Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 15, 1865, Image 4

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OX THE CUFFS. While the little ones gather flowers, tv rustle about In the core, I’ll pray to the sea , To bring to me, The schooner, the Golden Horn. The horizon, gray and dim, Scarce darker than the sky, Hides all behind, That I fain would find. Would I had power to fly. Like the gull that now alights— On the waves with its snowy breast; And a moment more Whirls over the shore— On sea nor land at rest. Little gray blots of ships; Nearer, a tawny sail, Ochry red; And overhead, The breath of a southern gale. A dancing, glittering sea, Farpie and laughing green; with a ripple of gold On every fold, And a ruffle of surf between. The barley is glossy as silk, Bowing to every cloud; And cliekeiy-dack, Tickety-tack, The bird’s rattle sounds so kmd. The wind-mill there on the hill Is tossing its arms about; Signaling To the snips on the wing. And the waves below that snout. GBtter and dance, ye waves, And bear my darling home; The boy with the hair Curling so fair— I love him where’er he roam. Who knows but those broad brown sails, Bounding the Foreland there, Bring him to me From over the sea, Safe from the cruel gales ? No 1 for they tack again, And bear away to the west; And he I know, Straight, straight would go hack to his mother’s breas’. The poppies are fluttering red Over the chalk-cliff’s edge; 4 * Nodding to me, And then to the sea, From every Sun-burnt ledge. The wild geraninm, too, Has a butterfly fluttering rctu and But the thistle's alone. My own—my own, He is far. on the rolling Sound. Blow homeward, gentle wind" Blow from the Baltic shore ; And poppies. I pray, Bend all one way, To show he will come once more. Break faster, faster, surf; Charge thousands all abreast; Roll mountain high, t Bo the little ship fly, And bring my bird to his nest. —[Chamber’s Journal. News from Japan -7 We have received full files of the Japan Herald, published at Yokohama, Japan, as well as of the Japan Commercial News, published at Kanagawa. The dates, inclusive, extend to the 30th of November. Trfe various foreign Consuls in Japan have publicly recognized the Japan Herald as the official organ .of their res pective departments. The columns of the Herald are well supplied with ad vertisements, which show that trade is a flourishing cqndition in that distant country, despite the frequent convulsions arising tVom wars and rebellions. Apnong the local sports indulged in we find, ipentioned the chase, mile races, hurdle races, wheelbarrow races, sack yre stlin & three-legged races, water jftucKit race, ana other coQvivi&l pastimes well suited to- the Changeable tempera ment 4rt the good people of Jeddo, 1 oko hama and Kanagawa. The Commercial News of the 26th of October announces the Approaching cle ?arfure from Japan of Sir R Alcock, K. . R,fier Britannic Majesty’s Plenipo tentiary, anti expresses great regret that he should leave at a period when his services are most urgently required to *fcnogaU the difficulties with the Japa- a termination, it seems that the favorable treaty concluded between U rahce and Japan has been totally ig n“^.d.b and, his Goregio, 410 that it is feared there will be some mu e Europeans and natives. .. is a strong body of British, troops in Japan. On the 20th of October some sixteen hundred men were publicly* re-' viewed to the great delight and astonish ment of the Japanese. Asa singular coincidence the national Japanese troops were also reviewed on the same parade by the side of the British soldiers. Their wardresses were very picturesque and* much admired. The papers are fail of the particulars of the brutal murder of two Brtish offi cers, Major George Walter Baldwin and Lieut. Robert Nicholas Bird, of her British Majesty’s Twentieth regiment. On the 21 st of November they left Yoko hama on horseback for an excursion to Kamakura and Daiboots, but on arriv ing near the first named place they were set, upon and foully murdered. After the usual formality of an jn quest, the bodies were interred with full military honors. The British, French, American and Dutch Ministers attended ; also the Governor of Kanagawa and suite, and the officers of the ships-of-war and land forces in the country of every nationali ty. In closing its account of the funeral, the Japan Herald says ;-t-“We know from the begt authority, Jhat Sir Ruther ford Alcock is resolutely determined, by every means at his command, to urge, and of necessary, to compel the Japtfiese authorities to do their utmost to discover anfl deliver up the murderers.” It is also stated that the Japanese authorities were doing their best to ferret out the perpe trators. < ~{ Among other prominent announce ments in the papers are several of the proprietors of large hotels, offering splen did accommodations to the travelling public. The caterer of the Commercial Hotel announces comfortable, light and roomy dining room, and an excellent table d'hote at seven P. M. There are in hotel several suites of private rooms nicely furnished, and fitted for the resi dence of ladies and families visiting from China, India, &c. The bedrooms are beautifully furnished, and the billiard tables, and bowling alleys are all re furnished and redecoratea. So much for the spread of European ideas among the subjects of the Tycoon. N. V. Herald. ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES, &C. CAHILL AND COMPANY, No. 6 Merchant's Row, „ HILTON HEAD, Have jnet received by the STEAMER LINDA, from New York, a large invoice of GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, CANNED MEATS, FRUITS AND JELLIES, of all descriptions, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, TOBACCO. SEGARS. ALSO, JVINES, &«., &c. which will be sold at wholesale only, at the t£ market prices. feb 2 ts BADGE COMPANY, „ SOLID SILVER BADGES Fo f #hi ? th - 10th, 14th. 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th njid ‘-3d Army Corps, with Name* Company and Regiment beautifully engraved, at $1.50 each, or Gold at SB. • American Shields $1 each,in Silver: also Badg es for every Corps constantly on hand We also send to the army a find Gold Pen, ith ebony or extension holder at $1 each A 1- karat Gold Pen, with rubber reverse holder, $3 each. Al 4 karat Gold Pen, with solid silver ex tension holder, $3 each ror a detached lever movement, m sterling silver case, medium size, polished cap, sl7. Magic timekeepers, made . expressly for soldiers, in sterling silver, engine-turned cases, tW" A U sent by mail on receipt of price. P 7" AU large orders wiU receive a liberal pre mium. * V Circulars sent free to any address R. KEITII & CO.. „ : , . > J 6 John 8t„ New York, Manufacturers and Dealers in Army Badges. Watches, Chains, Rings, Ac. jan 30—lm * qMIE undereigned is prepared to deliverto sdb -fl. scriber* the Latest Northern Papers, and the HERALD and Repufiiiati^ Orders left at the Herald office, or that of the Republican, or the office of Dr. Walsh, corner of attended k> and Banmrd * t T eete * will be promptly ,j KT DANN S MORRISON, feb7 News Agent U S. SANITARY Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, w , Savannah’Ga. At the place mentioned we haveopened stdre- Relief office, where we will begladto *>" inn VI *e J. C. ftOBLIT, jan 21—ts Agent U. R S. C. U Wood-living,” 7: ’, p he i re if.' of l ,i e New P»t Office. Hiiwa ■*?* facilities for toapV'' 11 ' 111 '' C °° ked “ ° rde ' * a-.SSSW*'' Q.ROCERIER -I | .«*" •• * fj I >.• Jt ‘ GROCERIES *•> » , 1,. r ) 7 i'.ffvV Ji*\ ■ . * 1 r'ji fe * -'{ :•' i . t i . a a- f. < xrt: .' f 1 :»' j f- *,: groceries. vt 4 . ' a# ♦ li FA M I L' t ... G RO C B R I E S, • v > • V, if From New York, NOW LANDING '* from the . j. STEAMER SAVANNAH, and for sale at 139 CONGRESS STREET. BY THE PACKAGE ONLY. - *} *’ '* * Best Family floor, sl6. • * i Best Family Flour, half barrel, SO. Best Goshen Butter. . Best Family Cheese. No. 1 Mackerel in kits. Colgate’s Starch and Soap. Codfish. v . Best Leaf Lard. v * Ale and Cider, in boxes. t r “'S’ •'«. . t ** u- Canned Milk. / • ' : •>5. ii ' V Family Bu*ar—Loaf; Clashed and Brown, Almonds. ! >• •• ' ' ■ ' V Wain tits. ' . \ ..i 'll '< iv : 1 !*> Adamantine and Sperm Candka. OoFee—Rio and other varieties. Butter and Sugar Crackers. Soda Bieoatt and Pilot Bread. . 4- ■ ... ' ••• Pl . , . I *- 1 4. tX/li tifttj Tf. '? ‘ J I**' ' ' t '"" ’ ■■ '■ ' ALL FOR RALE AT THE LOWEST WHQLE- I BALE trices. 9 i •* "I" 1 f .-if ' ■' DEALERS aUPPUED ON LIBERAL TERMS. j IV'li* *f & 4V i Vit;-’* '£ ii y r ;J. • '*%•: ft r ifyi'l 4 . .j 1 if* • *- 4? 1 i * r ■ ’ * .. Ii Apply at the store formerly by NefiTT, Latuuw A Roeraa. •, i ' “ '* 6 139 CONGRESS STREET. r j fi • ’.7*n*ni .■ vs?? ,-■ d[ THE AMERICAN HAY AND COTTON PRESS 00. MAJfTTFACTOKY. Corner of Grove and North Third sts. Jersey City. * OFFICE, No. 113 Wall-st, New York. GOVE’S PATENT. The attention of all parties interested in tb«- pressing or compressing of Hay, Cotton, Hkhp Wopu,RAGS, Hops, or any other article required to tile baled for Transportation,Storage or Coneumn tion. is respectfully solicited, to the PORTA RT or STATIONARY PRESSES, manufVctnred by this Company, under the superintendence ot the Patentee, Mr. John H. Gove The Press is very simple in its construction, re quiring but ordinary intelligence to work it Z* can be operated by any known power, s ich if Steam, vV ater, Horse or Hand. In using power but one horse is required, the Prom beinr so mechanically constructed on a well principle that the ISf-pouer increases in a ratio than the increasing resistance, jm v The advantages of this Press over all other*, are as follows, viz; er » Ist. It can press 20 per cent more material in a giver space. Ia 2d. It can do the work in 33 per cent less time I requires 50 per cent, less driving power' 4th. It turns out the best shaped bale fofhandl ling or roiling. u • sth. The I ress will last a life-time, ihe woA* l pg parts being built of the best of iron, andnot liable to get out of order. • • The ordinary work of this machine will nrem. in one operation fafter once filling the box of So Na 1 Press) a bale of Hay of 460 lbs. weight in ISP”Two - 6 Four men and one horse can bale 12 ton* of Hay a day. 01 Four men without the aid of a horse, or anv Rower except that contained in the ~re*e con turn out a bale of nay 27 inches square by 46 inch «long, weighing 460 lbs,, or 231-2 lbs. tothec£ bic foot. No toggle joints, screws, cog-wheels, beaters or rollers used in this Press. The attention of Cotton factors and planters. Wool and Hemp raisers, is especially called to this Press, destined as it is to woik a complete revolution in the now slow, clumsy and expen sive method of baling. Th© Company will dispose of Town, County or State rights (reserving to themselves only the nght to manufacture) on reasonable terms. A Mr. N. D. Firh#cr is the authorized Traveling Agent for the Company in the Easters and Mid die States. For further particulars send for circulars Jan.3o lmo XT EADQUARTERS U, 8. FORCER Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13, 1806. Genjsui. Oxmrß ) No. 13. / All officers of the Army arriving at this Pott will, as soon as practicable after their arrival,lre port at these Headquarters and register their names, the duty they are on, the length of time they expect to stay, if temporarily here, and their residences. By command of „ Brvt. Major Gen. GROVER. Edwaed G. Dike, A: A. A, G. feb 13 • -* > " ■■ i Q.UANO. GEO. E. WHITE & CO., 55 Cliff street, Nkw York, offer PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANO, at wholesale. They have-, facilities for filling orders superior to any other honse at present in the trade. GEO. E. WHITE & CO. are the sole agents for the sale of the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANURE, made by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 per cent, ammonia and over 40 per cent, of soluble bone phosphate. Though this analysis would hardly load ns to such conclusion, yet its practical applications for the two years past has shown its immediate re sults to be as great as where Peruvian Gnano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding year’s crops. Price, SSO for 2,000 lbs., with discount to the tra<te- 2mo jan27 STEELE & BURBANK, 4 11 Merchants’ Row, _ ‘ .. A Hilton Head, 8. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND _ , .FURNISHING GOODR Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, an Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embrodertes* Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Ganntleta Giovta Ac., Ac., &c. CSAVILLE A COi, ~ • WHOLESALE AND RICTAJL STATIONERS, Palmetto Herald Stove, , Hilton Head, S. C- ■ „ T p r A Liberal Diecount to Pnrdiasere 4* Wholesale Cash Orders Dy mail or express promptly filled^ A FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, > 1 _ Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS k ‘ IN 7/ SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions. tC T> IDDELL & MURDOCK, XVI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORER DBY GOODR BOOTS AND SHOER HATS AND CAPS, Gkntlemen'B Furnishing Goods, Ac.. , N6. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C. W. D. RIDDELL, [jjinlO—tf) B. J. KCRDOdK. Roberts a lewir I WHOLESALE AND BETA 1L DFATJFJSB IN l SUTLERS’ GOODS AND LUMBER, Mitchell Avenue, Hilton' Head, £. C. r. s. Roberts, [jan3(J—w<ts3w) chab. w. L*WI».