Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 24, 1865, Image 3

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thirst annual statement OF THE home insurance company, SAVANNAH, GA., Ending December 31st, ISS4. CAPITAL, $2,500,000 ALL SUBSCRIBED. Dr. f r 'fk PaDital paid up ■• • .$500,000 00 i°o Premiums (Agents and Office) 243,3 gSo To Policies received for Policies...... g 00 Vo Dividends on Stock L 435 00 Tg Agents, <fcc., balance due them.;.. 4,307 00 To imerest on Notes Discounted 0,U9 40 To Uncalled for Dividends 1,277 00 $750,700 43 . Cr. By Cash and Cash Memorandums.... $ 8,717 52 By Bills Receivable - 25,979 81 By State of Georgia Treasury Notes •(with Premium of .same) 147,319 6o By Commissions paid Agents .. ‘ 16,350 49 By Balances due by Agents and others 2,985 32 by Re-Insurances 10,586 95 By Fire Losses paid ap 71,083 33 Bv Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. 398,694 37 Bv Expenses, Salaries, Printing, &c.. 24,073 29 By Dividend No. \, July Ist 50,000 00 By Uncollected Premiums. ... 803 75 By Cancelled Policies and Returned Premiums 755 94 $750,760 43 A. Wilbue, Pres’t. M. A. Couen, Sec’y. DIRECTORS. ' Andrew Low, D. H. Baldwin, John W. Anderson, W. H. Stark, Jno. R. Wilder, Henry Lathrop, Aaron Wilbur, Octavus Cohen, Jno. M. Cooper, Jno. Lama, Joseph Lippman, Henry Brigham. The Company is prepared to take risks on all descriptions of good insmrable property at fair rates. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 89 BAY STREET. feb2o lm Furniture for sale. A lot of Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, in quantities and quality to suit purchasers. Apply at No. 3 Gordon Block. 7 feb2o Hay for sale, At the wharf near the Gas Works. AMES & PEABODY. ALSO— AT 152 CONGRESS STREET: GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Balmoral Boot, only $3 00 Congress Boot, only 3 00 Fine Calf Sewed Boot lO 00 “Kilpatrick Cavalry Boot,” Enameled Top, 12 00 AT THE CHEAP STORE, 152 CONGRESS STREET, feb2o lw AMES & PEABODY. WOOD. The Fuel Supply Committee are now ready to sell Wood to the Citizens. Pine Wood, delivered, $6 00 per cord. Oak Wood, delivered $8 00 per cord. Aoply at the Exchange Long Room, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 12 o’clock m. JULIAN ALLEN, Chairman. OCTAVUS COHEN. J. D LaROCHE, WM. HUNTER, J. W. RUTHERFORD, feblS ts Committee. Groceries and provisions of all descriptions; a choice article of SOUR KROUT, and the best quality of MINCE MEAT, For sale by WI. M. WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. * Notice. Okfics of Strutt Commissioner, No. 12(5 South Broad Street, Savannah, Gi., February 22d, 1865. In accordance with authority conferred upon me, by General Order No. 16, from Headquarters TJ. S. Forces, Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. ‘2lst, 1865. this city is hereby divided into three Dis tricts, for the purpose of removing garbage there from. The First District comprises all that portion of the city lying Ndrth of President and Harrison streets. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Monday and Thursday of each week. The Second District comprises all that portion -of the city lying between the First District and Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Tuesday and Friday of each week. , . The Third District comprises all that portion of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage from this District on Wednesday and Saturday ot each week. Hereafter all rubbish and garbage which may accumulate must be put into convenient vessels, and previous to 8 o’clock in the morning of eaeh day, as above designated for the respective Dis tricts; snch vessels must be placed upon the sidewalks of the streets or alleys, and permitted to remain there until emptied by my employees, after which they will be removed by their ownera. All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon the sidewalks, and they must not be exposed to the public view, except as above specified. ALBERT STEARNS, Capt. and Street Commissioner. £J.REAT SALE DRY GOODS. -■• • V * TO BEGIN • , e MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20ro, AT It O’CLOCK. . ''rV r ; \ The attention of the LADIES OF SAVANNAH #, Is called to the SPLENDID STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Opened at tii£ Store of H . A. RICHMOND, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRESS STS. This Stock is now offered :■•i . ‘ i AT RETAIL, AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. XT OOMPSLSaS ENGLISH, • FRENCH, and AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, CAMBRICS, JEaNS, FLANNELS, CLOAKINGS, SPRING CAPES, PINS, NEEDLES, ; HAIR and TOOTH BRUSHES, COMBS, 1 BUTTONS, WHALEBONES. LADIES’ PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, And an endless variety of other articles. A full assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS Is also offered for sale, To which THE ATTENTION OF THE MILITARY 13 PARTICULARLY CALLED. GREAT INDUCEMENTS ARE OFFERED TO MERCHANTS, As our Stock must be closed out , WITHIN THIRTY DAYS. feb2o ■J^TOTICE. JUST. ARRI VED, P2B SCaOOKUE a: fl TTAM. FROM NEW YORK, A large assortment of GROCERIES, 4 &0., &c., &c., Which must be sold W I T H.l N TEN DAYS, At the LOWEST MARKET PRICE, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY pHEAP. ■ * ■ J APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS, TURNIPS, j FIRKINS GOSHJN BUTTER, CHEESE, RAISINS, FIGS, DRIED APPLES, * BOLOGNA SAtSAGE, SUGAf CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, &c„ HERRING, CODFISH, / MACKEREL, No. 1, SARDINES, CANDLES, SOAP of all kinds, TEA, COFFEE, and SLICES, j • 200,000 Segars, AT A LOW FIGURE. ■ And TOBACCO OF ALL KINDS, A general Assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHOES, And other articles too numerous to mention. CALL EARLY AND BUY TO ADVANTAGE. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. OSGOOD & HALSEY, BULL. BT2KET, UNDUE MASONIC HALL. Formerly occupied by Wm. R. Norris. feb2o 6 JgNVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, JOB LOTS AT LOs PRICES. Samples sent by mail. We are headquarters for all kinds of Stationery, and can supply the trade at low prices. G. S. HASKINS & CO., feblG lm 36 Beckman street? N. Y. Disinfectant. Small quantities of the Ppr Manganate of Potash will be furnished, at th’e request of any Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO G 1 REAT CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY AND f RECEIVE A WATCH FREE—By selling our “Great Novelty and National* PRIZE PACKETS.” Each package contains over a dollar’s worth of valuable’Stationeny and Jewel ry, besides one Certificate in the great sale of $650,000 of WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEW ELRY—retail price, 30 cents. Thousands of these Packets can be sold in every village and camp. We want an Agent in evexy town and camp, thus making a profitable business for one smart man in each place. Splendid Gold and Silver Watcusb given to our Agents. sl7 wil obtain 100 Packets and a fine Silver Watch. $lO invested in the SPLENDID STEEL ENGRA \ INGS which we publish,will yield the enormous I‘roeit of SSO. Circulars, with ftxll particulars, mailed free. Sample Packet, and Certificate sent on receipt of 5© cents. , v.- . „ Q - »• HASKINS & CO., febiG im No. 36 Beekm&n street, N. Y. RW. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SUR • GEON, having reopened his office and yard, on William street, is now prepared to treat Con scientific principles,) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. feblG ts WANTED-AN APOTHECARY. A young man who thoroughly under stands the Drug Business can hear of a Situation by applying at this office. ts feblG PAPER! New York Papers, of old date, for sale at the Savannah Herald Building. febl3 CW. DENNIS &Cos! a No. 6 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS, POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, <fec„ &c., &c. Jan 10 ts RIDDELL & MURDOCK, wholesale and retail dealers in SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, &c.. No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C. W. 0. RIDDELL, [janlO—tf] U. J. MURDOCK. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner Gersh Banker, a large assort ment of SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising the following desirable selections Heavy Cloth Overcoats Fancy Cassimere Walking; Coats “ “ Double Breasted Vests “ “ Pants. Per Schr. Antietam A carefully selected assortment of BOOTS and SHOES—latest styles—Men's, Women’s and Boys. Also—A large and extensive variety of Hats, Caps, Valises, and Travelling Bags. Also, per steamer Linda- Seven hundred and thirty-two (732) cases as sorted CANNED MEATS, FRUITS and VEGE TABLES. Also, per barque Rambler- Three hundred (300) gross O. K. FINE CUT TOBACCO. One hundred (140) SMOKING DO. One hundred and thirty-six thousand (136,000) finest brand CIGARS. Also, per Schr. May Queen— AN ASSORTED CARGO. C. N. BELLOWS & CO., No. 8 Merchant’s Row, Hilton Head. febll ts 'VTOTICE. x * Provost Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga., Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves as such. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. J ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. Notice. Officers or Citizens requiring servants or laborers will please apply at the office of Relief Commissioner i in Exchange building. ALFRED NEAFIE, -feolO ts Lieut. Col. and Relief Com. Bakery & confectionery estab lishment AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to oar Bakery & Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special attention is paid to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, Fancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. . rTTiT ,. „ Feb. S-ts MeMANUS & MURRAY. OFFICE OF THE HOME INSURANCE CO., Savannah, Ga., Fib. 2, 1865. This Company is prepared to issue Policies on all descriptions of inpuraule property in the dty at fair rates, and to adjust the losses that may occur in aw honorable manuer.' For Insurance apply to the office of the Com pany, 89 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. v AARON WILBUR, President, feb2 M. A. COHEN, Secretary. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ~ The Stock of Qoods in store comer of Bay and Barnard streets is for sale, at low prices, and will be exchanged For any article of merchandize allowed by the authorities, in quantities to suit purchasers. feb 15 ts Boots and shoes. For sale by WM. M. WILLIAMS. teb2 4' Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts.