Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 01, 1865, Image 3

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BOTH -HOME - MADE) AND BORROWED from our neigh bors. “The fact is, John, since you’ve been drinking you’re only half a man.” “Oh ! I suppose you mean I'm a dtmi-John.”— Prentice. % An Arkansas paper says that many of >the girls * n lliat State g row six feet high. They must be highly cultivated. New name for a stealer of watches— Proscrastination. A Jbbseyman was lately arrested for flogging a woman, and excused the act l)/ 5 saying he was near-sighted, and thought it was his wife. “How does it appear,” said Sheridan to a lady on one occasion, “that the sub ject of Gray’s elegy in a country church yard was a volunteer soldier ?” Because the poet informs us that “Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere. ” A portion of the 20th Corps had a wet time of it in the Rice Swamps of South Carolina. A wag perpetrated a carica ture of the General Commanding, seated in the crotch of a tree surrounded jby water, his staff roosting on the branches, one of them drawing up by a cord a basket, from which protruded the long necks of sundrv bottles. The idea was natural, though paradoxical, to reso rt to champagne under the serious discomfi tures of the situation. —Boston Transcript. War Humors. —During the march, General Kilpatrick avows, that efficient as was his cavalry, he could never get rid ot foragers from the main army. Forty-five miles out, the forager would meet the astonished trooper. On a gun boat, reconnoitering far down the Ogee chee, Gen. Osterhaus met a frail craft far away from the shore and still sailing down, with a crew of old blue coats! “Who's there ?” called out the General, “51st Illinois!” was shouted back. “What are you doing?’ “Foraging!” These adventurous spirits were after oysters. Sherman bears among his soldiers the characteristic sobriquet of Old Tecumseh A story is told of his providential ab sence of mind. The day before Fort Mc- Allister was taken, an escaped and joyous contraband came to him with a story. Sherman heard him for a moment, and went on writing, the darkey still re lating his tale, concluding it with a burst of joy—“ Dis chile don't sleep dis night.” The contraband left, seemingly ignored by the General, and it was not until Fort McAllister was taken that his story was revived in the joy of the General. As the old darkey said, “Dis chile won't sleep dis night,” True Knowled/ik. Well-in formed persons will easily be discovered to have read the best books, though they are not always detailing lists of authors; for a muster-roll of names may be learned from a catalogue as well as from the li brary. The honey owes its exquisite taste to the fragrance of the sweetest flowers; yet the skill of the little artifi cer appears in this : that the delicious stores are so admirably worked up, and there is such a due proportion observed in mixing them, that the perfection of tne whole consists in its not tasting, in dividually, of the Rose, the jassamine,the carnation, or any of those sweets, of the very essence of which it is compounded. ut true judgment will discover the in tusion which true modesty will not dis- P a y l an d even common subjects, pass ing through a cultivated understanding, borrow a flavor of its richness. LINES ON AN OliD PORTRAIT. Eyesthat outsmiied the mom, titu ao our golden lashes, What are your fires now ? Ashes ! Cheeks that oitblusli the rose, vru i e arms and snowy burst, What is your beauty now ? _ Dust! i»n<? county of Northumber acl ’ a woman, when she marries, al ways, as a part of her trousseau, procures er grave clothes, and these are put 0^ a J» arK \froixi time to time carefully ml. u ? tl , e y are needed. In mo ments of gloom® woman will take the m ut and try them on, and find comfort the msp e etion If the mourning linen. A live-year old boy in one of the Syra cuse, N. Y., schools, made a liberal dis tribution ot medals among his little schoolmates, from a bag which he brought to school. The medals proved to be gold coin, and investigation show ed that the boy had found the bagse cretad in an old clock, and that his mother and another woman who had been living upon public charitv, were the possessors of &4400 in gold, which they had secreted in their shanty. It took some time to hunt up and recover the little fellow’s disbursements. POST QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, Cknteal Railroad Bank, Savannah, Ga., March, Ist, 1565. All citizens occupying buildings, whose owners are absent within the Rebel lines, or buildings, or other property belonging to disloyal persons, will, unless such buildings have been previously assigned— rent free—settle the rents for the same, due the United States, at this office on or before the 10th of March. A failure to comply with the above will cause a forfeiture of all claims to further occupation S. S. STARR, Capt. and A. Q. M., in charge of buildings. LARGE STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING. ' * 1 A. A large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. A large stock of FINE GROCERIES, 1000 cases GOLDEN ALE, 500 cases CHAMPAGNE CIDER 250 cases BROWN STOUT, pints, 50 half barrels PRIME BEEF, 100 M. SEGARS, A large stock of TOBACCO In every variety. A lot of GARDEN SEEDS. A lot of SHOE BLACKING, TURNIPS, BEETS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS, ONIONS, SUTLERS’ GOODS, NOTIONS, In great variety. This large stock of GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Will be sold at WHOLESALE Only at 176 BROUGHTON STREET, NXXT 0008 TO SUP.RLOfIpc’S. CUNNINGHAM A SKEHAN. mar 1 ts. npo RENT. X FOUR ROOMS, WITH GAS AND WATER Apply tolMrs. E. Hogan, comer of Price and St. Julian streets. pi ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS OF ALL vX descriptions; a choice article of SOUR KROUT, and the best quality of MINCE MEAT, For sale by WM. M. WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. XCE ! ICE ! ICE ! The subscribers have received from Boston Eer Schooner E. S. Conant, a cargo of Ice and umber, which will be disposed of at the Ice House formerlv occupied by them, on Bryan street opposite the market. Retail boxes will be established at other places as the demand increases. A constant supply will be kept up during the year. HAYWOOD, GAGE A CO. and feb27 lm CSAVILLE A CO., • Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Palmetto Herald Store, Hilton Head, S. C. Hr a Liberal Discount to Purchasers at Wholeaait.. Cash Orders oy mail or express prompt ly fllle N" EWS-DEALERS AND OTHERS DESIRING The Savannah Daily JHkbald at Wholsale are rebuested to send in their order as early in advance as practicable. S. W. MASON A CO. B~ OOTS AND SHOES. For sale by WM M. WILLIAMS, feb2 ts Cor. Broughton and Whitaker sts. BADGE COMPANY, SOLID SILVER BADGES For 4th, 9th. 10th, 14th. 15th, 16th, IStk, 19th and 23d Army Corps, with Name, Company and Regiment beautifully engraved, at $1.50 each, or Gold at SS. American Shields $1 each,in Silver; also Badg es for every Corps constantly on hand We also send to the army a find Gold Pen, u ith ebony or extension holder at $1 each. A 12 karat Gold Pen, with rubber reverse holder, $3 each. Al 4 karat Gold Pen, with solid silver ex tension holder, $3 each : or a detached lever movement, in sterling silver case, medium size, polished can, sl7. Magic timekeepers, made expressly for soldiers, in sterling silver, engine-turned cases, S2O. 6F“ All sent by mail on receipt of price. S3T All large orders will receive a liberal pre mium.' V Circulars sent free to any address. R. KEITH A CO.. 15 John St., New York, Manufacturers and Dealers in Army Badges, Watches, Chains, Rings, Ac. lan 30—lm JJOME INSURANCE COMPANY, SAVANNAH, GA., CAPITAL, $2,500,000 ALL SUBSCRIBED. , . DIRECTORS ! Andrew Low, Jno M. Cooper, Jno. R. Wilder, W* 11. Stark, Henry Brigham. Jno. Lamar, Oetavus Ccheu, Joseph Lippman, John W. Anderson, Henry Lathrop, D. H. Baldwin, Aaron Wilbur, AARON WILBUR, President M. A. COHEN, Secretary. The Company are prepared to take a line upon all good RISKS at FAIR RATES,* As the risks of the city are well known to the Company, they are willing to take a fair share of them at about the usual rates. All losses will be PROMPTLY ADJUSTED and PAID. Apply at the office of this Company, S3 Bay Street. M. A. COHEN, Secretary. Riddell & murdock, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERB IN SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Ac., No. 5 Merchants’ Row’, Hilton Head, S. C. ’ W. C. RIDDELL, (janlO —tf) B. J. MURDOCK. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schooner Gersh Banker, a large assort rnent of SUPERIOR READY MADE CLOTHING, Comprising the following desirable selection? Heavy Cloth Overcoats Fancy Cassimere Walking Coats “ “ Double Breasted Vests “ “ Pants* Per Schr. Antietam A carefully selected assortment of BOOTS and SHOES—latest styles—Men’s, Women’s and Boys. Also—A large and extensive variety of Hats, Caps, Valises, and Travelling Bags. Also, per steamer Linda— Seven hundred and thirty-two (732) cases as sorted CANNED MEATS, FRUITS and VEGE TABLES. Also, per barque Rambler- Three hundred (300) gross O. K. FINE CUT TOB\CCO One hundred (140) SMOKING DO. One hundred and thirty-six thousand (136,000) finest brand CIGARS. Also, per Schr. May Queen— AN ASSORTED CARGO. C. N. BELLOWS A CO„ No. S Merchant’s Row, Hilton Head, febll ts J^OTICE. PEOVotT Marshal’s Officb, Savannah, Ga., Fee. 9, 1865. All citizens, now residents of this city, are re quested to call at this office and register them selves as such. Heads of families will report the persons com posing their household. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. C. Grover. ROBT. P. YORK, feblO Lt. Col. and Provost Marshal. JgNVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, JOB LOTS AT LOW PRICES. Samples sent by mail. We are headquarters for all kinds of Stationery, and can supply the trade at low prices. G. S. HASKINS A CO., feblO lm 36 Beekman street N. Y. ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES, Ac. CAHILL AND COMPANY, No. 6 Merchant’s Row’, HILTON HEAD, Have just received by the STEAMER LINDA, from New York, a large invoice of GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, CANNED MEATS, FRUITS AND JELLIES, of all descriptions, COFFEE, SUGAR TEA, TOBACCO. SEGARS. ALSO, WINES, Ac., Ac. which will be sold at wholesale only, at the lowest market prices. feb 2 tt QUAKO. OEO. E. WHITE A CO., 55 Cliff strkrt, PERUVIAN AND SWAN i GUANO, at wholesale. They have iaciuties for filling orders superior to any other house at present in the trade. GEO. E. WHITE A CO. are the sole agents of the BRUCE CONCENTRATED MANLRE, made by the Bruce Fertilizer Com pany at Staten Island. This Fertilizer contains 7 per cent, ammonia and over 40 per cent, of soluble bone phosphate. Though this analysis would hardly load us to such conclusion, yet its practical applications for the two years past has shown its immediate re sults to be as great as where Peruvian Guano is used, and that the soil is left in better condition for the succeeding year’s crops Price, SSO for 2,000 lbs., with discount to the trade. ** 2mo jan27 W fr 00D LIVING ," „. At reasonable prices, can be had at the EAGLE OYSTER and REFRESHMENT SA LOON, in the rear of the New Post Office, Hioon Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for furnishing OYSTERS, CLAMS, MEATS, POUL TRY, VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and other places in this vicinity. Cooked to order from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M. PETER FITZGERALD, Proprietor. P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited. STEELE A BURBANK, 11 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, ard Plated Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac*, wC. NOTICE. A large assortment of DRY GOODS, Small Wares—such as Pins, Needles, Combs, Brushes, Umbrellas, Bonnets, Ac., Ac., at WHOLESALE, in the store formerly occupied by H. A. Rich mond, corner of Congress A Whitaker Streets. Feb'y 2, 1865. ts Great chance to make money and RECEIVE A WATCH FREE—By selling our “Great Novelty and National PRIZE PACKETS.’’ Each package contains over a dollar’s worth of valuable Stationery and Jewel ry, besides one Certificate iu the great sale of $650,000 of WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEW ELRY—retail price, 30 cents. Thousands of these Packets can be sold in every village and camp. We want an Agent In every town and camp, thus making a pbofitablk business for one smart man in each place Splendid Gold ant- Silver] Watches given to our Agents. sl7 wil obtain 100 Packets and a fine Silver Watch. $lO invested in the SPLENDID STEEL ENGRA VINGS which we publish, will yield the knohmoub profit of SSO. Circulars, with full particulars, mailed free. Sample Packet, and Certificate sent on receipt of 50 cents. G. S. HASKINS A CO., feblO lm No. 36 Beekman street, N. Y. CW. DENNIS A CO., * No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C., Wholesale and retail dealers in BUTTER. CHEESE, CIGARS, CAKES, CRACK ERS, POTATOES, FLOUR, CANNED FRUIT AND MEATS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, Ac., Ac., Ac. janlO ts AKERY A CONFECTIONERY LISHMENT AT BEAUFORT. We respectfully call the attention of the public to our Bakery A Confectionery Establishment in Sam. A. Cooley’s Building at Beaufort, at which we are prepared promptly to fill any orders which may be forwarded to us. Special attention ia Said to the manufacture of Ornamental Pieces, 'ancy Confectionery, and Elegant Pastry, for holiday or festival tables. Feb. 3-ts McMANUS A MURRAY. RW r . CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SUR • GEON, having reopened his office and yard, on William street, is now prepared to treat (on scientific principles,) all diseases incident to Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges moderate. Cures warranted. Terms cash. feh!6 * ts WANTED-AN APOTHECARY. A young man who thoroughly under stands the Drug Business can hear of a situation by applying at this office. ts feblG DISINFECTANT. Small quantities of the Per Manganate o f Potash will be furnished, at the request of aay Physician, by the Health Officer. feblO pARTICULAR NOTICE. The Stock of Goods in store corner of Bay and Barnard streets is for sale, at low prices, and will be exchanged for any article of merchandize allowed by the authorities, in quantities to suit purchasers. fob 15 ts j~jUNBARS A FRANZ, NO. 10 MERCHANTS’ ROW, Hilton Head, S. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in SUTLERS’ GOODS Os all Descriptions ts. JUST RECEIVE D—A choice quantity of MINCED MEAT, at the corner of Bay and Whitaker streets. feb 28—lw rjpHE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD OFFICB Is at No.’Jll Bay street.