Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 01, 1865, Image 2

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Department were brought off. There has been a prevalent report that the plates for engraving Treasury notes had fallen into tlie nanus of the enemy; but this report is now traced to some negros who escaped from Columbia, t and, on reaching Kingsville, told the stqfry to the telegraphic operator there, who sent it, thus authenticated, over the wire to Richmond. Mr. Jamison, the agent of the Treasnry Department has commu nicated with the authorities here from Charlotte, and makes no mentioa of the loss of the engravers’ plates. Charlotte is thronged wtth refugees Trorn Columbia, who report that some of Wheeler's cavalry plundered the city be fore the evacuation. [From the Richmond Dispatch, Feb. 20.] As stated by us on Saturday, on the authority of a despatch from Gen. Beau regard to the President, Sherman march ed into and took possession of Columbia last Friday morning, our troops with drawing from the city just as his forces crossed the Broad river, several miles above. We have *just now no means of ascertaining the amount <sf government property necessarily left to fall into the hands of the enemy. We, however, -know that for more than a week the re moval from the place of government •stores and other property has been pushed forward with all possible des patch, which gives us reason to hope that "the most valuable portion had been gotten away in safety. We had there, it • seems, a quantity of medical stores, one half of which were brought off, the rest destroyed by our authorities, their re moval being found impracticable. Jt was reported on Saturday that the Treasury note lithograph establish ment had been, left behind. This the Treasury authorities here state to be in ••correct. They state that the whole es tablishment—plates, paper and furniture —wer * brought north thirty-six hours before the occupation of the place by the Yankees. The female employees in the 'Treasury Department, as we stated on 8-iturday, got off to Charlotte, North Carolina, several days before the advent of Sherman. Some of them, whose homes are here, have arrived in this city. Most of them, we understand, saved their baggage, but lost, their furniture. — It will be recollected that when Mr. JVlemminger, then Secretary of the Trea sury, carried these ladies to South Caro iitti. for satetv, and to lessen the demand forTood in Richmond, he permitted each of them to carry a bed, some chairs and other furniture. These household arti cles now swell the list of Sherman’s trophies. j&riwnttfi §aihj UY B. W. MASON AND CO. SAVANNAH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1565. PROGRESS OP OUR ARMS. By the arrival of the steamship Illinois yesterday, at Hilton Head, we are placed in possession of New hork papers to the -23d instant. Tney contain most gratify ing news concerning the progress of our arms, in all parts of the country. The -co-operative movements of Admiral Porter and Gen. Schofield against Wil mington are progressing with most bril liant and happy success, and their have already, so far as heard from, succeeded in capturing Fort Anderson, which was by far tne most formidable of the whole of the much-vaunted defences ot Wil mington. Fort Anderson commanded the ob structions of the river, and, as was de monstrated by a most daring recou noissance, these is nothing beyond to stop the triumphant advance of our navy. The reconnoissance above spoken of was made by Lieut. Cushing, an offi cer whose name is ever heard in con n3ctiou with deeds of enterprise and greit daring, and pioved that above the obstructions there was little or nothing to resist our fleet. Acting upon his in formation, the Monitors would of course at once immediately push on, and ther e is no doubt that the news given in our “Extra” of Sunday last of the capture of Wilmington, though at the time only a rumor, was really and strictly true. Thus has fallen another one of the Re bel strong-holds, and thus another of the traitor cities falls before the resistless march of our conquering legions. The startling events of the last month have so convinced the Rebels of their hopeless position that they have resolved upon the concentration of their forces for one final struggle, and they are now calling in their armies from all points to make one grand, desperate stand somewhere in North Carolina. That great battle won by us, the war for the Union is over,lost by U3,tiie Rebel cause will have anew lease of life, though a short one. Bqt who can doubt the result? The God of Battles that has sent us within one short month such victories as Fort Fisher, Charleston, Fort Anderson, Columbia, and Wilming ton, will not desert us now, and under such glorious leaders as Grant and Sherman, the fight must result in victory for the Union. God bless the old Flag, soon, so soon, once more to wave over our whole laud, unsevered, unseparated! one country, one again from Maine to Mexico. COL. WILLIAM T. BEMETT. We notice that this excellent officer has just been promoted for gallant con duct during the late battles of Honey Hill, Coosawhatchie Turnpike, and De vaux’s Neck, where he acted as Chief of Staff to Brigadier General Hatch, and rendered most efficient service. Col. Bennett 18 one of the youngest Colonels iu the service, and there is certainly n o ene mere brave, or cool in action, or who possesses more judgment iu the management of his men both under fire and in camp. He is ever most careful of the comfort of his soldiers, and keeps them in a most thorough state of drill, always enforcing the strictest discipline. Col. Bennett entered the service three years ago as Captain, and was, for gal lantry speedily promoted to be Lieut- Colonel, skipping the grade of Major, and has now fairly won his new honor, and as full Colonel of the 33d Regt. U. S. C. T. will doubtless still continue to do his country good service. Aside from bis services in the field, Col. Bennett has acted in many other military capacities: as Provost Marshal General of the District of Hilton Head; as Assistant Commissioner of Exchange, etc., in all of which he has given eminent satisfaction. Few men more than he have striven hard and few have accom plished more to demonstrate the fitness of the colored man to be a good soldier; and few have brought the colored troops under their command to a higher state of discipline, or have done better work with them against the Rebels- We congratulate the country on that appreciation of ability which has enabled its military councils to recognize and re ward the true merit of so deserving an oflicer as Col. Bennett. May the wings of the Colonel’s eagles yet be new and bright when they are called upon to give way to the “single star” of the Brigadier. God speed the day. A soldier’s view of peace negotiatioils is thus reported by a correspondent— “ Discussing the probable resuits of the conference, this blue-coated Solon re marked —‘You'll never git a peace out of them devils that’s worth having till you lick it out of them.’ A multiplied indorsement of ‘that's so,’ evinced the entire accord of that line. ” A BOSTON NOTION. Police Court — Wegman, P< J. —Wed- nesday, January 25th.—J. M. Rowe— drunk". Defendant being a one legged soldier, wa3 discharged. We discover the above curious item in a Boston paper. The man was guilty, but was not punished because he had but one leg. We should like to know about the exact degrees of mutila tion in proportion to the scale of crime in Boston. If a one legged man can get drunk with impunity, what can a one armed man do ? If a man should chance to have both legs shot off we suppose he might pick pockets, and to lose his nose and an eye or so, and have a few ribs stove in would entitle him to a regular license from the Aldermen to commit burglary and murder. Truly Boston is a “City of Notions.” Theatre.— I The rain last evening affected our Theatrical friends adversely, and the audience was consequently smaller than it otherwise would have been. Taking all circumstances into consideration, the performance was all that could have been expected. The play of “ The Rent Day,” was performed, and some of the characters Were excellently sustained. Among these we give prominence to “ Toby Heywood, ” enacted by Mr. Surrey, and “ Martin Heywood,” by Mr. Howard. The ladies were evidently suf fering severely from the stage fngbt, almos f un avoidably attendant upon the novelty of their situation, and art) not therefore fair subjects of criticism. The same remark will apply toothers of the company. [From the New York Herald.) Washington’s Birth Day in New York. —Yesterday, the one hundred and thirty-third anniversary of the Birthday of Washington, was generally observed as a holiday, and with far more than the customary exuberance of spirit, not only in this city, but throughout a great por tion of the country, and rejoicings oyer the recent great national victories min gled with the marks of respect for the natal day of the Father of the republic. The day was particularly favorable, the sky being cloudless and the temperature mild. The city presented a brilliant ap pearance, thousands of flags and stream ers waving from the public and private buildings and from the encircling lines oi shipping in the bay and tnetwo rivers. National salutes were fired *n the city and at the surrounding fortsat twelve o’clock the bells ot Tnnity commenced to ring out their music, and chimed a number of patriotic and other popular airs : there was a fine military parade, and in various other ways the rejoicings of the people were manifested, all termi nating at night in magnificent displays of fireworks at several points. In Brooklyn and other of the suburban cities the day was similarly observed. , CAPTURE OF GENS. COOK AND KELLY. Wheeling, W. V., Feb, 21, 1865. A party of Rebel cavalry dashed into Cumberland before daylight this morn ing, surprising and capturing the pickets, and carried off Gens. Cook and Kelly. It seems to have been a very daring and well planned affair. Cavalry have been sent in pursuit. THE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS OF WAR — NO MORE SUPPLIES TO BE BENT TO UNION SOLDIERS IN CAPTIVITY. Headquarters Army of the James,) Feb. 22, 1865. | To the Agent of the Associated Press: I will thank you to make the following announcement through the press. In consideration of a general exchange and speedy delivery of all prisoners held in the South, it is deemed inexpedient to forward after this date either funds or supplies to any person now in captivity. Such parcels or remittances as may have accumulated since the last shipment, or may hereafter arrive, will be returned to the shippers. John E. Mulford, Lt. Col. and Ass’t Gen. of Exchange. A country newspaper says the King of Denmark has been making a tour of his dominions, and was “fetid” wherever he went. The question naturally arises if this is what Shakespeare meant when he said there was “something rotten in the state of Denmark.” PICKINGS UP-THE ROMAN EAGLE The Romnns adopted the easle sym bol at an early period of their history. At first, according to Dionysius of Halil carnassus, they crowned with it the sceptre of their kings ; afterwards, when they had stoppled down the throne, they made it the ornament of the sceptre of their warrior chiefs, and the only ensign of their legions. Under the republic, the Roman eagle was carved in wood : then in silver, with a thunderbolt of gold in its talons. Caesar was the first who had the whole cast in gold, but he deprived it of the thunder bolt on which it had hitherto rested. To mark his indefatigable activity, and his constant yearning after new conquests, the Romans always represented Caesar's eagle with outstretched wings, as if seek ing to enclose the entire world in the grasp of its shadow. "Each legion had its golden eagle poised at the point of a lance. They regarded it with the most religious veneration ; they made oath by it as by a divinity • and these oaths were esteemed pecuiiar ly sacred. The warrior bird preserved even there his protecting character ; the guilty soldier, on the point of being smit ten by the centurion’s axe—the prisoner doomed to death, might obtain life and pardon if they placed themselves under the safeguard of the eagle, by clasping closely the lance of the standard-bearer. On the days of the triumph of sfie cessful generals, the eagle was adorned with all the graniture of victory—with crowns of laurel and garlands of flowers, When a legion pitched its camp, the eagie was placed in its centre; and if it happened that two legions encamped together, they erected upon the limits of the two camps a double eagle, with heads and wings opposed. If a Roman army were defeated, the eagle was not suffered to fall into the hands of the enemy ; when the standard bearer saw the route begin, he broke his lance in twain, and buried in the earth that portion which was crowned by the inperial symbol. This took place after the fatal "battle of Lake Thrasymene; and we owe to such precaution the only legionary eagle that has been preserved to our times. It was found in Germany, on the land of the Count d’Erlach, is of bronze gilt, three inches high, and weighs eight pounds. It is supposed to have belonged to the 12thJLemon, which being sorely pressed in a battle with the Alemanni, the eagle-bearer, before he took to flight, concealed in the earth the precious symbol which had been en trusted to his care. Thu 9, the enemies of Rome might be victorious, and yet unable to display the most honorable trophies of their vic tory. _ Costly Dwellings in New lork. The New York correspondent of the Newark Advertiser writes as follows con cerning some of the newly erected private residences in Gotham; The style and magnificence of the new dwelling houses in the upper part of this city snrpass belief. Two or three just put upon the market on Murray Hill are valued at $60,000 and $70,000 each, and if rented, $6,000 annually! They are elegant houses, yet only twenty-five feet front, though finished with black walnut from basement to attic. The largest houses, in price, reach SIOO,OOO to $150,- 000. One of this kind occupied by Mr. Bennet, of the Herald, on Murray Hill Fifth Avenue, with spacious stables, cor ner of 33d street, is said to have com manded $200,000! Irae new residences combine every imaginable convenience and improvement. “Dumb waiters” go as high as the topmost story, and in ad dition to food and crockeries they daily transport all the coal and ashes and dirt which in most houses are carried up and down by sturdy-Bridgets, are transport ed on this most convenient wooden waiter. the mantel fire places cost SI,OOO each, and the gas fixtures and furniture to match would involve an additional outlay pf at least SII,OOO more for each house. “You get drunk every morning,” said one drunkard to another. “.You are wrong ; I drink, too, but only when my business is done.” “Oh,” answered tho latter, “if I get drunk in the morning, my business is done for the day. ”