Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 13, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOLUM E I.) iVo. ay. j ifje 18 TORLISEED , EVERY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, RY O. W. MABQN «fc CO. At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, terms: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred $3 50. Per Year —: $lO 00, advertising: A limited number of Advertisemeets will be re ceived at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line foe flist insertion, and Fifteen Cents per Line for each subsequen insertion ; invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed in before noon of each day. JOB PRINTING In every style, neatly and promptly done. STRANGE STORY OF AN OLD FRENCH SKIN-ENAMELER. The following eccentric story of a Parisian notoriety is extracted from the latest number of Bentley's London Mis cellany. Its author is alleged to be Sir Lawrence Wraxelles, the most fertile and felicitous translator of light litera ture living. Sir Lawrence was a poor paragraphist some years ago, but by tact, ability and perseverance had ac quired quite a fortune, when, by the death of au uncle, he succeeded to a Baronet’s title. This is his narrative— “Some days ago, the sands of summer were running into autumn, and the ma roon leaves in the garden, of the Luxem bourg were turning to gold. My friend Mene and myself took a cabriolet for the yare at Mount Purnasse, and set our faces toward Versailles. Mene is the moat industrious chronicler of the demi monde. He has been as diligent as Frois sart to follow up the gay and beautiful favorites of the Casino and the quartier ol the Madelaine, and his little volumes upon Rigolboche, Alice and Finete, &c., have had tremendous sales, both in JeuUleton and in binding. He has cor responded with the Independence Beige for eighteen years, and been four times ordered out of France; but his cheerful good humor aud grotesque persistence invariably lead to nis recall. He has a passion for hunting up all the current aud doubtful celebrities, and as readily ingratiates himself with them. I had before accompanied him to the dwelling ot Bene, the rat tamer; Duval, the bouillon king; Armand, the scout of the sewers: Martin, the venerable concierge of the Morgue; Pfeiffer, the bell-ringer of the Notre Dame; Chauiere, the bird stuffer, and Maugiu, the itinerant crayon dealer; but the person to whose abode we were at present bound exceeded them , all in strangeness. It was no other than old Jared, the head of the nostrum venders, whose name and riches are upon every iip, and whose person is as original as his history. We dismounted at Belie Veu, climbed the steep drive, lined on either side with neat cottages, in one of which dwelt Tom Moore, when Bankrupt, and sat beneath the same maples where he had sat to hear Irving read him the first chapter of Brace bridge, Hall ; entered the chateau, whose beautiful giouuds were projected by Le Notre, the only gardener who ever made the adjustment of landscapes an art, and rounding the famous stone chateau, where dwelt so long Madame de Mainte non and the beautiful belles of Loraine; passed the screaming peacocks, the guides and don key -drivers, and descend ed into the picturesque village. When this chateau was a battlement castle,ten anted by the proud seigneurs of Mendon, the philosophic and satiric priest, Rabe l iis, was the rector of the parish church. The edifice in which he ministered is still extant; the building which tradition in dicated as his abode, was the object of our excursion. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 13, 1865. It stands quite at the end of a narrow and sinuous street, and the taste of its present eccentric owner has so perver ted it.that it is quite as grotesque and in comprehensible as himself. The tall,yel low walls, pierced with narrow’, lancet shaped windows, uplift the steep slate roof, so characteristic of the renaissance architecture, and high in the air waves upon the lightning-rod, the effigy of two heads, which, without assistance,l should never have understood. The obliging Mene informed is c, how ever, that in those two heads lay the se cret of old Jared's prosperity. One of them was oddly outlined, and even from its windy perch seemed horribly contort ed. The other wras a counterfeit presen timent of the same face, but more come ly, ovular and radiant. They represent ed, as I was. told, Jared deformed and Jared rejuvenated, but only the most er ratic man in the world could have thought of epitomizing his life in a weather vane. Y/e passed under a gateway of high arches counterfeiting depay, and saw at the end of the garden the strange pro prietor himself. If Jared in his rejuve nescence was so hideous, what must he have been in his deformity ? was my mental exclamation. A fail* face, even ruddy in its complexion, was covered with a shaggy wig, which reached over his shoulders, while beneath his twisted and knotted eye-brows peered two small and burning orbs sufficiently intense and wild in their expression to recall the legend of Barbe BlUe and Robert de la Marck. The head was monstrous in its proportion, while the body beneath it was short and humped, and the limbs which ambled nervously forward to receive us, were of the con sistence of the slightest apricot trees which studdied the lawn. This uncouth and dwarfed figure, then, was Jules Jared, the first nostrum vender living. Passing over the story of a very re markable interview, the article in Bent ley then says of Jared's history : He was originally a medical student in the Rue Quartre Vents, and might have been practicing in some pigmy village of Gascony to-day, had he not reached the very common experience of love. The object of his regard was the daughter of Joubest, the surgeon, and one oi' the medical faculty. She treat him, as did everybody else* with marked derision ; and once when he ventured to show her some attention, named him olive de la eaumure, (pickled olive.) — Thenceforth the object of his existence seemed to lie to beautify himself, and he made the composition of cosmetics his whole study. Every recipe, ancient or modern, he consulted, experimented with chemicals, made distillations from botanical juices, and to prosecute his researches with more privacy, bought the little hermitage of Villobon, in the of Mendon, with some 'money bequeathed him, and devoted day and nignt to his laboratory. The village people considered him crazy, the more so as he was once heard to say he would be the landlord ol the whole commune. However, by hook or crook, he at last finished his researches. Whether the fresh country air, abstinence and regu lar habits accounted for it, or, as he as serted, his new cosmetic, he had certain ly greatly improved. His complexion was particularly brilliant, no longer cov ed with unsightly pimples, and dark as an Algerine’s, but variably pale and red. He. suddenly appeared in Palis as the proprietor of a great Email of Ena mel, but might have lived and died un noticed notwithstanding its bruited vir tues, had he not resorted to shrewd means of advertising it. He hired a num ber of the best coiffeurs, to make appli cation of it upon their patrons. Those who tested it were pleased and demand ed it again. The liair-dressers, to satis- fy call?, were then compelled to purchase of Jared at his own prices, lie thus raised sufficient means to le&se half-a dozen of the best stands in Paris, and made each of them a depot for his Email. Everybody, male or female, coming in to undergo, curling, or shav ing, was tempted to try the wondrous Email de Jared. Very soon the furore extended to the torettes. Then in natural order, it embraced the court. N© Paris ian woman who could afford it, neglect ed to apply the marvelous cosmetic. Whatever pleases France is coveted by all the continent, and thus as his pre paration became known over Europe, the adventurous chemist prepared it, buying up- the shops of the hair dress ers. Two or three court trials, in one of which the Empress .was concerned, redounded in his profit. Ilis odd life and person were so many advertise ments. He was introduced in comic songs at the Eldorado, burlesqued in the paitfSt. Martin pantomimes, dances at the Prado were named in his honor. In a word, he made good the threat of owning the village of Mendon, and the lady who had laughed at him, as much for sensation as for love or ambition. — While Mene and Jared were, talking to gether, I wondered in my own mind if such a character could exist out of France, if in our sober England any one in a walk so lowly could rise to similar eminence. But the old conjuror divin ing my thoughts, informed me that his monthly receipts for the Email de Paris from London alone were six thousand pounds sterling. 8o all our English complexions, it "seems, are not unaided, the gift of Nature. The fortune of Jared is estimated at present at three millions of francs. — With this sum of money a splendid es tate, a beautiful wife, and a reputation as wide as the continent, who would not be the inventor of an Email ?” - LATE DATES FROM AUGUSTA. We have received copies of the Au gusta Constitutionalist, and Chronicle and Sentinel. They contain little news. They seem to be discussing the Peace movement with a good deal of acerbity on both sides. We present below a few extracts from the papers of inter est : Tiie Feeling Elsewhere. — Some people have been foolish enough to sup pose that the peace feeling in the Con federacy is confined to North Carolina and Georgia. The idea is a most absurd one. The people in every section of the Confederacy are longing for an honor able peace. A large number of the soldiers in the army we are told have the sime feeling. We also notice that papers in various sections have com menced talking plainly about peace since the commissioners have been sent to Washington. At one time to talk of this matter was considered by some par ties as treason, but the public opinion has changed rapidly. A more healthy state of affairs exists. The people are beginning to reflect. Reason is begin ning to resume her sway. Day isbreak i Kg. Tiie Situation in Mississippi.— The Mississippi papers state that the people living along the line of the Memphis and Charleston railroad, east of Corinth, are in very destitute circumstances. Both armies have been destroying their prop erty for two years. They have been robbed of negroes, stock, farming im plements, etc. Many have been left without anything whatever save their homes. The Brookhaven, Miss., Tele graph speaks thus of the situation in that section of the State : In connection with the lawlessness in this region, which seems to be increas ing, we would advise each citizen to act j as his own watchman, and when occa-1 sicn calls, to promptly use gun, pistol or blunderbuss. A case occurred a few days* ago, a short distance from town, whiefib shows what one determined man ean dc* in the face of lawless violence. We have not obtained the particulars, but the* report is that a certain old man had horse stolen, and with the assistance ofc a neighbor, traced and recovered ifc— Those who had possession of the animal • made some threats against both tho old man and his neighbor, which were part ly executed afterwards by an assault on the old man when alone/ He was badly beaten and lelt for dead. on the fields. The same night seven men called at the neighbor’s house under pretence of get ting supper. What occurred, or how it occurred, we do net pretend to say, aa. we hate not information, but the next morning two dead men and four horses with saddle bags, etc., were found in the yard. We omitted to say that the neigh bor was not one of the dead men. tePEOIAL TO THE COUJMJUTB FNQCIREB] Mariana, Jan. 20.— The enemy*: one hundred strong, came up to Rice’s Bluff on the 28th, capturing Lieut. Har risons command and forty wagons,. amP then left. The enemy was again re ported yesterday advancing on Rice's Bluff. Capt. Dunham, commanding at Chattahoochee, leaves this morning <4* the steamer with all his available forces • for Rice's Bluff; also with the < force from Mariana, to points the river, to qheck the enemy’s m.vrements. • The number of the advancir enemy it*- not known. It is (hey cam© up from Apalachicola r a sraa n boats, built by them at St. Vi* a(Wntte Island. “Se De Lay, the Appeal's Augusta correspondent, say thQ Bank of Ten nessee, whose bfyfeg asS efs, etc.* have been tor some 1 in that city, wiff soorr be on the win again: Colonel'John A* Fisher, the Cashier,has provided himself with seve\ a i mu i e teams to transport his heavy Ifoggagc. He sa} 7 s also that.cotton is beir,g freely shipped from August aj-.i compliance with Gen. ff ill’s Older,though it goes against the grain of many, who Lad calculated how much they would realize in greenbacks from the kfngfy* staple, when Gen. Sherman comes. • Uhree Yankee Papers in Georgia.—. There are now published ‘three Yan kee papers in Georgia— two in Savannah the (Yankee) Republican, and the Daily Herald, and one in Augusta, the Chron icle and Sentinel. The two in Savan nah do no harm, because they are not permitted to circulate , through our mails. The one in Augusta is sapping the foundations of our Government/ by, skillful demagogism, because our au : thorities have too mu eh regard for the * freedom of the press” to suppress it.— W on't Morse have a fine time when his brothers get to Augusta.— Countryman,. Fighting Commenced.— Gentlemen who arrived from below last evening state that heavy skirmishing was going on all day at .Mcßride’s Bridge, about seventeen' miles from Graham’s Turn Out. Graham’s Turn Out is seventeen miles this side of Branchyille. O.u* in formant did not learn the result of, the. | fight. - ; Wis have already published the an* nouncement that the noted rebel caval ry leader General Reddy had abandoned the rebel service and applied for the pardon of the national.government. We have now the statement that' ttvo othec. generals, who have for some time been, prominent in the Western rebel armies— Chalmers and Morrow—have followed his example, aijd are awaiting replies to their applications to be permitted to rer tnrn to their allegiance to the Union. jfc,‘Brick ’ Pomeroy says, ‘Tn this sec tion, the whiskey is so weak, since thu war-tax struck it, that It & run in cant die-moulds, frozen and sold by the stick r f PRICE \Five Cents*..