Newspaper Page Text
tors in a game of “iiigh-low-jack,” but
I saw it done the other day by a jolly
fellow in blue. There has been quite a
number of new arrivals at the Rooms
lately of sick boys en route home, and
the ambulances are busily employed in
transporting hem from and to the
depots. Every day only more and more
impresses upon our minds the great good
these R loins are doing under the super
vision of the energetic head <o„' the State
Is about drawing to a close. Another
week and its doings will pass into his
tory. Most of the appropriation bills are
passed and there is not much more leg -
islatioa for them to attend to. With
this Congress pass away from the arena
many who have been notorious rebel
sympathisers, whose places in future will
be filled by patriotic men.
Os this accursed rebellion is thought
to be not far distant, and the final blow
wiii be struck ere another month rolls
around. All accounts agree in stating
that unusual activity has been visible in
Lee's camps the past week, and rumors
of the evacuation of Petersburg and
Richmond are rife to-day.
Coming so close upon that of Charles
ton, has touched a responsive chord of
patriotism in all loyal hearts, and the
fact that this about closes the gates
against the speculative propensities of
our hypocritical neutrals on the other
.side of the water gives added zest to the
people's gratification. Every one feels
£tr©!fc£;T, looks brighter, and every one’s
bioof. seems to fly faster through his
patriotic veins as the great, grand tri
umphs of our gallant tars and brave
“boys in blue” open up in their vastness
and future results upon our mental
vision. Lmg live the Republic, from
the Aroostook to the Rio Grande.
A. F. L.
Stkatj Engine ,jox:Es,-»Sll2iuecr Stone,
or as 'mi is q\qtc called among
Isis qsqualat&nces, “Old Rock,” who runs
©n the east end of the Peoria and Oquaw
ka Railroad, is a natural wag, quick at
repartee, and dry as* a chip. One day
“Rock” met with a party of the St.
Louis ; Alton and Chicago Railroad boys
at Peoria Junction, and they stepped into
Bam Eraorys for a social glass of ale.—
Coaductor Hedges, of the St. Louis road,
as a sort of sentiment —‘“Old Rock,
Otherwise Stone, a perfect bride. ' “That
is very good,” exclaimed Stone. “Here
is to Old Brush, otherwise Hedges, a
perfect stick." The next that was seen
ot “Rock” he was pursuing a “2:40” gait
towards his engine, Hedges with a big
stick close on his rear. This is not quite
so good as the repartee of Nick Denton,
while a division engineer on the Illinois
Central, at a festival several years ago in
DeWitt county. A fellqw named Jack
Wallace gave as a sentiment: “ The two
Neks— Old Nick and Nick Denton.” The
table came down with a clatter. Nick
arose as grave as a judge, and when the
noise had subsided, he said he fully ap
preciated the honor conferred upon him
in being named in connection with
Jack’s most intimate friend ! He hardly
knew how to requße the kindness, but
as one good turn always deserves anoth
er, he would give— “ The two Jacks —
Jack W , and Jackass !” Jack Wal
lace collapsed and the company went
into hysterics.
A jockey furnishes some hints as to
how to sell your horse—“l tell you it’s all
by comparison—have the critter for sale
’long side of a scrub—ain’t one in fifty
but what'll get fooled. They look first
at the scrub and then at the other, and
they think it is a strordinary critter.
That’s the way I come it on Jenkins, the
livery man, with that gray colt.”
Mrs. Partington wants to know why
Captains don’t have their ships properly
nailed in port, instead of waiting to tack
them at sea.
jfcwamniH fiaHjj IjcratdL
Tiie City Store.— Upon the evacua
tion of Savannah by Hardee, the muni
cipal government its own right
a large amount of merchantable clean
rice, and to supply its people with cheap
food, it has shipped 920 casks of rice to
the north ;as follows : Steamship Re
becca Clyde, for New York, 170 cask 4 ;
steamship Greyhound, for Boston, sr>o
casks ; brig Emily Fisher, for New York,
90 casks ; brig Stephen Walsh, for Phil
adelphia, 120 casks. The Agents for the
sale of .this rice are, for New York : Col.
Julian Allen ; Boston: Messrs. Gliddon &
Williams ; Philadelphia : Messrs. A. B.
Baldwin & Cos.
In order to supply the citizens with
provisions at cost it was resolved to es
tablish the City Store. This establish
ment, corner of Bay and Drayton streets,
is now in successful operation. Since
it -was opened, the 3ales have been $15,-
000, and the stock now remaining in
store is valued at $12,000. The City
Store proper, southwest corner of Bay
and Barnard streets, still continues to
supply the needy with food free of cost.
There is now remaining in store at
Savannah for shipment about 200 casks
of rice, and when it is all sold the city
will have on hand a fund of $50,000,
with which capital she will be able to
import flour,.bacon, com meal, etc., and
sell the same to her people at a small
advance on cost, thereby striking a fatal
blovrat the extortioners and speculators.
The municipal governments of Augusta,
Macon and Columbus should follow the
example of Savannah, and be doing
something for their needy. The govern
ment cannot, and will not, aid those who
do not try to better their own condition.
To Colonel Julian Allen are our citi
zens indebted for the success of the City
Store. f
Theatre. —Everything promises well
for a series of fine performances at this
house, under t£e management of Messrs.
Sweatnam and Scott. They propose to
keep the house permanently open so
long as the people are pleased with the
entertainments offered. Mr. Sweatnam
i3 said to be a good comedian, and of
Mr. Scott, most of us have heard. Asa
singer he has few superiors, and this gift
will be of great use to him here, as it is
proposed to make singing and dancing
a prominent feature in the performances.
The programme for Monday evening
is a varied one, and promises an evening
of genuine enjoyment to those who may
be fortunate enough to procure seats. —
There will be given, the Extravaganza of
“Jane Chatterbox, or the Stage-Struck
Barber,” some ballads by Mr. Ainsley
Scott, a Medley Dance by La Belle
Louise, and the excellent petite. Comedy of
“The Rough Diamond,” the whole form
ing a bill, that has seldom in this city
been equalled for attractions. *
Cheap Ceothing.— Oar friends, Co
nyngham and Skehan, offer for sale a
very large assortment of Ready Made
Ciothing at their store, No. 170 Brough
ton street. They have a large assort
ment of Military Clothing of the finest
quality, also of clothing of the latest
styles, suitable for civilians. The gar
ments are made from excellent materials
and according to the strictest rules of the
very latest fashions, and are offered at
prices which bring them within the
reach of ail who have the wherewithal
to purchase a Spring outfit.
On Board Steamship Fulton, \
March Ist, 1865. j
We, the undersigned, passengers on
board the Steamship Fulton, from New
York city to Port Royal, S. C,, desire to
publicly return oui thanks to Captain
James A. Wot ton, commander; Mr. G.
M. Walker, chief officer; Mr. L. N. Mc-
Donald, chief engineer; Mr. Thos. Mc-
Manus, purser; Dr. F. Wynkoop, sur
geon ; Mr. James Jones, second officer ;
Mr. Gideon Mapes, pilot; Mr. Henry
Pelvin, chief steward; Mr. T. Perkins,
assistant steward, and all the officers of
the Fulton, for their uniform courtesy
aud kindness during the voyage. .We
desire to add ours to the many testimo
nials of their efficiency in their several
stations, and the faithfulness of all con
nected with the ship, in the discharge of
their The thoroughness of disci
pline on board, the harmony existing in
every department, and the care given to
the comfort of passengers in all particu
lars, are recommendations to which we
are sure the Fulton is especially entitled.
(Signed.) B Harribon, Col 70th Ind
Vollnf; S P Richmond, Col and A P
Mos Mass; A P Dalrymple, Surgeon U
S A; Henry Roof, Surgeon 54th N Y V;
John E Weyss, Major U S A, Eug Dep’t,
Army of the Potomac ; S A Spencer,
Capt 82d Ind; & W Clark, Capt and A
QM; Edward B Emerson, Ist Lieut 54th
Mass Vols; Win M Hoyt, Asst Surgeon
21st Wis; II E Bailey, Lieut 14tth NY;
John H Swartfagee, Lieut 26th U SC TANARUS:
Capt Eli F Scott, 83d Ind, 15th AC ;
Geo C Peck, Ist Lieut 17th Coun Vols;
R R Scott, Capt 12th Ind Vols; James
P Corleier, Lieut 31st Wisconsin Vols;
Henry F Mills, Lieut 144th NY Vols;
FelixC M Petard, Asst Surgeon U S N;
Thos. J. Clarke, New York; Henry
Krebs, Lieut 35th USC T ANARUS; W B Short,
Capt 31st Illinois VV; John W Ken
nedy, Lieut 134th N Y Volunteers ; J K
Lawlor, Ist Lieut 9th Connecticut V V ;
Wm A Bulkley, USA; Richard J Shel
ley, N Y Trioune ; Geo C Hunting,
Beaufort, SC ; Burnet Forbes, N York ;
Ira T Freeman, N York ; J R Fay, N
York ; Edward E Young, Philadelphia ;
E I Stevens, U S Military Telegraph ; C
J Barnes, N Yoik ; Chas L Guilleanne,
N York ;J T Marshall, Washington, D.
D;CD Egert, Washington, D C; TM
Taylor, Whitefield, ,N H ; James G
Davis, N Y ; Josiah S Crowell, Mass ;
M T Hewett, N Y; G W Haskin, Cal ;
Fred Theilkuhl, Captain Engineeer
Department, Army of the Potomac;
W J Johnson, M D Washington D
C ; A P Wilder, Brattleboro, Vermont;
P Millen, Jr, Capt 16th Iowa; E M
Downing, NY; Ed Newkirk, N I; H
Asher, N Y; S M Brausen, Baltimore ; J
E D Comstock, NY; S K Head, Bos
ton ; J II Baldwin, Phila; F Cable, N Y:
T B Wakeman, Westport, Conn ; W
Haniz, NY; LB Graves, Me; F W
Parsons, Cleveland, Ohio; J L Hewitt,
NY; John Walsh, Providence; John
Welch, Manchester, N H; Chas. W.
Hurd, Manchester, N H ; R W Hough
ton, Manchester, NH; Edward L
Houghton, Boston, Mass; S W Mason,
Spe. Cor. N Y Herald; Ralph Trembly,
Purveyor, Hilton Head, S. C.
Mail Matter for Sherman’s Army.—
Col. A. H. Markland, U. S. Mail Agent
in this city, delivered from the Post Of
fice this morning, on board of the
Steamship Cresent, Capt. Latham, two
hundred and seventy five sacks ot mails
for the invincible army of Gen. Win. T.
Steamer Cosmopolitan Ashore. —This
steamer, which left the wharf in this city
yesterday morning for Hilton Head,
went ashore on the lower end of the
North breakers, six miles due North of
Tybee light. The steamer Edwin Lewis
proceeded yesterday to the assistance of
the Cosmopolitan. ,
Pulaski Fire Company No. 2.—A few
evenings since the following officers
were elected to serve this Company the
ensuing year:—First Foreman, Wm.
Jordan; Second Foreman, Louis Glenn ;
Third Foreman, Amos Densler; Pio
neers, James Fleming, Isaiah Yerdier. *
Re-InaugtTration of President Lin
coln.—To-day, being the 4th of March,
President Lincoln doubtless at 12 M. re
newed the oath of office which makes
him our ruler for four years longer. Des
pite many shortcomings, we think there
can be no doubt that President Lincoln
has striven earnestly, honestly and con
scientiously to do his duty and his whole
duty by his country and his countrymen.
He has brought the great Rebellion so
nearly to its death, that it must soon ex
pire, and that the last four years of his
administration may be far more peaceful
than the first four, is the prayer of every
loyal man. As has been often said “God
bless Abraham Lincoln.” ,
The Bee. —Our enterprising neighbor,
Mr. G. N. Nichols,* who does good job
printing at his establishment on Bay
street, has just issued the second number
of his neat and spicy little advertising
sheet, “The Bee.”
Arrived—Steamship Crescent, Latham, Hilton
Head, U. S. Revenue steamer Nemeha, Hilton
Head. Cleared—Steamship Constitution, Green
mail, New York, via Hilton Head; steamer Del
aware, Tilton, Hilton Head; steamer Andrew
Fletcher, Wilson, Hilton Head.
nos. 32G, 32S and 330 l-roadway. ». r.*
Have now on hand an Extensive Stock of
Which they offer by the
mar 4—lm
Rooms to let at hilton head, s. c.,
In the Palmetto Herald Building, corner
Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, suitable
for business purposes or lodgings. Apply to J.
T. RIVERS, on the premiaoa, or H. T. KIVJSKS,
at the Custom House. ts mar *
Ot every description
Particularly adapted «- puRpOSESj
In Extra made Cases,
I deal in nothing but TIME PIECES. Gold
Watches from SBO to$300; Silver, from-0 tos!*)-
For particulars send for my Prices
tablished 20 years, and confidently refer to any
respectable Mercantile House in the cJy, aiao
the Editors of this papery r BYNNER,
175 Broadway, N. Y.
P s —Beware of the absurd and deceptive ad
vertisements in the Weoklys. mar 4-eodim
Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets,
Savannah’ Ga.
At the place mentioned we have opened store
rooms and Relief office, where we wil be glaj to
render any service in our power to the «oI« e "
and sailors of the Army and Navy Sermons *
charge of Hospitals will please send in then
quisitiona for stores. j Q nOBLIT,
jan 21—ts Agent U. S. S. C._
’vtkws-dealers and others desiring
JNthk Savannah Daily HraAT.n at JVjw}*lin 1 in
are rebuested to send in their order as early
advance as practicable. g w & C O.