Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, February 28, 1865, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOLUME 1.1 No.«T / |pje Qailg^cralb PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, BY B. W. MASON & CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia, teems: Per Copy Five Cents. Per Hundred , .$3 50. Per Year $lO 00, advertising: A limited number of Advertisemeets will be re ceived at the rate of Twenty Cents per Line for first insertfon, and Fifteen Cents per Line for each subsequent insertion ; invariably in advance. Ad vertisements should be handed in before noon of each day. JOB PRINTING In every style, neatly and promptly done. THE BOUNTY JUMPING BUSINESS. Col. Baker, csf the Government service has arrested and sent to the Old Capitol prison 27 New York bounty brokers and others, who have for eighteen months or more been engaged in defrauding the Government by enlisting bounty jump ers and aiding them in deserting after their arrival in camp', and forging certif icates of enMstment-nmd obtaining credit on these at the Provost Marshal Gener al’s office. Several of these malefactors have made fortunes of from $50,000 to S2Sp,O()O through these frauds since the beginning of the war, A boatman whom the Colbnel has arrested has $45,000 to his credit at the Broadway Bank; one John Fay, a hackman, has realized $200,000 ; Sergeant Mulverd, of the 20th New York battery, has been enabled to purchase a farm in New" Jer sey valued at $14,000. Aided by corrupt surgeons, the bro kers have been suffered to enlist men who are physically unfit for service; and by forging guardians’ papers they enlisted boys of fifteen. It is alleged that United States officers ill the civil service have winked at the bounty brokers’ proceed ings. Colonel Baker thinks that nearly, if not quite two-thirds of the New York recent credits, are ‘ based upon forged certificates of enlistment; or bn recruits who have deserted, and are now walk ing the streets ; and therefore he in clines to the opinion that Provost Mar shabGeneral Fry’s demand for 21,000 men is not unjust. 4n examination-in Balti more and other cities would probably ex pose the same kind of rascality. The "whole substitute brokerage" system is foul and corrupt. The N6w York Express says— This morning Colonel Baker received a number of letters, said to be dated from Hudson avenue, Brooklyn, inform ing him that if he crossed the ferry or ventured into that neighborhood, his life would be taken. Two of the letters had names attached to them. While in Hud son avenue, Brooklyn, he was followed by an excited crowd, who were suffi ciently awed, however, not to indulge in any attempt at violence. The Colonel was prepared for any emergency. To show that the Government are thorougnly in earnest on this subject, we state that the latest New York papers’ give accounts of the election, by order of General Dix, of a Bounty Jumper named James Delvin, on Governor’s Island, (in New York Bay.) The ac count says; • “The accused, James Devlin, was about thirty years of age, of compact, well-built form, and five feet nine inches high. His features are full, and his complexion dark, with a sensual face. He first entered the army under his right name, and deserted. * He then en tered the army under the name of Pat rick Dimond, and having deserted the second time, entered the army under the name of Patrick Sully. Devlin was married to a woman about! SAVANNA, GA., TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 28, 1865. ten years his senior, by whom he had three children. In June last he desert ed his wife, and cohabited with a wo men at 111 Mott-street. His wife be coming incensed at his conduct, recently gave information to the policeman sta tioned at Gen. Dix’s office, which led to the prisoner’s arrest on board me re cruiting ship North Carolina, on the; 20tb of January. He was subsequently ; tried by a court-martial, and convicted of desertion from the First Connecticut Cavalry and the Forty-third New York; Volunteers. The sentence having been approved, the time of execution was fixed and the man was shot accordingly, in presence of about a thousand spec tators. . * . ■■ . - ... ODDS AND ENDS OF NEWS AND INCIDENT. Only Five Left !— The House Com mittee on Revolutionary Pensions have reported a bill granting to the five sur viving heroes of the infant Republic, a gratuity of three hundred dollars per an num for the remainder ot their lives. The venerable list is as follows Lemuel Cook, aged 98, Orleans coun ty, New York. Samuel Downey, aged 98, Saratoga county, New York. ‘ :r William Hutchins, aged 100, Hancock county, Maine. : , Alexander Marohey, aged 94, Orleans county, New York. James Barbour, in his 101st year, Mis souri. f In July, 1808, eighteen "were living. In January, 1554, twelve—seven have since died, , • Washington A. Bartlett, formerly an officer in States, navy, and father of the young lady whose marriage a few- years ago to Senor Ovtodo, of Cu ba, was known as the‘''diamond wed ding,” died on Monday, and forty-nine yeaiu Qbl. Bartlett was well known in this city. In 1861 he was actively en gaged in fitting out a naval brigade, but subsequently left, the service. Dolls to the value of throe , hundred thousand dollars are annually manufac tured in Paris, and foreign dolls are sent to Paris in vast quantities,to be dressed. An enormous number t of human dolls also send to Paris after their dresses. * Ah “intelligent Frenchman,’’Monsieur P. Bio, is about to open a cooking aca * demy in New York, where a course of twenty lessons will turn out professional cooks armed with diplomas, to bake, boil, roast and stew. The exercises of this culrafcyy academy are so arranged that mistresses and servants com,eon alternate days—provided the former are ambitious to learn the secrets of the kitchen. It is asserted that a photographer, wlio has been omployed by the Dutch gov ernment to take views of tjje most beau tiful points on the Island of Java, has discovered the ruins of an entire city buried beneath the lava of a volcano close by, which has been extinct for sev eral centuries. An Affectionate Son7— Old Billy Taylor, whose stories and witty sayings will long'be remembered by liis.acquaint ances, used to relate the following:— When Iwas young, just admitted to the bar in Kentucky, I was appointed by the Court to defend a man who had been in dicted for the murder of his mother.— Determined to make out of. .the matter as much reputation for myself as the case would admit of, I took the accused aside and told him it was necessary for me, as his counsel, to know the whole truth in reference to the charge against him. After assuring him that what he might say to me could not be used against him, I put the plain question— “ Did you kill your mother?” “ Yes,” was the reply. “ What made you do it ?” “ Because,” said he, “she wasn't north wintering.” FUN BOTH HOME - MADE AND BORROWED FROM OUR NEIGH BORS. A German wrote an obituary on the death of his wife, of which the following is a copy : “If mine wife had lived un til next Friday she would . have been deat shust two weeks. Nothing is pos sible with the Almighty. As de tree falls so it must stand.” “Jerome! Jerome!” screamed Mrs. Butterfield to her biggest boy, “what are you throwing to those pigeons?’’ ‘Gold beads, mother, and the darned fools are eatin’ em; ’spect they think it’s corn.” ' A good looking Congressman pushed past the soldier who was guarding the entrance to the ladies’ car at Washing ton the other day, when the blue coat stopped him saying, “Ladies’ car, sir, You cannot go in there.” “But says our friend “I am a member of Con gress.” Can’t help that sir. If I let you in here they will put me in the guard house ; and that's a d—d sight worse than going to Congress. •. “Mary,” asked Charles, “what dni- Mfll dropped from the clouds ?” r“The dear;” was the Whispering [reply: 1 In answer to the question : “Where'do y m go to Sunday School, Jemmy ?” the li tie fellow replied: “Why, marm, Igo to the Baptissys, and the Methodises; 1 ar and the Presbyteriums, but Ive been a trying the Piscopals for two-or three weeks.” “You don’t seem to belong any where, then Jemmy ?” “Why, yes inarm, don’t you see. I belong to "’em fill, ex ceptin’ the Piscopals, but I’m gciqto jiue them, too, new.’’ “Well, 'Jemmy, what’s yourretail in going to so mahy ? “Why, don’t you see, I gets a little of what's gain’ on at ’em all, marm. I get liherriqs, and kyu* books, and all mat; and"* when they have picnics, I goes to every one of era.” •»• >. «. r Y -i A gentleman, complaining of the in cometax, says he cannot put on his boots in the morning without a siavqt. An Irishman, who had been fined sev eral weeks in succession for getting drunk, coolly proposed-to thfr Judge that lie should take him byithfe year at a reduced rate. Dr. Franklin’s celebrated -receipt for cheap sleigh riding runs as follows: “Sit in the hall in your night clothes, with both doors open, so that yoii can get a good draft; put your feet in-a pail of ice water; drop the front door key down your back; hold an icicle in,one hand and ring the tea bell with the other.”— He says you can’t tell the difference with your eyes shut, and it is a great deal cheaper.” » ,' ’ . q . A writer in Providence, R. 1., vouches for the truth of the following : Deacon W—— had relt the silken hal ter for the second time.’ On the last marriage tour, he visited, by request, the family of Mr. II ,of your city* He presented his bride, on arrival, thus : “This is- Miss W . Taiut t’other Miss W : I wish it was ! ” The venerable citizen who predicted a mild winter was found frozen to death in his bed one night last week. He has now left the countiy to escape the ven geance of his.deluded fellow-citizens. Brigham Young's Views about Thea tres.-—I recognize in the theatre an in stitution that, under judicious.guidance, can be used with very happy effects for the. benefit of the people. VVdth the light which has been revealed unto us*, as Lat ter-day Saints, respecting the will of our God concerning man, and also respect ing man’s own organization and nature, we cannot blindly shut our eyes and pass these things by as matters of no import ance. With us the theatre should be kept as pure, and as completely free from every thing that could defile it, as our home sanctuaries. No impropriety of language or gesture, nothing *** bed. / •♦ "U 77*r*l ** or that would be likely to lead to wick edness, should, ever be permitted there or countenanced in the least; but the actors should be pure in heart, men and women who, in all their representations, would use proper language. Ail such expressions as “I swear,” or “By Heavens,"’ and the name of the Deity, and every other sacred word, should ba carefully omitted in plays, and other words be substituted in their stead. 'Hie distortion of the muscles of the face and body and everything that 1 would not produce pleasurable emotions in the .minds of the audience, should also be studiously avoided upon the stage. Such unnatural contortions, and ranting ahd raving, are painful to witness, and sre not true to nature, and afford no correct idea of the characters, represented ; for it is not to be supposed for a moment that persons in real life would be such exag gerations of everything human. v# We cannot descend to the level of the wicked World, and copy after their fashions, and escape sin. When'.our actors perform in that spirit ydiitli they should ever have, their, performances will always be pleas ing .arid interesting to true Latter-day Saints, and their acting will be attrac tive to every well-disposed man and vyo man of correct taste.— pejsfret ■ j\cw* f January 11. ’ Artemus’ Rules.— Arte mus Wafd’3 Ticket to his'-; Mormon entertainment reads as follow!-*- *•»«; * f ; : , Artemes Ward f .{ Among the Mormons, Admit . The Bearer and one Wife; ! Then comes the*rule's and regulations ! of the house, which Artemus- gives no j tice will be enforced by all the means in the power of his relatives—• 1. Artmus Ward is .compelled to charge Ca£ t>ota for'rbseiwed sell t«, be cause oats, which {.wo yd^’ 9 cents per bushel, now costs 13 ; also $ 1 7“> per cvvt., formerly ciTb 18, 2. Persons who think they wiijoy .themsqlves leaving, the lmll .early in the evening, ate requested 'to do' so with fts little noise*as posriife. • i'-« ** S3. Children in arms nbt admitted, if the arms are loaded. .., f ; 4. Children under one year of rige pot .admitted, unless accompanied, by tlieir parents or guardians. 5. If any usher employed in the ball should assault the audience; he Will be reprimanded. If-the same .conduct be frequently repeated, he y in ed without a certificate of character.' G. Ladies and'gentlemen will please report any disobedience on the parti of the lecturer. . .> 7. Artemus Ward will not be respon sible for any money, jewelry, or other valuables, unless left with him—to* be returned in a week or two. 8* The manager will not be responsi ble for any debts of his own contracting ; If the audience do not leave the ' ball when the entertainment is over, they w ill be put out by the police. kTiir: Revolution ary Petitioners.- -The House Committee on Pensions have re ported a bill granting to the five survi ving revolutionary pensioners a gratuity, each, of three hundred dollars per an num during their lives. The venerable list is as follows— Lemuel Cook, aged bs; resides at Clarendon, Orleans county, N. Y. Samuei Downey, aged 03; Edinburgh, Saratoga county, N. Y. Wm. Hutchins, aged 100—Penobscot, Hancock county, Maine. , Alex. Maroney, aged 94—Yates, Or leans county, N. Y. James Barbour, substitute for a draft ed man in Virginia, now living in Mis souri—in his 101st year. Eighteen were living in July, 18G3, twelve in January, 18C4, and seven hate since died. 5 PRICE (Five Cents*