Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 21, 1865, Image 2

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that dty. Did you ever meet a Mrs. liiwra r •There.” Hi than spoke of her husband. “He "w\& the no llea of men,” said he, “al though I only knew him through others.” •Ah he said it, bo see me l much agitated and txyifc a glass of wino, a second, and a thirl For the last tew moments a dim presents* mt h id been creeping over me which plunge 1 me back into the horrible past* “Poor Caroline, poor Caroline!” he caid, in a low voice; then suddenly look ing up, “I have been a sad scamp, and a disgrace to ray family; but sooner or later the truth will be known. She was my favorite sister. I was the youngest child, and was spoiled. I went to India, took lo gambing, t > .drink, and at last proceed ugi were taken against me tor tbrgeiy. i was wholly innocent, bat a comrade informed me privately that there wak no chance of my acquittal ; so 1 made tuy escape, ho furnished me with the means. I went home under a feigned name, and I saw my father, who would not receive me, saying that every mail from India contained shocking accounts of mv depravity, wuich had broken my wsuffa heart and his. I went to my sister C uroiitiiijSaw her in private often, bqt nev er could prevail upon her to mention my case to uer husband. # Me, was too hon orable a man, she said, to advocate the of an outlaw, and he would, she was Bare, cMivor his own brother up to wnat lie believed to be * merited punish ment. Sna sold her own private jewel ry to enable ms to leave the kingdom, mod wc parted with great tenderness, for she did not believe uie guilty. Bat on that dismal evening she told me she felt a presentiment of evil, and she was nearly right, for, on my crossing a foot-bridge that led from the garde a, part ©f the pianking gave way, and I was plunged into a perfect torrent. Aithouga »go »and swimmer, I must have perished bra for one of the planks that had fallen With me. I drifted aviray, dinging to this, ami was landed, much bruised, a mile down the river. I reached soe city and wrote to her before I sailed, telling tuerof my escape- I received a reply the day before sailing, wh ch much dis tressed me. ‘James,’ she wrote, ‘you bare brought a great grief upon iae. I think aud hope 1 am troiiig to the grave.’ “Mist merciful Heaven 1 On, most merciful Heaven!” I cried. “Look at this, James Mowbray!” With trembling hands I pulled out a Bunin. Aire from my bosom, and held it oai to him. “jjj sister Carry ! cried he. *Tt i« the picture of my wife, James Mowbray,” said L “I am Reginald As pem.” I thanked God that he had saved me j *uj morder, and had saved, for me the part */ of home. Yes, she was stainless, and tif'OSe two years of sad perplexity bad kau' aw-deeper cause than iny w.fe s iclu texreveal to me the supposed dishonor of ber brother. We returned to America, a'ttd soon learned that the eot»)f*de whoiimd really committed the fiirg-rics had confessed them on his dexita U-d. For long and peaceful years JCKfcis Mowbray has been the inmate of oar happy home. The greatest rornp iagfi foe ever has are with two young enuhby rogues and one little girl, the two fc*smer bearing respectively the haute* *4 James and Reginald—tne lat ter Uutt of Carry.— llirpcr's Weekly. A. Gui.«&vHAN in the n.»rtu of Scot land, «n«a coming into church on Sunday, fooad ilwt pulpit, occupied by the parish idiot. Ttoo Hulhorities had been unable torvM’we him. without more • violence than was seemly, and therefore waited fw the minister to dispossess Tara of the pUcti ho had assumed. “Come down, fetr, immediately,” was the peremtory and indignant call ; and on Tarn bein*j; unmoved, it was repeated with still greater energy. Tara, however, very eonad *atly replied, looking down from bis elevation, “Na, na, minister! just ye ocvn.s up wi' ma. Tnis is a perverse gimeruUon, and faith they need us Iwitb ” A ovAi.aat in ready made tinea adve?- tircK hes shirts and chemises under the ■LcUi&Kws jujpellatioa of “male and fe ■ftaU; envelopes.' ’ § ithj BY 8. W. MASON AX© CO. SAVANNAH, TUESDAY* FF.B. 21, i«6. „ 1- c*fc= GREAT NEW S l SBS VXIB.V L&TESZ. CAPTURE OF COLUMBIA, S.C. [Special despatch t> the Herald.} Hilton Head, Feb. 21.—Columbia S. C., wjis captured by Gen. Sherman on Friday last. Hardee retreated from Charleston to Cher aw. Gold In New York on the 16th, 2.05. Our Thanks.— We return our hearty thanks to Capt. J. McGowan, of the ReVenne steamer “Nemaha” for late late New York ’papers. The News, —lt will be seen, that the city of Columbia, South Carolina, to to which part of the Confederate troops retreated and to which their stores were removed, has ; been captured by the in vincible General Sherman. Thus goer on the resistless march of the victory of Right over Oppression and Wrong. To-Morrow. In oar next issue, we shall publish full extracts from New York pa pers ap to the 16th, giving the latest news from abroad and from all parts of the country at home. How John Jacob Astor Bkcams Rich. —A writer in Harper s Magazine, speaking of the late Joan Jacob Astor, thus speaks ot the mode by which he acquired his great wealth: It was neither furs nor teas that gave him his $20,000,000. When he arrived in New York it contained only 25,000 inhabitants. In 1809, when he began to have money to i a vest, the city had be gun to double in population, and had advanced nearly a mile up the island. — Astor foresaw the future growth, and bought alt the lauds aud lots just beyond on the verge of she city that he could get. One little anecdote will show tne wisdom of this proceeding. He sold a lot in the vicinity of Wall street, in 1810, for SB,OOO, which was supposed to be under its value. The purchaser, alter the papers were signed, seemed to chuckle over his bargain. “Why, Mr, Astor,” said he, ‘'this lot will be worth $12,000.” “Very true,” replied Mr. As tor, “but now you shall see what I will do with this money. With eight then sand dollars I wiU*buy eighty lots above Canal street. By the time your lot is worth $12,000, my eighty lads will be worth $80,000,” which proved to be the fact. In the course of time th'G Island was dotted all over with Aster Jands to such an extent that the whole income from his estate for silty years on uld he invested in new houses, without h'ttymg any more land. Davis, tub Spy. —Davis, the tote keeper of the Andersonville tort ure iiouse now under sentence to be hung at Johnson's Island, was the person wiho had successfully brought through tl te Union lines to Canada the manifesto e's President Davis relative to Burley. H> e volunteered to make the attempt to per form the same service for Lieut. Young, the St. Albans raider, and his compan ions, but was caught and suffer as a spy, which he confessed himself to be. Richmond to bb Burnt. —The New York Tribune states that the rebels will burn Richmond if in danger of being taken, so as to show Christendom they would rather be exterminated than sub jugated. Qurrn Timh.—“Tom,” said a girl to her sweetheart, “you have been paying your distresses to me long enough. It is time you made known yoar contentious, so us not to keep nae in expense, any longer.” THE KEBELLZ3K PLATED OUT. The waning power of the rebellion is candidly confessed in the following limations from the Rebel General lajc. Tne Richmond Examiner of the 13th fitly sp aks of them as a ‘‘final appeal.” What wjth the-desertions and the gener al demoralization that prevails in the 1 rinks of the rebel armies, it would seem that the “last ditch” is not far from Rich rnond: HIS ADDRESS TO TTIB ARMY AND THE COUN TRY —GENERAL ORDERS —NO. 2. Headers, Armibs op tkk Confederate v States, Feb. 11, 1865. In entering upon the campaign about to open, the General-in-Chief feels as sured that the soldiers who have so long and so nobly borne the hardships and dangers of the war require no exhorta tion to respond to the calls of honor and duty. With the liberty transmitted by their forefathers, they have inherited the spirit to def end it. The choice between war and abject submission is before them. To such a proposal brave men, with arms in their hands, can have but one answer. They cannot barter manhood for peace, nur the right of self-government for lire or property. But justice to them requires a sterner admonition to those who have aban ed their comrades in the hour of peril. A list opportunity is offered them to wipe but i he disgrace and escape the punishment of. their crimes. By authority of the President of the Confederate States, a pardon is announc ed to such deserters and men improperly absent as shah return to the command to which they belong within the shortest possible time, not exceeding twenty days from the publication of this order, at the headquarters of the department in which they may he. Those who may be prevented by in terruption of communication may re port within the time specified to the nearest enrolling offloer or other officer on duty, to be forwarded as soon as practicable, and upon presenting a cer tificate from such officer ahowiog com pliance with this require meat will de ceive the pardon hereby offered. Those who have descried to the service of the enemy, or who have deserted af ter having been once pardoned for the sameoffence, and those who shall desert or absent them'selves without authority after the publication ot this order, are excluded from its benefits. Nor does the offer of pardon extend to other offences than desertion and absence without per mission. By the same authority it is also de clared t lat no general amnesty will again be granted, and those who refuse to ac cept the pari <n now off red, or who shall herealter desert or absent themselves without leave shall suffer such punish ment as the courts may impose, and no application lor clemency will be enter tained. Taking new resolution from the fate which our enemies intend for us, let every man devote all his energies to the common defence. Our resources, wisely and vigorously employed, are ample, and with a brave army, sustained: by a determined and united people, success, with God’s assis tance, cannot”be doubtful. The advantage sot the enemy will have but little value if we do not permit them to impair our resolution. Let us, then, oppose constancy to adversity, fortitude so suffering, and’con rage to danger, with the firm assurance that He who gave freedom to our fathers will bless the ef forts of their children to preserve it. R. E. Lbb, General. USB ACKnOWLRDKS THAT THR DISCIPLINE OF HlB ARMY IS GRKATLY IMPAIRED. GENERAL ORDERS NO- 3. Headq'm Armies of the Confederate States, FVb. U, 1860. The discipline and efficiency of the army have been greatly impaired by men leaving their proper commands to join others in which tuey fmd service more agreeable. This practice, almost as injurious in its consequences as the crime of desertion, by the articles of war,exposes the offeffd er to a similar punishment, and subjects f tbe officer receiving him to dismissal | from the army. It*is therefore declared that the provi so .3 of General Orders No. 2, of tbi* da e, from army beadquaners, apply © such men as have left their proper com mands and joined others without b ing hegularly transferred. They will receive the pardon promised in that order upon complying with its conditions or Miffer the consequences attached to neglecting it. * The names of such absentees will bo forthwith reported to these headquarters by the officers with whom they are serv ing, and immediate measures takeir to return them to their proper commands As soon as practicable an inspection will be made, ami charges Will be pre ferred against those who neglect to ea force this order.' R. E (Gee, Gen 1. How the Rebel General Lee Stands. Some of Gen. Lee’s old friends iu Wash ington are inclined to think that it would not cost him a sacrifice of personal feeling to come h ack into the old Union, and 1 under trie legitimate government! Everybody knows tha* Lee went into the rebellion reluctantljy one might say tiiat he was forced into it by bis Virginia friends. When he was ordered here from Texas in the Spring of 1861 he was some what sore upon the subject, but when he stopped at New Orleans he met old southern friends who urged him to join the rising South at once. He indignantly refused, and meeting one ofliis comrades, an army officer, who had joined a band of armed rebels, he administered a hot rebuke to him. He returaeiTfca Washington and went over to Arlington house, where lie was in a sense neglected. On the memorable Sunday after Sumter had fallen, when the President issued his call for 75,000 three months’ volunteers, Mr. Bingham, then Republican member of Congress from Ohio,, a iriend of Gen. L< es, (he was Colonel then, I believe.) went to the Secretary of War, Mr. Camen -n, and asked him if any one had sounded Col. Lee respecting his opinions. Mr. Came ron knew nothing of the matter, and cared less, s) Mr. Bingham went to see the President. Mr. Lincoln had no know ledge upon the subject. “Tin n, ’ says Bingham, “it is time tome one should go and see Lee, for I tell you he fe the abiusi military officer in the service I* The President had no objection to Mr. Bii gham 8 goin£ on such an errand him self. Secretary Cameron thought it would be a very good idea. 8o on that bright April Sunday the Republican congress man set out for Arlington house to set Ik an interview with Col. Lee, hoping to strengthen bis patriotism and draw him to take sides with the government. Upon arriving at x Arlington he found that Cot Lee had left to attend church at Alexan dria. So he followed him down to the dilapidated q)d town aud entering the church saw him in it participa ting devoutly in its services. A second thought induced him to postpone the whole subject till Monday, thinking that Lee might consider it improper to enter into a long conversation upon the excit ing subject on the Sabbath. It was a mistake for that very day while Lee was in the little Alexandria church a tele gram was brought to him from Rich mond. He took a special train that night to Richmond and has never return ed. When surrounded by his old Vir ginia associates he cou Id not resist tl»e appeals to his State pride, and tlm ugh a terrible struggle fell from his nolle po sition of a h*yal soldier of the republic into rank treason.— Washington Letter. I PEED! FEED J Fur Horses, Cattle and all Aifllfcali*. Th« best t ora Meal, perfectly sound and good, sold at seven cents per pound, in any quantity. The very best and cheapest Fodder in the city. Oh*» ner of Day and Barnard sheets. 1 fcbil TTEADQUARTERS U. S. FORCED XX Dam:tor ov Savannah, Ga., buvannah, Feb. 21,1655. ,' Gs.-vrrat, Oanisi. > , • ( .No. t. f I. Lieut. Col. U. P. York. 75th N. Y. Vo&u Provost Marshal of Savannah, i« hereby uptx>iHt ed Provost Marshal of the District of Sa' ttonah* the du ies of which office’he will yseumc in addi tion to his present duties. 11. Capt. E Geisy, A. Q. M., will receive and take change of the avil fund of the District of sa vannah, nud will- be responsible for the proper disbursement of the same. By command of * * ,?4 ' ‘ • Brevet Major Gen. OHOVKR. Ex>waa© G. Dikh, A. A. A. G. febltt.