Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 14, 1865, Image 3

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Oongillatisg an Audien’ce.— Sala tells the following good story : • I renumber a story of a certain come dian by the name of Walsh, at the Thea tre Royal, Dublin. Tuis gentleman never rose higher in his profession than to enact those useful but humble individuals in Kvery who announce the arrival of visi tors to the*principal personages in the drama. One evening a great tragedian being on the stage, it was Mr. Walsh’s duty*to come on, attired itr plush, and say, “My lord, the coach is at the door. ’ This being all that was laid down for him, he skid it; but directly afterwards, advancing to the footlights, and address ing the gallery, he continued with much animation, “And allow me to add that the man who lifts his hand against a wo man, save in the way of kindness, is un worthy the name of a Brltbn.” This sentiment brought down a tornado of applause, but oa retiring from the stage the actor was pounced upon by the great tragedian and asked how he had clared to overstep the limits assigned to him. ‘Tm very sorry r ”. quoth Mr. Walsh, “but it’s my beuedt next Monday, and I’ve got to eojiciliate the audience as well as you, Mr. Macready.” “The Way You Always Stopped. ” The Vermont Record tells a good story of an innocent old lady, who never be fore had “rid on a railroad,” who was passenger on one of the Vermont, rail roads at the time of a recent col lision, when a freight train collided with a passenger train, smashing one of the cars, killing several passengers; and upsetting things generally. As soon as he could recover his scattered senses, the conductor went in search of the venerable dame, whom he found sitting solitary and alone in the car (the other passengers having sought terra jirma,) with a very placid expression upon her countenance, notwithstanding she had made a complete summersault over the seat in front, and her bandbox and bun dle had gone unceremoniously down the passage way. “Are you hurt?” inquir ed the conductor. “Hurt! why ?” said the old lady. “We have just been run into by a freight train, two or three pas sengers have been killed and several others severely injured.” “La, me; I didn't know but that was the way you always stopped /” ' \ ' A Cincinnati! paper in speaking of the overthrow of the rebels at Atlanta, says that just before the Federal troops enter ed the town, an Indiana company, al most worn out with the march, were straggling along with very little regard to order. Hurrying up to his men, the Captain shouted, “Close up, close up ! If the enemy were to fire when you’re straggling along that way, they couldn't hit a cussed one ot you !” And the boys closed up immediately. Funeral notice. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. BEN JAMIN GREEN, Mr. Chas. Green and Mr. John Stoddard and their families,, are mviLed to attend the funeral of the former, from the residence of Mr. Stoddard, at*ll o’clock To-morrow. febl4 TiTEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCES. XX Savannah, Ga., Feb. sth, 1565. Sp oial Order, > No. 14. j All citizens living within the limits of the City •of Savannah and having Fire Arms in their pos session, and not haviug special written permis sion to retain the same, will at once tnrn them in to the Provost Marshal, who will take proper measure for their safe keeping, with a view to returning them when it shall be proper to do so. By command of i. Bvt. Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. febl4 JJOTICE. ~ Provost.-Marshal's Office, Savannah, Ga., Fee. 9, 1835. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves as such. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. Notice. ’ Officers or Citizens requiring servants or laborers will please apply at the office of Relief Commissioner, in Exchange building. ALFRED NEAFIE, feblO ts • Lieut. Col. and. Relief Com. Disinfectant. Small quantities of the Per Manganate of Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO Lost oh taken by mistake. Two trunks from the steamer Fannie, yes terday, two large black Trunks ; one with slats on top. A liberal reward will be given for any information relative to them, at the Herald office. 1 . febl4 TT S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Paper, Envelopes, &c., just received and ready for dis tribution. j. Facilities for writing Letters for dp wishing to avail themselves of them. Appointments at Wesley Chapel, comer of Sotvh Broad and Lincoln streets, on Sunday, at 101 -2, A M., Rev. D. Spencer: at 3P. M, Rev. W. H. Tiffany, Delegate U. S. C. C. febl4 DWIGHT SPENCER, Agent. PAPER. New York Papers, of old date, for sale at the Savannah Herald Building. feb!3 SALE OR LEASE, THE “BEAUFORT HOTEL,” In Beaufort, S. C. U. S. GOVERNMENT TITLE. PRICE $15,000 That well known and eligibly located brick establishment the “Beaufort Hotel,” situated on jnay Street, in Beaufort, S. C, on the Beaufort River, with a water frontage, and commanding a beautiful Southern view oi the river for several miles. Said Hotel and Lot and all the premises entire, as also ail the Furniture and Hotel appliances, are now offered at private sale, or they will he leased jto a good tenant till the Ist January, 1867. Possession given immediately. Apply to Mr. Geo. Holmes, at John S. Fyler’s Store, in Beaufort, S C., or to the undersigned on the premises. DAVID POST. Beaufort, S. C., Feb. 10, 1565. lw feblO XTEW YORK CLOTHING ADVERTISE 1> MENT. FREEMAN & BURR, ONE PRICE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 124 FULTON STREET, CORNER OF NASS ATT, Opposite Sun Building, NEW YORK, A large stock of Fashionable Ready Made CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS con stantly on hand, at reasonable prices. Also, MILITARY AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. RETURNING SOLDIERS, Wishing Clothing will find this a good place to buy. Goods sent to any part of the country. All orders promptly attended to. ts feblO Boots and shoes. For sale by WM. M. WILLIAMS. feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. WANTED. Office of Street Commissioner, 126 South Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., Feb, 1, 1565, Wanted immediately, Carpenters. Blacksmiths. Teamsters and Laborers, White or Black. Rations issued immediately to employees. Apply at this office from 9 o’clock, a. m., until 3 o’clock, p. m. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. PURCHASING BUREAU , OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, &c. Office, 161 Fulton St., Nkw York. The undersigned having been chief assistant examiner of Drugs and Medicines in the New York Custom House for the past four years, of fers his services to Druggists throughout the country. All purchases will be made m the in terest of customers, direct from Importers and Manufacturers, and all articles thus purchased are warranted to be reliable. H. N. AVERY. fHon. Hiram Barney, Refers to <1 Hon. Rosooe Oonklino, Tuko. W. Dwight. - News-dealers and others desiring The Savannah Daily Herali> at Wholesale are requested to send in their order as early in advance as practicable. S. W. MASON & CO. Advertising, We respectfully call the attention of busi ness men to the value of the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD as an Advertising Medium. Our connections are such that we are sure of large editions each day. We have agents at all important points, and all arrangements completed lor an extensive general circulation. The limited space we accord to advertisements renders its use especially valuable, and we be lieve our terms to be verv reasonable, compared with the high prices which rule in other lines of business. To ADVERTISE LIBERALLY. Is the true policy of business men, and we be lieve that they cannot find a better medium for this city and army, or the Departmeut of the South, than the SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD gTATIONHKY AND PERIODICALS, SAVANNAH DAILY’ HERALD STATIONERY’ AND PERIODICAL STORE, no. 11l ray STBrtrr. I have just opened a Statto!nkb v and Prawn cal Store in the Savannah Daily Herald Building, (No. 11l Bay street, where I have for sale at WHOLESALE OR HBTAIL A LAUGE STOUK OF S TATIONERY Intruding BILL CAP, FOOLS CAP, LETTER PAPEBi NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, t , *-’#7 WRITING BOOKS, INK, * PENS, PENCILS, ♦ &0., &v., &c., &0. PERIODICALS. I have made arrangements for a regular awl ftfl supply of the latest New York Daily Papers, Literary Papers, and otter Periodi cals. S JOB PRINTING. Business Carafe. Wedding Oftrdfe, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Drafts Checks, Receipts, Envelopes, &b., &c., &c., printed in the best styjte. POSTAGES AND REVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor to keep on hand Postage awl Revenue Stamps, for tte accommodation of cus tomers. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HUtALD Is always for sale at my counter, at Wholesale or Retail. febS H. P. RUGG. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner Gersh Banker, a large assort ment of SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising the following desirable selections: Heavy Cloth Overcoats . Fancy Cassimere Walking Coats “ “ Double Breasted Vests “ ‘ ‘ Pants. Per Schr. Antietam A carefully selected assortment of BOOT& and SHOES—-latest styles—Men’s, Women’s and Boys. Also—A large and extensive variety of Hats, Cans, Valises, and Travelling Bags. Also, per steamer Linda- Seven hundred and thirty-two (732) cases as sorted CANNED MEATS, FRUITS and VEGE TABLES, Also, per barque Rambler— Three hundred (300) gross O. K. FINE CUT TOBACCO. One hundred (140) SMOKING DO. One hundred and thirty-six thousand (136,000) finest brand CIGARS. Also, per Schr. May Queen — AN ASSORTED CARGO. C. N. BELLOWS & CO„ No. 8 Merchant’s Row, Hilton Head, febll r ts rpHE LATEST NEW YORK DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, ' •** ' f V FOB SALE AT THE SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, fet>B 111 BAY STREET. QOTTON SEED WANTED, In large or small quantities, “Sea Island” pre ferred. Parties desiring to sell will state lowest cash priee, quantity and kind for sale and loca tion of same. Address S. E. SICKLES, febl3 lw Box 14, P. 0., Hilton Head. GROCERIES, GROCERIES. GROCERIES. FAMILY GROCERIES,’ From New York, NOW LANDING t from the STEAMER SAVANNAH, and for sale at * ' *> 13!) CONGRESS STREET. I ’ ‘ EY THE PACKAGE ONLY. Best Family Flour, sl6. Best Family Flour, half barrel, $9. Best Family Goshen Butter. Best Family Cheese. No. 1 Mackerel in kits. Colgate’s StaSrch and Soap. Codfish. Best Loaf Lard. : Ale and Cider, ia boxes. Canned Milk. Family Sugar—-Loaf, Crushed and Brown* Almonds. j Walnrfts. Adamantine and Sperm Candles. Coffee—Rio and other varieties. Batter and Sugar Crackers. Soda Bisdjdt and Pilot Bread. ALL FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST WHOLS* SALE PRICES. DEALERS SfcDPPLTED ON LIBERAL TERMS* Apply at the store formerly occupied lag Neyutt, Lathrop & Rogers. ‘ ♦ febO 6 139 CONGRESS STREET*.