Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 25, 1865, Image 2

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between Colonel MuU'ord and himself. For this purpose he remained at the Aiken House, where Colonel* Mulford has quarters, and to this fact, doubtless, againf owes his life. It wiU be remem bered that Judge Ould came near losing his life-by drowning last summer, falling into the James from the gang plank of the Union flag of trqce steamer New York. This amiable insurgent is evi dently not destined to leave this world through any agency ot water. The Schultz was - sailing proudly up the' James when she was hoisted by a rebel petard. The officer in the adjacent sig nal tower and the officer on picket in the vicinage, both Union, report that the ship run afoul this torpedo, and a loud explosion following, she rared into the air and went down in an instant, but a very few feet of her bow remaining out of water. For a single moment, so to speak, a running to and fro was observ able, but no one was seen to escape. The engines in the Schultz, it may be remarked, are the original ones on which the first suit in the great Sickles cut-off case was based some years since. jPavamwit § dly -—■ : : - • ■■■ '■ •■+* BY S. W. MASON AND CO* SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, FEB. 25, ls6o. Charleston—The Fox Finally Trap ped.—We learn that the celebrated blockade runner Fox, one of the fleetes of the Anglo-Ilebel steamers, has finally come to grief, and now lies in Charleston harbor, the scene of her most notable ex ploits, a prize, with the stars and stripes flying at her track, where hitherto the English or Confederate colors, as the case might be, have ever been. The sly JCgmrd, was brought up at last, in a trap she never dreamed of. Her cargo is most valuable, and the vessel itself is worth many dollars. t She ran in on the night of the 21sfc, and alter passing the outer line of blockade in safety, came to an anchor under Fort Moultrie, with the proud and satisfactory consciousness that cue had again outwitted the Yan kees, and added another number to her innumerable trips, and a nice little sum to the owners’profits. Day-light came, and with it the apparition \of a Monitor lying close by, and the the gunboat South Carolina, a ship’s length beyond, both covering her with their guns, and clear up the harbor a number of gunboats and armed tug3. UndeT these circumstances, the trap having closed and safely enveloped the Fox, a graceful surrender was at once made to the first boat that boarded her from the gunboats. She was taken pos session of, her officers and crew placed in confinement, and the vessel sent to Port Royal, preparatory to being des patched North for 'Condemnation and sale. Thus ends the unlawful career of another crack steamer of our good Eng lish cousins. Savannah Theatre. —\Ve learn that the Thespian Association, composed of professionals and amateurs, .will give an entertainment on Monday evening next, at the Savannah Theatre, at which Douglas Jerrold’s English Comedy of Rant Day, and the farce of “The Turn ed Head, ” will be presented with a strong cast. We know some of the gentlemen who are to assume leading parts in this performance, and anticipate a success ful presentation of the pieces. , We be lieve the Thespian Association will be able to maintain a better class of repre sentation than any company we have yet had, and we bespeak for it a hearty and generous support. . . *, . “Aslew Weekly. —We have received *be firsts copy of anew weekly paper called “The Bee,” issued by G. N. 'Nichols, Bay street. It is noft a jtargs sheet, but It is well printed, in Handsome type, on good paper, and is well filled with selected and original matter of a readable character. We hope the Bee Clay be able to iav up for its proprietor 'a liberal store of all that is desired in life, and hum along with nothing but sun shine about it. * Cotton Captured -The blockade run*; ner that was put ashore near Fort Moul trie the night of the evacuation, has been wrecked by'the navy, and is fur nishing a valuable quantity of cotton to the captors. The South Carolina has already rescued a large number of bales, together with a quantity of other staples that will bring in a nice sum to be dis tributee among the squadron. One or tw'o other blockade-runners are daily ■expected, and will be duly taken pos session of on their arrival. Sbnttob Morgan Declines to be Secretary op the Treasury. —We clip the following from the Washington (D. C.) Republican. of Feb. 17. We have the highest authority for an nouncing that Senator Morgan, upon consideration of the subject, declines to accept the portfolio of the Treasury De partment tendered him by the Presi dent. An Old Truth which Almost Every body is Cowardly Enough to Call a Lie. —We so heartily agree with the sub joined words of Punch that we can’t re frain from reproducing them: Early to bed arid early to rise. Is the way to feel stupid and have red eyes. Amateur Female Ballooning in South America. —An American named Wells has been astonishing the Southern half of our continent by his aeronautical ascen sions. First he displayed his powers and aerial flights in the upper regions of Buenos Ayres; and next he goes to Brazil. In the, first part of December his balloon made such an extraordinary performance that all Rio de Janeiro w r as worked up to the highest pitch of excite ment; Mr. Wells announced that he would upon a certain afternoon malm an ascension with the addition of a fellow passenger, an American sen ora. The lady in question had never before been higher than a five story house, and that on a good solid staircase, therefore the balloon was to be limited in its flight by a long strong rope. The hour arrived for the ascension, and the lady entered the car, when, from some unaccountable cause, the balloon shot up, breaking the rope and soaring away to the great ter ror of thousands. The woman, however, showed a good deal of pluck. She first ■waved the flags in the most approved style, and then, after sailing the distance of a mile, managed to bring down the balloon in safety, though she received some bruises. The people of the city -were in a great state of alarm ; the senora had to mount a balcony to show that she had not been dashed to pieces. Afterwards a carriage was procured and she was drawn in triumph through the principal streets. An Englishman wa3 so overcome with admiration at the amateur aeronaut’s pluck that he took a costly ring from his finger and bestowed it upon the senora in question. Old Madame Rothchild, mother of the mighty capitalists, - attained to the age of ninety-eight; her wit, which was remarkable, and her intellectual faculties, which were of no common order, were preserved, to the end. Iu her illness when, surrounded by her family, her physician being present, she said, iu a suppliant tone, to the lattjer, “Dear doc tor, try to do something- for me.” “Mad ame, what can Ido ? I can’t make you young again ” “No, doctor, I don’t want tot fee young agaip ; but I want to continue to grow old-— Gronow's Celebri ties of London and Paris. .. LATEST REBEL NEWS. [From tli* Mobile Register and Advertiser.] j Blue nothings now look, or as black as they present themselves to tbte visions of some, it is nevertheless an undeniable truth that we hold iu our hands the means of a. sudden Sand perfect deliver ance. No one doubts that the cause languishes and suffers, not from a defi ciency-of the resources to maintain a war of defence, but from a poverty of spirit to breast reverses, and of fortitude to endure trials. The people are not whipped but cowed. Their souls, and not their hands, are disarmed. Our strength is not sapped, but our cour age is oozing out at the ends of our fin gers. Asa lady from Georgia writes iu a letter we read this morning, “The peo ple are whipped, but the army and the women are not, and by the blessing of God, never will be.” And what is wanting to change this leaden asppet and to drive away the clouds which tang like a pall over the Confederate situation ? Courage and one more ef fort-one single flash of that noble, war like enthusiasm which in 1861 spread its halo of crimson battle bright over this Southern land, now revived and in spiring all hearts to answer with life in hand to the darkening all hearts with gloom would be lifted like a curtain, and .unveil a scene of hope and joy and de liverance. * [From the Wilmington Carol iniail.] The air in our own town yesterday Seemed very much impregnated with some whisperings in relation to impor tant movements, which we decline pub lishing, as we are in secret session a|td officially reticent. The usually quiet citizens of Little River and the surrounding country have been recently disturbed by the landing of a considerable force of Yankees in their midst. It is understood that the object is to strike the Manchester Rail road at a point in the vicinity of White ville, in Columbia county. Effects of Intemperance.— The suf ferings of animal nature, occasioned by intemperance, are not to be compared with the moral agonies which convulse the soul. It is an immortal being, who sins and suffers; and, as his earthly house dissolves, he is approaching the judg ment-seat in anticipation of a miserable eternity. He feels his captivity, and, in anguish of spirit, clanks his chains, and cries for help. Conscience thunders, re morse goads, and, as the gulph opens before him, he recoils and trembles and weeps and prays and resolves and prom ises and reforms,% and “seeks it yet again;” again resolves, and weep and prays and “seeks It yet again!” Wretch ed man ! he has placed himself in the hands of a giant, who never pities, and never relaxes his iron gripe. He may struggle, but he is in chains. He may cry for release, but it cornea not; and “Lost! lost!” may be inscribed on the doorposts of his dwelling. In the mean time, these paroxysms ot his dying na ture decline, and a fearful apathy, jthe harbinger of spiritual death, comes on. His resolution fails, and his mental en ergy, and his vigorous enterprise ; and nervous irritation and depression ensue. The social affections lose their fulness and tenderness, and conscience loses its power, and the heart it3 sensibility, until all that was onoe lovely, and of good re port, retires and leaves the wretch, 'abandoned to the appetites of a ruined animal. In this deplorable condition, reputation expires, business falters and becomes perplexed, and temptations to drink multiply, as inclination to do so increases, and the power of resistance declines. And now the Vortex roars, and the struggling victim buffets the fiery wave, with feebler stroke, and warning supplication, until despair flashes upon bis soul; and, with an outcry that pierces the heaven?, he ceases to strive, and disappears. An old washerwoman persisted in hanging her clothes to dry on the rail ings of a church, and after repeated pro hibitions from the church w ardens, she at last come out with the following burst pi eloquence; “Lord bless ye, sir, ye wouldn’t ago an’ take the bread out of my mouth, would ye ? ’sides, sir, parson says cleanliness comes next to godliness. SAYINGS OF JOSH BILLINGS. ‘ NUMBER THREE. Josh Billings Corresponds with a “Hair Oil Wand Vegetable Bitters Man." < New" Y ork, fust month, r 865. Bear Dokior Hirsute: I reseayed a tin cup ov yure “Hair purs wader,” also a bottle ov yure “Salvashun Bitters,” bi •express, for which I express my thanks. The greenbak, w'hich yu enklosed, waz the kind uv purswader that we ov the press fully understand. Yur hair greese shall hav a reglar gimnastik puff, jist az soon az i kan find a spare time. I tried a little ov it, on an old counter brush in my ofiiss, this morning, and in 15 min nitts the brissells greiv az long az a bos ses tale, and I notis this afternoon, the hair begins tew r cum up thru, on the bak ov the brush, ’tis really wonderful! ’tls almoste Eureka ! I rubbed a drop or two, on the head ov mi cane, which haz bin bald for more than 5 years, and beg gar me ! if I dont hav to shave the cane handle, evry day, before I can w'alk out with it. I Lava verry favrite cat, she iz one ov the Hambletonian breed ov cats, and altho she iz young, and baint bin trained yet, she show's grate signs ov speed. I thought I would just rub the corck ov the bottle, on the floor, in the corner ov thh room, whare Jhe cat generally repozes. The consequents waz, sum ov the “purswa der” got onto the hair of the cats tale. When the cat aroze from her slumbers she caught sight ov her tale, which had growed tew an exalted size, taking one more look at the tale, she started, and bi the good olde Mozes! sich running; across the yard! over the fence! up wun side ov an apple tree! and down the other! out into the fields, away ! away! The last i saw' ov the cat, she waz pretty mutch awl tale. I wouldn’t hav took 10 dollars tor the cat, with her old tale on her. In afu daze, i shall write up, fer our paper sumthing pyroteknik, which Will make the hair grow on the head ov a nnmber 2 mackrel to read it. Dear Doktoy the fact iz, “sum men are born grate, sum men git grate after they are born, and sum men hav grateness hove upon them.” Doktor, you hre awl 3ov these men, in one. You are a kind ov vegatable trinity, sassyfrass, pokeroot, and Elderberry. It waz ajbappee thought in you, tew call your “Salvashun Bit ters,” a “vegatable tonicks,” although, old rye, aint one ov the vegatable, whiskee iz one ov the tonicks. The peo-s pel must hev tonicks, and the more ve gatables you kan git into the gratest amount ov whiskee, the more the peopei will luv you. Thare iz nothing the Chris tian world long for, so much, just now, az a vegatable bitter ; sassyfarss iz good for a louesum stummuk, pokeroot iz an alteratiff, and Elderberry waz known to the anshients, but w'hat ! oh tell me what! yee whispring winds, what! are awl these without whiskee. Thank the Lord, that at laste, we hav got a bitter, that will tonick a man up. Nothing, sinze the good old daze over Jaraaka Rum, and eider Brandee, haz sent, sich a thrill ov joy, thru the wurld, as ‘“Hirsn tes Salvashun Bitters,” sold respektably bi awl druggists, far and near. Go on Doktur, manufaktring. and sell ing, let the cod liver, and patent truss men, howl out in envy, let pills rant and plasters rave, you have got what the wurld w r ants, and with a whiskee basis. N. B.—Bizziness, Doctor, iz bizziness. The hi prise ov material, and laber, haz put up puffs with ua, but upon the re ceipt ov 50 Dollars more, you- kan rely upon sumthing, in our weekly, that will send “Salvashun, and Purswashun” whirling thru the land. P. S.—Let me advize yu az a friend ; if it iz indispensible necessary, tew cheat a little, in the manufakter ov the “Sal vashun Bitters,” let it bi awl means be in the rates, dont lower the basis. — Yours quietly, Josh Billings. —F.V. Y. Mercury. A comedian was once performing at one of the Dublin theatres in a dirty pair of white duck trowsers. A lad in the ■gallery, observing the state of the actor’s nether garment, shouted out, “Och! mister, wouldn’t your ducks be the better of a swim?”