Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 15, 1865, Image 3

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Photographt A8 a DRTKcnvB Its JrDiciAL Application In Italy. We o blisii to-day a curious and interesting statement relative to anew and impor tant use for photography, andwhichmay eventually form an important! part criminal investigations. It seems Sat the eye of a murdered woman has been magnified and photograph ed in Florence, Italy, and found to represent what is regarded as the profile ot a human face resembling that of her supposed murderer. It is true the testimony in favor of the alleged resemblance is not sufficiently positive to hang a man, but the opinions of such distinguished men of art as the great American sculptor, Hiram Powers, and others, upon the subject, are such as to add weight to the supposition that the likeness is actually that , of .a human being, and, perhaps, that of her, assassin, further investigation, it is expected, will confirm this theory. This idea of pho tographing the human eye for the pur pose of ascertaining whether it retained a certain object is not entirely new.— During the investigation of the myste rious Burdell murder in this city the theory was broached, and some steps taken to ascertain its correctness, but we believe nothing came of it. It now assumes shape ana consistency from this Italian murder, and our scientific men are, therefore, j ustifieddn pursuing their examinations uutil the soundness or fal aityof the theory be established. In this age Ot wonders'we should not be at all surprised at any discoveries in the world of science. Photographs and da guerreotypes have already been impor tant auxiliaries in the detection of crimi nals, and when the “ tell-tale eye” shall be submitted to the same process and found to mirror the features of an object' like that of the human face, truly the day will arrive when the pirate’s maxim, 4 ‘ dead men teii no tales,” will cease to have a meaning. The telegraph, the railroad, daguerreotypes and photographs are now the chief aids of criminal detec tives, and the time may not be tar dis tant when the Christian world may have to rejoice upon the suppression of crime, in a great degree, mainly from the cer tainty of detection.— N. Y. Herald. MILITARY BALL / AT ST. ANDREW’S HALL. On THURSDAY EVENING, Ffb. 16, a Grand Soiree will be given under the Management of Messrs. GEO. W. WILSONNB and A. W. HENTZ. L The musical portion of the entertainment will I be under the direction of Prof. WEIGAND, lead ■ «r of the Savannah City Orchestra. The Managers have spared neither time nor f Srpeose in completing their preparations for a I first-class Ball, and they confidently expect to I merit the commendation of a select assembly. TICKETS* Including Rkkbeshmknts, $lO. For I sale at Schreiner’s Muiic Store, Rugg’s Station- I ery Store, Savannah Herald Building, and at St. I Andrew’s Hail, daily, from 10 a. m. till 12 m., I and bom 2 until ft p. m. febls 2 I BROWN A CO., I (Late Somes, Brown A Cos„) I MILITARY AND NAVAL ■J„* • t J 1 ■ BANKERS AND COLLECTORS, ■ 2 PARK PJ.ACK, BROADWAY BANK BUILDING, I NEW YORK. ■ Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher A ■ Cos., 478 Fourteenth Street. I ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1862. ■ We have complete facilities for transacting ■ rosiness speedily and correctly in all the Depart* ■®ents at Washington. Remittances prompt, ■tod terms reasonable. ■ We give especial attention to obtaining Cer ■*®wtes for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and ■JPUrtermasters’ Returns for Officers, and settling accounts. We collect the following classes of Claims, and advances if desired : for the heirs of deceased, wounded and such as have served two years, ■pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers, and tn Children. ■ Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dis ■°aTred Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pay ■®f the Wife or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of ■»ar. ■Triae Money for the V. S. Navy, together with ■'other just Claims. Information freely fur ■toed.' ■ purchase and sell all Government Securi ■»< Quartermasters’ Certificates and Checks, on ■p of terms. ■ eronces given to leading Bankers and bnsi tirms in New York. feblS ts RbOTS AND SHOES. Kk, p orsaleby WML M. WILLIAMS, ■ ts oor. Broughton and Whitaker sts, TT E ADQUARTERB U. S. FORCES. AjL Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13th, 1865. GenimAL Obdeb,) fll citizens living within the limit's of the City avannah and having Fire Arms in their pos session, and not having special written permis sion to retain the same, win at once turn them in to the Provost Marshal, who will take proper measure for their safe keeping, with a view to returning them when it shall be proper to do so. By command of , Bvt. Major Gen. GROVER. Edward G. Dtkh; A A. A. G. febl4 JJ-OTICE. Provost Marshal’s Ofyiok, Savannah, Ga., Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them -BtfiV6B ftfl BUCh. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvt Maj. Gen. C. Grover. * . ROBT. P..YORK, feblO Lt CoL and Provost Marshal. N~ OTICE. - Officers or Citizens requiring servants or laborers will please apply at the office of Relief Commissioner, in feb 14 ts Lieut. Col. and Relief Com. ISINFECTANT. Small quantities of the Per Manganate of Potash will be furnished, at the request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO OST OR TAKEN BY MISTAKE. y Two trunks from the steamer Fannie, yes terday, two large black Trunks; one with slats on top. A liberal reward will be given for any information relative to thena, at the Herald office. 1 feb!4 US. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. • Rooms 147 Bay street. A large lot of Reading Matter, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Ac., jhfct received awd ready far dis tributien. . Facilities for writing Letters for ap wishing to avail themselves of them. Appointments at Weeley Chapel, cornier of South Broad and Lincoln streets, on Sunday, at 101-2, A M., Rev. D. Spencer; at 3P. M, Rev. W. H. Tiffany, Delegate U. S. C. C. febl4 DWIGHT SPENCER, Agpnt. PAPER. New York Papers, of old date, for eale at the Savannah Herald Building. febl3 j£OR SALE OR LEASE, THE “BEAUFORT HOTEL,” In Beaufort, S. C. U. S. GOVERNMENT TITLE. PRICE...., $15,000 That well known and eligibly located brick establishment, the “Beaufort Hotel, ” situated on Lay street, in Beaufort, S. C., on the Beaufort River, with a water frontage, and commanding a beautiful Southern view ©i the river for several miles. Said Hotel and Lot and all the premises entire, as also all the Furniture and Hotel appliances, are now offered at private sale, or they will be leased to a good tenant till the Ist January, 1867. Possession given immediately. Apply to Mr. Geo. Holmes, at John S. Fyler’s Store, in Beaufort, S C., op to the. undersigned on the premises. DAVID POST. Beaufort, S. C., Feb. 10, 1865. lw feblO . N 1 EW YORK CLOTHING ADVERTISE MENT. FREEMAN A BURR, ONE PRICE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, 124 PULTON STREET, CORNER OP NASSAU, Opposite Sun Building, NEW tORK, A large stock of Fashionable Ready Made CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS con stantly on hand, at reasonable prices. Also, t MILITARY AND BOYS* CLOTHING. RETURNING SOLDIERS, Wishing Clothing will find this a good place to 'wfcf. mna a m ... Goods sent to any part of the country. All orders promptly attended to. ts feblO Bakery a confectionery estail LISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the Attention of the public to onr Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. ' > i Bleb. 3-ts McMANUS A MURRAY. JpARTICULAR NOTICE. The Stock pf Goods in store corner of Bay and Barnard streets Is for sale, at low prices, and will he exchanged for any article of merchandize allowed by the authorities, in quantities to salt purchaser*. feb 15 ts gTATIONERY AND PEMODICALS, SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD STATIONERY AND PERIODICAL STORE, NO. 111. BAY STHrt*. I have just opened a Statx*owv anb Pjn»odi • oal Store in the Savanwah Daily Herald Building, ’No. 11l Bay street, where I have for sale at &,_»* WHOLESALE #R HWPAIL ▲ LAOOB STOCK CW S TATIONERY I "tv ~ f.l* > l *J ; l * ,t - %****• * j in Including b-; BILL CAP, FOOLS CAP, 1 LETTER PAPER* NOTE PAPHR, ! _ . - ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING BOOKS, H INK, M "‘ ■J •• 1 •, * * •* • ' * 1 A '•' w '• ... v ■ **• r . PENS, ■ > •• PENCILS, ‘ * r * 1 tJ * ***** f*" -* , u Ao., Ac., A©., Ac. PERIOD I C A L S . I have made arrangements for a regular and fiffi supply of the Ibtest New York Daily Papers, Literary Papers, Magsudnes, and odher Periodi- cals. ■ - • ' JOB PRINTING. Buskfess Candfc, Wedding Oardb, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Drafts, Checks, Receipts, Envelopes, Ac., Ac., pointed in the best style. POSTAGE AND REVENUE STAMPS. I shall endeavor lb keep bn hand Pottage and ReveUie Stamps, for accomtnodadon of cus tomers. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD Is always for sale at my oounter, at Wholesale ’ ©r Retail febß H. P. RjPGG. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner Gersh Banker, & large assort ment of • SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising the following aesirable selections: Heavy Cloth Overcoats Fancy' Cassimere Walking Coats “ “ Double Breasted Vests “ “ Pants, Per Schr. Antietam A carefully selected assortment of BOOTS and SHOES—latest styles—Men’s, Women’s and Also—A large and extensive- variety of Hats, Caps, Valises, and Travelling BagA Also, per steamer Linda- Seven hundred and thirty-two (T 32) cases as sorted CANNED MEATS, FRUITS and VEGE TABLES. A Iso, per barqne Rambler- Three hundred (3001 gross O. K. FINE CUT TOBACCO. One hundred (140) SMOKING DO. One hundred and thirty-six thousand (136,000) finest brand CIGARS. Also, per Schr. May Queen— AN ASSORTED CARGO. C. N. BELLOWS A 00„ No. 3 Merchant's Row, Hilton Head, febll ts rpHE LATEST *•) , v . . NEW YORK DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, FOR SALR AT THB SAVANNAH HERALD OFFICE, febß ~ 111 BAY STREET. qotton seed wanted, In large or small .quantities, “Sea Island” pre ferred. Parties desiring to sell will state lowest cash priee, quantity and kind for sale and loca tion of same. Address S. E. SICKLES, feblS lw Box 14, P. 0., Hilton Head tomers. Herald job printing office, No. 11l Bay Strset, Savannah, Georgia. We respectfully call the attention or the pub lic to the facilities which we have for doing aft kindsof Job Printing w NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For doing a variety of work and doing It all well. ; . . We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS, Os long experience and tried ability. Wo hne NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, Frdm the best Northern foundries, to which wo are CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS, We are prepared to execute orders for Posters, Placards, ’ * ; Handbills, Programme** Play Bills. Circular*, Bills of Fare. . Visiting Cord*, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Business Cards, Letter Heads, •, Bill Heads, Drafta, Receipts, Checks, - Passes, • Labels, Constitutions By-Laws, Pamphlets, Ballads, Legal Blanks, Calendar*. Envelopes, Or any other kind of Printing, - IN ANY STYLE. We have a PINE ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOR PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTA TION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to 'give complete satisfaction to our customer*. OUR PRICES Are as low as the present high cost of stock; materia], labor and living will admit of,‘and are below the increased rates which role la other lines of business. S. W. MASON & COU -111 Bay street Savannah, Georgia. QPECIAL NOTICE. O Avery large and desirable Cargo has arriv ed in this Port, and now placed m the large Ware house formerly occupied by J. V. Conner at, cor ner of * BAY A BARNARD STREETS, where it is offered in lots, at Wholesale dnlr. Groceries, Flour, Corn Meal, Pork, Beef, Ham*, Fish, Preserved Moats, Pi cities. Ac., Kerosene Oil and lamps, also largo and well assorted in voices of Dry Goods,, Small, Men’s Clo thing and Furnishing Goods, Hats, Stationery, Wooden Ware—also a full assortment of Hard ware. The attention of tho Trade is particularly call ed to this stock. CORNER OF BAY A .BARNARD STREETS. NjjEETOTICR. A large assortment of DRY GOODS, Saul 'Wares—such as Pins, Needles, Combs, BruMban, Umbrellas, Ac., Ac., at WHOLESALE, in the store formerly occupied by H. A- Rich mond, corner of Congress A Wbjtaker Streets: Feb’y 2, 1865. ts QHAMPAGNE CIDER. Beet Cider, in boxes, jnst landed ex S&tummli and for sale at 139 CONGRESS STREET. Store formerly occupied by Neritt, Lathvofa A Rogers. fell OPECIAL NOTICE. k) Savannah Ga., Feb, 4,1M1. All persons in Savannah having Cotton ■* their posseesson, or stored in their houses, dt houses occupied by them, will register the same at my office without delay, and all persons MW prohibited from moving Oottou within the mil itary lines of the city, without they have written authority from the nndersigned- H. C. RANSOM, Lt CoL A Q. M. in chaisqof Gotten. feb 6—ts Groceries and provisions of am* descriptions; a choice article of SOW. KROUT, and the beet quality of MINCEMEAT For sale by WM. M WILLIAMS^ feb2 ts Cpr. Broughton and Whitaker tts. t WANTED." Ofpior of Struct OoMMitwieim, 136 South Broad Street, Savannah, Ga., Fob, I,lB#L Wanted Immediately, Carponterai lacksmdteb Teamsters and Laborers, White or Euxck. Rations issued Immediately to employee*. Capt and Street Oommissfamer. Office of the home insurants ax. Savannah, Ga., F b. 2. ISfii. This Oompiny is prepared to issue Policies am all descriptions of insuraDle property In the (Mr at fair rates, and to adjust the k>*Mn that m*F occur in an honorable manner. For Irisnranoe apply to the office of the Com pany, m Bay street, Bavanuah. Ga. - * J AARON WILBUR, IVesUtett, fob 2 M. A. COHEN, Secretary. C[ W. DENNIS A CO., J No. 5 Merchants’ Row, » Hilton Head, 8. CL* Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES,CRACK ERS POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE. Ac,, Ac., Ac. j**l« K