. LUCY I.AUCO*. Tying ter under tier chin, Stye tied her golden ringlets in. But.not aldne in the. silken snare Did she <9*tch her lovely floating hair, For, tying her bonnet under her chin, She tied a young man’s heart within. Th<sy were strolling together up the hill, Where the wind comes blowing merry and chill, And it blew the curls a frolicsome face, All over the happy- peach-colored face, Till, scolding and laughing, she tied them in, Uhder her beautiful, dimpled chin. And it blew a color, bright as the bloom Os the piekiest fnschia’s tossing plume All over/the cheeks of the prettiest girl That ever imprisoned a romping carl, Or, in tying her bonnet under her chin, Tied'a young man’s heart within. steeper and steeper grew the hill— Madder, merrier, chillier, still; The western wind blew down and played The wildest tricks with the little maid, „ As, tying her bonnet under her chin, Sbe.t*ed a young man’s heart within. * * Oh, western w ind, do you think it was fair ?oplav such tricks with her floating hair? o gladfully, gleefully, do your best To blow her against the young man’s breast, Where he as, gladly folded her in. And kissed her mouth and her dimpled chin. Oh, Ellery Vane, you little thought, An hour ago, when you besought This country lass to walk with you, After the’sun had, dried the dew. What ire/iloua danger you’d be in As she tied her bonnet under chin. ”lyssa LOTUS-PLAWTEK. .THEODORE TILTON. A Brahmin on a lotn?-pod Once' wrote the holy name of God. Then, planting it, he asked in prayer, For some new fruit, unknown and fair. A slave near by, who bore a load, , Fell fainting on the dusty ro^d. The, Brahmin, pitying, straightway ran And lifted up the fallen mail. The deed scarce done, he stood aghast At touching one beneath his caste. “Behold,” he cried, “I am unclean, -My hands have clasped the vile aud mean !’’ God saiv the shadow' on lps face, And wrought a miracle of grace, The buried Seed arose from death Aud bloomed and fruited at liis breath. The stalk bore up a leaf of green, Whereon these mystic words were seen : H ‘ Firkl, count' nil men of-equal casta — Then thyself the hast and lust.” The Biahmiu, with bewildered brain, Beheld the will of God writ plain. Transfigured then in sudden light, -The siave stood sacred in his sight! Thereafter in the Brahmin s breast Abode God’s peace, and he was blest. A KEY* VERSION OF AN ODD RHYME. “Get out of Georgia, ” saicl Sherman to Hardee— “You’d better, soon, and leave the State to me; And leave Savannah note—' 't*HU be as well, For if you say 1 sh an’t—/ say, I Shell A Practical Business Operation.— Ad odd iiisfancc of business has just trans pired at Prague., ,A d&ilerin hops one «ay (T.Du'iid' Ihc counting room of a large merchant, who asked hum, how his busi ness was'progressing., Hrs answer was : ‘I am aeing so little that*l am almost Inclined to enter your service as clerk.’ ‘£low ioubb salary WijUyou take ? was ihe merchant s question.' ■Two thousand florins a y<?an ’ said the other la’ighing. . ’»• *« r ' The merchant then "shook hands with liim, saying ‘Done! it is a bargain. *. After this and neither ap peared to tliiuk any more'of the matter. Six days after.Jhe merchant went to Suez the great hop market of Bohemia, a great rise having occurred in that article. When be got there he found that the dealer had got the start of him, .and had bought all in the market. Meet ing -him in the street the merchant asked him what hops lie had bought, and the splice. 'That is my affair,? was the answer. ‘What do you mean by your affair ? ~Yon forget that you are my clerk* and .that I have a right to know #hat busi ness you arc doing, as it must be on iny account. You are iree to cancel your engagement for the future, if you please, phut for the present you act for me.’ ‘The hopdealer went to a lawyer, and the advice was to settle it. After a long -■discussion the hopde; l<-r was released on paying five thousand florins ($200) and so w.ts allowed to keep his profits to him self, Tin* merchant on receiving the money distributed it among the poor. (From the Richmond Dispatch, Jan. 31.) Messrs. Stephens, Hunter and Camp bell, the Confederate Peace Commisson ers, who left here on Sunday morning for Washington city, stopped on Sunday night in Petersburg, whence they went through the lines to City Point yester day morning. They left our lines in General Bushrod Johnson’s front. As they were making the transit their char acter and the objects of tlieir mission became known, when our troops set up such a cheering as never was heard be fore, and continued it until the Commis sioners were out of sight and well with in the Yankee lines ; when the clamor was immediately caught up by the Yan kee troops, who cheered and hurraed until they were hoarse ; and, amidst the deafening shouts of the two armies the Commissioners went on their way. The next we hear of them will be through the Yankee papers. The Internal Revenue. —Tke*4able of internal revenue derived from the various States, which was published a few days ago, shows the proportion ot wealth to the population which exists in each State, and hence the proportionate profits of capital in each. New York we should expect to exhibit the highest ratio and its twenty-four millions ot taxes di vided among its population of nearly four millions, give a tax ot only $G.25 to each individual. Pennsylvania, with nearly thirteen million taxes, divided among three millions of population, give& $4 46 to each person. Massachusetts .gives $9.07 ; Rhode Island $10.25 ; Con necticut $6.33; Ohio $5.04; Illinois $5.70; New jersey $4.32; California $4.50; Maine $1.80; Michigan $1.57 ; New Hampshire $3.07; Vermont $1.12; Dela ware $3.23; Maryland $4.02; Indiana $2.41. According to these ratios, Rhode Island is richer per capita than any other State in the Union, or in other words capital is more remunerative and wealth more accumulated. A Scheme to Murder President Lin coln. —The following appears in the ad - vertising columns of the Selma (Ala.) Dispatch— One Million Dollars Wanted to Have Peace by the f irst of March. —ls the citi zens of the Southern Confederacy will furnish me with the cash, or good se curities for the sum of one million dol lars, I will cause the lives of Abraham Lincoln, William H. Seward, and An drew Johnson to be taken by the Ist of March next. This will give us peace, and satisfy the world that cruel tyrants cannot live in a “land of liberty.” If this is not accomplished, nothing will be claimed beyond the sum of fifty thou sand dollars, in advance, which is sup sosed to be necessary to reach and slaughter these villians. I will give, myself, one thousand dol lars toward this patriotic purpose.— Every one wishing to contribute will ad dress Box X, Caliaba, Alabama. December 1, 1564. X. DISINFECTANT. “ Small quantities of the Permanganate of Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. ' f e blo WANTED TO CUT WOOD. 'I he Wood Committee want 200 Wood Cutters at remunerative wages. Axes, transportation, accommodations and rations furnished Apply to CoLNeaffie, at the City Treasurer’s Office, City Hall. JULIAN ALLBN, Chairman. Ootavdb Couen, Secretary. ts febl Roberts & lewis, WHOLESALE A.NX) RETAIL DEAT-FHS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS AND LCMUHR, Mitchell Avenue, Hilton Head, S C b. s. KOUEBxs, [janSO—w&e3w) ciias. w. lewis. pOOK STOVE WANTED,-WITH PIPE \J and Cooking Utensils. Apply at this office, reo. l it Dramatic association! ~ Ladies or Gentlemen wishing to ioin a FIRST CLASS DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION Can do so by applying bo C. R. F„ Drawer 135 P. 0., Savannah, Ga. RIDDELL & MURDOCK, r __ T ,'™ ou ® ALlt am. RETAIL UKAI.KRB IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, lILtS AND CAPS. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goons, &c. No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Hernl, S C w. ». ww>ell, UanlO-tf] h. j.mub^hik. rjMIE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD OFFICE Is at No. 11l Bay street. US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bay Hiked. A large lot of Reading Matter, SVrittog Paper, Envelopes, &c., just received and ready fdr tribution. Facilities for writing Letters for 41 wishing to avail themselves of them. Appointments at Weeley Chapel, comer of South Broad and Lincoln streets, on Sunday, at 101-2, A M., Rev. H. C. Skinner, Chaplain Sth Ind.; at 3 P. M, Rev. Jaeemiah Portae Chaplain of Marshall Hospital and IstLt. Art. 111. feb9 DWIGKT SPENCER, t. SPECIAL NOTICE. Savannah Ga., Feb. 4, 1 All persons in Savannah having Cotton in their possessson, or stored in their houses, or houses occupied by them, will register the same at my office without delay, and all persons are prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil itary lines of the city, without they have written authority from the undersigned- H. C. RANSOM, Lt Col. & Q. M. in charge of Cotton, feb 6—ts Groceries and provisions of.all descriptions: a choice article oft' SOUR KROUT, and the best quality of MINCE MEAT, For sale by ■ VVM. M WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. Bakery & confectionery estab lishment AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the paibiic to our BaMery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special' attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces. Fancy Confectionery, and Hegasftt Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS & MURRAY. OFFICE OF THE HOME INSURANCE CO., Savannah, Ga., F.b. 2,1506. This Company is prepared to issue Policies on all descriptions of insurable property in the city at fair rates, arid to adjust the* that may occur in an honorable manner. For Insurance apply to the office of the Com pany, 80 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. AARON WILBUR, President, feb2 v M. A. COHEN, Secretary, W p OOD LIVING,” vJ At reasonable prices, can be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, hi the rear of the New Post Office, H i nor Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for fnmidhing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, &c., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to ordei from 6 A. M. to S P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited. CW. DENNIS & CO., « ' No. 5 Merchants’ Rdw, Hilton Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE. &c„ &c., &c. jan 10 ts ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES, &c. CAHILL AND COMPANY, No. 0 Merchant's Row, HILTON? HEAD, Hav£ just received by the “ STEAMER LINDA, from New York, a large invoice of GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CANNED MEATS, FRUITS AND JELL7ES, of all descriptions, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, TOBACCO, SEGARS. ALSO, • WINES, &c., «sec. which will be sold at wholesale only, at the lowest market prices. feb 2 ts BADGE COMPANY, SOLID SILVER BADGES For 4th, 9th. 10th, 14th. lftth, lGth, 18th, 19th and 23d Array Corps, with Name, Company and Regiment beautifully engraved, at $1.50 each or Gold at SB. American Shields $1 each,in Silver; also Badg es for every Corps constantly on hand We also send to the army a find Gold Pen, ith ebony or extension holder at $1 each. A 12 karat Go)d Pen, w ith rubber reverse holder, $3 each. Al 4 karat Gold Pen, with solid silver ex tension holder, $3 each; or a detached lever movement, in sterling silver case, medium size, polished cap, sl7. lyiagic timekeepers, made expressly for soldiers, in sterling silver, engine-turned cases, S2O. VE~ AU, sent by mail on receipt of price. IP? - AU large orders will receive a libetul pre mium. V Circulars sent free to any address. R. KEITH & CO.. 15 John St., New York, Manufacturers and Dealers in Army Badges, Watches, Chains, Rings, &c. jan 30—lm THE undersigned is prepared to deliver to sub scribers the Latest Northern Papers, and the Savannah Daily HERALD and Republican,at anv part of the citv. Orders left at the Herald offlfce, or tfyt of tte Republican, or the office of Dr. Walsh, comer of Broughton aud Barnard streets, will be promutlv attended to. 3 DANN S. MORRISON, feb7 ts News Agent. JJILLIARDS. The old and well known Roomfe over the Express Office are again opened to the public, where the undersigned will be hhppy to see his old Mends and patrons, and as many new ones as v>-ui favor him with a call teb6 1W WALTER O’MEARA. TEE AMERICAN HAY 3AND COTTON PRESS CO. MAJdTACTOST. Comer of Grove and North Third sts. Jersey City. OFFICE, No. 113 Wall-et,, New York.. GOVE’S PATENT. The attention of all parties " interested in the pressing or compressing of Hay, Cotton, Hkmi> Wooe,Rags, any other article required to be baled fdr Transportation, Storage or ConsutoD tion, is respectfully solicited, to the PORTAiup or STATIONARY PRESSES, manufactnmd by this Company, under the superintendence ol the Patentee, Mr. John H. Gov® The Press is very simple in its construction, re quiring but ordinary intelligence to work it, nd can be operated by any known power, s id as Steam, \Vater, Horse or Hand. In horse power but one horse is required, the Pres* bein°- so mechanically constructed on a well-known principle that the £3’" power increases in a greater rcUio than the increasing resistance. The advantages of this Press over all others* are as follows, viz; ■ Ist. It can press 2d per cent, more material in. a given space. -d. It can do the work in 33 per cent.less time 3d. It requires 50 per cent, less driving power] 4th. It turns out the best shaped bale for hand] ling or rolling. sth. The Press will last a life-time, he work ing parts being built of the beet of iron, and not . liable to get out of order. The ordinary work of this machine will press in one operation (after once filling the box of the’ No. 1 Press) a bale of Hay of 450 lbs. weieht in £3 Two Minuter &t, Four men and one horse can bale 12 tons of Hay a day. Four men without the aid of a horse, or any power except that contained in the ~ress, can turn out a bale of nay 27 inches square by 46 inch es long, weighing 460 lbs., or _3 1-2 lbs. to the cu bic foot. No toggle j cUits. screws, cog-wheels, beaters or rollers used in this Press. The attention of Cotton factors and planters, Wool and Hemp raisers, is especially .called to this Press, destined as it is to work a complete revolution in the now slow, clumsy and expen sive method of baling. The Company will dispose of Town, County or State rights (reserving to themselves only the right to manufacture) on reasonable terms. Mr. N. D. Fisher is the authorized Traveling Agent for the Company in the Eastern and Mid die States. . For further particulars send for circulars. Jan.3o lmo Q_UANO. GEO. E. WHITE & CO., 55 Cliff strfkt, Nkw York, offer PERUVIAN ANI) SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at wholesale. They have facilities for t iling orders superior to any other House at present in the trade. GEO. Pi. WHITE & CO. are Ihe sole agents for the sale of the BRI CE CONCENTR/TI I> MANURE, nude by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island, This Fertilizer contains 7 ptreert. ammonia and over4o percent, of soluble bone phosphate. Though this analysis would hardly lead ns to such conclusion, yet its practical application- for the two years past has shown its immediate ie sult< to be as great as wheie Peruvian Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding year’s crops. Price, SSO lor 2.000 lbs., witb discount to the trade. 2mo jan27 CN. BELLOWS, • No. 8 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head. S. C. Dealer in ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. And .j. SUTLERS’ GOODS Os every description. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, art Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embrodetfes* Boots. Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, &c., &c., &c. CSAVILLE & CO., • Wholesale am* Retail Stationers, Palmetto Herald -Store, Hilton Head, S. C. ISf” A Liberal Discount to Purchaser* ** Whelet*a.t. Cash Orders oy mail or express promptly filled. NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ BOW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions. fcL OTICE.— ~ Headq’rs Post, Provost Marshal’s Orrote Savannah, Ga., Feb. 3, lSGfi. Mrs. Mary Crabtree Hin£ft- of ’h*s city, will hear of something to her advantage by calling at this office, ROBT. P. YORK, Lt. Col. P. M, feb 6 NEWS-DEALERS Ats) OTHERS DESIRING Tiik Savannah Da'T.t Hkkah> at Wholesale arii requested to send in their order as early to advance as practicable. S. W. MASON & CO.