Newspaper Page Text
Laurel Grove Cemetery. —The fol
lowing is a correct report of interments
in this Cemetery, for the week ending
Harch 4th, 1865:
Feb. 26—Wm. Preston, Cos. G, 55th
Ohio ; James Beach, Cos. B, 150th New
York; Rudolph Dzillynski, 2years and
£ months, convulsions, Madison, Fla.;
Mary C. Davis, 15 years, typhoid fever,
Feb. 27—Elias D. Porter, Cos. B, 31st
Iowa; Marion Ferry, 16th Iowa; Thos.
Waters, 3 years, diarrhoea, South Caro
Feb. 28—Nancy Loftley, 74 s’ears,
pneumonia, Georgia; W. T. Saye, Cos. B,
23d Ga. Batt.; J. M. Callaher, Cos. A,
16th Ga.; Zachariah Wright, Cos. K, 31st
Wisconsiu ; Dwight Tavfior, Cos. A, 13th
Michigan. •
March Ist—Robt. A. Miller, Cos. K,
15th Iowa; Johanna W. Bulloch, 2
years, 5 months, congestion of the braiu,
Roswell, Cobb Cos., Ga. ; Elias Saddonis,
Cos. H, 55th Ohio.
March 2d—John Q. Goodwin, Cos. K,
33d Indiana; Julian Berligier, Cos. E.
17th Ohio..
March 3d —J. A. Wakefield, Cos. D,
32d Illinois; Eliza A. Winslow, 40
years, chronic entritis, Savannah ; Wm.
Crook, Bth Indiana Cavalry, found
drowned in Savannah Rive*; Sopkro
nia A. Vincent, 28 years, consumption,
Macon? Ga. ; Thos. H. Vincent, 5 mos.
Consumption, Macon, Ga. ; Sarah Doty,
00 yeafs, small pox, Savannah, Ga. ;
Lydia Christian, 16 years, congestion of
the brain, Savannah ; Thos. Ashworth,
Cos. F, 60th New York.
* Feb. 4th—Lavinia Low, 75 years, old
age, Savannah.
How to Ferment Mischief. —There
seems to be a principle in human nature,
a kind of roguish curiosity that compels
one to act upon suggestions given in such
a manner as to imply that, though wrong
it is expected they may be, or will be,
followed out. The farmer who had a
husking frolic, and told his neighbors’
boys present that they must be peaceable
and orderly on the way home, and must
not put neighbor Smith's cart on his corn
barn, was not probably surprised, or
ought not to have been, to find that the
cart was actually astride of the corn
barn when the sun rose the next m orn
ing. Neither is this principle confined
wholly to children. There is a story of
a Catholic priest and a hostler, which is
not inappropriate. When a hostler had
finished making confessions of his sins,
the priest inquired of him it lie had ever
greased the teeth of his customers’horses
to prevent them from eating their oats.
The hostler not only declared that he
had, never done it, but said he had never
aeard of such a thing. The next time he
went to the confessional, the first offense
which he had to acknowledge was that
he had been greasing the teeth of his
customers’ horses.— lllinois Teacher.
Here s a specimen of murdered
Queen's English which out-Partington’s
Mrs. Partington, and has moreover the
merit of being an actual fact : An illi
terate man who hailed from down East
had occasion one day to purchase anew
Bible, and as it was quite an event to
him. the next neighbor lie met was duly
informed of the fact that he ‘“had got a
Polywog Bible with the Hypocrisy in
it.” It was some little time before his
friend decided that it must be a Poly
glot Bible containing the Apocrypha.
The same individual one day related to
an admiring group of listeners some
’wonderful event which he said “hap
pened way up North, where the “Squee
rnox Indians live.”
A table of distances of interest just
cow : From Branchville to Charleston.
62 miles ; from Branchville to Kingville,
4‘j miles ; from Branchville to Florence,
lviiles ; from Branchville to Augusta,
15 miles ; from Branchville to Wilming
ton, 216 miles; from Branchville to
Charlotte, 174 miles ; from Charleston to
Florence, 102 miles; from Wilmington
*lO Florence, 107 mvles.
Dr. Holmes says, in his new lecture,
h should be no reproach against *New
England that she has many insane per
sons; the persons who fight the battles
of thought will have the most killed and
Rations of Fish. —A recent order of
the War Department directs the issuing
of a ration of fish, namely, fourteen
ounces of dried fish, or eighteen ounces
of pickled fish, to be made to the troops
once a week, in lieu of the ration of fresh
The notorious Belle Boyd is now suf
fering from poverty at Liverpool.
District of Savannah. Ga.,
Savannah, February^,lS6s.
General Ori>ke,\
No. 2. /
Surgeon W. Y. Provost, Acting Medical Direc
tor, 2d Div. !9th A. 0., is hereby appointed Med
ical Director of the District of Savannah.
By command of
Brevet Major Gen, GROVER.
Edward G. Disk, A. A. A, G. feb23
« No. 5 Merchants’ Row,
llilton Head. S. C.,
Wholesale and retail dealers in
&c„ &c., &c. jan 10 ts
vX At reasonable prices, can be bad at the
LOON, in the rear of the New Poet Office, Hiiton
Head, S. C. I have the very best facilities for
TRY, VEGETABLES, Ac., from the North and
other places in this vicinity. Cooked to ordei
from 6 A. M. to 8 P. M.
P. S.—One trial is respectfully solicited.
31 Merchants’ Row,
Hilton Head, S. C.
Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur
chasers to their superior stock of
Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and
Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroderies,
Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves.
&c., &c., &c.
Riddell & murdock,
Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, &c..
No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C.
W. C. RIDDELL, [janlG— tf} U. J. MURDOCK.
Savannah Ga., Feb. 4, IS®
All persons in Savannah having Cotton in
their possessson, or stored in their houses, or
houses occupied by them, will register the same
at my office without delay, and all persons are
prohibited from moving Cotton within the mil
tary lines of the city, without they have written
authority from the undersign ed-
Lt. Col. & Q, M. In charge of Cotton,
feb G—ts _
(Late Semes, Brown & C 0,,)
Correspondents in Washington—J. W. Fisher &
Cos., 4TS Fourteenth Street.
c have complete facilities for transacting
business speedily and correctly in all the Depart
ments at Washington. Remittances prompt,
and terms reasonable.
We give especial attention to obtaining Cer
tificates for Non-Indebtedness for Ordnance and
Quartermasters’ Returns for Officers, and settling
their accounts.
Wo collect the following classes of Claims, and
make advances if desired :
Bounties for the heirs of deceased, wounded
•Joldiers, and such as have served two years.
Pensions for Invalids, Widows, Mothers,’ and
Orphan Children.
Arrears of pay for the heirs of deceased, dis
charged Officers, Soldiers and Sailors, and pav
for the Wiie or Widowed Mother of Prisoners of
W ar.
Prize Money for the U. S. Navy, together with
aJ other just Claims. Information freely fur
nished. J
NVe purchase and sell all Government Securi
ties, Quartermasters’ Ceitiflcates and Checks, on
the best of terms.
References given to leading Bankers and buei
ness firms in New York. ~ fcols ts
Hilton Head, S. C.
Os all Descriptions jf
JL ST RECEIVE D—A choice quantity of
MINCED MEAT, at the comer of Bay and
W hitaker streets. f e b o§_-j w
Small quantities of the Per Manganate of
Potash will be furnished, at the request of any
Physician, by the Health Officer. febiO
Headq’rk Department of tee Sorm.
Hilton Head, S. C., January 21, 1865,
General Orders, )
No. S. /
BRIG. Gen. R. Saxton, having been assigned
by the Major General Commanding 0 the
Military Division of the Mississippi, in Special
Field Orders, No. series, dated “In
the Field, Savannah, Ga., January 16, 1865,” to
the duties of providing for the well being of the
negroes, and their location upon the plantations,
is “Inspectorof Settlements and Plantations,
a hereby announced as such, and will be re
spected accordingly.
District Commanders are hereby directed to
afford the necessary Military protection, in ac-,
cordaflce with the above named Special Field’
Orders, copies of which are furnished.
The limits of the Districts* within which this
protection is to be afforded, are defined as fol
lows :
The Commandant of the Northern district, to
settlements on the Islands and coast, as far
South as the North Edisto River.
The Commandant of the District of Beaufort,
from the North Edisto River to Broad River.
The Commandant of the District of Hilton
Head, tyo the Islands lying between Broad and
the Savannah Rivers.
The Commandant of the District of Savannah,
to the Islands between the Savannah River and
St. Marys’ Sound.
The Commandant of the District of Florida, to
the settlements from St. Marys’ Sound, south
ward to Jupiter Inlet, including those upon the
St. Johns’ River.
The points at which the negro Settlers will have
the opportunity of supplying their necessary
wants and selling the products of their lands and
labor, as prescribed in the above mentioned
Special Field Order,ovili be Hilton Head, S. C..
Fernandina, Fla., and such other points as may
hereafter be designated.
Brig. Gen. E. E. Potter, will relieve Brig.
Gen. Saxton, of the Military Command of the
District of Beaufort, which is hereby enlarged to
mclude the entrenched camp near Pocotaligo, S.
Ly command of Major General
W. L. M. Burger, Ass’t Adj’tGen.
Headquarters Department of the South,
Hilton Head, S. C., Feb. 9,1865.
General Orders, >
No. IT. /
The following named Officers are hereby an
nounced on the Staff of the Major General’Com
manding, and will be obeyed and respected ac
cordingly :
Capt. W. L. M. Burger, U. S. Vols., Assistant
Adjutant General.
Capt. Thorndike D. Hodges, 35th U. S. C. TANARUS.,
Acting Assistant. Adjutant General.
Col. C. L. Kilburn, Asst. Com. Gen. Sub., U.
S, A., Chief Commissary.
Major C. W. Thomas, U. S. Vols., Chief Quar
Major J. C. Gray, Jr., U. S. Vo’s., Judge Ad
Surgeon M. Clymer, U. S. Vols., Medical Di
Major A. V. Elliott, Add. Paymaster, U. S. A.,
Chief Paymaster.
Bt. Major Geo. E. Gouraud, A. D. C., Act.
Asst. Insp. General.
Capt. Chae. R. Surer, U. S. Eng. Corps, Chief
Engine: r.
Ist Lieut. Isaac Arnold, Jr., U. S. A., Chief of
Lt. Col. S. L. Woodford, 127th N. Y. Vols.,
Provost Marshal General.
Lt. Col. Wm. Ames, 3d R. J. Vol. Artillery,
Chief of Artillery.
Capt. Leslie Smith. Ist U. S. Infantry, Com
missary of Musters
Capt. Jesse Merrill, Chief Signal Officer.
Capt. Henry M. Bragg, A. D. C.
Capt. James R. Gilmore, A. Q. M., U. S. Vols.,
Sunt. Military Telegraphs.
By command of
Major Gen. Q. A. GILLMOPtE.
W. L. M. Burges, Assistant Adj’t Gen.
mar 3—3
OmoK of Street Commissioner,
No. 126 South Broad Street,
' Savannah, Ga., February 22d, 1865.
In accordance with authority conferred upon
me. by General Order No. 16, from Headquarters
U. S. Forces. Savannah, Ga., dated Feb. 21st,
1565. this lity is hereby divided into three Dis
tricts, for the purpose of removing garbage there
The First District comprises all that portion of
the city lying North of President and Harrison
streets. Carts will remove the garbage from this
District on Monday and Thursday of each week.
The Second District comprises all that portion
of the city lying between the First District and
Harris street. Carts will remove the garbage
from this District on Tuesday and Friday of each
The Third District comprises all that portion
of the city lying South of Harris street. Carts
will remove the garbage from this District on
Wednesday aad Saturday of each week.
Hereafter ail rubbish and garbage which may
accumulate must be put into 'convenient vessels,
and previous to 8 o’clock in the morning of eaeh
day, as above designated for the respective Dis
tricts; such vessels must be placed upon the
sidewalks of the streets or alleys,, and permitted
to remain there until emptied by ray employees,
after which they will be removed by their owners.
All other persons are forbidden to destroy or in
any way interfere with the vessels so placed upon
the sidewalks, and they must not be exposed to
the public view, except as above specified.
Capt. and Street Commissioner.
• GEON, having reopened his office and
yard, on VYilliam street, is now prepared to treat
sou scientific principles,) all diseases incident to
Horses that are susceptible of remedy. Charges
moderate. Cures warranted. Term-* cash.
febiO ts
(Official.) * "
Headquarters District of Savannah, q.
Savannah, March sth, ista
General Order. i
No. 3. /
1. Lt. Col. Neafie, 156th N. Y. Vote ,
Commissioner of Savannah, is herebr
ea Supervisor of Trade, the duties
office he will perform in addition to time*
lief Commissioner. w-Ce
-2. Capt. John P. Baker, Ist U S
Acting Inspector General 2d Division, 19th cwl’
is hereby relieved from his duties as
appointed Acting Inspector General of thLn»?
tnct and Poet ■'
By command of
-p _ __ Brevet Maj. Ge». GROYKR
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. my
-LA Savannah, February 25th, Jflte
General Order, \ J
No. IS. f
Riding or driving through the Public 8o»ar?.-
or other grounds not intended for u*e
ways js prohibited.
By command of
„ „ _ Brevet Major Gen. GROVER
Edward G. Pisa, A. A. A. G,
Head’qrs U. S. Forces, Dis’t ok Savannah, R,
. Savannah, March 6th, *
General Order, I
No. 4. I
Ist Lieutenant Eben Parsons, Jr., 3Sth Maw#
chusetts Volunteers, Judge Advocate, 2d Diriv!
ion, 19th Array Corps, is hereby relieved from
duty as such, and announced as Judge Advocate
and Provost Judge of the District and Pest
Savannah. *
By command of
„ „ Brevet Major Gen. GROVXR
Edward G Dike, A. A. A. G. mar 6~U
_ Savannah, Ga., Feb. 21, las*.
General Order,)
No. IC. f
1. The occupants of buildings will be held m
sponsible for the cleanliness of the same, as well
as their cellars and outhouses, and sidewalks m
front of, and alleys adjacent to them. All rob
bish and garbage whi*h accumulates will, each
day, be put in boxes in a convenient place for re
1L Keepers of animals will cause the manure
which accumulates in their stables or yard*
where their animals are kept to be either remov
ed outside the picket lines, or to be distributed
upon such gardens within the lines ns are actual
ly under cultivation, such distribution hem*- at
the consent of the cultivator.
111. The Street Commissioner will establish
such regulations with to the removal of
accumulations from the city as he sees fit. He is
also charged with the duty of causing frequent
and careful inspection to be made of the police of
the city, and he will report to the Provost Judge
any failure to comply with the fororotug para
graphs of this order, who will take stick action iu
the case as the circumstances require.
By command of
Brevet Major Gen. GROYKR.
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. fefeJJ
Headquarters U. S. Foecra,
District of Savannah, Ga.,
Savannah .Feb. 21,1865.
General Order.)
No. 1. f
I. Lieut. Col. R. P. York, 75th N. Y. Vols.,
Provost Marshal Qf Savannah, is hereby appoint
ed Provost Marshal of the District of Savannah,
the duties of which office he will assume in addi
tion to his present duties.
11. Capt. E. Geisv, A. Q. M., will receive as#
take charge of the civil fund of the District of Sa
vannah, and will be responsible for the propei
disbursement of the same.
By command of *
Brevet Major Gen. GROVER
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. leh2l
JLL District of Savannah, Ga. Feb. 19, ISfia,.
General Order, )
No. 15. j
All officers of the Army not legitimately «£,
duty, or awaiting orders til this Post, and who
have not registered their names at these Head
quarters, are hereby required to do so, on or be
fore Wednesday next, the 22d inst. Any officer
failing to comply with the requirements of this
order will be arrested and held for trial for
neglect of duty. *
By command of
Brevt. Maj. Gen. GROVER,
, Edward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. fcb2»
-LA Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13th, 1965.
General Order, )
No. 14. ]
All citizens living within the limits of the City
of Savannah and having Fire Arms in their pos
session. and not having special written permis
sion to retain the same, will at once turn them
in to the Provost Marshal, who will take proper
measure for their safe keeping, with a view to
returning them when i t shall be proper to do *»-
By command of
Bvt. Major Gen. GROVER
IJdward G. Dike, A. A. A. G. febl4
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13,19£»>
General Order )
No. 13. /
All officers of the Army arriving at this P<*-
will, as soon as practicable after their arrival, re
port at these Headquarters and register their
names, the duty they are on, the length of ti»®
they expect to stay, if temporarily here, and then:
By command of » ...
Brvt. Major Gen. GROVER*
Edward G. Dike, A. A. A,-G. f«*>